Walk Talks With Matt McMillen

What Does the Bible Say About Sermons? (8-18-24)

Matt McMillen Episode 260

Topics: Sermons, Preaching, Romans 10:14-15, How Will They Call on Him In Whom They’ve Not Believed, In Whom They’ve Never Heard About, How Will they Hear Without Preaching, How Beautiful Are the Feet of Those Who Preach the Gospel, Pastor Preaching Sermon, Pastor Isn’t in Romans, Gatherings Isn’t in Romans, Preach Means to Speak, Romans 10 Is About Unbelieving Jews, Needed to Hear About Jesus, Someone Giving Sermons Because It Says Preach, What Does Preach Mean If Not Sermon, To Speak, Not One Time Do We See Pastors Preach in the Bible Nor Give a Sermon, The Word Sermon Not in the Bible, Sermon on the Mount, Sermons Common Because of Tsunami-Like Force of Man-Made Tradition, Jesus and Paul Warned Against Tradition of Men, Only Follow Traditions From Us, 2 Thessalonians 2:15, Following Tradition of Church Fathers and Reformers, Can’t Know Anything About God Without Sermon, Remove Sermons and Church Is a Bunch Singing and Money Collecting, Even All the Chairs are Pointed Toward the Man Giving Oration, Error Practiced for Half a Millennium, “Best Part” of Church Service, Subjective Monologue Which Inspires or Scares, Sermons Why Most Christians Go to Church, People Think Sermons Are What The Sinners Need to Hear to Get Straightened Out, What If Sermons Never Mentions the Gospel, Judge Church Service by How Sermon Went, Sermon Was Great, Sermon Convicted Me Of My Sin, Sermon Wasn’t For Me, Didn’t Get Anything Out of the Sermon, Can’t Know Anything About God Without Hearing Weekly Monologue, Preaching and Teaching in Bible but Not Sermons, Preaching and Teaching Always About Jesus and the Gospel, Women and Donkeys Speak More than Pastors in Scripture, Men and Women Preach, Early Church Fathers and Reformers Said Women Must Shut Up and are not Valuable, Preaching in Bible Always Addressing Circumstances, Interjection Was Always Involved, Jesus Never Gave Sermons but Preached Informally, Apostles Preached in Acts but Was Sporadic and Never Called Sermon, They Didn’t Preach Sermons at the Temple but Evangelized the Unbelieving Jews, Apostles Invited to Speak but Interjection Happened not a Sermon, Interactions Responses and Dialogue, Dialogical not Monological, 2 Timothy 4:2, Preach the Word, Timothy Not Pastor Preaching Sermons From His Bible at Church, Everyday Life Not Gatherings, Timothy Not Pastor but Evangelist, 2 Timothy 4:5, Imma Preach the Word While Holding Bible, The Word Wasn’t the Bible, Logon, That Which is Said, What Was Said was the Gospel, Always Be Ready to Speak about Jesus to Jews and Greeks, In Season and Out of Season, Preach the Word as a Sermon Began With Reformers, Sermons Have No Biblical Foundation, Began Hundred of Years Before Jesus, Became Common in 2nd Century, Solidified by the Fourth With Constantine, Greek Thing Not Christian Thing, Greek Philosophers Named Sophists, Orations for Pay and Prestige, Eloquent Monologues, Sophists Were Seen the same as Movie Stars Entertainers and Athletes, Sermons Gave Them Fame and Fortune, They’d Wear Special Clothing to Stand Out, Sophists Had Celebrity Status, Give Sermons and Certain Time and Place for Pay, Sermons About Emotionalism and Eloquence, Sophists Immortalized Through Statues, Applauding Began With Sophists, This Style Known as Homiletics, Where We Get the Homily From, Many Early Church Fathers Were Sophists, Cyprian of Carthage Augustine and Chrysostom, Sermon Means Deceitful Argument, Sophist Where We Get the Word Sophisticated, The Early Church Never Gave Sermons, Speaking Was Always Conversational, 1 Corinthians 11-14 Explains Our Gatherings, Sermo

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