Message In The Middle

Silencing Your Inner Mean Girl with Abbey Heagney

Marianne DeMello-Smith Season 1 Episode 120

Joining Marianne today is Abbey Heagney. For over 20 years, Abbey struggled to quiet her inner mean girl and find confidence in her body, her decisions, and who she was. Coaching completely transformed her life, and now, as a board-certified health & life coach, she helps others quiet their inner mean girl and create the habits, confidence, and life they love.

Episode Highlights:

Abbey's Journey to Coaching: Abbey shares her inspiring backstory, highlighting how her path to becoming a coach was set in motion years before she officially started. Her personal struggles and triumphs have shaped her unique approach to helping others.

Identifying and Changing Our Stories: We delve into the importance of recognizing and altering the negative narratives we carry. Abbey offers insights and practical advice on how to begin this transformative process and says the key lives in focusing on the future version of you and believing that version is possible. 

Quieting the Inner Mean Girl: One of Abbey's favorite topics! She discusses the most effective techniques she has encountered for silencing that critical inner voice and fostering self-compassion.

Gaining Confidence: Abbey shares strategies for building genuine confidence in oneself. From small daily habits to major mindset shifts, learn how to start believing in your worth.

Shredding All-or-Nothing Thinking: Discover how to stay engaged in your wellness journey even when progress seems slow or non-existent. Abbey discusses the pitfalls of all-or-nothing thinking and how to adopt a more balanced, sustainable approach.

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