Message In The Middle

Building a Life by Design: A Conversation with Positive Psychologist Dr. Wendy O'Connor

Season 1 Episode 108
Today on Message in the Middle we’re going to delve into the science behind happiness and discuss rediscovering our dreams, embracing radical responsibility, and taking actionable steps towards increased happiness and confidence.  Joining me for this conversation is Dr. Wendy O’Connor, a Stanford-trained positive psychologist and success coach for female entrepreneurs.

Topics Explored:

  1. The Science of Happiness:
    • What it is and why Dr. O'Connor decided to focus on the science of happiness and positive psychology.
  2. Living a Flourishing Life:
    • What does it really mean to live a flourishing, happy life? 
    • Where does the choice to flourish fit in?
    • Understanding the concept of living a flourishing, happy life and the importance of choice.
  3. Rediscovering Our Dreams:
    • Why do so many of us lose track of our dreams?
    • Rediscovering dreams and giving ourselves permission to imagine again.
  4. Defining Positive Psychology Model P.E.R.M.A:
    • Defining change and exploring the positive psychology model P.E.R.M.A.
  5. Embracing Radical Responsibility:
    • Embracing radical responsibility for personal growth and happiness.
  6. Increasing Happiness Levels:
    • What small steps we can take to start increasing our happiness level.
  7. Mastering Confidence:
    • What small steps we can take to increase our confidence.
  8. Key Takeaways:
    • Dr. O'Connor tells us what she hopes listeners will take away as her primary message.  

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