All Tricks, No Treats

All Tricks, No Treats #34 Letting Someone Down Easy.

Cris Garza and Briana Tanori Season 1 Episode 34

Ding Dong! What happens when you decide to cleanse your body after a summer of indulgence, but end up face-to-face with your favorite pizza? Our three-day juice cleanse attempt was a comedy of errors, from our enthusiastic start to our pizza-induced end. We share every misstep, including the flu-like symptoms, grumpy moods, and our brave cousin's attempt to salvage the remaining juices. Trust us, this adventure is a rollercoaster you won't want to miss.

Is ghosting ever okay, or should every breakup come with closure? We tackle this tricky topic by sharing personal breakup stories and debating the merits of ghosting versus letting someone down easy. Whether it's a brief fling or a long-term relationship, we explore the emotional impacts on both sides and the best practices for ending things with respect. It's a heartfelt discussion that might just change the way you think about breakups.

And for some lighter fare, we chat about the underrated physical features that drive people wild, from freckles to the mysterious allure of back dimples. Our listeners chime in with their quirky preferences, and we dive into the latest celebrity gossip, including the brewing romance rumors between Doja Cat and Joseph Quinn of "Stranger Things". Finally, we wrap up with some casual banter about life's unpredictability, cultural quirks, and the joys of listener feedback. Join us for a mix of laughter, honesty, and engaging conversation!

0:25 Juice Cleanse Fail
15:23 Letting Someone Down Easy in Dating
28:58 Underrated Physical Features and Celebrity Gossip

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Cris Garza & Briana Tanori
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Speaker 2:

Welcome back to All Tr. No treats.

Speaker 3:

Look at us back here for the second week in a row like we've said this before 10 years down the line we're back from our 53rd consecutive break, yeah probably more than that, but we're back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, be proud of us guys. We're the number one relationship parenting podcast and this is just real, real behavior. We see you, guys, every couple weeks.

Speaker 3:

We're the number one biannual podcast.

Speaker 2:

That means our advice is pretty important, so you guys better listen up. But uh, yeah, we're happy to be back and uh, we've been drinking all day. Well, I have yeah you have and I'm excited, you know. But sure, let's get into it sure.

Speaker 3:

so we're gonna catch up First things first. We tried to do a juice cleanse this week.

Speaker 2:

Emphasize tried. It was rough.

Speaker 3:

So we had, like we said, a pretty busy summer with a lot of traveling, so a lot of takeout a lot of fast food, a lot of fried foods, a lot of takeout, a lot of fast food, a lot of fried foods, a lot of buffets, everything snacks. That's not you know healthy road snacks? Yes, yeah, a lot of cheeto puffs um. So we decided that we were going to do a juice cleanse and which was a great idea at the time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh yeah, I mean, in hindsight it still sounds amazing. Yeah, so we went to a certain place that we've always gone to for like acai bowls and stuff, and we got there. We had a choice of one day, two day or three day. While I was choosing, I said I think we should do two day, and someone here at this table, who will not be named, said no, let's do three day, let's do three day I don't know why I thought I was mentally prepared and physically for a three-day juice fast we're not physically prepared for anything yeah, I hate juice, I hate green juice and I didn't realize.

Speaker 2:

But it's six fucking juices a day and they're gigantic. I don't even drink two water bottles a day and I had to force myself to drink six. It was terrible, it was not fun at all and we're I'm talking like we did the whole three days okay.

Speaker 3:

So we did day one. We timed our juices every two hours. They were like green juices, like a cayenne lemonade, um, another green juice, a detox juice, and by the end of day one you came home and you just knocked out I was blown out, felt like I got hit by a truck um, and then, you know, worked on homework with the kids, did all our stuff, made dinner and everything, and all of a sudden I felt sick, like not stomach sick, but flu sick.

Speaker 3:

I started getting shills, I started getting like fever, like flu symptoms, yeah. And I told him I was like I have to go lay down. I don't know what's going on, but I gotta go lay down. And so I went, I laid in bed. I had the shakes I had everything possible and I was like this can't be it.

Speaker 2:

This is how I go out a juice cleanse. This is how healthy people feel every day. This is why I don't do it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, 100%. And then. So the next day I woke up, I felt better. I think I literally woke up in the middle of the night sweating it out. But I felt better and we, just we did day two up to Dude wait, she did day two.

Speaker 2:

I drink so much liquid. The first day I didn't drink one juice. The second I said I'm gonna start tomorrow so I'll do a four day, but the second day I'll, uh, skip the juices. Anyway, she did all the juices. I was pretty impressed because they were disgusting. So we go to her cousin's birthday little dinner at a pizza spot not too far from our house and we're sitting there and we're staying strong, you know.

Speaker 3:

We're in it. Everyone ate already.

Speaker 2:

Everyone's pigging out. You know the kids are playing games. Everyone's full full of beer, full of pizza, full of salad.

Speaker 3:

We're there with a styrofoam cup of water.

Speaker 2:

And there was two boxes of pizza and one box of wings, one box of salad, and me and brianna just looked at each other and we, we didn't even have to say anything and she said yes, dude, we fucking quit the the juice fast. We got got like three pieces, two or three wings salad. Dude, I drank two gallons of ranch right there. I missed it so much. Dude, we're disgusting humans. No, we are. And, to add, I spent like $350 on these juices, so I didn't even care.

Speaker 3:

That's how desperate I was to get carbs in my belly we're just not meant for that life, we're just not meant for it.

Speaker 2:

No, we're meant for fucking ozempic and uh and a gastric bypass, but we'll never do that either.

Speaker 3:

Fuck that no, I'm just meant chubby, chubby.

Speaker 2:

Life forever we're hoping one day we go to bed and then we like pray before we go to bed and we wake up like super skinny. Well, you're pretty skinny. You do it to be healthy. I do it because I need to lose weight. But um, it was hilarious. We quit the fast and to you doing the fast. God bless you be with you her cousin.

Speaker 2:

By the way, her older cousin came by the next morning and he picked up the rest of the juices and he's doing a three-day fast on his own yeah, he's like I'll finish this, yeah forget that, go ahead, dude.

Speaker 3:

That shit was fucking disgusting anyway, we're alive and well we're alive and well a taco last night, ate a short rib today. Uh, we're going crazy I mean, I haven't gotten any flu-like symptoms lately. So me neither scam, scam juice oh wait, first let's cheers to um. We want everyone to be healthy, all you, so you can stick with us forever, but let's cheers to just living the life that we want and we need.

Speaker 2:

Which is hopefully degenerates together.

Speaker 3:

Cheers. We're cheersing down here. I mean, that's what it is, though. Right, we're normal people. Yeah, we don't do juice cleanses or fancy diet fads I don't know if we're people you necessarily want to look up to yeah, I was gonna say I don't know if we're people you necessarily want in your life, but when you want to feel like a normal person, come to us.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

We'll show you that.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't take a lot of convincing for us to make you make wrong decisions, but we're here whenever Hit us up.

Speaker 3:

So the ZP list is working. I put it up and you already got pretty much 99% of it done, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So the people who don't know is women ask their significant other to do things and we wait a couple months because that's like you have to put in a fucking work order. You know it takes time for us to get to it invoice yeah, and brianna started making this list where I need to just do it because she wants me to and I don't want to.

Speaker 3:

But uh, I've been doing it yeah, there's just things around the house that need to be done by someone other than I, because I can't reach these things. So, um, they're very high up and I need someone tall to do it yeah so that's a good tip.

Speaker 2:

If you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend or or wife, make a list for them to do, and then they should do it.

Speaker 3:

I think it helps. I put like a little heart on it. It helps for sure?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it definitely helps, because I forget things two seconds after you tell me to do it, and then having something written down is pretty nice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's working out.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And our last thing is, we came out with our first reel we did our first like we started a new trend we started a new trend.

Speaker 2:

It's called uh, get ready with us. Like I don't think anyone's ever done it before.

Speaker 3:

None of these influencers have ever done that.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm just kidding we have talked about it a long time ago, though, to do a get ready with this real, because she dresses pretty good and I dress like shit every single day and she's like let's get dressed one day and we've talked about this, but I always say, like let's be fancier, like let's yeah, there's a couple times where we could have.

Speaker 2:

But I'm like, oh, just wait, wait. But my best bud got married in northern ireland and we had like a suit and a dress and we just did it. So if you want to see us in our underpants for a couple seconds, go check it out.

Speaker 3:

We get ready and uh but be kind, that's our first one we're looking spiffy, you know and that was before our juice cleanse. So my jacket was a little tight, so my chins are all coming out.

Speaker 2:

We did it though it has over a thousand views on a couple of our platforms, so we're pretty stoked. Like it or hate it. Watch it.

Speaker 3:

We did it, yeah, okay. So I do have a quick question. We talked about this before and we said we wanted to bring it up. You know, we drive through places every once in a while, uh-huh, and we've talked about this who has better service, chick-fil-a or In-N-Out?

Speaker 2:

Damn, that's a tough question. That's what you said when I asked you the first time. That's a kid or kid question. Uh, champ, always ask us what do you like better, this or this? But um, I'd say in and out you think they have better service? Yeah, I think chick-fil-a they're pretty nice, but in and out is like if you're the 50th person in line. They're like there and they're super sweet to you, no matter what you order. I order some pretty gnarly things sometimes and they're super nice the whole way.

Speaker 3:

When you pull up to chick-fil-a they're nice there, but they make these fuckers at in and out walk half a mile down the road to take your order chick-fil-a does too no, not not when I've been there but you know what chick-fil-a they also have those little if it's raining or like they wear like a I don't even know what it is like it's like a big tent over them. Have you ever seen that? No they're like standing there and like I'm gonna have to find a picture of it. It's like an, a personable, easy up, personal, easy really yeah they're standing there in it like, like in the rain or in the sun.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I'm not experienced in Chick-fil-A that much because I choose in an original time.

Speaker 3:

I choose Cane's, but I don't think Cane's has. They're not known for their great what do you think is nicer? I think Chick-fil-A, I think they have a lot of manners. You know they're supposed to. Manners, you know they're supposed to. We all hear they're supposed to respond to you in a certain way interesting. So we'll see, maybe we'll ask our, maybe we'll go after this, no, I already told you I want taco bell, taco bell, taco bell okay, so our topic for today is letting them down easy Heartbreakers.

Speaker 2:

Where you at. Where's the heartbreakers? I don't know. You're a heartbreaker, not I. You broke a couple hearts in high school.

Speaker 3:

Did I no, probably broke my own heart waiting for Gerard. Way.

Speaker 2:

Oh no.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so we did some polls Our. Our first question was have you ever been or had to let someone down easy? 100 of people said yes, it sucks damn 100 zero percent said no, but I want to know the cheese man. Is there a right way to tell someone you're not into it? 22% said duh, you've got to tiptoe around their feelings. 78% said nah, just get it done. And 0% said still waiting for the stories and chisme.

Speaker 2:

I think you got to get it done, but you definitely have to be what's the word, I don't know vulnerable or Tactful. Yeah, tactful, yeah, not vulnerable. They have, they're vulnerable. You have to be like, like a fucking marine battling I mean, when you said tactful, I thought of a motherfucker raising a m4, shooting for some reason and shooting what shooting? The bad thoughts shooting the feelings down, dog. I don't know why I thought that. But yeah, you definitely have to tiptoe, you have to get it done, you know quick agreed.

Speaker 3:

Would you stay friends with someone after letting them down easy or being let down easy?

Speaker 2:

I think people do, but I don't. You should.

Speaker 3:

I don't ever think you should be friends with exes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But 38% said yes, I can move forward, no problem. 62% said no, it ends there. So I'd be part of the 62%. And then we asked people to send us their letting down easy stories. Someone said nowadays you meet people and it's this on the regular. Lol, no one says anything, it just is. So I think that's the new, like dating life yeah, for sure um, someone said never let them down easy. But lately I've been unfriending people and just telling them straight to the the point I like it. Cutthroat, I like it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You know you got to do what works out for you best. Yeah, last one is I've always just slowly stopped talking to them, too scared to end it straight up, lol, something.

Speaker 2:

I'd do. Yeah, it's weird, you know, I think when you're younger it's weird, you know, I think when you're younger it's weird to end it with for me anyway. Uh, I don't know, it's fucking, it sucks to be on that. Uh, end of the stick. You know, but you definitely should end it quickly and like be straightforward, you know yeah, that's part of why we chose this topic is because you know it's.

Speaker 3:

it's a thing we all know about ghosting and it's better to just let someone down, as uneasy as it is.

Speaker 2:

Let them down easy, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I feel like if you get Move on.

Speaker 2:

When you get older, then you should tell them. You should tell them straight up all the time, but when you get older it should be like you need to, because you shouldn't waste anybody's time, you know I think even when we're young, like why, what's the? Point, because you're young and dumb and full of cum.

Speaker 3:

I don't think that's a cloudy judgment, okay, um so, like I said, we've talked about ghosting.

Speaker 3:

Although it can seem like the easy way out, it doesn't work for both parties involved that's true because sometimes, um, people get hurt and even if you don't feel a need to continue a relationship with them, there's got to be a more amicable way, okay, so what are some reasons for letting someone down easy? You're not attracted to them, there's no connection, uh, you feel like you're better off as friends, or you just want something more casual in your dating life? Um, are there any? Do you have any reasons for not letting someone down easy, like why you would just because?

Speaker 2:

and boot it because I'm a bitch and I hate making people feel sad, so I just slowly stop responding that makes them feel more sad no, I think it makes them get the hint like, oh shit, they're kind of like not responding as much and this is how we know you're not a girl seems like they're not interested. So I think, yeah that, yeah that.

Speaker 3:

Not even a girl. I feel like there's both sides where if you start ghosting someone like that, they just they get sad.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, People need that closure sometimes not all the time. Just move on, man, you get the hint. I mean now I would obviously, but what do you, would you?

Speaker 3:

give me. I probably send them a voicemail of that and they'd be like oh, thank god she's gone. Hey, man I don't know if this is working okay, so here are some things about letting them down easy.

Speaker 3:

Don't wait too long I agree when you know you know, I hate that. But when you know you know, okay. So it's a normal part of dating and it's definitely nothing to be ashamed of. But the kindest thing you can do for both parties involved is to let the other person know you're not into it. So like, don't, once you get the feeling, don't prolong it and make more memories with them. Make them you know like you even more. Make things worse, harder to get rid of.

Speaker 2:

Some false hope there yeah.

Speaker 3:

Once you know, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think time is time and truth truth and time tell all. But yeah, telling them as soon as you know is, I think, the most responsible thing. You don't want to lead someone on for too long when you know your head's not in the game.

Speaker 3:

You know that's just unfair, I think yeah, um, I remember talking to a friend one time what's his name?

Speaker 3:

no, I was talking to a girlfriend but it was about a guy that I was hanging out with and, uh, I remember talking to her and I just remember being like, oh, I don't really know how I feel about him anymore, like I just wasn't into it anymore. And um, she was and I was like, like, look at that guy, like that guy's cute and she was like you know what she was like. The fact that you say that like tells me that you need to break it off. Yeah you should break it off and it's true.

Speaker 2:

What guy was it?

Speaker 3:

it was just a guy from school the college guy we weren't even like. No, we weren't even like anything. We're just kind of talking a little bit. Um, they got you hooked up a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, your head just did like a full 90 degree angle he just came alive what was it that you didn't like about the guy anymore it wasn't didn't like him anymore, it's just I didn't feel it.

Speaker 3:

I didn't feel the spark anymore, like I didn't you know? When you know, you know, sure.

Speaker 2:

So that's it, don't prolong it you should take it for what it was and be like damn, she hooked me up.

Speaker 3:

I'm done I mean did I, did I not?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, we'll see will we we'll out about it later, I know.

Speaker 3:

As soon as I say it, he's going to be like who was he Just kidding? Okay. So I also read a lot about how you should do it. I read on websites call text is okay. I read a few times that in person is how it should always be, but I think it depends on different variables.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely 100%. But if it's like normal, if you guys are cool with each other and you shoot a text like hey, it's not working, that's a fucking asshole move, at least tell them in person so you think in person, then yeah, always not always. If you guys are cool, you know if things are okay between you guys. But if it gets kind of rocky or it's like getting a little weird, if someone's getting a little crazy or something, it's be like, hey, I'm out this bitch, sorry.

Speaker 3:

On to the next you know I'm out of you bitch but yeah, you definitely should, uh and every everything.

Speaker 2:

There's variables, but yeah, if it's okay, you should do it in person yeah.

Speaker 3:

So I have the length of your talking dating matters. As a variable. I also have how far you've gone together, so like sexually or in a relationship, like meeting friends, meeting family, like you know, going over their house. Obviously, if you've gone that far, then you can't just call them or text them like 100. You need a little more, put a little more effort in, okay. Next one is when it happens, you need to be ready to talk to them about it and have them and show them that their feelings are valid.

Speaker 3:

Okay, because people will have a reaction to it, you know 100 they've invested stuff and you gotta be ready to hear it, um, so you don't owe any more explanation or time than you feel like giving. But if the other person expresses different emotions, like sadness or frustration, um, you should be able to let them know that their feelings are valid.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So if you're comfortable with it, even just saying something like I understand how you're feeling, or I understand your disappointment, or yeah, why are you smiling like that?

Speaker 2:

Because that's insane, that's crazy. I never would see myself doing that, but that's true. You should be able to do that.

Speaker 3:

So you think people should do it, but you won't do it.

Speaker 2:

Heck, no, heck no, heck, no, I'm on that fucking 2008 mindset. Just slowly stop talking to them.

Speaker 3:

Don't look at me like that 2008? Okay, Tom.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, I mean, I don't know, maybe now I would tell them that, but I I'm just, I was used to doing that oh sorry not in like a bad way, I'm just I don't know I was scared to. I was a baby, but you should don't, okay. What else should you tell them?

Speaker 3:

go okay. The next thing is to be honest and don't make promises you can't keep yeah so be direct about why you're having this conversation with them, and it's really hard, um, it's really hard for people who are people pleasers, like us. Apparently, I didn't know you were such a people pleaser what do you mean?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

so I didn't know that you were so afraid to talk about your feelings with someone, in fear of that doesn't mean I'm a people pleaser, it's just I'd rather.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I guess I feel weird doing that to someone. It sucks.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so obviously don't be like brutally honest.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Like don't crush.

Speaker 2:

It should be quick, to the point. Hey, this isn't working. Uh, whatever you know, I would. Maybe, if we were dating other people, I would tell them for sure.

Speaker 3:

Next, oh so on, obviously like no, um, we should still be friends or we'll still hang out yeah, that's weird, we'll see each other later. Like none of that. If you don't mean it, if you really won't put the time and effort in. Don't say that. Don't give them false hope. You know.

Speaker 2:

I agree.

Speaker 3:

Okay, last one. If you're letting them go, let them go. Are you reading my computer? I'm I'm listening to you so part of letting someone down easy means having the courage to let them go yeah yeah, um playing games sorry if you hear kids in the back.

Speaker 2:

They're in the room fucking wrestling. Yeah, oh, there's a dog barking.

Speaker 3:

We love that everyone is alive and well the tree's here again oh no, look at this one, um. So don't play any games about staying in contact. Yeah, meeting up or even hooking up, because that'll mess with their head and for sure, even sometimes your own, yeah, yeah I think mess with their head more. But yeah, yeah, definitely more, but if you're trying to let someone go and you're still seeing them, you're a dickhead.

Speaker 2:

That's rude.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, for sure sure You're not giving them their chance to be free.

Speaker 2:

Go, fly, be free Be free.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so here are some things you can say. I really enjoyed meeting you, but I just didn't feel the chemistry I'm looking for. I wish you luck in your search, though my intonation was off.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate you for your time, but I didn't really feel a connection.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for the fun date, but I'm not feeling a romantic connection. Or it was great meeting you, but I don't feel a spark. So a lot of things are honest, like to the point yeah and polite and have, like, a reason for why sure not just like I don't want to see you anymore I definitely think the last two were better than the first ones.

Speaker 2:

You don't want it to be robotic, you want it to be natural, you know I do think the first one is very like.

Speaker 3:

I think you couldn think you couldn't even read it.

Speaker 2:

That's how robotic it was. I really enjoyed meeting you, you almost said fucking bleep, bleep. You almost fucking turned off at the end.

Speaker 3:

I malfunctioned, yeah, but the last two yeah, hey, I'm really not feeling it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I think you're a good friend and that's it, move forward.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

For sure.

Speaker 3:

That's it, so let them down. If you're in this situation, be respectful, let them down Easy, just tell them why and then that's it. Leave it be.

Speaker 2:

Dude dating sucks. Dating fucking sucks, Especially if you're as ugly as me. Dude, if we broke up.

Speaker 3:

Have you tried lately?

Speaker 2:

And I would fucking date someone. Dude, I'd struggle, I'd probably struggle 100%.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I would not date at all.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to. Guys would be fucking flocking to your ass, oh please. I'd have to pull out like dude. I was like I used to be the funniest guy in the world and I think I just have to dig in that treasure chest, you know, dust off the cobwebs, that treasure chest, you know dust off the cobweb. Oh, dig real hard girls, like funny, you know, and I'm naturally okay, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding, I'm just joking. It'd definitely be hard.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, if for me to do we always have this conversation, don't we not? Always we're almost there, hey, when we break up counting down the days. See you on the other side.

Speaker 2:

We don't have a day planner, we do that's not with you, though it'd be hard as fuck.

Speaker 3:

I could never, I'd just be, I'd be like a spinster knitting my, my knitting my knit caps and read my books.

Speaker 2:

I'd be living in my sprinter van playing call of duty and I'd be eating fast food, not thinking about juicing at all I don't think it was every fast food I'd hit all the fucking carl juniors in the united states um. Dating sounds like it's no bueno, especially now we're all old as fuck, you know and if you're not pretty, then it fucking sucks for you more well, there's someone out there for everyone yeah, I mean, I'm speaking on personal experience looks I think you have good looks oh, thanks bud, that's cute.

Speaker 2:

Okay, why is your nose getting bigger? I'm hot, I'm actually really hot, okay.

Speaker 3:

So next is our ask, men, and it is what is an underrated physical feature that makes you go crazy? Do you want to hear them first?

Speaker 2:

or do you want to answer?

Speaker 3:

no, let's hear first, okay, honestly posture for me, oh no and I don't mean necessarily good posture, just different people can pull off different stances, if that makes sense. Someone answered is it actually you're right? This is attractive.

Speaker 2:

I've never thought about this till now I think they're talking about presence, more presence, yeah, like oh, like you walk into a room, you light up the room. That guy's fucking killing it right there. That's not me either.

Speaker 3:

Okay, when a guy reach for something and you can see his muscles along the ribs contracting and shifting, it does stuff to me. I don't know about that. I don't know, I don't. I'm not a big rib person, barbecue or.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, the side of a woman's neck, just where males. Yeah, the side of a woman's neck, just where it meets the shoulder and someone replied are you a vampire, a defined collarbone?

Speaker 2:

I don't care about that no, there are.

Speaker 3:

It's like it's called, like the decolletage nice. It looks very nice. I wouldn't know because I don't have one, but good legs. Maybe it's just me, but that's the first thing I look at. They are my kryptonite. You could be flat chested and have a small bum for all I care, as long as you've got a nice pair of getaway sticks, you've got my attention. For me, two spots the neck and the spot where a woman's ass meets the thigh, the inner part. I don't know why, but I love that spot.

Speaker 2:

The fucking portal of light, the portal of the next universe. When a girl's legs are just together and they have the hole right below the crotch, I don't know. You do know because you have that.

Speaker 3:

I don't look for that I do?

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to jump in that bitch.

Speaker 3:

Like a jumper Large and or distinguished noses. I've always hated noses.

Speaker 2:

Someone said as a girl with a big nose. This makes me so happy. Oh bitch, no one trying to look at your fucking nose dog, this person is? She wrote that shit herself. Why are they the same names? Is this why you're replying to yourself?

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

I'm just kidding.

Speaker 3:

So what's an underrated physical feature that makes you go crazy?

Speaker 2:

I'm really into the back dimples. They're fucking super sexy.

Speaker 3:

Is that underrated? I feel like.

Speaker 2:

It's underrated. No one talks about it. People talk about it, but that's nice.

Speaker 3:

I remember back then People used to get them pierced.

Speaker 2:

That's weird. I've never seen that before.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they used to get like Little dermals in them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. The back dimples are Damn.

Speaker 3:

What about you? You know, you know. Why are you sweating? Because I got hot thinking about it. The back why are both of ours the same? Mine is upper, yours is lower. What about the back? I love a big back. The back why are both of ours the same? Mine is upper, yours is lower. What about the back? I love a big back. Do you really? I really do, dude. I have a gigantic back. I mean hello. Is that why you love me? I love you. Is that why?

Speaker 2:

you get mad at me when I say rub me Because you have to do twice the work.

Speaker 3:

I just want to be on a mire from afar.

Speaker 2:

You have to use two hands at once to rub my whole back that's hilarious that's a good one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's funny well, it'd be cool to hear what other people underrated is the cool part like things you don't think of yeah, for sure I was gonna say the feet, but then I'm like damn, every guy likes feet, pretty much or like freckles. Is that underrated, like I like?

Speaker 2:

yeah, that's underrated. Yeah, that is no one really talks about that hands I love your hands heads and shoulders, knees and toes.

Speaker 2:

Knees and toes I love what your hands can do okay, okay, anyway, and so last it's been a while hot gossip, hot gosling you know we love, we love a hot gosling, we love gossip when it doesn't have to do with us, it doesn't have to do with everybody else okay, joseph Quinn and Doja cat are reportedly dating I have no idea who that guy is remember when the last season came out, doja quinn slid into doja quinn, I mean I don't talk about

Speaker 3:

them a lot doja cat slid into one of the little boys' DMs asking if he had like a social media or something, and then he posted it and she came out and was like he's a snake and they're dating now, they're dating now.

Speaker 2:

So he's not a snake. No, she wanted his snake. She always wanted Joseph's Quentin snake.

Speaker 3:

But he was eddie. I think his name was eddie and what in stranger things. Remember, with the long hair, the metal head, the white guy, the one that spoiler alert if you haven't seen it, don't listen he died. He's the one that died what's her name's brother?

Speaker 2:

no, no the girl who's flying's brother no, that was a different guy.

Speaker 3:

This was the guy who's the metalhead. He ran the like dungeons and dragons um club. He had curly hair.

Speaker 2:

He was this guy, holy shit, this guy, yeah, that guy's not even good looking.

Speaker 3:

Oh, dude, that's crazy he's dating her. So she watched it and, apparently, like d, dmed one of the other cast members.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I remember that, and then there was drama. That was a long time ago, yeah, he showed it, and now apparently they're together. Wait, he died.

Speaker 3:

He died in the end. Remember he was playing the Metallica song.

Speaker 2:

Oh shit, and all the little bat things came and bit him. Dude, I'm sad now. I loved his character he was the best.

Speaker 3:

We all want, the one person, the one person. We always love him he died the brother of the girl who flies up.

Speaker 2:

He died. Then the fucking stoner dude with the long hair. They didn't even invite him to the new season oh, I liked him.

Speaker 3:

I think he plays the same character at every show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that sucks, though. I wish they called him back. He made the the series he made it really good him him and the, the stoner dude yeah, they were the best part yeah, for sure 100 damn, that's crazy.

Speaker 3:

They're dating, so they're dating now. Reported doja cat owes everyone an apology especially that one boy yeah, I agree okay, and the last one is pictures of ben affleck. Oh, actually not the last one. Pictures of ben affleck oh, actually not the last one. Pictures of Ben Affleck have recently come out of him looking very happy retrieving food from his LA rental and everyone's like I've missed that smile. I haven't seen that smile.

Speaker 2:

Dude, if you're Ben Affleck's friend and didn't tell him help him, you're a fucking idiot for dating J-Lo. Then you're not his real friend. I think I did. Everyone knew that was going to happen. Obviously she's fucking delusional from life, thinking that it's 20 years ago and she was this popular.

Speaker 3:

She's still Jenny from the block.

Speaker 2:

She's still drinking her orange drink, she's never from the fucking block.

Speaker 3:

She's still got an orange drink on her that's crazy dude, see it.

Speaker 2:

My favorite is like what's one thing people from new york say? And she looked at the camera and said fuck you gosh what are? You talking about? I heard nobody showed up to her concerts and they dropped the tickets as low as $8 a ticket.

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't go.

Speaker 2:

Dude, she's falsified, she's fake, Fake as fuck. I'm more New Yorker than her. Get the fuck out of here, though. Well, there's reportedly pictures of him without her I've seen a couple, actually he's smiling he was with one was with jennifer garner and they were both like giddy, you know, like little kids, and he's free, hopefully he ends up back with her.

Speaker 3:

Actually. No, she's in a happy relationship now oh good, fuck him.

Speaker 2:

Uh funny story is one of my homies, old homies. He works on appliances. He's been doing it for a long time and he works for a company and they go all over and he knocks on this super big ass fucking house. One day jennifer garner opens up the door. It's her house and her refrigerator.

Speaker 2:

So I'm sure he's working on and he's like dude, she was so nice, she offered me a fucking sandwich and I told or some shit he's working on. And he's like dude, she was so nice, she offered me a fucking sandwich and I told her no, and he's like I regret it till this day. I wish she made me a sandwich she was.

Speaker 3:

She makes like organic purees for babies and I was like what did you fix?

Speaker 2:

or what he's like dude it was like her heart. It was like a fifteen thousand dollar fridge. He's like get a fucking two hundred dollar whirlpool dude. It's better than the one I worked on, but that's cool, huh yeah I mean, I feel like that's what I would expect from jennifer garner yeah, she seems nice. She's a sweet girl, for sure she's 13, going on 30 always.

Speaker 3:

Last thing is I almost said this to you, I think it's old, but I want to talk to you about it asap rocky has refused to hire a babysitter for his kids. He says he didn't wait 35 years to have children just to hire someone to look after them the homies tripping dog.

Speaker 2:

The homies tripping straight up. Hire a nanny bitch, go make new music rihanna make oh no, remake new music?

Speaker 3:

okay. Well, they need a babysitter then? No, because that's him. He wants to take care of them while she is doing her stuff.

Speaker 2:

What's he trying? To be A good dad or something? Come on, get a fucking nanny and go record new music. Both of you. What are you guys doing? Save the fucking world. Do you see where we're at? Yeah, we're struggling out here Fucking. Make some new music.

Speaker 3:

It's. All the world needs is your new music. It's Rihanna.

Speaker 2:

Okay, don't, then I don't give a shit.

Speaker 3:

I said Riri. No, no, no, I said Riri.

Speaker 2:

Raise your babies Happily ever after.

Speaker 3:

Ew Go for it.

Speaker 2:

What do I tell you? I say if we ever have another baby, baby no, we're not starting this I am not raising this next baby. I can't. I'm hiring someone full time to help you raise the baby, but there's no more and I said no more baby raising it was our actions that led to this baby.

Speaker 3:

So if you and we even just had this conversation where I said, hey, I think in a few years you need to get retested to make sure that your vasectomy is still working, you're like no. I'm never going to do that, no, and I said I think you should, because it does fix itself. Things happen where people get vasectomies and all of a sudden their wives get pregnant again.

Speaker 2:

If it happens, it's not my fault, so I'm not doing it, no, no.

Speaker 3:

That's why I said you should go get tested.

Speaker 2:

I did this for a reason, and if it doesn't work, it's not my fault. I'm a victim.

Speaker 3:

That's why I said you should go get retested.

Speaker 2:

I'm a victim. I'm a victim in all this.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to be a victim of something else.

Speaker 2:

You heard it here first. You guys know who who did it turn her in? Yeah j-lo.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, is that it? Yeah, that's it. Good, that's it. I have a headache. I drank fucking 14 beers already today and my head's hurting oh gosh, that's none of our faults it's your fault. You've been offering to bring them all fucking hot oh yeah hate when you offer, because I'm like, damn, that's so hot. She offers me beers. I'm like I have to take them. So now I'm 14 beers in and we're going out tonight and I don't know what's gonna to happen. I don't know what's going to happen?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, maybe I'll be a victim. I can't even speak.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you can't even speak.

Speaker 2:

So let's, oh shit, drop this up, player your eyes are like more than halfway closed. Well, asians have small eyes. What? I'm not saying anything bad. Why are you inhaling like that? The kids are getting rowdy, you hear them over there.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, Where's the dog? He's silent.

Speaker 2:

Dog outside fighting possums and shit. Anyway, we appreciate you guys tuning in. We had some love shown on the last episode and the reel that we posted, which was super dope. We hope to see you from here on out, so we'll catch you on the flip-flop later. Bye. Bye.