The Obsessive Spriggan

The Obsessive Spriggan EP18: Cancel Out All The Noise

April 10, 2023 Bruce Sibanda
The Obsessive Spriggan EP18: Cancel Out All The Noise
The Obsessive Spriggan
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The Obsessive Spriggan
The Obsessive Spriggan EP18: Cancel Out All The Noise
Apr 10, 2023
Bruce Sibanda

In this case it is anything undesired or that interferes with ones focus, and this noise can come from all sorts of sources be it friends, family, environment you name it. Our goal in life is to keep our  eyes on the prize as we navigate the sea of life in the persuit of fulfilment, purpose and success.

My question to you is, do you have the strength of character to blockout the noise?

Show Notes Transcript

In this case it is anything undesired or that interferes with ones focus, and this noise can come from all sorts of sources be it friends, family, environment you name it. Our goal in life is to keep our  eyes on the prize as we navigate the sea of life in the persuit of fulfilment, purpose and success.

My question to you is, do you have the strength of character to blockout the noise?

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening where we're listening from. Welcome to The Obsessive Australian, and I am your host Bruce, aka. Coach Sibs. To our new listeners, welcome. Welcome to the family. Glad to have you, and to Ivid frequent flyers. Welcome back Welcome to a brand new episode. Let's get straight to it like we always do. And today on the podcast we're talking about cancel all the. Right now most people are broke, and I'm not talking about money. We've broken our work, we've broken our health, broken our relationships. Why? Because of the failure to separate or to cancel out all the noise. You have to be determin. To sweat and fight for your dream with everything you have, even your darkest times, you still have to be able to see that glimmer of hope, that light, Canceling all the noise doesn't. Ignore your friends family before people get me wrong. It just means be awake and pay attention to your surroundings. Be awake to notice your surroundings, to notice the things that don't feed into your goals or your plan, and be able to move away from those. And at the same breath, keeping your eyes on the prize. I'll digress for a minute. If you look at a lion or any predator while they're hunting, they have crystal focus on their prey a hundred. They cancel out all other things that can distract them from the goal, because being distracted for even a fraction of a second is the determining factor of whether the predator sleeps hungry or they feed. If you got something you. If you want something, you have to go get it. Mind you, these distractions come in as dark days, rainy days, stormy days, even as sunny days. The problem with us is we get so lost in culture because. Canceling the noise will mean making uncomfortable adjustments, and most of us are not willing to make those adjustments. It takes more than talent or ability, but the strength of character to not want to compromise you. Your dream just because of society or your surround. A lot of people have failed along the way because they felt the compromise was too steep or they couldn't compromise or conform to chasing their dreams while being attached to culture. Stop building your habit of identifying distractions in all their shapes and. You got to let things go. The problem is we don't want to let things go. Let go of the people that hurt you. Let go of the people that walked away from you. Let go of the pain of the process. Let go of the doubt, the fear, the anxiety. Let go of the people in places that have trauma, let go of the PD parties. There is always gotta be something that we need to let go of, and that is your task to find and. There's a saying that goes something like this, energy flows where focus goes. If you focus on all the things around you, your energy will be expanded on all those things before you even get to the prize. By the time you get to the prize, you're out of gas to push because you are exhaust. From focusing on the noise, you win because you are disciplined enough not to get easily distracted. There is a reason why horses on big racing days, they put blinders on horses to eliminate distractions and keep the eyes ahead on the. In a world where noise is all around us, you have to actively filter and cancel it out consistently. It's not a once off thing. No one said it was going to be easy. If it was going to be easy to whole world would've made it. And if you want to make your dream a. Know that the closer you get, the louder the noise gets. Know that no one will do it for you, but you know that wind is win and they're always looking for a way to break through. Through all of that noise. The world will make you feel like you're doing a. Thing or you're a bad person for having that level of focus. Let me tell you something, the world does not owe you understanding. Let me be clear on that. The world does not owe you understanding. Get that through your head. So you have to live your life like you. Your journey is more important than the wilderness looking and drowning at the challenges rather than the process. And that's what makes focusing tough because we focus on the wrong things, like I've said in a previous podcast. Fall in love with your process ahead to your goal. When other people seem like they're having fun, conduct your business and get it done. Like my mom always said, fun will never finish, but your time, your time. Time is not your friend, so make the most of it covering ground towards your goal while you still can. Remember, time is not your friend. Time is not your ally. Make the most of it covering ground towards your. Do everything you can every single day to cancel out one step that takes you closer to your finish line and believe you me, you will live life with no regret because what people regret more. Not being able to live to their fullest potential, not being able to reach their goals. They don't regret not having fun. You can always have fun in any stage of your life, but you will appreciate that fun if you know that you have accomplished what you are set to. So remember, cancel all the noise, the obsessive freegan every Sunday, 10:00 AM Middle Eastern time. Bruce, a k a coach, sibs from me. It's always peace, love, happiness. I'm out.