Message In The Middle

EFT Tapping: A Pathway to Healing with Corby Furrow

May 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 109
EFT Tapping: A Pathway to Healing with Corby Furrow
Message In The Middle
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Message In The Middle
EFT Tapping: A Pathway to Healing with Corby Furrow
May 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 109

Joining host Marianne today is Corby Furrow, a Transformational Catalyst and the founder of Radiant Core Solutions.  Corby empowers women by helping them heal triggers, eliminate anxieties, and discover their true selves.

Discussion Points:

  1. The Backstory of Tapping:
    • Corby shares how she went from being an HR executive to an executive coach and why tapping became instrumental in her own life journey.
  2. Understanding EFT/Tapping:
    • Level setting on what EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or tapping is.
  3. Practical Application:
    • How tapping is used to address emotional and psychological issues and what types of issues it's effective for.
  4. Logistics of Tapping:
    • How long it typically takes to learn tapping techniques.
    • Can individuals effectively practice tapping on their own?
    • Typical duration of tapping sessions.
    • Expectations on the timeline for seeing results from tapping practices.
  5. Success Stories:
    • Corby shares where she has seen the most success with tapping.
  6. Getting Started:
    • Suggestions and tips for listeners interested in trying tapping.

Connect with Corby:

Donna Eden Energy Routine Mentioned in the episode:

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Show Notes

Joining host Marianne today is Corby Furrow, a Transformational Catalyst and the founder of Radiant Core Solutions.  Corby empowers women by helping them heal triggers, eliminate anxieties, and discover their true selves.

Discussion Points:

  1. The Backstory of Tapping:
    • Corby shares how she went from being an HR executive to an executive coach and why tapping became instrumental in her own life journey.
  2. Understanding EFT/Tapping:
    • Level setting on what EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or tapping is.
  3. Practical Application:
    • How tapping is used to address emotional and psychological issues and what types of issues it's effective for.
  4. Logistics of Tapping:
    • How long it typically takes to learn tapping techniques.
    • Can individuals effectively practice tapping on their own?
    • Typical duration of tapping sessions.
    • Expectations on the timeline for seeing results from tapping practices.
  5. Success Stories:
    • Corby shares where she has seen the most success with tapping.
  6. Getting Started:
    • Suggestions and tips for listeners interested in trying tapping.

Connect with Corby:

Donna Eden Energy Routine Mentioned in the episode:

Keep the conversation going - Join us for more insightful conversations in the Message in the Middle Private Facebook Community & subscribe to Message in the Middle podcast on your favorite listening platform.

Connect with Marianne:
: Message In The Middle with Marianne
Message In the Middle Facebook Group:
Email: Contact | Message In The Middle with Marianne

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