#77: Stop Stressing About Your Teenager’s Homework, Schoolwork and Grades
Speaking of Teens
Speaking of Teens
#77: Stop Stressing About Your Teenager’s Homework, Schoolwork and Grades
Oct 17, 2023
Ann Coleman

Okay, don't say you don't. Well, maybe you don't if you have one of those teenagers you never have to remind about homework or studying because they just love school and love reading and love studying... count yourself lucky! The rest of us out here are worried our unmotivated or uninterested teen will be lucky to get into any college, much less the "college of their dreams" (if they even "dream" about college at all!)

But that worrying and stressing and fussing and punishing - it's not doing you or your teen any good. And there are tons of reasons you should back off. I'm going to give you several today.

 Show Notes and Transcript
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