Alchemy Mindset with Anna Hastie

(#42) Guest interview with Emily Robinson from the IPIK Project

November 27, 2023 Anna Hastie Season 1 Episode 42
(#42) Guest interview with Emily Robinson from the IPIK Project
Alchemy Mindset with Anna Hastie
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Alchemy Mindset with Anna Hastie
(#42) Guest interview with Emily Robinson from the IPIK Project
Nov 27, 2023 Season 1 Episode 42
Anna Hastie

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You know when you meet someone for the first time and it just clicks and you think ooohh you are one of my people.  That's exactly how I felt when I met Emily Robinson for the first time.

This episode is laced with so much intuitive wisdom and guidance, that no matter if you are a parent, caregiver or business owner, I know you will find some amazing gold nuggets in our conversation.

Emily Robinson is the founder of 'Intuitive Parents-Intuitive Kids' (IPIK). She is a mother of three children, a qualified academic teacher, energy healer and shamanic creator.

After nearly burning herself out and being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, she changed her life and her family’s life completely. With over 15 years’ experience in the holistic healing and self-development space, she helps parents and their kids work through difficult relationships, heal inner trauma and access their inner voice; their intuition.

Follow Emily and the IPIK-community at

or join her free Facebook group at

In this episode Emily and I get busy talking about:

  • Returning to your sense of purpose through your intuition and being an intuitive parent
  • The juggling act of parenting and business
  • Tapping into your intuitive knowledge of the answer and how you can create your reality
  • How business and parenting can trigger you to do the inner work.
  • The mission children have on this planet right now.
  • How she started IPIK - project.

Get ready for a fabulous conversation with Emily Robinson.

Now let’s begin!

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🎧 iTunes Listeners - Please leave a 5 ⭐ Review on Apple so that this podcast can reach more people and I can keep the good stuff rolling.

I acknowledge & pay my respects to the Traditional owners, the Yawuru People of the land and waters of Rubibi (Broome) where this Podcast is recorded, and all Aboriginal Elders, past, present & emerging.

Podcast Produced by Livvi Music Media

Show Notes Transcript

Like what you heard? Send me a message & tell me what you loved about this episode!

You know when you meet someone for the first time and it just clicks and you think ooohh you are one of my people.  That's exactly how I felt when I met Emily Robinson for the first time.

This episode is laced with so much intuitive wisdom and guidance, that no matter if you are a parent, caregiver or business owner, I know you will find some amazing gold nuggets in our conversation.

Emily Robinson is the founder of 'Intuitive Parents-Intuitive Kids' (IPIK). She is a mother of three children, a qualified academic teacher, energy healer and shamanic creator.

After nearly burning herself out and being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, she changed her life and her family’s life completely. With over 15 years’ experience in the holistic healing and self-development space, she helps parents and their kids work through difficult relationships, heal inner trauma and access their inner voice; their intuition.

Follow Emily and the IPIK-community at

or join her free Facebook group at

In this episode Emily and I get busy talking about:

  • Returning to your sense of purpose through your intuition and being an intuitive parent
  • The juggling act of parenting and business
  • Tapping into your intuitive knowledge of the answer and how you can create your reality
  • How business and parenting can trigger you to do the inner work.
  • The mission children have on this planet right now.
  • How she started IPIK - project.

Get ready for a fabulous conversation with Emily Robinson.

Now let’s begin!

📆FREE Business Mindset Subliminal Meditation📆

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🤸‍♀️ Connect with me!


Instagram @annfhastie

Facebook @annfhastie


🎧Spotify Listeners - Tap "Follow" to get a friendly reminder when a new episode is released & leave a comment as to what you loved the most! Rate ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

🎧 iTunes Listeners - Please leave a 5 ⭐ Review on Apple so that this podcast can reach more people and I can keep the good stuff rolling.

I acknowledge & pay my respects to the Traditional owners, the Yawuru People of the land and waters of Rubibi (Broome) where this Podcast is recorded, and all Aboriginal Elders, past, present & emerging.

Podcast Produced by Livvi Music Media

We're constantly doing trade offs. And we've been taught to think this way, that when we sacrifice one thing, it will benefit something else. And that's just a lie. I really don't believe that anymore. Hello, hello, and welcome to Alchemy Mindset. I'm your host, Anna Hasty, business mindset coach for women and a sound healer. If you are ready to become the most aligned, magnetic, and confident business woman, you are worthy and deserving of being, then this show is for you. This is where I share everything from mindset, energy and spirituality and how to embody your future self in business and life. Sprinkle that with deeply relaxing sound healings and meditations and you have the Alchemy Mindset podcast. Hit subscribe. So you always get the latest episode. Now, let's begin. Hello, welcome, welcome, welcome, dear listener to this fantastic, fabulous and insightful episode of the Alchemy Mindset podcast. I honestly had to re record this introduction. Just to do this episode, some true and proper heartfelt justice. When I finished recording this interview, I was on such an energetic high. This conversation I had with my guest was really so amazing. And I just felt like my initial recording of the introduction, I was just babbling. I was just like, Oh my God. I was like, okay, stop, Anna. Let's start again. Just breathe. So I'm recording this introduction for the second time, and it's my pleasure to introduce to you Emily Robinson. Now, Emily reached out to me when she was traveling through Broome. She's currently traveling around Australia in her bus with her hubby and three kids. And as she came through Broome, she was like, oh, hey. Can I be on your show? And when you meet someone for the very first time and it just clicks and you think to yourself, Ooh, you are one of my people, well, Emily is definitely one of mine and I'm hopefully one of hers. And in this episode. You will be dishearing so much intuitive wisdom and guidance, which is laced all the way through. And I believe that no matter if you are a parent or a caregiver, a business owner, I just know you will find some amazing gold nuggets in our conversation. So first of all, let me introduce you to Emily. She is the founder of intuitive parents, intuitive kids. She's a mother of three, as I said before, a qualified, a qualified academic teacher, energy healer, and shamanic creator. After nearly burning herself out and being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, she changed her life and her family's life completely. With over 15 years experience in the holistic healing and self development space, she has helped parents and their kids work through difficult relationships, heal inner trauma and access their inner voice. And their intuition. And of course you can follow Emily and the IPIK community, and I'll have all those links in the show notes below. In this episode, Emily and I get busy talking a lot about your intuition and the importance of being an intuitive parent to support the mission these children have on the planet right now. Of course, we talk about how she started IPIK and as well as a lot of great wisdom around what it means to be Returning to your intuition, the act of juggling parenting and business and how your business as well as parenting can actually be the trigger for you to do your inner work right now. In all honesty, I will definitely have Emily back because even after I stopped recording this episode, the next conversation she and I had. Was just solid gold, all about business and mindset, and it, we went deep and it was great. So I will definitely have Emily back again, but for now, I'm sure you'll enjoy this first conversation I have with Emily. So sit back, relax, grab a beverage of choice. Put those little earpods in. Now let's begin. Hello, hello. Welcome, Emily. Welcome to Alchemy Mindset. What's really exciting today is, you are actually my first in person podcast. We're actually sitting on the couch in my guest room at my house. Emily has been traveling around Australia for the last, what, over a year now with your family and a big massive bus. We've just been talking about this and I'm like, Oh my gosh, it speaks my language. Traveling, buses, family, amazing. And yeah, and here you are in Broome. And we're having this amazing conversation today. Welcome. Thank you so much. It's amazing to be here and connecting with a like minded soul. Yes. Yes. I feel like we've already got a lot of in common, not only just business wise and being like energy healers and helping people tap into their intuition, etc. But the fact that you had met them, we've just Briefly talking about traveling and all the things that come up when you run into the mix of traveling and I was like, oh, yeah I started traveling like 2005 and you're like, yeah me too. Oh my goodness. Oh, wow. So good. It's amazing So, please start by just introducing yourself Emily Tell us a little bit about your story and how you've come into this moment and time here in Broome as you are How long have we got? Um, okay As long as you need So I'm Emily Robinson, founder of Intuitive Parents Intuitive Kids, and truly my life is an evolution, like an intuitive evolution, just taking baby step after baby step following these nudges. But it began back in the UK, so I'm actually from the UK, and I had a really stressful job working as a lecturer for a university and a college over there. I was also running an animal healing business at the time, and I had my son. So I was juggling having my own business, trying to manage my work at the college and the university, having a newborn, and I basically hit burnout. I hit a point where I just... Physically could not keep going and the end result of that was that I had a really rare form of cancer and It was just a massive shock. Like I had no warning. No, I was just given a phone call You have to come to hospital tomorrow to start chemo. Wow. Yeah, it was huge and there was only actually two hospitals in the entire country that would deal with this particular form of cancer. And so it was just, everything stopped. The whole world just stopped because we were supposed to be flying to Australia to visit my husband's family. So my husband is Australian and yeah, we couldn't go. And I was like, what about our trip? And they're like, that is the last of your worries. Oh my goodness. And so it was just huge. I had my chemo and I was really fortunate. I recovered fully. And that was the moment that we decided we were going to leave the UK and emigrate to Australia. So I've been over here now for 10 years. I've got two more children. So I have two daughters as well as my son. So I've got three beautiful kids. And I think that change and moving into, we actually moved into outback Queensland to this tiny little town in the middle of nowhere. And it just had so much space to suddenly Dive deeper into myself, even though I was already healing and I was already In that energy space, I really hadn't listened to my intuition. I really hadn't taken on board how much stress and pressure I was putting myself under. And I was really running those matrix programs of control and validation and needing to strive and push and hustle. Yeah, and the end result was burnout. Just so grateful for that experience. It sounds weird, but I'm like, I am so grateful that happened because we probably wouldn't be here now. Yep. So that was a huge part of my journey. And then moving into such a small community... As the children started to get older, and particularly my oldest, we met other homeschooling families. And so this was like the next intuitive nudge and step into building intuitive parents, intuitive kids, because we moved into becoming a homeschooling family. So I've been homeschooling now for six years. And that, again, was one of those moments of, Oh my God, I don't think I can do that. What if we fail? What if we don't keep up with the system? And over these six years, I have unhooked and unplugged so many patterns about what it means to be... In today's education system and coming from the academic system myself, if you'd asked me 10 years ago, I would have said, Oh, my children will go to private school and they'll all be grade A students because that's what I was like. And so I think just that entire reprogramming of myself initially, then reprogramming my expectations with how my children were going to grow up, it really led me to this passion. about helping other families to become more intuitive and trust their gut. And yeah, now we actually, a year ago, sold our property, so now we're homeless as well. So we live full time on the road. And yeah, it was another piece of the puzzle that intuitively, about three years ago, we had this idea, this vision, that we were going to do this. And it took us about 18 months to actually go from the idea to it being a reality. And yeah, it's just every single step of that journey has led us to where we are now. Um, and yeah, now we are traveling full time, just tripping around, doing our thing. That's incredible. What an amazing story to, to go from like that, it would have been like less than 24 hours that your world just turned upside down when you're in the UK, to suddenly, to then... Healing through that then deciding now we can go to Australia. This is where we are Go from hectic busy UK because I've lived there for a year. My mom's from the UK So I've experienced being in England and the UK in general but going from the busyness of it to the small remote town In somewhere in what was it Queensland? Yeah. Yeah. Wow. That would have been a big contrast all in itself So I can only imagine there was like again Those shifts and changes from being in one's environment to another. I'm guessing that you were prepared for it in some shape or form. It wasn't like, oh, we're just gonna, we'll just land here and see what happens. It was like, no, we're actually going there, we're planning this. My husband, yeah, my husband had a job there. He actually left three months before me. So he was there and he was actually thinking I was going to turn up and hate it. He was like, Oh my God. She's going to arrive and I mean, we had no shop, no supermarket, nearest supermarket was 40 minute drive. No other town within half an hour drive and you just drive on a straight road with nothing. I mean, you'd know that living out here. And so coming from, like you said, a really Suburban area in the UK. Yeah, where a 40 minute drive you've passed through so many towns and cities all in 40 minutes, right? Yeah, exactly. So true. Yeah, but it was I actually found it really liberating because I think I shed the story of keeping up Because I had no one to keep up with. Yeah. And I, I realized when I got there, I was like, I could be anybody. Yeah. People could say, Who are you and what do you do? And I could say, I'm an actress. Or, I'm an astronaut. Yeah. That's what, that's what. No one knew me. Yeah. So it was almost like, Having a clean slate, and I just, I really, one of my biggest fears actually about going out there was being really isolated, especially with my work, because it can be quite isolating when you're working in a spiritual capacity, and I had a really good network of healers and friends and therapists around me in the UK, especially having the cancer. Obviously I was having a lot of different therapies and treatments. And so it really forced me to actually have to do my own inner work. And I didn't have a choice. There wasn't therapists there that I could actually rely on. And so I had to start building this inner relationship with myself. And like I said, truly, it was the best thing that ever happened. And even building a relationship with my son, because prior to that. So Tom was three when we moved, and obviously those first three years I was just busy, working, pushing, hustling, running the business, plus working, plus trying to look after him, but truly he was pushed from pillar to post, looked after by my parents, going to a childminder. And when we moved into Australia, I was a mum. Yeah. And people actually said to me, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? You're going to be so bored. And I was like, no, I absolutely loved it, but I just hadn't given myself permission to be a mum. And so, yeah, it was just such a revolution in my experience and my growth, which you could never have foreseen. And we only moved there because of Chris's job. And then we stayed for nine years. That's a bit like me being here. There's actually one thing I want to add. Yes, being here. I've been here. I was going to stay one year in Broome and I haven't left. This is my 10th year of being here. Oh goodness. Who would have said if I bought a house, got married and had a kid here, I would not have known that version of myself back in year one. But it's really interesting. You said there that you were just looking forward to being a mum. And that was okay for you? Whereas, did you feel like other people were like, Oh, you're going to be okay just being a mum? Was there any sort of, let's say in air quotes here, judgement or thoughts as to how you would be? Because I've had these conversations come up recently. With some mom friends that were all in that first year of being a mom. And there's that question of, and I often feel as well. Is it okay? Just being a mom diverting all my attention, just having my attention for my child, that's okay. Yet I often feel that pull of society. I often feel that pull from within myself that I should still be doing more. I should still be working like that word should, we love that word. I must, or I should, or I can still work on my business, but. That's that really hard push pull, like what's, what was your experience going from, like you said, the UK where you were in that hustle burnout, like you were heading towards burnout, but hustle busyness, juggling all the balls to landing yourself in Australia and then being like, Oh, I've got space to just be a mum. And yeah. Yeah. I think there's a few things in that. One is that for me, particularly. It was a blessing. I think the universe really pushed me to that point. Like it was like I needed that and I think my friends just had never ever seen me not do. They'd never seen me sit around and be this like relaxed person that did nothing. They're like, you're not gonna cope with that. So I think their judgment was purely based on what they knew of me and to be true to myself. I probably had that fear myself. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do there? And actually it was the opposite. So I surprised myself. So I think for me it was a necessary Opening to just soften into what it meant to be a mum. But I think more about the question of Society conditions us as mums. We're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't. If you're a breastfeeding mum, that's great. You should also give them a bottle. So if you want to go back to work, your child can do both. But if you don't breastfeed, then that's also not right. Because now you're not It's just everything about it, it's just if you do one thing it's wrong, if you do the other thing it's wrong. It's what is the right thing as a mum? And I think there's a lot of people that see being a mum as if you're a stay at home mum, now you're not contributing and we can lose our sense of purpose in terms of becoming a mum and then feeling, but what's my role or what do I want to do? And I think trying to balance that is. Intuitive parenting. Yeah. That is, is exactly what we're meant to find out. It's how we find the balance for ourselves and it's going to look different for every single mum out there because your truth is different to my truth and if there are mums that are listening to this that feel that sense of guilt around running a business and also trying to be a mum, I can wholly relate to this because being a homeschooling mum, I probably haven't been without my children for Probably most of the ten years, maybe the first year or two before my daughter was born. Tom did do a couple of days at, um, the preschool. Yeah. So I had some time without a child. But then from the moment my daughter was born, I had obviously a baby, like, and then a toddler. And then Tom started homeschooling. And so I have literally had a child with me for that entire time. And obviously I've been running the business, this is the fifth year. It, trying to juggle those two things together, not feel guilty if I'm doing things for the business and then the children want my attention and trying to hold a space for all of it is definitely an art. But something somebody said to me once, which I just was like, oh my god, that hit home so much. Being a shamanic creator and really using the energy of the earth and really Coming from that place of knowing that everything is connected We were talking about the spider's web and she said to me if you look at a spider's web It has all these different compartments And we look at our life as if everything is a compartment. Well, there's me as the mum, there's me as running my business, there's me as a wife, there's me as a friend. And we have all these different parts. And she said, but the spider doesn't treat the web as separate. And she said, when you're giving your attention to your children, you're building your business. When you're giving your attention to your business, you're supporting your children. When you're looking after your kids, you're actually building a relationship with your husband. It's just not a tangible direct link, but the energy that you're giving is to the whole web. Yep. And it just made me stop treating my life as a trade off, like a sacrifice. I'm giving my attention to my children. That means my business is suffering. And I was like, no, it's not. It's actually growing because of this love that I'm building with my kids. And it changed my whole perspective around how I could be showing up in all aspects of what I do from a place of Full capacity to love and give and be in that highest energy that I have Knowing that in doing that I'm actually Yeah. Yeah. That's such a brilliant way to describe it. I'm actually visualizing this spider web, very nice looking spider web by the way, not like the creepy one I was running into in the bush the other day, but yeah, but actually seeing, as you said, and everything feeds into it in some way, shape or form, because at the end of the day, we're the centerpiece and we're the spider. So we're creating our web as well. Yeah, and if you, if a fly lands on that web on one side, you're going to feel it on the other side. So for us to think that giving to our children is taking something away from our business or if we're trying to Build our business that our relationship with our partner is suffering. It's we're creating that Compartmentalization we're creating that separation and we know in the energy world that really we're here to hold polarity To balance that energy for me that really cleared up a lot of the mum guilt around trying to do different things and learning to really tap into Our own intuitive knowing, of what's right for me, and not measuring that against anybody else. And that's just something we learn in The Matrix, that we will compete, and there is the comparisonitis, you know, disease, that we all suffer with sometimes. And really feeling like we're not... Measuring up and that is such a mom thing and I think it's a business thing to absolutely and that gets painted so much through what I see through the coaching industry where coaches are helping their clients to get out of like you said that comparison itis and we get We see that so much, as I said, like it gets painted so much through social media because that's one of the forms of being able to see what somebody else is doing within their business. And particularly if, if you have a shop, a brick and mortar, like a shop front business, maybe you just walk past other businesses, but in the social media or the online space, you can walk through many businesses. It's all in the same niche as your own and then come out the other side and be like, I'm not as good as that person or that person's getting better than me or actually I'm actually better than that person. Cause let's face it, sometimes we do compare ourselves in terms of like how greater are we than another person. Yeah. I feel like one thing you said there and I just, it took me a while just in that this time that you've just explained it, the energy that you have. Towards one aspect of what we're doing in life, how it feeds into the other aspect. It is that, isn't it? It's that ripple out effect, isn't it? Yeah, absolutely. And it feeds everything. What we do feeds, if, I can't describe it now because now I've just understood it. And now I'm like, I don't have words to understand that, but it's so true. It's what I often say to clients, like you may be healing or working on yourself right now. It has that ripple out effect into those around you as well. So what you work on helps shift and change your vibration. Bye. People will also feel that and also benefit from what you're shifting and changing within yourself, but when we're working I guess When we're, like you said, we're in our spider web, like you said, one, if we could imagine like the spider web is like shooting energy through its little layers of the web, we're shifting and changing something within ourselves. It is having that filter out effect, isn't it? Yeah, I think we are really conditioned to believe in the concepts of sacrifice. That when we do one thing, we have to sacrifice something else. I can't have... A really incredible business and be an amazing mom because it's not possible because I have to give time to this and I don't have time for that and I think one of the biggest mindset shifts I ever had was moving away from. The either or approach and then to the both and yeah, it's always a both and yeah, you can have both things at the same time. You can be an incredible mom and run a really successful business. And I think for me that mindset shift, yes, it's still come with strategy changes and pivots and you try something, it doesn't quite work or you notice that it's really out of balance and you have to readjust. But truthfully, I have got the both out, and it's not even two things. I'm also living a life on the road with my family, living my best life, and running a successful business, and calling three kids, and looking after the dog, and planning our trip, and all these things. And I think we are so limited sometimes by these constructs that shut us down. And having that vision of the web, it's like, yeah, you can make every single compartment on that web. A success. It can grow, it can be so exponentially expansive, because you are the spider in the middle, you create it how you want it. And it doesn't have to be a massive web either, like when we look at a spider web, like obviously in pictures it can be like a massive huge thing, what if it only had like two layers, two rows or three whatever segments? Isn't that an incredible web, but it's the more you speak about this and I know this what you're speaking and in the energy You've got in this words. It will translate to people I can see it now and it's what you said we've been put in a construct that this is the either or not them both and this to me comes back also to that work that world of manifestation and abundance that you can actually If you can visualize yourself and tap into that part of you or that person, that version of you who is in that in both world, she's great. Mom, she's present with the kids. She has a thriving, successful business. She's on the road traveling with the dog and the cat and the kids and the van and everything else. And. Or whatever the version of, as a listener, your, you see yourself and you deeply desire and want it to be, it is, you can have that within your spiderweb. Yeah, absolutely. Is that, is that right? Yeah, of course. And I think there are three things that I talk about a lot, the three P's I call them, that really make this happen. Because I think there's also a lot of spiritual bypassing that happens around manifesting and the concept of mindset. And it's really important that we internalize and use our intuitive knowing to discern between our ego, trying to make desires and goals that we're going to have these 10 K months in our business or be seven figure business owners or whatever it is. And it really comes down to three key things. The first thing is presence. Like, we have to be present. If we are in hustle, in push, in this place where we're not actually truly aligned with ourselves. Then we're actually never going to create those desires, we're not going to be able to manifest because we're out of our energy, we're out of our integrity, we're out of our authentic self. Yep, yep, yep, yep. So being present as a mum, as a business owner, as a wife, as a friend, as a daughter, wherever we're at in our life is the key to everything and that's really where your intuition starts to come into its own because it's not a gift, it's, everyone is intuitive, we just have to learn to. Practice that tool and when we get present, it can be as simple as taking a deep breath every day, waking up in the morning, doing some journaling or doing some yoga or dancing or sound healing or I don't care, like anything that shifts your vibration into a place of being in the now, opening your heart and really listening to your own body. And that's really all intuition is. Yeah. So presence is the first P. The second P is prioritize. So what happens so, so often, and you've mentioned it already, is that whether you're a parent, whether you're a business owner, you will prioritize things that actually are not moving the needle and moving you closer to your dream. What we do is we orientate towards fear. We orientate towards the things that are going to actually... Keep us in those shoulds, what you should be doing, so we feel like we're doing the right thing and we're, we're fitting in the boxes. It takes a lot, it takes a lot of courage and a lot of bravery to really show up from a place of your true authentic expression because it isn't going to fit in the box. No. It's always going to go against the grain. The second P is prioritize because you have to choose. You have to make conscious choices about... What is a priority? If your priority is to be an incredible mom and build an amazing business, then doing the laundry pile and worrying about whether you folded the washing in the right way is... It's not a priority, it's not important. And you can end up falling into the trap of maybe trying every single business strategy out there and tying yourself in knots because you've given your power away to a particular idea that you think you should be doing. And so what happens is you're prioritizing the wrong things, you're actually prioritizing things external to self. You've forgotten to listen to your intuition. You've forgotten to come back to your presence, what you know to be true. And so prioritizing gives us the path. And the obstacle will be the path. The fear will be the path. I can guarantee that the one thing you don't want to do is the one thing that should be on the top of that priority list. So that's the second P. And the third P is Participate. What I see happening all the time, and obviously for me, it's generally with mums, where they tell me how they want their life to be, and this incredible lifestyle that they want with their kids, and then I say to them, this is amazing, this is possible, what's going wrong? And what's not happening is they're not participating. They're not actually taking action. They're telling me the things. They're saying, I want to do this, but I can't because. And then I've got this entire list of the reasons why they're not doing it. And I'm like, manifesting is not about visualization and holding a dream and a vision. It's part of it. But the true manifesting comes when you take the steps. Yes, absolutely, 100%. You can't get anywhere no matter what the journey is, whether it's physical or manifested. Like you can't get into the car and go I'm gonna go to the shops and just sit in the car. Yeah. The car ain't gonna take you there. You actually have to drive the car. Not, we don't have cars that take us there yet. But it's this, yeah, and absolutely in manifesting it's the same. You have to take the action. Like you said, follow those intuitive nudges and hints and inspiration. Even if it's batshit scary like it can be really frightening. Some of the things that we feel like are taking us out of the norm, taking us out of like how we've been, how people have perceived us or seen us, how we've felt it's been in our comfort zone. But taking that step is the first part in reaching that. Desire, intention, goal of having that life, whatever it may be, that you want. Yeah, absolutely. And I think the other piece that kind of comes tacked on the end of that is That you have to, at some level, have faith and trust. Oh, I love that word, trust. I love it. It keeps coming back in my life. Yeah, same as me. I'm like, it's an ongoing practice. This isn't something we just wake up and go, oh, I can do it. It's all just easy. It's no, I'm always practicing. How can I trust more? How can I release that control and be in a space? But the truth is we don't need to know the whole journey. We don't need to know how we get from A to Z. We just need to know what A to B is. Yes. And that is just an intuitive. Nudge. It's just what feels like the next right thing to do. Let's just do the one thing. And we get caught up in, yeah, but I haven't done this and that. And again, that's the prioritizing. We're prioritizing all the things we should have done or the fear of the future. But in the past, this happened. So now I'm projecting that onto what's going to happen. Whereas when we come back to presence, when we just come back and go, oh, that's right. It's just the now. And I just get to make a decision right now from this place, that's it. And every time you do that, trusting that you're going to get closer and closer to that end goal, that's how you build an empire. Yeah, absolutely. That's how you create an amazing relationship with your family. Yes, absolutely. And I feel like everything you've just spoken to, I feel honestly this is stuff that I've been meditating on, reflecting on over the last... I would say six months of having Ava in my life. Like, she just turned one, and the first six months were just amazing. But then there was that moment where I'm like, Maybe I should go back into do... Should? Maybe should? I'm gonna go back and do soundbars. And then from that moment on, it was like, Okay, I'm putting myself back into work. And all of that, like, the frustration, the to ing and fro ing, the see sawing of, is this right? Is this wrong? Should I be doing this? Should I be doing that? Should I be even further along? I'm not like that person. All of those... Great old conversations I've had in my head has made me come back and realize actually no. My journey with my business is my journey with my business and it will unfold and move forwards in the way it's meant to, just as my life and my relationship with Ava will unfold and move forwards as it's meant to as well. Like there, like you said, it's not that they have to be separate, they are intertwined obviously, but. And having that realization of this is okay, whichever way it comes out, it's okay. And I don't have to do it all now. It doesn't have to be all now. It can be that gradual process and coming back to like strategy or following what someone says that we could potentially do should do. Oh, I seriously reckon should be erased from the dictionary. Oh, I've really thought about that. It's for me, I've had this realization and just chatting to one of my business friends the other day. It was like. What if I'm seeing all these ways of doing and running business and strategies and blah blah blah blah, but that's okay But I don't need to actually do them and I just need to hone in on what is right for me Yeah, absolutely. And I think that applies to being a mum. It applies to how we show up in the world and I really believe that when we really connect more deeply with our own intuition. We trust ourselves and we trust our higher self, not the ego mind that tells us all the shoulds and have tos. And when we're in that play, the clarity is there. It's just that our ego wants to have a plan, because that feels safe. That's normal. Our nervous system wants to feel safe. It wants to feel like it knows the next step. But truthfully, no exponential growth happens with guarantees. No, there is no, you are not going to have a huge, massive shift in your life if you're looking for something that is risk free. Yeah. And that's not how it works. And when we learn to lean in more to trust, and we learn to lean in more to what is right for us as the individual self. And as a mum, this actually becomes quite tricky when... I've got three children, so I'm holding a space for three children that are very different. My youngest actually has special needs. So I've got one that requires a lot of attention and special kind of coercing into doing things in a really beautiful way. And then I also am holding the dad space when Chris is away working because he's not there all the time as well. Then I'm trying to hold that. And then I also hold space for his feelings when he gets back and he's stressed out. And what becomes really tricky is trying to navigate and hold a space for your family, because we can hold a space for ourselves. We can be like, I know what I'm doing. This was my bright idea to move into a motor home and travel around. And when I first actually mentioned this to my husband, he actually looked at me and was like, we can't just be gypsies. That just isn't a lifestyle that we can do. In his head, this was not a reality. Yeah. It was very resistant and very, that is not normal. People will judge us. He was in that place where I was like, I couldn't care less what people think. I'd already worked through my stuff to be like, whatever. Yeah. But his reaction was very, to shut it down. This is not a thing. It was already borderline with homeschoolings. And interestingly, someone has to be the leader in the family. And as a mum, very often it is, we feel that sense of why does it? It always have to be me. Yeah, I can relate to that. It's 100%. And that feeling of, I'm so sick of holding a space for everybody in this family. But, that is the truth. Somebody in the unit has to be the empowered leader, has to be the spider, has to be the one that is like, I am going to make a choice here and hold an open space for everybody to also have their intuitive Feelings on the table. And that's where things can get tricky, because as the mum, or as our own individual self, even if it's a dad, we might know what we want, but that might not fit. I've got my eldest, who initially didn't want to do the trip, because he wants to go to high school. So he's been homeschooling for six years, and I'm like, mate, really? Of all the times you decide, he's had the choice every year. Yeah. And now he's like, I want to go to school. And I was like, oh, how am I going to navigate this? But actually being able to hold a space. So this is where truly being an intuitive parent comes into play. Because no decision is going to serve everybody in your family. You're all different. You're all an individual. There is never a right or wrong. This comes back to polarity. It comes back to our spiritual practices of knowing that there is a season for everything. We don't feel great every single day. We have our menstrual cycles where we always go through a sticky part of the month where our husbands are like, What is wrong with you? You're possessed! Yes, I know. And it actually, funny story, just side tangent, but in our group the other day, somebody asked this question about what would your kids do? It's three words your kids would say about you and I was like, I'm going to ask my kids. And this morning my daughter said, kind, loving and happy. And I was like, God, that's so nice. I asked my son and he said, do you know what he said? Kind, a good teacher, emotional. I was like, thanks for your honesty, Tom. And I was like, that is true. That is true. I am really emotional. I'm a Pisces son and so I have a lot of capacity for emotion. But I think. He wasn't saying that as a bad thing. It was just a neutral experience. That's life. And because we've spent so much time... Talking about emotion, expressing it, being so open in the family to discuss what does everybody need today? What does everybody want today? How can we navigate this as a team, as a family? It's like taking all those compartments and bits on the web and saying... Let's make a conversation about this. And we do that in ourselves. We can talk to our parts. We've got like our little teenager part and our inner child that's like, I am not doing this thing! I do not want to be seen on social media! Yeah, exactly. And it's like there's this reconciliation process of... Opening communication with our parts, opening communication with the parts of our lives, the business, our mum's self, our wife's self. And then we have to also open conversations with our family. And this is where truly being an intuitive parent comes into play. Because when you're in your energy, when you can feel and hold different vibrations and be able to accommodate. All the seasons at once. There's no right or wrong. There literally is never a right or wrong. That's just a made up construct, again, that we have imprinted on us. It's black or white. What if it's not? No, exactly. Big melting pot, really. Yeah, that's really interesting. I love that way, how that you've described coming back to yourself to navigate all the intuitive wisdom that was presented in your family and how to navigate and hold that as well. Yeah, and I think as as parents most of us have been You know, parented by our parents in a very authoritarian fashion. Very much, we tell you to do something, you will go do the thing. And feelings are not really something that are held truly. They might pay attention if you're upset, but it was very much, you'll be fine, or... Let's find a solution. My husband does that a lot. I'm like, just try just to listen, just hold his face. That's all we need. He's like, yeah, but let me just tell them what to do next to fix it. And I'm like, they don't want you to, they just want you to hold them in the emotion, that's it. But because we don't have those skills, it's. It's really silly of us to actually self blame, to fall into the trap of feeling guilty that we're not doing something right. How would we know how to parent this way? How would we actually have these skills if we didn't learn them? We all learn through observation, and I think for me, this is... Why Intuitive Parents, Intuitive Kids is more than just a business, it's a movement because my vision really is for parents to realize that as we shift these really small pieces of ourselves, they're really just narratives. Once we start to flow more with being able to hold feelings, I've had to learn that. I started off as a screaming, smacking mum that felt horrendous every time I would lose it. And then dived into mindfulness and still couldn't hold it together. And until I started doing the inner work, and really channeling those higher vibration codes, that's when it shifted. Because now, the way I show up, my energy, how I show up, how I'm being, how I'm relating with my children, It's natural, not trying to teach them anything, they just show up and it's unbeating them from that empowered space. And so when we start to do that, that's when we really are being intuitive. We really are holding that space of being able to know that, yeah, it doesn't matter what happens today because none of it's right or wrong. And it's just that beautiful evolution. And the more times that we do this, our children are going to have these skills. Maybe not all of them. Still going to take on patterns. They came here to learn like we did. They're human. They wanted their challenges. Yes. They chose us. That's another thing. They chose us. They chose this family. They chose their siblings. They chose this entire situation. And so they are now learning to do things differently and then they're going to pass on. That knowledge to their children like you said at the beginning. It's a ripple effect and so truly the more that we lean into being intuitive to coming back to ourselves and not giving our power away to Whether it's business stuff or mum's stuff or yes use your mentors As a place to learn and grow, but come back to yourself and go, what does that mean for me? Yeah. What resonates with me and my truth? Yes. And you take all those little nuggets of gold and all that wisdom, and then you co create your own business strategy, your own way of showing up. And that's what you were saying about seeing all the different things people are doing. It's what's right for me. Yeah. That's it. What's right for me? Yeah, exactly. And it's okay, like you said, you can take those little gold nuggets from all different mentors or whoever you've worked with or peers, other family members, friends. You can take all those things that you do and put them into your own blend of this is right for me. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that... That idea that as we are, you know, evolving ourselves, I know for me that my business journey has been such a journey of personal growth. I didn't go into business thinking, Oh, I'm going to come out a completely different person. But as I have worked through all of these different pieces of business, it has like my entire self has been rewritten through that experience. Don't you believe that? That's one thing I felt like. With me starting a business, again, first of all, it was like the scariest thing I could ever possibly think of. It's so uncertain, wouldn't you say? Being in business is not guaranteed for yourself. Working for someone is. You can, you rock up, you get, do the thing, do the work, you get paid, you go home, it's great. But being, working for yourself is so uncertain, but... Hold on now, I've had my brain glitch. That's the mum brain. That's what I said, my brain's just glitched. It's the mum brain. I know, she goes on a bit of a roll here. And now I've interrupted you two. Oh, bless. What were you saying? You were saying that... Oh, yeah, that's what I truly believe. For me personally, like, my journey into energy healing, spirituality, learning all the things that makes me... Anna has come through work, comes through doing the work that I do, but has evolved even more since I started working for myself. And the stuff that I have. Realized, unraveled, healed, worked through, all that things, celebrated, we're going to stick that in there as well, let's celebrate, it's not all drudgery and hard work, yeah, but all, all of that has come through, I feel, from working in my business, and then it's had that ripple effect, yeah, in learning how to navigate relationships, and, Things that I've learned and been able to do has helped me work through my relationship with my mum and strengthen my relationship with Francois and healed things that I know have been passed down through generations that will affect Ava. I truly believe that when you work for yourself be prepared. Yeah, absolutely. To have a great time. It's not that scary but it is one aspect of the work that you were destined to do here in this time as yourself as you've incarnated is like you've The business is the one that's come through to help you learn and shift and change and grow. Yeah, and I think again depending on the person They, like I know, I have mums that come to me and say, one, normally one of their children in particular is that catalyst for them. It's the same thing, like another compartment on the web, but it's that one child that is just pushing their buttons relentlessly and they're like, I actually can't cope with them and so I've had to change myself. I've had to do something in order to be able to hold a space for this. Wow. And initially it begins by, and I think, again, it relates to business. We think, oh, I'll get the strategy, I'll get the tool and the thing, and I'll go fix that bit. Whether it's the business or the child, I'll find the solution that will help their behavior. I'll do the course that says, in three days, your child will stop having toddler tantrums. You buy into these things. Storylines because they seem like they're going to give you the answer but the truth is the answer is always within yourself and for some people it's a child or the family dynamic that pushes them to that absolute limit where they have to dig deeper. For some, it's the business. I feel like I've done all of it and maybe it will swing and Ava will become the one. I think 100 percent I've seen, um, I often say to friends, Ava is probably going to be my little lesson in life as well at some point. Yeah. And I think for any parent who is on a spiritual journey, these. This is what I've been seeing in my work is the children coming in now are so high vibrational. They will not stick to the rules. They are extremely strong headed. A lot of kids now are being diagnosed with things like ADHD or autism, or they just don't fit in the box. And as Starseeds, these children are here. Their journey and their mission is to get parents to level up. It's see your shit and deal with it. This is what I am here for. I will continue to push every button that's on the table until you deal with your anger, you deal with your grief, you deal with feeling rejected, your isolation, your self worth issues, the list just goes on and on. Because truthfully, the planet is shifting and we have to shift. So they've come in with this job to actually Ascent. Make us move and change. And even the trip, to a certain extent, was another piece of the puzzle for me. The business has been a huge one. The children, especially my youngest, like I said, with her special needs. And then doing the trip. That was another piece of the puzzle. I think I said to you at the beginning, just, control, like having to let go of control. It is impossible to control anything when you are on the road full time. Yes. And so having, again, it's like a spiritual evolution. I feel like my entire life is a constant, I'm learning something. And I really see that as... It's being an intuitive being. This is how we're supposed to live. This is shamanic creation. It's living in relationship with your life on a daily basis, knowing that every single feedback that you get It's for you. Yes. It's not happening to you. You're not a victim. It's happening for you to learn something and to grow and to pivot and to change and evolve on your journey. Yeah. So whether that's your business, your kids, your situation, whether you want to homeschool or anything that you want to do, every single opportunity is there for you to shift and raise your vibration and actually Do the inner work. Yep. Yeah, absolutely. I agree with that. I want to know and I'm sure the listeners are very curious How did how did intuitive parents and intuitive kids? So it really did start because I chose to homeschool Tom and when I took him out, the reason I did that was because I was seeing, he was only in his second year of school and what I started to see was that he was tired when he came home, he was really disconnected. So that relationship I had spent like three or four years building since we lived in Australia suddenly started to deteriorate because he didn't have the space to have I don't have such deep conversations anymore and I felt like my connection with him was getting disjointed. Yeah. And the other thing that I saw was he was extremely bright and he had no resilience. So when something was hard, he would just say, I'm not doing it. I can't do it. And I'm like, you can, you're really clever. And we started doing a lot of growth mindset work and it was just really interesting. He was a tick the box kid because he knew the answer. So tell the answer. And that was it. I'm done. They'd say, write a story, an A4 page. He'd write an A4 page. I hadn't finished the story. He's like, I've done the page. You asked for one page. And they're like, yeah, but Tom, you could write two pages or three pages or five. Because he's like, no. You asked me to write one, I've done it. Next thing. And I just saw this whole relationship starting to embed with this idea that if I just tick boxes, I'll get through and it will be easy and... Yeah. And so I, it was his choice to, to start homeschooling. But what I wanted to do was to not just teach the main subjects. I wanted to teach, I wanted to bring in energy work into the teaching. So for him, that became normal. So instead of teaching things like, I don't know, we did the human body. It's, oh, you have five senses. I didn't teach him that. I taught him you've got six or more senses. So he, in his head, that is normal. That you don't just have five, you have six, because you have your intuition. So he learnt things about his body that other kids wouldn't learn, that to them is not normal, because they were conditioned with a different narrative. To him, he knows he has an aura, he knows he has a chakra system, he knows there are meridians in his body, because to me, I didn't understand why he would leave that out. But it's scientific. It's a fact. We can measure this stuff now. And, let's face it, you go to a yoga class, everybody's talking about a Chakra. Yeah. Even if you're not, even if it's the first class you've ever been to and you're not familiar with it, you soon will be. Yeah. Really? It was just the whole idea that this, almost the education system is missing half the book. It's like we're only teaching half of it. Mmm. And I was like, I don't want him to learn that. I want him to learn the full story or what, what I know at this point. And so that was where it began and I started to create. You know, different programs and different tools and do my own research and that led me to write a program called the high five to happiness, which was basically these five key pillars that I felt were the five things you really need to build that loving connection and a really happy family life. And it was just mindful awareness. Emotional resilience, building self confidence, gratitude and self love, and then how to manifest goals. And I felt that those five things were... If you could really embed those five concepts as a family, that would actually allow the whole family unit to evolve and grow together in a really intuitive way. And so I did that, and then I started... I was still working as a healer at that point, and I started channeling light codes and doing a lot more high vibrational work and shamanic work. One thing led to another, and I just started to completely shift my healing work away from just doing kind of energy healing, one off sessions, into packages and seeing how When people really committed to the journey, their transformation was incred like, it just blew my mind. I was like, wow, we set an intention and for three months we worked together and the outcome was just incredible. Rather than people just showing up for a session. Yeah, yeah. And what I started to see was that even though I had the tools, even though I was teaching the tools and showing Tom how to be more mindful and trying to do that for myself, that it wasn't completely resonating because I still needed to shift my inner story. And Intuitive Parents, Intuitive Kids was born out of marrying these things together. Instead of just saying to people, here's a strategy, here's all the tools and the activities and meditations for your kids and mindfulness exercises. Here's that and here's the actual work. This is the deeper spiritual work you need to do so that you as the parent raise your vibration. To be able to show up in a different way. And that completely changed the way that parents were able to relate. To their kids. And what was so interesting and fascinating was that when they started doing that in a work, Their kids behavior just changed on its own. Yeah, wow. They didn't do anything and they're like, you would not believe it. I had my session last night. This morning I got up and they just, there was no bickering. There was no, and I'm like, because the energy shifted and it's this spider's web. Yep, yep. And I just, the more, obviously it's an evolution, the more you start doing it, the more people come back and say, What just happened? What just happened? I've got this child that was a screaming mess that is now actually coming to me saying, Oh, can I have a hug? And parents were just like, this, something is happening. And it's because we're now focused on energy, vibration and resonance, not just on the strategy and the mindfulness. And so I think it really was just a natural evolution from my own experience and everything I teach and still teach to this day is. What is happening in my life? It's what I am doing, what I'm learning, what's happening with my kids. Even the days where I still have a meltdown, I'm able to show up and say, guys, this is normal. Let's not expect ourselves to be perfect parents. There is no such thing. Let's just be present and realize that we're going to have days where we don't have the resilience and we lose it and we shout and then we feel bad and then we're able to recultivate that feeling of empowered leadership. And have a conversation with our kids about it and say, look, this happened because, and apologize, but really teach them about how to navigate difficult experiences and challenges in life. And that truthfully is what the intuitive parenting journey is. It's knowing that you're going to have good days, you're going to have bad days, and that we don't need to judge ourselves. We just need to be open enough to realize that's just energy moving through. And it's all okay. Oh, that's such, that's such a great. Wow. Can I say like download that you had? Not really a download, but it was through your experiences that's led you to this journey to, let's just say it's a journey that you've been on that's led you to this moment in time and now witnessing and seeing how much this is helping other parents, which again, coming back to what you said, these children that are coming into this time, you. and place and how they're actually here to shift and change the planet. It's almost like sometimes I feel like we're like, Oh, they're here to shift and change the planet. We'll just let them go figure it out and we'll just sit here and watch when in actual fact they're turning around and looking at us and saying we're helping and shifting and changing you first because it still has to have that ripple effect some in some direction, doesn't it? And it's not necessary. They're just coming back to mirror us, not mirror us, but it is a mirror. It actually is. The whole thing is a mirror. Every single thing you are seeing outside of yourself is a reflection of what is going on internally. So when parents are saying, my kids are not listening. I am so sick of repeating myself. I'm like, okay, and what are you not listening to? Are you listening to them? Are you actually, truly? Taking that time to be present, to listen, or are you saying to them, Yeah, carry on, I'm just cooking dinner, I'm just doing this at the same time, I'll be there in a minute. Yeah, carry on, I'm listening. It's like you're not listening. And so then when we're expecting them to listen, it's like that's a mirror. They're just showing you where you're not listening. And it could be... You're not listening to yourself. It could be on the inside that you're not acknowledging your intuition. You're not listening to what's really important to you. So every single thing that they are showing you in some way, shape or form is a reflection of something within us because we're all connected. And so when we start to then even have that realization, when I do the star seed activation sessions for Children, What that does is gives the parent a download about their child, that brings understanding, that it just opens their heart. They're like, oh my god, I can't believe that... What they saw was this child that was being naughty, disrespectful, was like a tornado, ripping their house apart, but they had no understanding of why or what was happening. And then when you channel that information in and you get to say to them, look, the reason they're doing this is because they are so high vibrational and this is their journey, their mission in life is blah blah blah. The parent then, Their whole energy changes because that knowledge, it is a light code that is downloaded for them. It's like, wow, that just opened a piece of my heart that I now have capacity to hold that child in a different way. Yeah. But it was nothing. What did we do? What we did was tap into the energy. We had a conversation. The conversation opened these thoughts and processes and their intuitive knowledge started dropping in. And that's the magic and the power of co creation. Yeah. Cause it's. You know it's just a conversation. Yeah, but it literally can change your entire life and your kids lives when you start to see that. And I'm just saying like my heart is so full and so full of love just hearing all of this because I Don't really have any words, but just so much like emotion for this like it's such a powerful work that you're doing That is so powerful and so like it is, wait for the plane. It's a really heartfelt moment. I just feel like it's really special work. It's really special work that you're doing But it's the needed work that has to happen now. Yeah. Yeah. And the effect that this is going to have for these children, and for us in our generation, and beyond, it's just going to be incredible. Yeah. And I think, Yeah. when I first started Intuitive Parents, Intuitive Kids, Actually, the download for that came when my youngest daughter was born, the one I was saying has these very quirky energy imprints. Yes. And I had no idea, but I would wake up obviously in the middle of the night to feed and various things and I would just, I had this notepad by the side of my bed, it was just a scrap paper and I would just write all these ideas and Intuitive Parents, Intuitive Kids was In the, in these notes and the idea of the high five was in these notes and I had about 10 pages of just Scribble in the middle of the night, like it was over months. And when I look back, oh, I've got goosebumps . When I look back on that now I'm like, that was just divine downloads coming in that I just didn't realize. And when I look back now thinking that was 10, 10 years ago, we moved and then. The way everything is worked out, like it's all perfect, it's all divine, it was all meant to be this way. But truly, I don't see Intuitive Parents, Intuitive Kids as a business, I see it as a movement. Yes. And as a... 100%. It's just, it has its own life and its own mission. Yes. Because I believe so strongly in the mission and trust that it was just downloaded to me that we would do this work with families and... Seeing the benefit that it has it's just it just blows your mind because it's not me It's not like I created all these things, no, I just channeled the things and then share the things and I just, and I love supporting people to learn and grow and I'm a teacher. It's my job. I was a teacher. I'm still a teacher. Yeah. I just teach something different. Yeah. So yeah, I'm so glad that it resonates and it hits that point of me as a mum and a business like just, yeah, I hope it, I really hope it inspires some of the listeners to be gentle with themselves and to realize that. We've all got this. Yep. We've all got this. It is in there. Yeah. It's all within us. And sometimes it's like you saying, maybe it's just being in your program, in your community, for just a small amount of time. And then you realize, you're like, Oh, now I remember. And Oh, now it's opened up that thing or, Oh, now I have a better understanding because sometimes it's just that in behind us, isn't it? It's like, we don't understand why, but we know it's in there. It's there. We just can't quite unlock that door for it to all just rush in a way and help us understand. And then when you, when we sometimes do take that step towards understanding, we're not ignoring it or the ignoring is suddenly got so loud that like you said, the kid is just telling you, mom, you're not listening to me, you're not tuning in mom, you're not tuning in. Yeah. Or dad or whoever is when they do, when that happens. Yeah, and if I look back, that's what happened when I had the cancer. It was like I was not listening. I actually had gallstones before that. About four months later. Five months before several times and then had to have my gallbladder out and it was like that poke and I just wasn't getting it. And at the time I was still working as a healer, but I was so in the story and still stuck in that matrix that I didn't have the space or the capacity to see it. And I think. You're absolutely right, if we often take the opportunities, or the little gentle prods that the universe is giving us. Just those little steps of, oh, here's a little person that popped up on your social media today, and you're like, oh, that's interesting. It might not be that you buy from them, or it might just be one thing that they say that acts like a code, a light code, that just drops in, and you're like, wow. That's incredible like that just and I feel like for me that is my life now Every single thing that happens is there's something in it. Like I see something we went to the pearl farm. Oh great Yeah, it was amazing. I loved it But I didn't know that pearls were, I knew that they, in the natural environment, made the pearl with bits of sand and grit that got inside the oyster. I didn't know how they did it, but I knew that's where it came from. But at the pearl farm, for the listeners, if they don't know anything about pearls, they actually embed a piece of mussel shell, like a seed, inside the oyster. And the oyster thinks, oh, it's a foreign object, and it surrounds it with this liquid called nacre. That turns into the pearl and I was like, wow, this is so amazing. The kids loved it. And we came home and I had this entire download about, this is like us, we have all these stories in us about how we're not good enough about why we're not measuring up about all the shoulds that we have to do. And I was like, isn't that just like. The Muscle Shell. It's just a matrix program that we've been embedded with. Yes. And what if we just loved it so much? What if we smothered that story with so much love and just so much beautiful high vibration energy? That's the Pearl of Wisdom. Every single thing that we see as a challenge is actually the Pearl. Yep. And we know that in our heads. And I have had that experience so many times where people say to me, I know that. I've heard that before. I already know that. But now, I feel it. Now it's embodied in me. I'm like, oh my god, yeah. And that's the codes dropping. That's having those ah ha moments where you're like, moved from the place of... I know that in my head to actually feeling it in your body where you're like, yeah, my whole body knows this now. Yeah. Yeah. That's incredible. Yeah. It isn't it? Yeah. Amazing. I just, before we finish up, I just want to tap into quickly because my business also focuses on mindset within running a business. Were there any mindset challenges or hurdles that you came up when you were starting? Intuitive parents, intuitive kids. Oh my goodness, so many, but I think, again, as you navigate and move through it, a lot of people now often say to me, where do I begin starting a business? And I'm like, oh my God, I literally don't even know where to help you because there are so many things, like, to, I don't know how I did it, I just, it's taken me five years and I'm just... Still learning and still growing, but I think one of the key pieces that, apart from the idea of sacrifice and the both ands that we talked about at the beginning, one of the other really important things that I have learnt through the business and through life and through taking these huge quantum leaps, moving from the UK to Australia was a massive thing. decision, the same as homeschooling, the same as doing this trip, the same as starting the business and investing in high ticket mentorship. Those decisions came with a lot of fear. And when we go back to those three P's, presence, prioritise, participation, the fear stuff has been such a game changer for me in my mindset. Knowing that fear is my friend, fear is actually showing me the path. The obstacle is the path. What we tend to do is see the obstacle and be like, Oh, my intuition's telling me this isn't the right thing. It's spiritual bypassing. We're actually... Giving ourselves a reason not to do what we truly want to do because we're using the idea that our intuition is off or something isn't quite right. Yes. No, that's fear. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. And there is a difference and it's subtle. We have to be able to really be in tune with ourselves and have developed that relationship with ourselves to know when we're doing that. Sometimes we don't see it. I've done that many times too and made decisions and thought, Oh, that wasn't what I was meant to do, was it? Six months down the line and you're like, Bah! But I think really learning that we can walk with fear, that fear is actually helping us and not something that we need to back away from. That when it feels hard, it's not hard. It's just new because our brain is conditioned. Those neural pathways are laid down. To only do life in a particular way that keeps us safe. Yeah. So of course, when we start talking about entrepreneurship or being a mum, or homeschooling, or leaving, selling your home and travelling. Of course your nervous system is going to go into fight or flight, of course fear is going to come up. And when we start to welcome that and go, Yay, more fear! Woohoo! Doesn't always feel like that. But it's that feeling of realizing that we can walk with that experience. And both and. I can be in fear and I can still do it. I can feel like I'm falling apart on the inside and still be successful. I can have this really emotional day and still be a great mum. Whereas, what we tend to do is to fall into the fear trap, to shut ourselves down, to guilt ourselves that we're not doing, not being a good mum today because I'm sad. For me, I celebrate that. I'm like, what's the difference between happy and sad? They're just two different emotions. And I get to have both. And I get to share that with my children, so that's normal. And actually allowing ourselves to hold a mindset where fear is our friend. And the more we lean into it, the greater the expansion on the other side. The more we pull away, the more we orientate towards what we don't want. And so that for me, in the business, in motherhood, in life, has just been the absolute game changer. Because when the fear comes up now, I just go, huh, okay. Let me just sit. Let me breathe. Let me be present. Let me prioritize. Is this what I'm meant to be doing? And then let me take action. And it could be anything. It could be showing up on social media to do something that feels uncomfortable, or, and it could be things that I've actually spent months Saying, I hate doing, or I don't want to do that, or that is not what I'm supposed to do. And then it comes up again and again and again, and it's like, maybe I am meant to do that. I've just been, you know, myself this story. And when I actually lean in and do it, within such a short space of time, it becomes normal. Yeah. So I think, yeah, that feeling of knowing that the fear is there to help you, it's like an indicator. It's like, this is the right path. As opposed to thinking, I've got to move away from that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's such a good lesson. And such a good, if we want to nutshell it, it's like a tip, but it's not really, but it's such a good reminder for people listening who are in business that if you are coming up against those, what you feel like challenges or not necessarily roadblocks, but challenges or hurdles or resistance. Fear of doing something like you said take a moment to pause see what's happening inside sit with it But know that often that is the way forwards. Yeah, the obstacle is the path. Yeah every time Yeah, every time the biggest the thing you're most resistant to is nearly always the thing you're meant to be doing Yeah, but it's that trust again Love that word trust. I love it. I love that word trust amazing Emily, thank you so much for being on the Alchemy Mindset podcast. This has been like, such a brilliant conversation. I'm so glad that divine, wondrous events and synchronicities have enabled us to connect today and be here. How can people get in contact with you can get know more about the intuitive parent and intuitive kids project? How can they do that? Yeah, amazing. Thank you as well for having me. It's been so good. And yeah, it's always nice to meet like minded souls intuitive parents intuitive kids. We have a Free Facebook group called the Quantum Parenting Collective for Intuitive Mums. So that is a free space that anybody can join. Lots of content in their audios videos. I pop in there pretty regularly to share different things that's happening behind the scenes. And then we also have the paid membership space, the IPIK Academy, which is where you can work with me. More closely and actually get mentoring and support and where you can access some of those programs that I was talking about You know a vault or a VIP membership as well. All information is on the website www. ipikproject. com Excellent, and I will put all that detail in the show notes as I'm always I'm pointing and indicating downwards But yeah, thank you so much I am so happy that we were able to connect today and that we're able to do this in person. How cool. And I just hope you've had such a wonderful time up here in the Kimberley and in Broome and happy travels wherever you may be going to next. Thank you. Yeah. It's been amazing. And yeah, so grateful that the universe brings us together in these ways. I know. So good. Excellent. Thank you. Thanks. Lovely. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening to today's episode. Please rate and review this podcast so that it can continue to thrive and reach more listeners. I love to know who my listeners are. So please screenshot this episode and tag me on Instagram at Anna F. Hastie. And I look forward to connecting with you in the next episode.