All Tricks, No Treats

All Tricks, No Treats #30 New Year, New..........Me?

Cris Garza and Briana Tanori Season 1 Episode 30

Ding Dong! Hey there, faithful followers! Ever found yourself snuggled on the couch, a mound of tissues piling high, as the flu holds your holiday hostage? That was our reality this festive season, complete with a sick pooch and a symphony of sniffles. So grab a comfy blanket and join us for a hearty chat about the unexpected downtime during the kids' winter break and our grand scheme to make amends with a summer road trip that promises to be nothing short of legendary. Plus, we dive into the unexpectedly intriguing origins of birthday cakes and contemplate swapping our trusty Bud Ice for the allure of home-brewed beer.

Raising a glass to the uncharted territory of New Year's resolutions, we're shaking things up with a twist—Stanley Cups are no longer just for hockey fans but have become the chic accessory for beverage enthusiasts. We'll share the amusing and audacious goals you've sent in, from embracing vodka to waking up to the serene sounds of Native American flutes. And let's not forget about my buddy Uzi, with his denim hiking getup that surprisingly stole the show on our Claremont loop challenge. We're all about fostering those new habits while keeping it real when it comes to our often skewed self-images.

Finally, buckle up for a rollicking ride through the world of celebrity antics and the extraordinary lengths one tech CEO is going to turn back the clock. We'll dish out the details on Kate Winslet's loo-cated Oscar and leap into our commitment to deepening the connections with you, our cherished listeners, through weekly episodes and our 'skeletons in the closet' segments. Curiosity piqued? Anonymous confessions and life's puzzling questions are eagerly awaited on our hotline. So pour yourself a drink of choice, settle in, and let's get down to the nitty-gritty of laughter, life lessons, and a dash of unexpected wisdom.

Leave a question or secret you've been meaning to get off your chest so we could play it LIVE (anonymously), and we will give you advice, talk about it, and laugh together. Anything from relationship stuff, sex stuff, kids' stuff, and even single stuff! ↓↓↓

Voicemail or text! - 562-457-0613

0:25 Rough New Year Start
6:08 New Year's Resolutions and Stanley Cups
12:45 Improving Health and Wellness Struggles
28:06 Hiking, Habits, and Attractiveness Discussion
38:26 Celebrity Gossip and Aging Reversal
45:08 Anonymous Advice and Confessions Hotline

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to All Tricks. It's a new year and same us. Well, we have a couple of reasons why we haven't uploaded, and I feel like it's an excuse every time.

Speaker 3:

I feel, yeah, we've said this a lot, but this time actually has been the worst, the worst it's ever been.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the worst Christmas and New Year's. Actually, christmas is okay, but we've been a little under the weather.

Speaker 3:

A little. The weather has owned us.

Speaker 1:

As you could tell, my nose is, it seems, a little nasally wearing these headphones, does it?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh yeah, I might have a few cough attacks while we're doing this. So it's yeah. I think we've been sick since.

Speaker 1:

I made a December.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like beginning of December and it's just. I think I'm on my fifth, fourth or fifth sickness now in two months. Yeah, so it's been a lot. It's yeah. You know, we haven't really done much Christmas. We didn't really do much. We passed the flu back around to each other on Christmas. New Year's Eve we just stayed home.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we couldn't even go out the countdown, I just, uh, I played a video of the New York countdown from like wait, it wasn't even live.

Speaker 3:

No, it was oh my God, you tricked us Well.

Speaker 1:

I did it like at the perfect time, like I timed it. So it says happy new year on the right time.

Speaker 3:

You know they have a live one right.

Speaker 1:

I know, but we only have Wi-Fi and I don't know how to get regular TV. I don't know how to do that, but I put on like a shitty fucking YouTube video from New York and the kids came out their rooms, we did the countdown and then everyone dispersed back into the room.

Speaker 3:

So I was like no, we were all on the couch. We've been like living on the couch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's been, uh, it's been rough, it's been very rough. Yeah, we do feel bad because they had two weeks off.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we were so guilty.

Speaker 1:

And we didn't do anything, Not one. We got some sun in the front yard and backyard a couple of times.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

But uh, I try to convince myself that it's okay, because we're doing like a big road trip in June, which is kind of far, but we're doing a two week road trip, so I'm like oh, you know I know I do.

Speaker 3:

I do have a lot of mom guilt, but I my my way is like oh um, spring breaks coming up, we'll get a chance there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll do something.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, I I have had a lot of like mom guilt and feeling very bad because we had a lot of plans like, yes, we get two weeks off, we're going to do this, we're going to do that, yeah. And then it just literally the day they got off, we all got like one person got sick and passed it, and another person so it's just been like passing back and forth. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which I'm sure parents know all too well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, even our dog.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, our dog got sick.

Speaker 3:

I was giving antibiotics. I've there was a point in time, I was giving antibiotics. I was giving antibiotics to two kids and the dog. So, yeah, it's been a lot, it's been stressful, but we're back.

Speaker 1:

So be ready.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, every week.

Speaker 1:

Woohoo Every week. Question mark.

Speaker 3:

Charge. Charge those AirPods, because you're going to be here in a lot of us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 3:

Um, I do have something, though, that, um Bubby said. I know we want to do some things like, uh, the funny things our kids say. I do have something that Bubby said that was pretty funny. Um, so we were talking about how Christmas is Jesus's birthday and um, just you know, like explaining what Christmas really is, and, um, and she said, how does Jesus get a birthday cake on his birthday? That is funny. I thought it was so cute.

Speaker 1:

Where does birthday cakes come from?

Speaker 3:

Let me see, it's probably like a little like well, it's just probably like a pagan ritual or something.

Speaker 1:

No more birthday cakes for us.

Speaker 2:

What it is.

Speaker 3:

Wow, it all says. The first actual birthday cake was for children's birthdays. In Germany in the early 1400s they were specifically marketed for birthday parties of young children and they were called kinder fest.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, and the cakes were called get birds off.

Speaker 2:

Scorton sounds delicious yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh, each year the child would receive a cake and one candle for every year of their life and extra one assemblies the upcoming year. But there weren't any gifts, just good wishes. How do you think our kids would react if they were like where were our guests? Who said nope, you're just getting good wishes.

Speaker 1:

That's smart Actually.

Speaker 3:

Happy birthday. I got a good wish for you. We got you a triple cake.

Speaker 1:

This year no gifts, though, anyway.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so let's can we cheers to um good wishes for this new year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was just telling Brianna before this um, me and my buddy, we bought this like brewing system and we're going to start making our own beer. And I said, uh, we might have to retire, uh, the Bud Ice to drink our own. If it's good, imagine it's fucking terrible.

Speaker 3:

We taste tested on here. We just like spew it out everywhere we should do that.

Speaker 1:

We should taste, test the first one. That would be so tight we could do that I will see Cheers, cheers To being back better than ever Not.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, maybe Nice.

Speaker 1:

You can't beat a cold Bud Ice though.

Speaker 3:

Mm. Hmm, actually, inflation, they've gone up a dollar.

Speaker 1:

That's wild. Two for six. What do you remember it as the lowest price?

Speaker 3:

I think I remember two for four.

Speaker 1:

Two for four, two for four, 50. I remember and now it's a dollar 50 raised.

Speaker 3:

I always and, I think, two. It's been two for five, forever, though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so our topic for today is new year, new me.

Speaker 1:

I used to get so annoyed when people were like this is my year. But then I remembered like I used to say that when I was young I'd be like this is my year, I'm going to fucking, I'm going to do it, I'm going to be a millionaire, I'm going to get rich quick. And never happened.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, maybe you work towards it. Yeah, okay. So we asked for our polls how do you feel about the upcoming new year? 36% said I'm ready for a fresh start. 18% said new year Same me. 18% said I'm still recovering from Christmas. 27% said what day is it?

Speaker 1:

Came by so quick.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And then we asked what your biggest New Year's resolution was. 9% said finding love. I hope you find that this year. 0% said getting a better job. I thought that would have had something Holy shit, yeah I thought someone would have been like a moving on. Everyone's so content, nice, I'm sure 27% said moving into a bigger place and 64% said healthier lifestyle.

Speaker 1:

There it is. I might have been part of that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think I was part of that too, and then we asked you guys to send us your 2024 resolutions and tips to make them happen. Okay, so a few people answered actually, so we have to see my feet again. I'm going to drink more vodka and less beer.

Speaker 1:

That's a very good one.

Speaker 3:

I like how they have a resolution and then a plan of action.

Speaker 1:

A solution.

Speaker 3:

Uh-huh, I like it Good. Drink more water. So I bought myself a Stanley. Ha ha ha, I'm a Stanley girl now, what is up with that? Okay, so I also have like questions about the Stanley culture, but also this person has a resolution and a call to action for it, which is I like that too.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But yeah, Stanley cups, I don't get it.

Speaker 1:

It's like the target brand or the fucking.

Speaker 3:

No, you know what I heard Some like person that I follow. They said that someone that worked for them said that I guess Stanley's been around for a long time but they weren't doing well, so they just read. They didn't even like fix anything, Just rebranded and sent it out to influencers.

Speaker 1:

That's. That's the name of the game.

Speaker 3:

And then it blew up.

Speaker 1:

That's the name of the game, right there.

Speaker 3:

Uh-huh, I'm crazy seeing those videos of like fifth graders and like little middle schoolers like wanting it for Christmas.

Speaker 1:

I told you this already. But there was this dude who bought his girlfriend a Yeti, a regular drinking cup, and like a big mug, and she's like what's this? He's like it's a Yeti. And she's like I wanted a Stanley. He's like well, you're different. I was like now that Yeti's dope, I'd prefer a Yeti Stanley.

Speaker 3:

I'd rather be a Yeti girl than a Stanley girl.

Speaker 1:

For sure, I put those on there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that is funny. Have you seen the videos of people like running through Target to get the Stanley cups?

Speaker 1:

Not interested.

Speaker 3:

I guess there was like a Valentine's Day release like Pink and Red and there's like a heart on it and I actually saw a video of someone. They laminated, you know how it has like a label around it but you just throw it away. They laminated the label to put back on the cup because it was like Valentine's theme. They thought was cute.

Speaker 1:

So I would see Stanley a lot, maybe like I don't know a year ago at Target, and I'd always like look at the cups and I'd be like this is dumb, I would never buy a Stanley cup for sure I would never.

Speaker 3:

What? What made you not want?

Speaker 1:

it. It's so cheesy, it's like a, it's like the Walmart camping brand, not, not that I'm like bougie or anything, but I don't know. I don't think I don't really like cheap things, you know, and when I would see that I'd be like. Stanley, I would never get that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he gave a hand flip too. All right if.

Speaker 1:

I would get it. I'd put a sticker in front of it and be like so whoever has this. That's like people who wore champion again. Remember how champion got so big like all you guys who wore champion.

Speaker 3:

Fuck you guys, you guys remember when it was in Walmart. That's a shitty brand.

Speaker 1:

That's not even a good brand. You guys are fucking dumb. It's all these younger kids, I think, who are bringing back like shitty. Maybe I should go back to wearing Walmart shoes those used to be my favorite shoes, oh no, the righty shoes.

Speaker 3:

righty had the best shoes.

Speaker 1:

Mine were Walmart, but righty were like the similar style, the similar look. Maybe I should bring those back all these dumb fucking kids.

Speaker 3:

Okay, next one meditate in the morning so I set my alarm to some Native American flute music to help.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty cool that is cool yeah it's hard to do.

Speaker 3:

Play more Call of Duty with Garza. I will harass him until he neglects his family in place with us.

Speaker 1:

I know who that is.

Speaker 3:

You don't even have to see who that is.

Speaker 1:

No, I play with two people, and I know who that is.

Speaker 3:

You play with three.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I play with champ too. Yeah, he's the best.

Speaker 3:

Wow, so this person's uh New Year's resolution is to have you neglect your family, damn. Wow, I see where you're coming from, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

He sees that man need.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so next one is don't make them, because I never stick to them. Hey, they're being straight up At least you can acknowledge, but don't be defeated.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Okay, last one been trying to lose weight since 2014. Time to start again, lol.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's me too. I was gonna say New Year's resolutions are for losers, rude, wait, why can't you start fucking March 12th or like when the next day is what's the day? January something? Today's January 15th? Why can't you start, like already? I saw this funny meme where it's like six days in and I'm still pushing off my resolutions and I was like that was me I think I reposted it, but I was like dude, that's me.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, I thought that was funny, you're not losers, you're just.

Speaker 1:

It's fucking hilarious.

Speaker 3:

My favorite ones that are like three days. In 2025 will be my year Are you ready to give it up?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh man, that's that's. I'm part of that group. Oh man, we could do it guys.

Speaker 3:

Do you have any resolutions? I do, I was gonna ask you. So a few of my resolutions are to be healthier. We have gym passes and we actually started going, but then, well, actually I started going, I went to a couple times, you went one time.

Speaker 1:

No, I went like two or three times.

Speaker 3:

You went. We'll say twice oh my.

Speaker 1:

Once I was on the treadmill. The next time I was in the movie room watching Maze Runner Sitting down.

Speaker 3:

You were trying. You were trying to say where can I order the chicken strips from here? Where's the menu?

Speaker 2:

Do they? Bring it to me, or do I have to go?

Speaker 1:

back to the county again.

Speaker 3:

Does the smoothie bar sell?

Speaker 1:

nachos. So funny thing we belong to choose fitness. And I went in and I said I'm paying for the whole year for both of us and let's get to it. And Breanna, she did go, more than me, but I went a couple times and haven't been back. But I'll be back.

Speaker 3:

We're already starting a little plan.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, today I've eaten clean. I'm meal prepped for like four days and I'm already mad about it, but whatever.

Speaker 3:

I'm proud of you.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate that.

Speaker 3:

So to be healthier, I want to read more, I think you read a lot already, but I love reading, but I have read that there's things that say like you should read. I don't know if they mean it means like a help, self help book or like a helpful book, but like read 10 pages a day. Yeah so I do want I mean, I've read just murder books.

Speaker 1:

Murder mystery.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I don't know if that helps, but read more, and I do want to start sewing more and learning more about sewing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Oh, and I do. I want to pray more.

Speaker 1:

Oh, nice yeah.

Speaker 3:

Those are my resolutions. What about you?

Speaker 1:

Just to add, you do need to work on sewing, because I need you to sew labels on some shirts and hats.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, I'm a sweatshop.

Speaker 2:

Now I'll pay you 50 cents a hat.

Speaker 3:

Yes, sure, next time you guys see me I'm going to have band-aids all over my fingers. Your newly manicured fingers are going to be all chipped, I know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I have one and a half. It's just to be healthy, and I said a few times that God's given me everything I ever wanted, like a good job, you, my kids, my house, everything. I have everything I ever wanted in this life and I don't really have to worry about much, and 99% of people can't say that. But I need to focus on my health because I'm not feeling like it and I could feel better and I want to show people you could get everything you ever like. I have everything I need and I want, except my health, and that's what I want to focus on now, which is why I'm mill prepping and it's the worst. You got it, yeah, anyway, okay, let's say pretty much. Oh, the second the half is I want to try a couple of cold plunges this year, like early in the morning you just dunk yourself into our pool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so our pool is fucking freezing and sometimes, like I've been going to work a couple times, like the last few weeks, a couple times a week, two, three times a week.

Speaker 2:

I don't have an office to go to, necessarily, so. I don't make it too much, but uh.

Speaker 1:

I don't have an office. That's why I only leave a couple times a week. But when I walk outside, it's so cold. I look at the pool and I'm like, oh fuck, I'm a bitch and I just leave like I can't do it, but uh, I want to do try that, because I heard it's like really good for you Actually just thought of one too.

Speaker 3:

Another one, and we already kind of worked on it, is getting outside with the kids more. And you know, like we said, we've just been trying to get them out into the sun, but there was a day where we um all were outside and Bubby and I put our skates on and we were learning how to skate. I know I'm like beginning at skating and that's why you're laughing at me, but, um, yeah, just getting outside with them more, yeah, for sure. Okay, so did you know there is an actual name for resolutions that fail?

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

So it's called the false hope syndrome. So if you find yourself behaving in the same manner at this time of year as you did the year before and the year before that and the year before that, and you just keep finding yourself failing over and over, it's called false hopes syndrome.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty dark. That's sad.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean failing over and over. It sucks.

Speaker 1:

They say like failing is good, but I've been failing since fucking 2008 trying to lose weight and it doesn't feel so good.

Speaker 3:

I think I've been failing since 1998.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we need to change something. I don't know what it is, but okay.

Speaker 3:

So we have a few things on why resolutions fail. So sometimes we think too big. Um, people tend to set resolutions for things that are, um, might not be that achievable, and they could set them up in like increments to attain them, but sometimes we just think too big so smaller goals maybe.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, sometimes we don't consider the why behind them. So sometimes if we hate doing something and we set it as a goal, we just don't do it, like say you don't like going to the gym, but your goal is to go to the gym. Uh-huh, if it's a pain to you, you're just not going to do it.

Speaker 1:

I think that might be everything, though.

Speaker 3:

Maybe yeah. The last one is we're not ready for change. So we can't just talk about wanting change. We have to really think about and be psychologically ready as well.

Speaker 1:

Everybody is comfortable when they're at not everybody, most people that's why in that poll, when no one put a job, yeah, no, job, dude, everyone, not everyone, but a lot of people I follow bitch about their job or like not having time to do like other stuff because they're working all the time. Bitch, you don't want that fucking same job? Heck, no, everyone's comfortable, which is like a super scary place to be so.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's. It's hard to move because you know sometimes you've got like your routine in place, especially if you have, you know, like Kids or you know other extracurricular things, that it it. They all like kind of go together.

Speaker 2:

You got your plan.

Speaker 3:

You know, even like the commute home or to work, sometimes, if it's like a good amount of time, you're like, oh man, that's, it's worth it in that sense, yeah, sorry, okay. So we have some tips for keeping New Year's resolutions.

Speaker 1:

It's tip one Don't be a bitch.

Speaker 3:

That's what it comes down to like.

Speaker 1:

Your mind is gonna tell you like don't get up early, don't go run, don't fucking read this book, don't like Cuz. How attractive is for me Just watching TV, the sopranos and eating fucking Oreos. Like I'd rather do that than walk around the block. You know, like, but you got to convince yourself like don't be that person.

Speaker 3:

I know, yeah, it's ah, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

The mind is weak, you know, and you know the body's weak. You got to dig deep to Like convince yourself. Man, I just got to do this and it's fucking super hard. I'm one day in and fucking you're done.

Speaker 3:

No prepping and Bring on the Oreos now.

Speaker 1:

I told us today we were walking in Tarry. We got some groceries and some other things and I walked past like a food aisle and I saw all the Oreos and I was walking and I just put my head down, it was just an aisle of Oreos I was. I was like a Dreaming of a sad music and I was like in a little movie scene like I know, I have seen those moms that you know.

Speaker 3:

I, of course I follow a few of those influencer moms where they get up at five in the morning they go do, like, their hot yoga, they're Pilates class to go to the gym and they like get it done and then they come back and, you know, start their day and I'm like, man, I want, I want to get up at five in the morning and five in the morning comes and I'm like nope. No way I don't want to get up at five in the morning.

Speaker 1:

That's why they have a million devolvers and we're just. I don't.

Speaker 3:

That's why they have their dreambods. We don't.

Speaker 1:

Either I will wake up or Brianna will wake up, and the site on either of us is like our mouths are open, our hair is fucking crazy.

Speaker 3:

Great, my hair is greased to my forehead.

Speaker 1:

We have one kid's fucking foot in our face.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, three chins.

Speaker 1:

That bed is a bed's nice at 5 am.

Speaker 2:

You know what's?

Speaker 1:

crazy is 5 am Is the time that I'd like to get up and I haven't really told you but the last few months. I'm like man. This week I need to get up at 5 am because I'd like to be home at like 730 to walk the kids to school.

Speaker 1:

But that's the time I've been wanting to the last three months to get up, but I haven't done it, I was yeah, I was going really hard on hiking for a minute but I'm like what time should I go so I could be back? And it's like five, I need to be up by five and out the door at I don't know 515 to be home in the next like two hours, and I Haven't done it once.

Speaker 3:

I've been having those same thoughts really. I. I had those thoughts of I need to talk to him about. Okay, if I wake up at five I'll go work out. Everyone still asleep, I'll come back, then I can get the kids ready, holy shit, I've been having those same thoughts. I'm talking about that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

maybe we should switch days, oh yeah, yeah, you have lip stuff on your septum, yeah, oh see already making a plan. You start first.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I was doing that a little bit. Yeah, you were, no you would get up at 530 and go hiking, and I was hiking like every day. I took like one day a week off. I think I went too hard. Maybe I'll go to five days.

Speaker 3:

I told you yeah, don't get burnt out, but anyway, that should be a tip Don't get burnt out burnt out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right now on working out. People are like I'm gonna go hard. I've done that. Probably I don't fucking ten years straight, but yeah, burn out is real.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so some tips are for keeping those New Year's resolutions. First, one, one and done. A Lot of the times we pick too many goals and we spread ourselves too thin. So pick one, maybe two. Uh-huh and focus on that. So it sets you up to achieve specific goals, instead of feeling like a failure for hitting none of them.

Speaker 1:

Sure, that's a good one. Yeah, yeah, don't want yourself too thin.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm. Next one is plan it out. Think through how you want to accomplish your resolutions and how long it might take to reach your goal. Do some research so you know, for Losing weight or for if you want to like, quit smoking. Do some research on, you know maybe, increments of what you could do. Yeah planning will help you Make sure you can see it through to the end.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think planning a little bit, but I think it really just takes Doing it, jumping in like with both feet, not too hard, but maybe like look it up a little bit and what Tips and tricks you could do. But you just got to do it. You can't be a hundred percent ready for everything.

Speaker 3:

There's gonna be little failures along the way, so yeah, but also you could like, you know, like meal planning yeah, that's prepping for it, sure. Or also looking up work like workouts to burn fat. Next one is be specific, so be detailed in your resolution instead of just working out like be healthy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

It could be exercise 30 minutes daily or take a 20 minute walk every day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, even like Set a goal for losing a pound a week, or two pounds a week, or something.

Speaker 3:

I've seen even people say like oh, I want to close all the rings on my Apple watch.

Speaker 1:

Oh, like the fucking yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Next one is don't take on too much, so start small. Avoid setting an overly high expectation for yourself. So if you'd like to use lose weight, like you said, set a realistic goal. Maybe one pound a week, yeah. Once you reach that goal, think about another, another like plan like sure life to eight pounds, something else. So setting small goals can help you achieve your big results. Next one is choose a new resolution, so avoid picking the same.

Speaker 1:

Goal that you've been picking here.

Speaker 3:

So 2014 guy.

Speaker 1:

That's why I haven't lost weight, because I've been choosing the same goal since 20 fucking 12. That's there you go. Damn, no one told me.

Speaker 3:

We come back next week and you're all skinny.

Speaker 1:

Down a hundred pounds. That's my goal, to lose a hundred pounds. But I mean that's cool. Yeah, sure, yeah, that's nice.

Speaker 3:

Um, because you know, if you keep not I don't want to say failing, but if you keep, you know, not making the same goal over and over, you're kind of used to it. You're kind of used to being like oh, that's okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll do it next time, yeah maybe you should put another goal first, keep that one, maybe second or third, and then Focus on the first one and then slowly incorporate the being healthier and baby steps.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, always baby steps. Next one is identify Someone that can hold you accountable and support you Hell.

Speaker 1:

Yeah like you know, like a friend, a partner that's funny because my cousin told me I've only hung out with him a couple times. Like two weeks ago I was out on bitching about losing weight or something, and then, uh, he's like I'm gonna fucking hold you accountable, yeah, I'm gonna be mean to you till you do. And I'm like do, do it. That sounds great to me. And If I would post food or I would do something not even anything he'd still message me Like what did you do today? Did you do?

Speaker 1:

And he messaged me today and, because he saw the meal prep, he's like fuck, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. And I was like dude, I walked by the Oreo aisle, I told him the target story and I was like I want Oreos. And he's like Jesus Christ, stop being a bitch like. I'm like nah, I'm not gonna eat him. He's like good. Don't he like super healthy and he's a skinny like a little bit of abs, like he's a little bit of abs.

Speaker 3:

He's in shape.

Speaker 1:

He's got a two-pack but I mean, I'm not even like really close to this dude and he's fucking, that's nice yeah he's cool. He's cool dude.

Speaker 3:

I also heard when you went to go visit your friend to help champ. I also heard him asking you about like oh, you want to go like hike again and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my buddy Uzi, aka Uzi, I just want to shout out my real quick. He's a doctor and he saw my son because I don't know stupid shit with my insurance and he's the best doctor. Look him up. But yeah, he always tells me he went hiking with me one time actually, and I would like make fun of him because this fucker showed up with jeans and like these fucking weird spary looking type of shoes.

Speaker 1:

And he was fine, yeah, and I had my like basketball shorts, camel pack. Yeah, I did, I had my water backpack and it wasn't even that long of a hike it was. The first one was in Claremont, the Claremont loop. Oh yeah, and that's when I first started, like my second week maybe, and we did like two miles and I was dying. I was like sitting down, breathing, heavy sweating, and this guy was just like, yeah, so this and that I said, bro, I'm like I have to make fun of you to make myself feel better.

Speaker 1:

So I posted his shoes and I was like, look at this guy freaking like, walking in circles around me while we're hiking. And then the second time was like I don't know, a 30 minute hike and I was dying. And he was good, this guy's a doctor and he's like in shape. But a shout out to Uzi, he keeps me accountable too. I just saw him, like she said, I took my son to see him yesterday and he's like, oh, like, what's up with hiking? And I'm like that's good.

Speaker 3:

That's what you need.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm like I haven't done it, but I'm ill prepping. He's like dude, I saw it. He's like I liked it. Did you see that I liked it?

Speaker 3:

I was like, oh yeah, you did like, see, it's those little little parts of support, like someone even just liking that for you Like it makes you feel like yeah, I got this?

Speaker 1:

Yeah for sure he's the man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thank you Last one. Give your resolution time to become a habit. So new routines don't just become a habit overnight. A 2009 study found that, on average, it takes about 66 days to form a new habit. Holy shit.

Speaker 1:

I can't imagine working on 66 days.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean not like consecutively. I know, but but yeah, no, it takes, like you know, 66 days to like Jesus. You know, wake up form that habit, do what you need to do Like Damn Think about it every day. Yeah, fuck me. I know, I thought it was 30 days, but I guess it's.

Speaker 1:

I wish I was at like 21 when I started stopping Nine days off Nine days off of something you just made up.

Speaker 2:

I know I thought it was 30 days. That's crazy, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So just be patient for yourself, like if you have a setback or two, like that's fine. You know, like you said, we all have a little bit of failures or setbacks. So just you know, bear with yourself, give yourself some time.

Speaker 1:

Don't beat yourself up too much.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

But a little bit, because if you don't, then you'll quit, like every other since 2012.

Speaker 3:

But anyway, OK, so that's it. So you know, keep yourself accountable. If you need someone to help you be accountable, that's the dress.

Speaker 1:

Will be there with you, I'll be mean to you, because I'm getting picked on by multiple people.

Speaker 3:

So he knows what to say.

Speaker 1:

I'll love, though you know yeah, tough love. Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 3:

OK, so next is our Ask man.

Speaker 1:

I almost did the hot guys. Oh, did you? I saw you look at me. I was like what's her lips going to do?

Speaker 3:

OK, so it's, how attractive do you think you are?

Speaker 1:

People answer that. Oh shit I have seen like Tik Tokers and Instagrammers like interview girls like what do you think You're?

Speaker 3:

like I'm a 10.

Speaker 1:

And the guy's like you're a six at best and they get all pissed. I'm like dude, that's my dog right there, oh God please Let him have it done to himself.

Speaker 3:

He did.

Speaker 1:

They're like well, you're like a four or five. He's like OK, I know I'm short and I don't know. That's fine, OK, I'm not going to get mad about it, Please.

Speaker 3:

I have seen that though, where the guy's like what do you think you are, and the girl rakes herself, and then he goes to someone else and has them rate her, and then they're like well, what do you think you are?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

yeah, that was better, I think.

Speaker 3:

I think it's cool to see what people like truly think of themselves.

Speaker 1:

Sure yeah, some people are fucking delusional.

Speaker 3:

And then some. Yeah well, some people also like don't give themselves enough credit.

Speaker 1:

I think you're a 10. Oh, that's because you're my husband. I'm probably a 3.9.

Speaker 3:

I think I'm a 4.5.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I think you're a 99.9.

Speaker 1:

Damn, not 100. That's mean Damn. All right you give me a 10.

Speaker 2:

That's 100. You give me a 10. That's 100. 10 out of 10.

Speaker 1:

Don't try to flip it. Close your mouth.

Speaker 3:

You're so annoying.

Speaker 2:

Give me a 10. 10 out of 10.

Speaker 3:

Close your mouth. I give you a 99.9 out of 10. You dummy.

Speaker 1:

Not 10.

Speaker 3:

I'm just kidding, You're so annoying. Ok, so our question was how attractive do you think you are? First one my mom says I'm handsome. Next one I've been told I'm the hottest math major at my school, so probably a solid 4 out of 10. At least she has a sense of humor about it. Next one I have movie star good looks. Sloth from Goonies was a movie star. Let's see. I oddly feel like an 8, although no one has ever said attractive in my name in one sentence.

Speaker 1:

Damn, these are fucking depressing Slash money.

Speaker 3:

I always get taller and more handsome every time I visit my grandma.

Speaker 1:

I love that one.

Speaker 3:

Last one is if I saw my twin in prison, I'd totally get up in that ass. No homo.

Speaker 2:

Oh shit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so that's that, and next is our hot girls, oh no again I said ass goss. Ass gossling.

Speaker 1:

That's what I thought.

Speaker 3:

I said, ryan gossling oh, that should be a.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of Ryan gossling did you see that here? What?

Speaker 3:

What? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

Did you see, did you see?

Speaker 1:

he won, I don't know. He won an Emmy, I think it is for the Barbie song, the Ken song, and when he won, though, he went up against Billy Eilish like legit ass musicians Wait, wait, wait. And when he won, he was like this Did he, of course he did the camera was on his face and he and now it's like a big news story like Ryan gossling like confused on why he won the Ken song.

Speaker 3:

It's so fucking funny. He was not confused. I did see that.

Speaker 1:

Did you see his speech?

Speaker 3:

No, what was it You're?

Speaker 1:

going to be mad. Because, he said I couldn't do this without one, without one person my lady at home watching our kids while I'm on set filming. Like he thanked Eva Lunghor, Eva Mendez.

Speaker 3:

Shouts out to Eva Lunghor.

Speaker 2:

You heard it here first.

Speaker 3:

He married Eva Lunghor here, guys, the drama.

Speaker 2:

He sang both Eva, eva's Eva times two.

Speaker 1:

He thanked her for watching the kids and stuff at home while he was.

Speaker 3:

Don't you hate her. I'm sorry, that's all I got to say. Holy shit.

Speaker 1:

Of course he did.

Speaker 3:

But I did see a lot of people were speculating that he made those faces because, like you said, he went up against. You know actual art, I mean he's an artist. He's an artist.

Speaker 1:

And his band's pretty good, oh his band is amazing.

Speaker 3:

But I did see a lot of people saying like that was the whole point of the Ken song is saying like there's so many other like Women out there like doing their things and like that are really good. But in the I'm just can like it was just like a parody song sure and so the fact that he beat out Billy Eilish, who had like even more of a message in her song. This is what people were saying like he was very confused like this is that was the whole point of the Barbie movie.

Speaker 1:

That that song, one to Billy Eilish is she did, yeah, they won. That song was fucking incredible.

Speaker 3:

That song's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I get it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, for sure fucking Ryan Gosling. We should just call this segment hot Gosling from now on. Wow, oh please.

Speaker 1:

You're cheating.

Speaker 3:

Do you want to do you want to talk about what you, what or what you did earlier?

Speaker 1:

Why is that we?

Speaker 3:

posted Maddie star. No he yelled. He yelled from the couch and it's a joke we have, because a while ago he was like oh, massey star, have you seen Massey star? And I was like, um, I was like you mean hope, sand of all. He was like, oh, I thought Massey star was her name. So he yelled from the couch. He was like oh, massey star is hot.

Speaker 3:

I'm over here folding our kids clothes and I have to look out from our laundry room to talk to him and he's like Massey star is hot and I was like, I'm brown, like this uh-huh, oh, my neck made a whole 90 degree angle.

Speaker 1:

I said that because she was right there. Obviously she is the 90s babe, for sure, but you made a big deal.

Speaker 3:

She's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

You made a big deal that I said that she's hot.

Speaker 3:

But I made a big deal because if I even mention anything about anyone, you storm off into the other room.

Speaker 1:

That's not true, I'm the least jealous person.

Speaker 2:

Oh, starting a car. We've been sick, jet, fighter, jet. Now you want to talk.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Breaking the speed of sound. I think I just call this out Speed of sound.

Speaker 3:

I remember what I was talking about.

Speaker 1:

Oh Jesus, my cheeks hurt.

Speaker 3:

I sent my lungs Okay, um no, but yes, from the couch you yelled, that has you stars hot and then I'm on Instagram and I see your story and all of a sudden it's her and you put heart, eyes and a black car and I was like, oh, okay, okay anyway, no words. No words. Oh, watch out for my no words.

Speaker 1:

Wow. Okay you're spiteful.

Speaker 3:

Give me Okay hot goss. Kate Winslet keeps her Oscar in the bathroom so her guests can hold it and make acceptance speeches in the mirror without feeling self-conscious. She said you can always tell when someone does it, because they spend more time in the bathroom after they flushed and they come out looking slightly pink cheeked that is funny, because If I was at Kate Winslet's house and I went to the bathroom, and you just saw that and I saw that I would do that.

Speaker 1:

You would make an acceptance speech, not a speech, but I just like look in the mirror with the like I don't be stupid. But then I thought who the fuck is going to her house and who she letting in her house? What guests are she letting in her house?

Speaker 3:

That haven't already held one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or that they're like all famous, or like they're not going in there and like yeah, thank you, like in the mirror. Get the fuck out of here.

Speaker 3:

I did see someone comment and they said she did it for Leo.

Speaker 2:

His practice piece. Yeah, she'd let him go. He hasn't won yet he won, did he?

Speaker 1:

they won for the rivet in it. Oh yeah, nice, I don't know he yeah, he won, but he probably did that until he won. Oh, that's where he got his speech down, pat like yeah, that's why he was perfect in his speech and addressed like the Indian lands and how it's getting snowed in and shit and everyone was like oh.

Speaker 3:

But uh and then anything. This 21 year old girlfriend.

Speaker 1:

Is she?

Speaker 3:

I don't know. They're all like under 25.

Speaker 1:

You know he's 50 pushing 50. He is like a business real quick.

Speaker 3:

He is 49 49 years old his birthday's November 11th. He's a Scorpio.

Speaker 1:

You just ruined this conversation he is a Scorpio.

Speaker 3:

Wow, I have to ask Becca.

Speaker 1:

He's a fake you, because all those fucking things are false, false advertising. Anyway, this guy's pushing 50 and, like in my mind, he's still just like a fucking stud and he's still getting all these girls and he's jack.

Speaker 3:

He's still jack for sure or he's still Romeo.

Speaker 1:

Remember him and Romeo dude, that movie was so good oh.

Speaker 3:

So good, yeah, okay, last one, the 45 year old tech CEO. I Don't know if you've heard about him.

Speaker 3:

No but he's a 45 year old tech. He's like a millionaire Jolionaire. He spends 2 million every year to reverse his age to 18. Like he's got a whole team of doctors and he also like, he spends 2 million every year to reverse his biological age and he even, like, does blood transfusions with his 18 year old son. What, yeah he? His whole goal is to ultimately get back to the biological age of 18. I I don't even know what to say. He's got a whole team like People who do MRIs on his ligaments and his like body and like yeah, if you're spending 2 million a year, you better have a whole fucking team.

Speaker 3:

That's crazy, yeah, how long does he expect to live? Well, he actually has reversed his. How old is he? He's 45.

Speaker 1:

He'll be dead in 30 years. There's no way this guy is gonna live. I mean, I don't even know what age. What age is he thinking he's gonna live till?

Speaker 3:

I mean he's, he doesn't have a set age, but he's already like reversed a lot of things.

Speaker 1:

I mean everyone could do that. I don't know. He's wasting money. That guy Okay, that's wild. That's a lot of money to be doing that.

Speaker 3:

Well, the thing is, what I have is that he wants to reverse his biological age 18, but he eats dinner, his dinner at 11 am, like that's his last one.

Speaker 1:

And he's nothing else.

Speaker 3:

No, that's his dinner 11 am. He starts his day out. I forgot if it was 4 or 6 am, but his dinner is at 11 am.

Speaker 1:

So I wonder what his diet is.

Speaker 3:

I, I saw some things of it. It says he has like a superfood salad. Something else he has like a nutty it's at a nutty pudding like there's been like a whole diet plan made up for him.

Speaker 1:

His son better be taxing his ass to get my blood. I'd be charging you thousands, so he probably hasn't made. Hey, what's your job? I give my dad blood. That's so crazy. That's our hot gosseling. Well, we thank you guys for staying with us after these long hiatus is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, hi, hi, hi, hi hi.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, is that how you say it? I don't know hiatus. That's it right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 1:

I know we have been a while, but We'll do a skeletons in the closet soon soon we that is actually our New Year's resolution is to record Every week that is, and have a skeleton in the closet once a month at least once a month and also I know we've been saying this people are probably tired of hearing say this but also guests. Yeah so.

Speaker 3:

So if you have anything to leave for skeletons in the closet, our phone number is 562 4570613.

Speaker 1:

Leave a question Advice question. If you want to get something off your chest a secret, you could text text call Leave a little, go straight to voicemail. Some people are like like friends, are like there's the call, I'm like dude, it goes straight to voicemail. You leave a voicemail and we'll play it.

Speaker 3:

It's all anonymous yeah it's anonymous.

Speaker 1:

No one knows who it is except us. Haha, well, people we know, maybe, but yeah, and we'll say them over the air and play it and give the best advice we could while drinking beer. Yeah, we thank you for tuning in again and we'll catch you on the flip-flop later. You.