Manifestation and Mimosas

Episode 56: Happy Hour - Lessons from the Stars, How to Manifest Like a Celebrity!

Nicole Grove & Sophia Shaffer Season 2 Episode 56

What if you could turn your dreams into reality just like your favorite celebrities? Join us for a special Happy Hour episode where we celebrate life, unravel the power of manifestation, and how you can use it as a tool to shape your destiny. 

We dive deep into some of our fav celebrities and their manifestation techniques that you can put to use in your life too.  So grab a drink and join us as we share the secrets of manifesting like a celebrity.

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Sending you love and goddess vibes.

Nicole & Sophia

Speaker 1:

Welcome to happy hour. Yay, yay. We are continuing to do our happy hours, like once a month, every three or four episodes about, because we like to party, we like to party, we like to party. That's what we like to do. But we saw Barbie yesterday. Yeah, we went with a group of girls and when I was talking to some other ladies earlier this week, they were telling me about how they did it and going to see it together and I was like this is a powerful moment for women to just go see something fun. But I wanted to note, and I was really thinking about this, the reason this is a phenomena is because of the power of play.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's the power of play. So if you didn't listen to that episode, this is why women connect with Barbie it's the joyful memories of playing, and playing, dress up and just all those joyful moments.

Speaker 2:

Well, and dreaming that you can be any of these things and you can be one thing one day and something else the next day. Yes, because Barbie is.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, yeah, yeah, and I used to back in the. You know I was born in 82. So I think late 80s maybe we had the Barbie fashion designer thing where you could you like would trace it and you could put different outfits on her. But it was a drawing thing and I used to do that all the time and I think that's where my dream of becoming a fashion designer came from. Was that Barbie situation? Yeah, and did it Love that? So it's a powerful moment for women. I liked the movie. We don't want to spoil it for anybody, but right, Definitely had a women empowerment theme but also a reflection on current state of female empowerment.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, I mean I think, if you're doubting seeing it because you think it's like kind of a silly Barbie movie, I say go see it anyway and form your own opinion about it, but 100% worth the watch.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I loved it.

Speaker 1:

It was good, yeah, and Margot Robbie is Barbie, like she is just classic Classic. She's like I'm looking at her. She doesn't even have to wear any makeup.

Speaker 2:

She's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

She's gorgeous Whatever, but I'm happy for her and we wanted to do a really playful happy hour and we talked about this last season doing celebrities who manifest yeah, so this is going to be called how to manifest like a celebrity.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I did some researching. I think you got some stuff too on some celebrities and their specific ways that they manifest.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And some of these stories you may have heard, but some you haven't and some I didn't, and I was like, oh, this is so good. So how I kind of formulated it is we talk about how this celebrity talks, about how they manifest, and then how you can put that into action in your life so you can manifest like a celebrity baby Totally. So you ready to start Totally? Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go Hold on. I need a little sip for the happy hour, a little sip of brew, mm, hmm, okay. So the first one I wanted to get out of the way, but because it's everyone's probably heard of it, but it's magical and it's like one of the most powerful manifestation stories you'll ever hear and you'll be like, no way that didn't really happen. But coming from his mouth, this happened and it's Jim Carrey. Oh, yep, and the $10 million check that he wrote himself. Yes, so Jim Carrey's manifestation tactics are really around scripting it. So that's where the check comes in, and believing in it and taking action.

Speaker 1:

So I'll give you some quotes that he says in a little bit of what he believes in manifestation.

Speaker 1:

But, if you haven't heard the story. If you live under a rock, you know, and maybe you haven't. But so he wrote himself a $10 million check for acting services rendered and he gave himself three years to accomplish this. He dated it for around Thanksgiving of 1995, he said, and that was three years, and he kept the check in his wallet and he would also visualize and take the aligned action for his dream of becoming an actor. Right, he wasn't just sitting back going, I'm just going to let this check Someone will find me.

Speaker 2:

Someone will find me and put me in a movie.

Speaker 1:

So one of his quotes is you can't just visualize and go eat a sandwich, which I love, Because he's like you got to put in the work. Right. He's like visualize it and believe it, but put in the work, yeah. But three years later he found out he was making $10 million for Dumb and Dumber. So the check manifested into his life and launched his career with this belief. Yeah, he also shared another story. Maybe people haven't heard this one, but he was doing this when he was a child. There was a bike he really wanted, and so he talked to his parents about this bike and they couldn't afford it. They, you know.

Speaker 2:

I just heard about this one. I just recently did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they said they were not going to buy it for him. He went into his room and he would draw pictures of the bike, draw pictures of him on the bike. He would spend all of his time thinking and visualizing about the bike and one day he came from home from school and there was the brand new bike sitting on this front yard. Yeah, so, even though his parents said they weren't going to get it for him and all of that, he just put his true belief in Right and the power of drawing it.

Speaker 1:

He also was sharing in another interview with Oprah about you know how he would sit on the whole and drive and visualize his you know career as an actor and all of that stuff. So visualizing is super important to him. Yeah, scripting, visualizing, believing in action.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it helps you believe that these things are coming true when you can picture it happening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, yeah, and that'll be the theme kind of throughout, visualizing is, like we said, one of the most powerful tools you can have. Yeah, that's what started my manifestation, life and my career and everything was that visualization book that taught me how to do it. But his quote is I really believe in the philosophy that you can create your own universe. Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it. I love that.

Speaker 2:

So, being intentional, yeah, because that's where you're putting your energy. Where you put your energy is where your energy will manifest. And so if you're putting all of your energy into something shitty, shitty things will manifest. If you're putting all of your energy into this thing that you believe and you know and you desire for yourself, that's what will manifest. Yes, it will. It's just so simple that it's almost too difficult for people to understand because they're like no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

It has to be more complicated than that and obviously there are pieces to it. There's more to it, but that's the baseline, that's the foundation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it is.

Speaker 2:

It's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So if you want to manifest like Jim Carrey, try to write yourself a check thing I think it's a beautiful thing to do. Be specific Dates how much money for what? I mean I think that was the power of his is that he really he knew it was for something he was going to do in his career? He was dreaming, yeah, you know he threw a big number out there. He didn't doubt his number. I mean, anybody else could have been like how about a million dollars?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but if I don't deserve 10 million Exactly.

Speaker 1:

So don't let your ego and your doubt and your fear come in Totally, but try the writing a check to yourself and being specific. Think about it morning, noon and night, like that's what he says. He's constantly just dreaming about it and visualizing it all day long, seeing it happen. Yeah, and then the last and most important piece is take a step in that direction.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What is the action step you can do? Yeah, towards that. You can just sit back and use that much, right? Yeah, he actually, you know, auditioned and did some.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's a fine line between obsessing and letting go. Do you know what I mean? Like I feel, like, think about it. Think about it every day, visualize it, see it happening for you. Let don't do it in a way that's like, oh God, I need to think about it or won't happen. Like this superstition, that kind of peaks into it of like, oh no, well, what if I don't, if I didn't think about it yesterday? Now I've ruined it. Now I have to start over some other bullshit.

Speaker 2:

When you can go, like, thinking about how glorious that will feel. I'm, thinking about how happy I feel now, knowing that this is the life for me. Like, this is the life that I'm manifesting. Because you're sort of letting go of the idea of will it or will it not happen, because you know that it will. You know that it's already in place for you. You know that the world already is backing you up, so you can let go of the idea of will it happen? You can just dream about, like this is so incredible and so amazing and I am thrilled to be living this life. Like, do you know what I'm saying? Like there's an element of like, don't obsess about it. You have to be able to like let it go.

Speaker 1:

Yes, well, that actually leads into the next one. Perfectly Well, bada, bing bidi. I was listening to our old episodes today on some of the things we're talking about for other things and I said that and I'm like, just like, well, you're so good at this.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

How did you know we were gonna talk about that next? So the next one is Oprah Winfrey, and she's queen. She is queen, she's obviously she's very spiritual. Obviously, she believes in a higher power, you know, and everybody can have their own belief about whether it's a God or a universe or a source or whatever, but she has no doubt that she used manifestation in many ways, visualization, all of these things, this specific story, because I think she's queen of it all.

Speaker 2:

She does it all. Yeah, she does.

Speaker 1:

But this one is a really around the belief, the action and the surrender, like you're talking about. So her big manifestation story was when she manifested being in the color purple. So she talked about how she let the universe guide her there. She listened to her intuition, she knew it was meant for her. She was manifesting the audition and being in the movie and then she said, you know, several months went by, she never got a phone call, nobody ever. You know, she was really worried about it. She was stressing about it, like you said, obsessing over it.

Speaker 1:

And then she decided just one day to surrender. Just say, you know what, if this is meant for me, I believe it will be. And that's when she got the call from Spielberg, you know. So she manifested it in that way, by releasing it, letting go, love that. So her quote is the way you think creates reality for yourself and create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe. Yeah, I love that. Yep, so in her moments of manifesting so listen to the universe. This is how you can apply it in your own life.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Listen to the universe, listen to the journaling episode. For intuitive journaling, that's like a key, and what is your intuition telling you?

Speaker 2:

What do you want?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what feels good to you. You know all of those fun things. Then what's the first step you can take in that direction? Again, her and Jim Carrey, all about the action. Yes, how can you move towards that, not just sit still in it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then how can you surrender into it? So, while you're moving into the action that feels good towards your dream, also surrendering and letting go of any of the expectations or outcomes or worry, handing it to the universe, manifest like Oprah, I mean, I want to be Oprah, I want to be Oprah's friend.

Speaker 2:

Well, she's big on vision boards. She's big on like, put it out there and look at it, see it every day, and then comes to you in that way. Yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1:

I love it too. And if you haven't listened to her Super Soul Sunday podcast so much inspiration on there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, such a beautiful woman and soul. Yeah, just love her, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now the next. I combined two because I was reading a lot about affirmations and there's these two singers. Let's see if you can guess who they are. Let's play the little game, okay. So the first one she claims to have used her iron will to mentally tell herself she was going to be successful, right, and she's a major star. Okay, musicians. She said she told a story about how, about five years before her fame happened, she created a mantra for herself and her mantra was music is my life, music is my life, the fame inside of me. I'm going to make a number one record and the number one hit. So she, she just claimed music is my life and she said this is not a lie Like, this is. This is who I am. Music is my life, lady Gaga. Yes, so she uses mantras and that's her thing.

Speaker 1:

She has mantras Music is my life, music my life. The fame is inside of me.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm going to make a number one record and a number one hit. And she just claimed to the universe Like this is it so? Affirmations, very powerful Lady Gaga and belief in it.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I read, I read about her as well. Just this morning I was kind of rereading some stuff that I was picking out. Yeah, and she said something along the lines of like, yeah, it's a lie until it isn't yeah, exactly, until it's the truth, until it's your life. Yeah, you know. So, like, believe it from the beginning. Yes, and why you shouldn't? Like, because it does come to fruition like it does. Sure, you can think it's a lie until it happens. Yeah, you know, for me that's not a lie, that is my truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's the truth, man, and she said her and her friends just simply declare fame on their own. She was like it's confidence and conviction in your abilities and I love that because I feel like that's how I live my life is with a confidence and conviction in my ability to be a leader, to succeed, to do the things I want to do. It is a very powerful thing to have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Confidence and conviction, yes. Or your dream, yeah. So the next one in the same affirmation realm. You got to guess who it is. Again, she uses affirmations and personalized mantras to enable her to attract her dreams. According to the singer, her favorite affirmation is I am open and receptive to all the goodness and abundance that the universe has to offer. I want to say, lizzo, no, damn it. I'll give you her quote too. Okay, see, if you can get it. Whatever it is, you tell yourself that and it will manifest. I really believe that we create our lives Again, not just with our actions and the things we do, the things we think and the self-talk that we give. Mmm, she older, see, older. Is it Madonna? No, it's JLo. Oh, jlo. Jenny from the block Love her.

Speaker 1:

So she also uses mantra as an affirmation. Yeah, you know. And if you're somebody who has a hard time saying something positive and believing it or accepting it, then maybe mantras and affirmations are not your thing. There's all these techniques you can use. If you can use it and apply it in your life, it's a great tool to also help with visualizing and all that fun stuff. So create your own mantra, make it powerful. What is it?

Speaker 2:

I think if you have a hard time with mantras or you have a hard time with, like, self positive talk, mantras are really important. It's something that maybe you should get more into the habit of doing, because you don't have to do it around anyone else, no one else has to hear you and no one is going to believe it more for you than you. No one else is going to go. I want this for you so bad that I'm going to believe it for you and you don't have to. That's never going to happen. Never going to happen. You're going to believe it the most for yourself and you will benefit the most for yourself because you are the one creating your life. Yeah, period.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, do the mantras. Do the mantras make it powerful, make it your own, make it so positive, make it so positive. Make it more positive than you feel, yes, and hold that belief in every fiber of your being.

Speaker 2:

That's what these ladies did.

Speaker 1:

They totally believed it and then repeat it frequently, and often they wake up and when you wake up, your brain is in a certain state or you're really receptive, and that's why getting straight on Instagram is not a good idea, I know. So when you wake up, powerful time to say your mantras right Before bed, when you're also in that state of lowered state brain waves, you're more susceptible to believing these thoughts and patterns. Yes, so it's love those ladies, powerful women, mantras, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was like okay, who is Sophia gonna say? And so far you're like yeah, yeah, I'm like okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

This next one might throw you. I'm not sure, but we'll see. So the next one is Drake.

Speaker 2:

Oh, cool and I don't know if you've heard about his manifestations. Not specific, but really he's one of those celebrities that I think is pretty open about. Like you, clearly have to manifest your life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he is, and he uses visualization and belief, and so this is where we move into a little bit more of the vision boarding. So, according to Drake, before he was famous and wealthy, he saw this house, that he really wanted to have this mansion that he loved, and he put it on his desktop.

Speaker 2:

Yes, he did.

Speaker 1:

It's his background image on his desktop and he loved the pools. He just imagined everything he loved about it, imagined himself in the house, right, and he would see it every day when he would get on his computer. Then, later on, when he had the money, he started searching for the house and he's like I gotta have this house, like this is my house. He ended up finding the owner. So the house was worth 27 million when he found it and in 2012, he ended up purchasing it for 7.7 million, so he got a hell of a deal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that.

Speaker 1:

So Drake put his shit on his desktop. It's your vision board, and so where can you like, can you do your vision board and hang it on your wall? Can you have it on your desktop, on your phone background? I used to keep my vision board on my phone background, so every time I opened my phone I'd see it. So create a vision board, put it somewhere where you will see it every day and imagine it in meditations. So if you can close your eyes and really connect with the feeling of it and then believe it will be. Drake had that on there, just knowing that. You know I'm going to be famous, I'm going to have lots of money, I'm going to be able to buy this dream home that I have found for myself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the other thing that Drake did was he used to rent a Rolls Royce and he would drive that and whatever. And once he reached, I think, sort of that peak level of fame, the Rolls Royce dealership that he would rent from gifted that car to him. Oh my God, I love it Because he used to drive it and be like this is mine, this is for me, it's my car.

Speaker 1:

And then it was that's living in the energy of Exactly Like who cares that he rented it for a while.

Speaker 2:

Nobody now, shit, do it, it is.

Speaker 1:

So visualization and belief.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Powerful Manifest like Drake. Then I have one big, major one. It's two people, actually a couple, and then another thought that I had. But so Jay-Z and Beyonce, they are manifesters, if you didn't know. Yeah, of course, and everyone knows the story of Jay-Z and how he took himself from poverty to prosperity. He's built a billion dollar empire and taken the world by storm, right? So he believes in the power of creating your own luck and has spoken many times about getting what you want out of life. And so it has Beyonce. So I think a power couple together Totally Right. So they probably manifest together. So his quote is life has a balance and for every action there's a reaction. So if you put negative energy in, negative energy comes back to you. You have to live your life within the laws of the universe, and I haven't lost sight of that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Beyonce's quote quotes is a world will respect you as much as you respect yourself. Remember that every word, your every thought and your every action has the power to influence your energy. Yes, so you know working on your energy. So I called these. These manifesters are really about energetics and mindset yeah, they're focused on their energy, what they're putting out there in the world, yeah, and their mindset about what they're putting out there in the world.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, and she's saying believe every word that you say. Yes, believe that those words come true, exactly yeah.

Speaker 1:

So to manifest, like Jay-Z and Beyonce. Be intentional about your energy. What do you want to call in Like? Be really intentional about it. How do you want to be, how do you want to live your life, how do you want to feel in that life? Really focus on the energetic and put yourself in there. Ask yourself is this in service of that? That's a very important question yeah, does this serve me in that realm? And then really believe that your energy will impact what you receive. Knowing that, just knowing that, yeah Is awareness, is key, as we always say, like that's super important. Totally, you believe in your energy and it has the power to create.

Speaker 2:

You know, I mean, that's what you're doing, that's what you're doing yeah.

Speaker 1:

So Jay-Z and Beyonce Love. And then the last one I wanted to share was not necessarily I guess it's a little bit manifestation Matthew McConaughey. He's been in the spotlight recently. He wrote a book called Green Lights. He's definitely more spiritual as well and awakened and follows the calls of the universe. When you hear the stories about how he got his first role in the what was that 70s movie that he did Daze and Confuse, that was called, I think.

Speaker 2:

so. I mean, I know, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's and that's movie Anyways, I think it was Daze and Confuse, but he so you got to hear those stories because it's really fantastic. But he, I was listening to his Oscar speech and I think it's a powerful tool that you can use and really it's around mindset and gratitude for him and when he talks a lot, the green lights are even about the things that you can appreciate in your life. Yeah, so he says there's three things you should have every day of your life Something to look up to right, something to look forward to, and then something to chase. So that's something to look up to could be what you're grateful for right.

Speaker 1:

And so his example was God right, but yours could be somebody that you admire. It could be a value you admire, like I look up to, the energy of love, and that's what I look up to and follow. Could be your ancestors, could be your ancestors. Could be your spirit guides. Like whatevs and then something to look forward to. What is that thing that's driving you? What's motivating you in your day?

Speaker 1:

This is super powerful to have something to look forward to, right, yeah, and then something to chase. This guy had asked him you know who's your hero? And he said well, I don't know. I got to get back to you, I got to think about it for a little while. Then the guy comes and sees him again. He's like, okay, who's your hero? And he goes. You know, I thought about it, my hero in 10 years is me in 10 years, my future me, my future me.

Speaker 1:

My future self, yeah, In 10 years. And so the guy was like, oh okay. And then the guy saw him in 10 years and he goes are you the hero? And he goes, no, actually I'm not the hero yet, it's me in 10 years. And so he's always chasing the best version of himself. And so while he probably grew that 10-year-old version of himself, of course, far more advanced in growth and all of that stuff, he was not the hero yet in his life. He was always chasing that highest version of himself Future self. I love that.

Speaker 2:

I know me too yeah that's wonderful.

Speaker 1:

I was like that was important to share. So maybe you need to journal on what is the thing you're looking up to yeah, what is the thing you're looking forward to yeah, and what is the thing you're chasing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And be conscious of those every day and manifest, like Matthew McConaughey.

Speaker 2:

Well, and it only takes a few minutes to go through those three things and go like, okay, this is what.

Speaker 1:

I'm doing. That's it. I love that. Yeah, that's the end of mine. What do you got? I have?

Speaker 2:

it Any other extras? Yeah, so really, you know it's all the hits. Yeah, oprah, and you know Lady Gaga. I do want to say Lizzo also. She's a big manifesto.

Speaker 2:

She's constantly talking about it. She was like you know, you can dig into her. She is not the one that I'm gonna talk about. So this, this celebrity the reason that I wanted to talk about her so intently was because it's sort of a full circle manifestation for me yeah, as well. So so this celebrity in 2014, made a tweet, put out a tweet and said I need a team because I promise this rap shit gonna take off for me. Okay, and then she retweeted that once. She was wildly successful, because she was talking about how you manifest your dreams. Yeah, so in 2019, so 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 5 years later, her big ol freak entered the Billboard Top 100 chart.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, megan the stallion oh gosh, blew the fuck up right, quick, quick style. Yeah, your yours truly. Yeah, manifested that trip to Austin City Limits, yes, where Megan the stallion was one of the headliners, and I thought how wonderful it is that she manifested this life for herself, manifested this career. Also continued to go to school. She has a college degree.

Speaker 2:

She's highly educated, yeah, and did all of those things and never once thought this is too much for me, or this is too big of a life for me, or I've only chosen one thing I've only chosen to be in you know, a rap artist. I've only chosen to be in you know the medical field or whatever. You know she was like an MBA Anyway. And then in my own life I thought I'm gonna manifest seeing these Celebrities, I'm gonna manifest going on this trip, I'm gonna manifest this whole life and Was sort of able to do that with someone who's manifesting so powerfully. I just thought it was fucking rad, yeah. But yeah, it's all about put that out there, cuz she's putting that tweet out there. Someone for sure, the next year even, could have been like how's that rap ship?

Speaker 2:

Yep, you know, because it hasn't happened yet and someone's ready to call you out, when all you have to do is believe it is still true for you. Yeah, this is true for me. I don't care if it takes five years Exactly.

Speaker 1:

I don't care, because I know that it's true for me.

Speaker 2:

I know that this is the truth of my life and I just found that so inspiring.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's super inspiring. Yeah, even Lady Gaga when she did hers like some people from her school created like a hate page about her. I bet I'm sure they did. You know it's competition, right.

Speaker 2:

Well, when people just are so afraid of being so positive, just being Just blindly positive about your life. People are terrified of that, because they're like how dare you be so happy, how dare you believe that things are gonna work out right for you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's how to manifest like a celebrity Friends, which is Powerful. They can do it, you can do it. Absolutely even your dreams. Well, never let it go.

Speaker 2:

They're. They're a regular person. They started out just the same. Yes, there's still regular people manifest your life.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you can do it. Yep, all right, hope you enjoyed it. Cheers Happy hour. Yeah for coming, love you. See you on the next.

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