Soul Sis

How to Work With Life Lows, Negative Feelings, Setbacks, & Your Shadow

September 06, 2022 Soul Sis Season 1 Episode 28

Emotional highs are an obvious goal when working to attain what we desire while implementing the Law of Attraction, but what do we do when we feel less than great? What do we do when we have an off day, a discouraging week or endure an emotionally draining event? Do emotional lows or setbacks stop us from reaching for what we want? 

The thing is... when we start habitually implementing manifestation tools for a new car, new career, new home, new partner, or new life, the old has to go! Attachment is the root of all heartache. When we remain attached to outdated aspects of our experience, it can be hard to let them go and the resistance to change can feel uncomfortable to say the least. But the discomfort that arises in these times of change will show you exactly where  inner work is necessary. In any moment of discomfort or resistance, recognize the feeling and take a moment to slow down and ask yourself what is the exact emotion coming up, and what is the story you've attached to it? When we begin to work with these shadows suppressed in our psyches, we can begin to release and advance ahead back on track towards all we desire, thus completing the cycle of the LOA. 

Just remember that the process of manifesting is a cycle to be completed each time you work through these emotional cycles, and that the work is never truly finished because we will always have new emotions to work with and new desires to strive for. Letting go of the idea of perfectionism and the LOA as a linear process from point A to point B will help you attract with more momentum moving forward. This is my truth and I hope it helps a fellow Soul Sis through her struggles too. Time to grow through what we go through & trust the process xx 

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is to start a conversation and is not for educational, medical, or professional purposes. The host claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused as a result of the interpretation, information, or application of the information presented herein.