Go: A Great Commission Podcast

Cultural Values and the Gospel with Matt Henning

Liberty Bible Church Episode 29

Often when we think of culture, the more external aspects come to mind - music, art, types of clothing, life rituals, and the like. But, what frequently goes unnoticed are the more fundamental nuances of culture - the values, priorities, and stories that radically influence the way a group of people see and interact with the world. What are some of those subtle cultural traits and how do they affect the ways missionaries communicate the Gospel?

Today we'll be speaking with Matt Henning. Matt works in ministry in the Chicagoland region and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. In addition to his studies, he brings a wealth of experience in understanding culture having lived and served many years overseas. 


Hofstede's 6 Dimensions of Culture: https://hi.hofstede-insights.com/national-culture

Go! Podcast is a part of Liberty Bible Church Global ministry. Visit our website at www.findliberty.net.