Down With My Demons: The Shadow Work Path

The Shadow of Nourishment: A Conversation about Eating Disorders with Danna Schultz

Chloe Lionheart, Danna Schultz Season 1 Episode 19

It was a pleasure to host Danna Schultz on this weeks episode about Eating Disorders. Danna is a nutritionist, kitchen witch, and coach who helps her clients navigate a life of joy and pleasure post disordered eating. We discuss the many circumstances that can cause eating disorders including trauma with breast feeding, attachment wounds, and nervous system misalignment. Danna takes us through polyvagal theory, nervous system regulation, and how to begin inhabiting the body after years of trauma. This episode questions: how do we come back home to ourselves after years of being disembodied? Finally, Danna explains to us how she works with her clients and we reflect on the societal implications. There are quite a few dog barks in this episode so thank you for your patience!  Please subscribe, follow, share, and leave a review! Thank you so much for being here and for taking the time to listen. I hope you enjoy the episode, see you next time!


To get in touch with Chloe, please email:


To get in touch with Danna Schultz, please email:

Dr. Stephen Porges: “What is Polyvagal Theory?”

The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology) 1st Edition

The Embodiment Recovery Institute

Ventral Vagal:,neck%2C%20throat%2C%20and%20eyes.

Dorsal Vagal:,where%20it%20actually%20aids%20digestion).

"Eating by the light of the moon: How women can transform their relationship with food through myths, metaphors, and storytelling" by Arika Rapson, Anita A. Johnston Ph.D.

"Not All Black Girls Know How to Eat" by Stephanie Covington Armstrong 

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