The TMP Podcast

Resurrection Sunday: The Risen King

The Meeting Place Church

The opening verses of Luke’s account of Resurrection Sunday are full of surprise, astonishment, fear and confusion. There is the shock of the empty tomb. There is  astonishment of the announcement from the angels who proclaim to the women, “He is not here. He is risen.” There is the woman running to tell the others of this good news that Christ is risen. All of this reaches a climax when the Risen King stands among the disciples and proclaims over them, "‘Peace be with you.’ That the first word the disciples hear from the Risen King is “peace”is no accident. Yes, the first word of “peace” calms the disciples fear and confusion but it also says so much more. It says to us that peace and deep shalom of the new creation is now in-breaking within this present broken age because our Risen King has triumph over sin, death, and the grave. His wounds on his hands, feet, and side bear witness to his victory. The prophet Isaiah glimpsed the in-breaking of shalom in the resurrection. Isaiah tells us that our Risen King has “swallowed up death for ever” Our Risen King will “create a new heavens and a new earth” where “no more shall the sound of weeping be heard in it, or the cry of distress.”. This is the announcement of peace & shalom by our Risen King Jesus. And this is the announcement that we bear witness to this day.