All Tricks, No Treats

All Tricks, No Treats #33 "Ketch-Up"

Cris Garza and Briana Tanori Season 1 Episode 33

Ding Dong! Ever wondered how a baseball team can rise from the ashes and claim victory? Grab your favorite beverage and join us as we celebrate our return with a toast and a heartwarming story of triumph—a thrilling journey that saw Champ's baseball team clinch the championship from the loser's bracket, culminating in a sensational 4th of July parade. We'll take you through the highs and lows our kids faced at their new school and share our experience of hosting our first-ever 4th of July get-together. It’s a chapter brimming with personal accomplishments and community bonding that you won't want to miss.

Picture this: a cross-country road trip with hilariously misplaced state welcome signs, a dream trip to Montana in the works, and a picturesque wedding on Lusty Beg Island. From the serene moments to the downright frustrating, our travel tales are packed with adventure and misadventures. We'll recount our family trip to an all-inclusive resort in Cancun, Mexico, and the unexpected challenges we encountered along the way. Whether you’re a travel enthusiast or love a good story, this chapter is sure to entertain.

Managing household responsibilities and maintaining clear communication are easier said than done. This episode unpacks the everyday dynamics of balancing the mental load between a traditional couple, especially with kids adjusting to new school routines. From humorous disagreements about home decor to our commitment to weekly podcast episodes and setting up a studio, there's plenty happening behind the scenes. Plus, don’t miss our “Skeletons in the closet” segment, where we read and play your anonymous stories and secrets, offering our candid advice and a few laughs. Join us for an episode filled with heartfelt reflections, lively discussions, and community connection.

0:25 Welcome Back Catch-Up
13:26 Travel Adventures and Misadventures
26:07 Household Communication and Responsibilities
30:40 Secrets Hotline

Leave a question or secret you've been meaning to get off your chest so we could play it LIVE (anonymously), and we will give you advice, talk about it, and laugh together. Anything from relationship stuff, sex stuff, kids' stuff, and even single stuff! ↓↓↓

Voicemail or text! - 562-457-0613

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Cris Garza & Briana Tanori
►P.O BOX 100 LA VERNE, CA 91750

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to All Tricks. No Treats, man. It's been seven months, January 31st 365,000. 525,000. January 31st was our last upload, but who's counting?

Speaker 3:

Not us, not I.

Speaker 2:

But we're back back. A lot of people, aka five people, have reached out to us through the month saying when are you gonna upload a new episode. But we had a lot of things going on and uh yeah, we took a little bit of a break yeah, it wasn't a wanted break, it wasn't like we were like oh, we just need to stop, we have to put it to a halt.

Speaker 2:

It was just life man yeah, not to get too deep, but there was like a lot of personal stuff that went on and then stuff with us and traveling and summer and school this is just a catch-up.

Speaker 3:

This is just basically a catch-up where we will delve in deeper to what's been going on with us, what's gonna be coming up yeah, we don't have uh any special advice for you right now no, we know you've been needing it. We know you've all been dying for it.

Speaker 2:

If you've been looking at our uh instagram. All we've been doing is posting like memes and reels. We haven't been posting anything because we haven't been recording. But yeah, we're here to update you on what we've been up to. And then the show goes on.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so this is just a little start, a little teaser, a little taste test.

Speaker 2:

Let's see what's going on.

Speaker 3:

So one of the first things I have is that we need to celebrate being back. That was a good sagu. Huh, you know what you're doing. I was pointing at the beer, like, oh, let's pop these in. He tapped it twice and I just went okay let's go to that but anyway, okay, yeah, so let's celebrate being back. We hope you guys will hear this and celebrate with a beer too and just so you know how trustworthy and committed we are to you.

Speaker 2:

We have not drank but ice for the last seven months. We've been waiting for you.

Speaker 3:

This has been in our fridge for a long time maybe like more than seven months and actually our fridge just broke, so so these went through hot, cold, hot cold.

Speaker 2:

So mildew.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we might get a little sick, but it's worth it.

Speaker 2:

I hope we survive these Cheers guys.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, OK, I missed you.

Speaker 2:

Me too.

Speaker 3:

OK, so our first thing is Champ was playing baseball, as everyone knows, and his team made it to the finals.

Speaker 2:

They did?

Speaker 3:

They lost and then they made it to the winner's bracket. They came back from the top or from the bottom, do I not know what I'm saying? Champ made it to the baseball championship.

Speaker 2:

He did, him and his team yeah.

Speaker 3:

They started off, they lost, they made it all the way back from the loser's bracket and they ended up getting first place in their division.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so the story goes. They had an overall good team, a lot of good kids, and they were winning most of their games and when it got to the playoffs, if you lose two you're out. They won the first one, lost the second one, and then we had to play like five more games to win the championship. And they got there and they won the ship. Dude, it was so crazy.

Speaker 3:

I wish everyone could feel what we were feeling yeah, we were just there, we, I was stressed out, I was pacing back and forth. We invited um a few other like parent friends to come see too, and I and family, and it was just sweat a lot, sweating, a lot of drinking we took ice chips full of drinks this time, yeah just for the end, to celebrate, you know, because we made it thus far and we even made like little posters in the beginning.

Speaker 3:

There were a lot of brothers and sisters, um, so we all, just in the beginning, met up and had some donuts and decorated our posters to support our boys. They were the Yankees.

Speaker 2:

The Yankees, they did so good and they did and the the winners were able to be in the city parade for the 4th of July. They had their own little float and they went by our house and it was. It was nuts. It was so crazy. We were pretty stoked cause it was his first time playing baseball or second time, but in this level it was his first time and they won it all.

Speaker 3:

So we still yeah, we still talk to other parents too, and we're just like man. We can't believe that happened and it was just it was fun, it was we were the underdogs, for sure. I we even talked about it like we were the misfit team, like there are other teams where they're picked, like you know they get serious yeah we're just, we walk in like hey guys, but and we took it all.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, very proud of those boys, for sure. Um, and the next thing is the kids finished their first year at their new school yeah, they loved it too.

Speaker 2:

We loved it. Yeah, bubby and champ both finished. They loved it yeah.

Speaker 3:

Bubby and Champ both finished. They loved it. It was a little bit of an adjustment at first, you know, but we got into the groove of things. We met a lot of cool people, we had like a cool routine and everything worked out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was two blocks from our house, so we walked every day, which was nice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they were thriving.

Speaker 2:

They couldn't wait till summer, though. They didn't want to be in school. They love summer. Yeah, if you ask them now, they'll still yeah, but uh, it was good. They just recently started their second year, last week. Damn, that's how long we've been gone, that's crazy.

Speaker 3:

Um, the next thing I have is the 4th of July. We hosted our first actual get together in our house.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was all the team members. Champs, like friends, came over from the baseball team after the parade. They brought their families, yeah, and we had like I don't even know.

Speaker 3:

Well, we live right off one of the main streets where the parade is. So, we just it's very serious over here the parade, so people go. What it's they? They put out signs, even saying like don't set your chairs up until what 24 hours before people do like two days yeah people go two days before and like it's, like, it's like you're setting up for a concert or something.

Speaker 3:

It I know it's crazy and they go and they put their chairs like people are very, very into it. But we go and we just it's on the corner from us, which is not far at all, and we set up our chairs and you know everyone knew where we were going to be. So everyone came with us, met us or, and then they came down and you know we saw them and and then we all of us kind of pretty much just walked back to our house and then started fourth of july how many people were here you think?

Speaker 3:

I want to say like 60 yeah I was gonna say like 55, but probably like 60 dude.

Speaker 2:

I had one eight foot table and like 12 chairs we're learning and there was like 60 people. I didn't think that many people would come but thank God one of Champ's little friends, his grandparents host like a lot of parties and they brought over like three tables, like 50 chairs.

Speaker 3:

A little runner so no one would slip coming in from the pool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they came in super clutch, so at one point there was like 25 kids in our pool.

Speaker 3:

And our pool turned gray.

Speaker 2:

Our pool looked like um a day club pool in vegas after yeah, it was disgusting, it was foggy there were things floating, no one gave a shit, everyone was having a good time, had good food and it was our first and maybe last party we'll ever have at our house dude, it was fucking crazy, it was nuts it was fun though, but it was great.

Speaker 3:

I was super fun. It was worth it. Yeah, okay and um, we also did a lot of traveling in the summer too much a lifetime's worth of traveling.

Speaker 2:

I feel like yeah I didn't travel at all growing up, really um where would I go? I went to mexico once when I was seven and then I don't know a couple things here and there yes, grand canyon with my parents, mexico, arizona, but that was in the span of like 18 years. Those two things. Probably we would do rosarito too a couple times, but um yeah, we did a butt fuck load of traveling yeah, I don't think I did a lot of traveling either.

Speaker 3:

I think I did mexico, just state line, vegas, a couple trips to arizona, nothing too big. But we've always said that we wanted to, um, have the kids see all 50 states before they turn 18. Yeah, so we've been kind of. We started out last summer with our first road trip up to seattle back home and then so we've been planning other road trips and this was our biggest one because we flew all the way out to new york.

Speaker 2:

We got ballsy I got ballsy I was like we're gonna do fucking cross country, you know, yeah, and I mean I'm good, I love a road trip, so so we went all the way out to New York and drove all the way home.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Back to LA. It was nuts. We did two weeks. We stopped in like 11, 12 states and we always end in Vegas. Vegas is like I don't know, our lost love. I love Vegas so much and then we, we come home but but it was frustrating with three kids. Um, driving wasn't so bad for me, but I think being at like the hotels and being out the kids were just like damn, non-stop fighting and playing. And, oh dude, I was on the, I was driving all the time and brianna was supporting me by scratching my head, uh I was the one handling the kids in the car.

Speaker 3:

So anytime someone needed to pee, anytime someone needed a snack, anytime someone was fighting, anytime someone needed anything.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Uh-huh, I was handling that. I'm giving you credit For scratching your head.

Speaker 2:

That felt amazing. I wanted to keep driving. I could have drove back to new york if you kept scratching my head that long you want to go from new york right now. No, heck, no, uh, it was super fun, super long. I don't recommend it the first few road trips you do if you're doing road trips.

Speaker 2:

But we're glad we got to get a lot of that done and we want to do one every summer, like she was saying yeah yeah, we hope to get the kids all 50 states so by the time they're older they could just travel wherever they want and international or whatever yeah, they'll have seen.

Speaker 3:

You know a lot of things in the country that we live in that we haven't seen yeah, for sure we're seeing it together yeah, um, and we went through a few states. I just want to like say where we went through real quick we went went from New York to Pittsburgh, pennsylvania. To Cincinnati, ohio. To Louisville, kentucky. To Little Rock, arkansas, arkansas, oklahoma City, oklahoma, santa Fe, new Mexico, laughlin, arizona and Las Vegas, nevada.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So we made it quite. We made quite a few stops. Yeah, I think it was worth it, though it was fun of course, 100 they were. You know a lot of memories that will never, you know, get back yeah, a lot of pictures taken.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a lot of pictures. Yeah, it was great. We tried to take a picture. Uh, every state we entered, you know it says welcome to new jersey, welcome to uh pennsylvania.

Speaker 3:

She wanted to make like a reel and I was like dude, that's a fucking great idea well, I have a tattoo artist who she's been to, I think, like 49, 48, 49 states, so pretty much all of them and she has taken a picture in front of every single sign Welcome sign, yes. So I was like this will be perfect, Like we could even just get the kids jumping up in front of them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so we pulled into Pittsburghittsburgh, our first stop, and I was like fuck, there's a sign and it was off the freeway, super sketchy, dangerous. I'm like this, this something's going on.

Speaker 2:

If you have to put your hazard lights on to do something, you probably yeah yeah, so we get off, we're with our kids it's nuts and we do a little video and I'm like, damn, I guess we'll do this for everyone you know, and then every other state. There was no way you could take a picture with it, like it was impossible you just drive past it.

Speaker 3:

There's even like a few states, I don't even remember. You drive it's over the freeway on a bridge. Yeah, so it's like a sign, like a sign hanging down from above. So we're like where's, where do these people make these videos? Yeah I have. I have a bone to pick with a lot of these states because I don't know why wouldn't you put it like off, like welcome sign off to this side? You could even I don't know sell snacks there make some money off of that and uh give people their picture so no real coming.

Speaker 2:

Nope, sorry, nope, you'll get one state, I think.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's, Was it one. It's Pennsylvania. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was hilarious yeah that's what I'm frustrated with, Like probably 45 out of 50 states. Who?

Speaker 2:

knows, we'll see. But yeah, our next, next one, we want to go up to montana first montana next summer we'll do that on a ranch. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see what we're keeping it like, maybe a week, week tops, 10 days pushing it, but this time we want to stay like multiple days at certain places it was pretty quick stays. But yeah, montana, I think, is our road trip.

Speaker 3:

So after our cross-country road trip, I think we came home for what like two weeks.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And then we went off to Cancun.

Speaker 2:

Cancun, Mexico. We took the kids. We only went because we were staying at a resort, all-inclusive resort, If it was like Brianna's a little nervous going to a I'm not alone.

Speaker 3:

I've talked to other moms too. Okay, I'm not trying to like talk shit.

Speaker 2:

But I'm just saying like, for valid reasons, some parts of Mexico could be like pretty muddy, yeah, and you know, we hear things.

Speaker 3:

We're not, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we stayed at an all-inclusive resort. We went with my buddy and his kid little family trip and it was fun, it was cool, it was so humid though it was gross, it looked it looked like paradise the.

Speaker 2:

The water was super clear. The sand was white as snow felt like swamp. Our pool was like right next to the ocean. It was. It looked fake pretty much, but it was. It was a fun time. My buddy watched our kids one night, um, and we went out and got fucking robbed for a few beers, had to pay 90 bucks for a couple of beers, and fake tequila shots.

Speaker 3:

I know the agave. Yeah, it was like sweet. I think we just took like maple syrup shots they take advantage of you in cancun beware if you don't speak Spanish.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so, but it was fun, we had a good time. We went to another spot and they were doing like a bunch of American songs and karaoke. Yeah what was it called? Frog something frogs? No, monkey.

Speaker 3:

It was because, remember, they had the monkey, the stuffed monkeys, what was it called? I don't remember. It wasn't frogs, it wasn't senior frogs. I don't remember it wasn't frogs, it wasn't senior frogs. Monkey something I keep thinking of monkeys to go, but that's not it. Something monkeys Crazy monkeys, monkey business, monkey business, monkey business. Is that a movie? I don't know if that's it or not.

Speaker 2:

But it was fun. And then, yeah, Cancun was cool. I recommend it, no kids, but it is what it is.

Speaker 3:

We kids, but uh, well, it is what it is we got kids, so you got kids. We recommend it no getting out of that one. You don't got kids, congratulations travel the world and our last one was we went to the uk the united kingdom, california?

Speaker 2:

I guess not in california, but um. So my buddy is from northern ireland. I've known him for like I don't know, since 2012 what is that 12 years. Um, and we got really close. When we worked in new york together, he came over for our wedding and another time just to hang out, and he finally got married. He's been together with his lady longer than us not not too much longer, but um, they finally got married at a lusty bag island in northern ireland. It was unreal there too.

Speaker 3:

It was nuts, it seemed fake, it was incredible yeah, we would just walk around and I would see like a stump with moss growing on it, like little water dew droplets on it and I was like what we don't. No one has this who has this here? No, one had it.

Speaker 2:

Just it's like it's probably sparkling like I swear I saw a fairy flying around probably.

Speaker 3:

I think I saw the keebler elves transporting cookies out of that stump, but uh, no, it was beautiful. It was our little there. It had like a little cottage window where you could open it up. I was fighting a bee for a while after that. But, you could open it up and there were like vines hanging around it and the lake With a family of swans. It was just too much.

Speaker 2:

What did you call it? There was like a group of them, and didn't you say like, oh, look at those gooses over there.

Speaker 3:

You said gooses and then everybody said the goose is loose. But then you started laughing and I immediately knew I was like it's not gooses, it's geese it was super nice.

Speaker 2:

we went there there and one morning we had a like this jacuzzi with flowers in it, like overlooking the whole lake, and that jacuzzi was hot as fuck. I sat in it for five minutes and then I had to get out with my wine. I was like it was a champagne.

Speaker 3:

It was Prosecco.

Speaker 2:

I was like, dude, this is hot as fuck, I can't be in this shit.

Speaker 3:

Well, to be fair, it was at a. They had a little spa there and the girl even asked us. She was like I want you guys to test the water first. Like just make sure I don't want to scald anyone. We both tested it. We're both like, oh yeah, this is good. She's like OK, go ahead and get down in. I'll bring you guys out some Prosecco. I get in. Fine, you get in.

Speaker 2:

All of you get in all of a sudden. It's like we're sitting in a volcano.

Speaker 3:

We're sweating it was hot as shit, I posted on. I'm spitting everywhere are you trying to?

Speaker 2:

cool yourself off. I'm sweating thinking of this place. I sat down, I was drenched. I was posting on instagram and sending this to my buddies, saying like, ah, like, rubbing in their, rubbing it in their faces. And then in real life, I was sweating and saying I hate this you were literally.

Speaker 3:

You were sitting like a stiff, like mummy, like the whole time. Like you were, you didn't go past like your belly button. You were just like yeah, this is fun dude. Yeah, I like it.

Speaker 2:

You move in there and you feel like you're the flame boy from fucking fantastic four. It's so it was. I was like you want to go sit on that bench over there.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I thought you were going to say like ramen, you feel like you're a ramen, or?

Speaker 2:

something. No, I'm too big for ramen, it's too skinny. But we sat on the bench and then yeah we drank some whatever it's called and the views were very nice. But yeah, we went to dublin. Driving on the wrong side was terrible. I told like 100 people I hit a pole 10 minutes leaving the airport because you're driving, you're on the passenger side and you're driving on the wrong side of the road.

Speaker 2:

So I got the insurance, all was covered, which was good. We drove up to northern ireland, stayed in balfast lusty bag, and then we flew to edinburgh how do they say it? Yeah, I think, edinburgh. We stayed in scotland for a night a day and then, uh, took a train down to manchester and, well, liverpool, took a train down to liverpool and manchester and then London. Yeah, it was cool. We almost got robbed by these people.

Speaker 3:

We recommend Liverpool, do not recommend Manchester.

Speaker 2:

Manchester is ass. I hate Manchester.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's just like Americanized. It just looks like I mean not to say Americanized it just looks like LA.

Speaker 2:

It looks like LA they have a.

Speaker 3:

TK Maxx, not a TJ Maxx. Tk Maxx la that looks like. La they have a tk max, not a tj max.

Speaker 2:

Tk max looks like the grove, just concrete shops. Only it's. There's no cool looking pubs. Manchester was. I hated it so much yeah but anyway, we went to the uk for like what? Eight days eight days.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we came back and the kids started. Or flight.

Speaker 2:

A-O, a-o-i-u. On the way back I was like I'm going to get upgraded seats, you know, and I got them. We were chilling, you know, it was all good. And I was like, yeah, you like that, like, look at these seats, you can lean all the way back. I like that. I don't know how to say this in a nice way, but the people behind us were large indian people, which is fine. You know I'm large, you know I'm a large mexican dude, but I don't smell bad. Really, do I smell bad?

Speaker 3:

no, I like no, right I don't smell bad.

Speaker 2:

I'm not joking. They had in and out in their luggages probably it smelled like that the onion they had straight onion for a minute. They said I want this three by three. Hold everything minus the onion dude.

Speaker 3:

They wanted spread an onion, only I think that that's just their culture, right I don't know, I'm not gonna judge any culture they stunk.

Speaker 2:

I was dude. If you're flying, take a shower, take. You could don't have to shower the rest of the time. But when you're flying, take a shower, take. You could don't have to shower the rest of the time, but when you're flying, take it. Did we not walk by when we got off the plane?

Speaker 3:

and that's that area okay yes, so I will say I'm not gonna judge anyone. Everyone has different you know beliefs I'll judge in hygiene, everyone is different.

Speaker 3:

Hey, there's some days that we're like, oh stinky, yep, I need a shower. So you know what. But we were in an enclosed space and getting off of the plane well, to get off of the plane, it landed. We were waiting there for a little bit for them to attach the thingy, the little thingy, to the door. Yes, and so we were all standing there. And then I will say, during the flight, there were a few times I caught a whiff of something, a whiff of In-N-Out.

Speaker 3:

We didn't have French onion dip or French onion soup or anything.

Speaker 2:

Extra onions.

Speaker 3:

So it was coming from someone, not a food.

Speaker 2:

The Indians behind us.

Speaker 3:

Okay, but when we were waiting there, we were finally able to get off. And as we walked through the little aisle to get off the plane, I walked through a hot cloud of onion where a certain person was standing, and it was just a major change because it slapped us in our face it was really hot yeah it was really hot.

Speaker 2:

In the words of billy madison that's a salt brother. I don't press charges because I'm a nice guy. Dude, that fucking guy stung. I'm not trying to be mean, but, dude, take a shower bro, come on, don't be rude anyway so it was good yeah, it was good. It was good. Yeah, minus that it was good. Yeah, minus that it was good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. So that was it for our travels for the summer. We did a lot of traveling, came home two weeks left, again came home. It was a lot, but it was fun. Now we are putting away the suitcases.

Speaker 2:

We are putting the passports away, because the first day of school happened last week. When did we get back? Two weeks ago? Um, I don't remember. The passports are still out.

Speaker 3:

By the way, I haven't, I haven't put them away actually I, we just talked about this, yeah, um, I told you that I want to start a little list you did tell me uh-huh, I said I I'm not sure what I'm gonna name it yet. It might be zp, short for zaddy please, or pp please, p, p, cubed um.

Speaker 2:

I know we've heard of, like I don't some people have heard of it's called like a honeydew list, where you make a list of things for your husband yes or whatever to get done, and so I told you this, because when you told me sorry to cut you off, but when you told me, I said I'm not sure about wait. Don't inhale like that, because men work so hard that we're getting a can crush already we forget to do things.

Speaker 2:

Am I right or am I wrong? I'm right. So we're pretty much a traditional couple which we like both. Both like right, not in a bad way, I'm not saying like any crazy stuff, but I work, she takes care of the house and kids when I'm not here and then when I come, I help a little bit. Oh wow, maybe not as much as I should but Uh-huh when you're here, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So when I thought of this list, at first I was mad. But when she gets mad at me in general about not really helping that much, I'm like well, tell me, I don't know what it is with you women, but you don't want to ask us for help. I don't know why. That's not our fault. We're innocent until proven guilty. So I'm asking her tell me what you want me to do. No, no, no. You should know, dude, we're idiots, we don't know. So please communicate.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I think this is going to be a topic. The mental load is going to be a topic.

Speaker 2:

You tell me to be a better communicator, which I'm communicating to you now.

Speaker 3:

Tell me what you need help with okay or so at least a list.

Speaker 2:

Fine, okay, I'll allow a list, I will allow no, no, no, no.

Speaker 3:

So that would be fine if I didn't ask you multiple times when we came home. Hey, can you put the luggage away, natural, hey natural.

Speaker 2:

That's natural. See now it's natural.

Speaker 3:

All of a sudden, it's natural, all of a sudden, it's natural you asked me two, three times, sure, okay, oh, how many times do I need so? First it's you need to ask me I ask you once, I ask you twice. Now, all of a sudden it's, you need to ask me three, four times natural, no, so we need help I came up to him and I said hey, I'm, I'm going to start making a list.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to write it down. I'm going to leave it on the side of the fridge for you to look at and do. He was like what do you mean? Are you going to make up a new list every time? I said no, once you do it, I'm going to cross it off.

Speaker 2:

I to it because hey, we still haven't had our passports put away.

Speaker 3:

We still not have our luggage put away. Your luggage is still on the couch with all your clothes in it. I have been asking you over and over to give me your dirty clothes from the trip and it is still there open. It's only been two weeks. It doesn't matter. It's not my fault, mine and the kids. Clothes has already been washed, put away. Whose fault is that?

Speaker 2:

yours, because I asked you we'll agree to disagree on that one yeah, it's not gonna be, zaddy, please anymore.

Speaker 3:

It's gonna be, it's gonna be fatty please it's gonna be annoyance, please, oh my gosh I'll give you that.

Speaker 2:

One. Two weeks my clothes have been right there in the open, uh luggage, but I have a lot of things on my mind.

Speaker 3:

I'm going through stuff yeah, tiktok is what you're going through. Oh my gosh okay anyway, yeah, so now that the kids are at their first uh, they had their first week back to school. You know they're getting acclimated to their new routines. I think we're doing good.

Speaker 2:

I agree. I think we're doing good as well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Just doing the same old thing, you know.

Speaker 3:

Same old thing is going to include recording.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so hopefully we're. We always say we want to record and release an episode a week and for real thank you to everyone who's been reaching out. A few of you have and, uh, sometimes we get like random surge of downloads and I'm like what the heck? This is crazy. Um. But yeah, we're back and we're trying to just keep it light, keep it fun. Um, we have some things in store for you guys. We want to get guests coming now.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'm setting up a little studio in the back over here, so it's going to. I just do this little plant behind us, oh God.

Speaker 3:

Brianna hates it. But who wants to see a white wall? Ok, so the thing I hate most is fake plants. I love a plant, not a fake plant, and I turn around and this thing is in our hair or my hair. It's like broken. It's like sad.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's like not, it's not it. So we'll try to accommodate a little more. But we just wanted to get this done to prove to you guys we're here.

Speaker 2:

And update. Yeah, update you guys. But I don't know.

Speaker 3:

That's it right, that's it. I mean, if anyone wants to, obviously we'll post like on our story and stuff that we're back, yeah, back in action.

Speaker 2:

But if anyone has like any questions or anything like, Don't forget, we still have our skeletons in the closet line, which is 562-470-513.

Speaker 3:

Huh, no is that not it? Uh, I know you texted me from it five, six, two hold on wow hold on, hold on wow five, six, two, four, five, seven, zero, six, one, three, that's it isn't that what I said?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I'll have to hear about the tape if that's it okay you owe me sushi okay, so you could call that number. Uh, it'll go straight to voicemail or text that number you could. I don't know tell us anything you want, always anonymous, anonymous yeah, what we do is we play it for you or read it over the microphones, obviously, and some people tell us crazy stories, drama stories, parent stories, they tell us secrets and we just talk about it and we have a good time and laugh.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and give you the best, because we're all the same.

Speaker 2:

We give you the best advice we could, which is probably not the best advice, but yeah, if you want to call that number or text that number, I think you guys should and we'll talk about it 562-457-0613. Yeah, we'll catch you on the flip-flop later. Bye.