Bliss Is Ordinary
Have you ever wondered what life might be like if people sang more often? Join hosts Yam & Jessi as they celebrate the living tradition of singing in the everyday world, and ask the question, “Can an ordinary voice sing a true song?”. Part intimate conversation, part singing-telegram, this show chronicles stories of how people use song to better understand the world around them, and navigate being human. Every episode includes an original song that is taught, as well as support for getting more in touch with your own authentic voice.
Bliss Is Ordinary
Laughing W/ Laraaji & Arji
Jessi & Yam share a special message from their listeners, and the two of them have a conversation with legendary ambient/new-age artist Laraaji & his partner Arji Oceananda about the medicinal qualities of laughter, the portable and lightweight aspects of the human voice, why singing in the grocery store might be a good idea, and what it means (and sounds like) to live a higher-vibrational life. Laraaji covers the Beatles, and Yam shares a song with Jessi inspired by meeting his personal hero called Hello Forever.
/// If you're interested in attending one of Laraaji & Arji's many laughter playshops or sound healing events, you can find upcoming tour dates on their website. If you'd like to dive into the vast ocean of celestial sound that is Laraaji’s music catalogue, you can check him out on Bandcamp, Spotify, or anywhere else you might stream music. Also, Yam personally recommends watching this tiny desk concert, listening to this meditation and watching this phenomenal music video of Laraaji so that you can only bliss out f’days and days.
INSTAGRAM : @blissisordinary
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/blissisordinary
CONTACT : blissisordinary@gmail.com