Women’s Rights Network

Transwidows' Stories: Vaishnavi Sundar and Behind The Looking Glass

June 05, 2023 Women’s Right Network Season 6 Episode 2

Vaishnavi Sundar talks with WRN about her film Behind The Looking Glass; the stories of Transwidows and Children of Transitioners. It's a powerful and moving film and she needs your help to finish it.

A message from Vaishnavi:

Dear friends and well-wishers,

Thank you for your continued support in helping us create films that centre women and women’s lives.

For the past two years, Vaishnavi has been researching and developing a feature-length documentary titled ‘Behind The Looking Glass’. This documentary is about the lives of women whose partners have or want to ‘transition’. While we hear a great deal of “stunning and brave” stories of men, there is a deadly silence when it comes to the stories of the wives or partners. ‘Behind The Looking Glass’ will be the first of its kind in collecting such experiences of women from around the world.

With your donations, we will be able to complete the animated sections in this film. We are building 8 characters from scratch who have to remain anonymous due to possible dangers from their ex-partners. Your donation will also help us with expenditures towards post production costs. Help Vaishnavi complete this film and give a voice to these women. You will help creating a valuable resource to support other women with similar experiences, all over the world.

Visit https://limesodafilms.com/donate/ or head straight over to:

DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=EMKWNQ5HBJFCU

FEARLESS FEMALE MERCH: https://www.violetvend.com/fearless-female

Contact for any questions or queries: info@limesodafilms.com | limesodafilms@gmail.com