Walk Talks With Matt McMillen

10 Unbiblical Catholic Practices (Part 1) (7-14-24)

Matt McMillen Episode 255

Topics: Catholic, Catholicism, Eucharist, Communion, Trapped in Catholicism, Pagan Christianity, A Church Building Every Half Mile, Bitter and Angry Apologists, Are Catholics Christians, Denominations Don’t Determine Salvation, Neither Catholic Nor Protestant, The New Creation in Christ, Literally Consume Jesus, Body and Blood, Paganism and Magic, Originated in Rome Influenced By Many Greek Gods, The Word Catholic Means Universal, John 6, Eat My Flesh Drink My Blood, Comparing Himself to Manna, Manna Sent From Heaven for Life and So Was Jesus, The Flesh Counts For Nothing, Life is In His Words, Acts 1, He Literally Ascended, Ritual of Man Officiating Began with Church Fathers, Flour and Water From Factory, Wine From Factory, Eucharist Not in the Bible, Repeatedly Crucifying Jesus, Romans 6, Death No Longer Has Mastery Over Him, The Life He Lives He Lives Forever, Sacrificed Once For Sins, Hebrews 10:10, Hebrews 1:3, Eucharist Ignored Finality of the Cross, It Is Finished, John 19:30, Communion Not a Sacrament but a Full Meal, The Love Feast, The Agape, 1 Corinthians 11, Feast to Love Others and Remember What Jesus Has Done, Not Remember Our Sins, Hebrews 7:25, He Always Lives, Authority to Forgive Sins, John 20, If You Forgive Anyone’s Sins, Disciples Were Not Priests, Fishermen Tax Collector and Treasurer, Disciples Were Jewish and Went to the Temple for Forgiveness Where the Priests Were, They Knew Blood Forgives, They Weren’t Forgiving and Shedding Animal Blood at That Same Time, Hebrews 9:22, Without Shedding of Blood No Forgiveness, Old Covenant Still in Effect, Same Message I Tell People, Your Sins Have Been Forgiven For His Name’s Sake, Forgiveness Through Confession, 1 John 1:9, Surrounding Context of 1 John, Jesus Didn’t Come in the Flesh, Sin Not a Real Thing, We Touched Him, If We Say We Have No Sin, Confess Means to Agree With, All Means All, John was a Jew Who Received Forgiveness Only by Blood, Jesus Isn’t repeatedly Dying Each Confession, What About Sins You Forget About, Peter Was Original Pope, Apostolic Succession, Cyprian of Carthage, Pope Means Father, Call No Man Father, Matthew 23, Pontifex Maximus, Peter Was a Fisherman, We Are All Members of a Royal Priesthood, Matthew 16, Peter is the Rock, The Gospel is the Rock, Peter Denied Jesus, Jesus Called Peter Satan, Peter Cursed the Girl Out, Peter Tried to Stop the Crucifixion, Peter Wouldn’t Eat with the Gentiles, Galatians 2, Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphire, Lying About Money Is Sin, Peter Not the Original Pope or Rock, Church Fathers, Tradition of Men, Jesus and Paul Warned Against Tradition, Call No Man Father, Paul Referred to As Father in Philippians 2 and 1 Corinthians 4, Disciples and Apostles Were Not Church Fathers, No Such Thing as Church Fathers, Old Doesn’t Equal Truth, Judaism is 3500 Years Old, Islam is 1400 Years Old, Church Father’s Struggled With Error, All Scripture is God-Breathed, Letters Left Out of Canon for a Reason

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