Dr. Raymond Havlicek & Friends Podcast

History Repeating Itself!

Raymond Season 2 Episode 19

Ray and Dmitry discuss the similarities between pre-World War 2 Europe and now. China, Russia and Iran are the new Axis of Evil - testing and probing failing American leadership. China writes the checks for Russia and Iran in their effort to replace Western Democratic Civilization with an alliance of fascistic-communist-barbaric world domination. Antisemitism has become a useful instrument for the Axis of Evil to undermine our taken for granted freedom loving, prosperous way of life. Russia has sided with Iran and Hamas! All this while democrats are divided regarding military support for Israel as are Republicans divided regarding military support for Ukraine.

Dmitry wrote: 90 years ago, this year Hitler came to power. Putin still in power and his hordes killing Ukrainian people and he is assisting Iran and hamas in Israel to kill Jewish people.

Process the attached image as your respective consciences will allow, and as is necessary for analysis of both past consequences and of what our future may hold...

 No hyperbole here. The possibilities are very real.

 Personally, I take this terrifying headline as much of a wakeup call as a call to action or amplification thereof.

 A gracious thank you to those here who chose to take up arms, and who honorably and tirelessly carry on swinging your swords on the front lines.

 To those of you who aren't yet doing your part, go ahead, sit on the sidelines and be blamed for life-altering repercussions, or wake the hell up from your comfy pursuit of happiness stupor and get involved!

Attached Image:




Thanks for listening! email me: DrHavlicekPodcast@gmail.com