Message In The Middle

Self-Care, Not Self-Control: Redefining Nutrition and Body Image with Elizabeth Harris

Marianne DeMello-Smith Season 1 Episode 126

Hello and welcome to Message In the Middle. Joining me today is Elizabeth Harris. Elizabeth’s motto is “self-care, not self-control because food is meant to be enjoyed, movement should make you happy, and because we’ve all got better things to do than counting carbs or calories!" Elizabeth is a certified Intuitive Eating counselor, a registered dietitian, speaker, entrepreneur, and co-host of the podcast Wellness Rebranded. 

Topics Discussed:

  1. Healing Our Relationship with Food
    • Signs that our relationship with food needs healing.
    • Shifting our relationship with food: Best practices.
  2. Hidden Rules and Patterns in Diet Culture
    • How hidden rules sabotage us even after leaving diets behind.
  3. Navigating the Fitness and Nutrition Industry
    • Challenges and confidence in promoting a weight and size inclusive approach.
    • Overcoming stereotypes in the dietitian profession.
  4. Finding Peace in Nutrition and Body Image
    • Effective strategies to overcome discomfort with weight and body image.
    • Key ingredients for changing eating habits and body image perceptions.
  5. Surprises in Health and Fitness
    • Unexpected insights from years in the health and fitness industry.
  6. Best Nutrition Advice
    • Personal or general advice on nutrition.

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Wellness Rebranded Podcast:

Free Guide to Unlock Your Hidden Diet:

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