Go Play in the Dirt

002 | The Ingredient Guru with Mira Dessy

Lauren Bryson, BCHN Season 1 Episode 2

Mira Dessy’s story of discovering holistic nutrition is a tale so familiar to me. It’s a parallel story of going through a health crisis, having doctors over-prescribe medications but never getting the answers to what’s wrong with our bodies—until we personally sought out the solutions and slowly regained our health.

In reclaiming control over her health, Mira understood the impact of food—not only what we eat, but what’s in the food that we eat—on our overall health. And so it has become her mission as the ingredient guru to share what she knows to as many people as possible.

In this Episode You’ll Discover: 

  • The concept of biodiversity and what it means in Mira Dessy’s life
  • How Mira discovered the world of holistic nutrition
  • Supporting gut health using nutrient-dense food
  • Food journaling as a step to support your overall nutrition
  • What ingredients are lurking in our grocery stores
  • Some simple rules in reading & understanding food labels

Go Share These Thoughts:

  • Eventually, I began to learn that food had more of an effect than I’d been led to believe in my life. - Mira Dessy
  • Really fascinating studies show that over the last few decades, the population, in general, has gotten heavier and heavier. It is because we are consuming less and less nutrient-dense food because food producers realized that in order to sell more products, they had to convince us to eat more. - Mira Dessy
  • We've been so indoctrinated into this snacking culture that when we're hungry, we reach for something that fills our belly but doesn't actually nourish our bodies. So if we learn to change that equation, we are actually changing our microbiome and improving our gut health and digestive status. - Mira Dessy

About Mira Dessy:

Mira Dessy is The Ingredient Guru – an author, speaker, Holistic Nutritionist, and Real Food Advocate. She emphasizes the importance of a healthy lifestyle by using real, nutrient-dense food.


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The Go Play in the Dirt Podcast is for educational & entertainment purposes only and not intended to be medical advice. The Go Play in the Dirt Podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of disease. If you have questions about a medical condition, please see your physician or other qualified health provider.