Soul Sis

Life Hack: Learn About Your Human Design

June 21, 2022 Soul Sis Season 1 Episode 18

Wouldn't it be nice to have a user manual for life? How you could best operate & function, make decisions & overcome obstacles in a way that you were not just here trying to survive but rather thrive? Human Design is a holistic self-knowledge system that can serve as this key resource, unique to each of us. Before listening, click here   for a free resource to calculate your personal Human Design Chart & discover which type you are! Today's soulo episode solely covers the Human Design Types: Generators & Mani-Gens, Manifestors, Projectors, & Reflectors. Your soul's blueprint is right in front of you. Time to give yourself permission to live life in a more aligned and authentic way by learning which you are & unlocking your Human Design Chart.

Similar to your Natal Chart in Astrology, yourHuman Design Chart (aka Body Graph) is also calculated using your birth date, time & geographic location. Around 70% of the population is in the Generator category, so if you do not have your birth time this is a high likelihood. If you do not resonate with this energy type, you may fall into one of the other three like me. When I first learned I was a Projector & began understanding how I operate & why I am the way I am, it gave me so much self-love, patience, understanding & forgiveness for not previously accepting how I operate. I hope you find some self-awareness & self-acceptance in learning this about yourself too.

In learning the basics about each type listed above, we can begin to better understand our strengths as well as our struggles from a new perspective. Knowing which of these five you are can give you a newfound freedom to express yourself authentically. See how and why you operate the way you do, as well as aid you in optimizing your ability to flourish in whatever field you desire. And if you've been living out of alignment with your Human Design Type (in the not-self theme) you'll likely feel & recognize this as an asset moving forward as well.

With a better understanding of your psyche, energy, innate gifts & even internal battles, we can take back our power in our personal reality. Because it is such an intricate system and there is SO much more to learn about the depth of this complex system, so for more info and additional key components of Human Design, click here  to further your own research before or after listening!

If you prefer to have a reading you can click here for a list of HD professionals.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is to start a conversation and is not for educational, medical, or professional purposes. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the interpretation, information, or application of the information presented herein.