Go: A Great Commission Podcast

The Missionary Experience: Parenting on the Field with Jeff & Ingrid Cagwin

Liberty Bible Church Episode 17

The missionary life is rarely a solo endeavor. The calling to serve Christ cross-culturally is a whole-family commitment. But, we often don't think about the role our children have in the mission and the affect that this lifestyle has on parenting. Today we'll be looking to this side of missionary life.

Our guests today are Jeff & Ingrid Cagwin, partners of Liberty Bible Church, who serve as pastors-to-missionaries with ReachGlobal. They live with their four children, Hanna, Peter, Elli, and Juila, in Kandern, Germany.

For more information on the Cagwin's sending mission, ReachGlobal, check out their website at: https://reachglobal.ministries.efca.org.

Go! Podcast is a part of Liberty Bible Church Global ministry. Visit our website at www.findliberty.net.