The Cosmic Dispatch
The Cosmic Dispatch
Aquarius Season 2024, featuring Pluto in Aquarius
Aquarius Season 2024, featuring Pluto in Aquarius: Outsider Culture, The Interconnected/Fragmented Mind, Relationship Anarchy ...and more.
Hey Everybody, I’m excited to share this incredibly Aquarian conversation I had with Anastasia Wasko earlier this month. I felt that I had to put SOMETHING together for this milestone Aquarius season, and I think we found ways in, out, around, and through all of the exciting transits of the next four weeks.
We talked outsider culture, marginalization, decentralization, peer pressure, being the asshole in the room, dissenting, distance, objectivity, and how distance and objectivity can lead to greater care for ALL humans, an Aquarian take on mental health, parapsychology, psychosynthesis, neurodivergence, the interconnected mind, relationship anarchy, extended cognition, technology, media, Uranus, Saturn, and what happens when your license plate reads “UFO GIRL”
Transit coverage includes:
Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn and their ingress into Aquarius 1/20
Mercury-Pluto conjunction 2/5
Mars-Pluto conjunction 2/14
Venus-Pluto conjunction 2/17
Full moon Leo (opposite Pluto, square Jupiter) 1/25
New moon Aquarius (square Uranus) 2/9
It’s an Aquarius season for the books! And speaking of books, Cory’s are open! She’s beginning booking for March. Please book through her website.
This conversation is up on The Cosmic Dispatch YouTube channel and on all streaming platforms in podcast version.
More about Anastasia:
Anastasia Wasko is a writer, editor, and transpersonal guide from the New York/New Jersey area and currently living in northeastern Alabama. Her BA is in Transpersonal Psychology from Sofia University (former Institute of Transpersonal Psychology). She is currently exploring psychosynthesis in the masters program at The Institute of Psychosynthesis in London, England.
Anastasia’s fiction and creative non-fiction writing have appeared in Space Cowboy’s Simultaneous Times podcast, Thrive Global, and in Journal of Exceptional Experiences. Her debut work of autofiction SevenThirteen was self-published in 2003. Her subsequent autofiction works Meta Work was released in 2021 and KiezKucker in 2024.
Anastasia has spent several years working on Mindfield, the official publication of the Parapsychological Association. She wrote about parapsychology and psychosynthesis for Paranormal Ruptures: Critical Approaches to Exceptional Experiences (edited by Dr Jacob Glazier) and released by Beyond The Fray Publishing in 2023.
She focuses on helping individuals explore their relationship with the world beyond the ego so they can be more present, joy-filled, and fulfilled in their human experience. She is an energy worker (flowing Centaur energy) and has consulted charts in the evolutionary astrology style for years. Anastasia has studied Ayurveda and yoga culture with Dr. Vasant Lad and other teachers across the globe.
More about Anastasia, her services, and books: https://anastasiawasko.com/
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