Walk Talks With Matt McMillen

5 Lies About Working Out Your Salvation (9-22-24)

Matt McMillen Episode 264

Topics: Philippians 2:12, Work Out Your Salvation, Fear and Trembling, Philippians 2:13, Philippians 2:1-18, Work for Your Salvation, God Who Works In You, To Will and To Act to Fulfill His Good Purpose, Encouraging Philippians to Love One Another, Philippians Written Approx AD 60, Paul Was Imprisoned by Rome, Express Christ Amongst Themselves in Greek Community, Work God Out Through Your Hands Feet and Mouth, Bear Fruit of the Spirit, Faith Without Works Is Dead, James 2:26, It Is By Grace Through Faith You’re Saved Not Of Yourself, Ephesians 2:8-9, Made Alive In Christ, It Is By Grace You Were Saved, Ephesians 2:5, Because of God’s Great Love for Us, If It’s Based on Grace it Cannot Be Based on Works, Romans 11:6, To the One Who Does Not Work But Believes, Romans 4:5, Working to Stay Saved Means You’re Working For Something You Didn’t Work for to Begin With, When Did James Write His Letter?, Who Did James Write His Letter to?, One of First Epistles Written, To the 12 Tribes, Council of Jerusalem, Acts 15, “Decision” to Allow Gentiles to Believe, James Pushing in Parts of the Law, Peter Opposed James, James Is “Someone Else’s Mail”, Leave In Bible But Read the Same as Sermon on the Mount, Belief is Good but You Need Works to Complete It is Anti-Christ, Paul Wrote Ephesians, Romans, and Galatians to Combat What James Wrote, James Listed as Part of the Party of Circumcision in Galatians, James Called Believing Pharisee in Acts, Appeared as Angel of Light to Corinthians, Lawless One Might be James, Law Not For the Righteous, Early Church Had to Mature Out of Law Observance Just Like Us, Hebrews 8:13, Changed Behavior Does Not Work Out Salvation, Unbelievers Change Their Behavior All the Time, Unbelievers Go to Church Believing They Are Working Out Salvation, Jesus Said Carry Your Cross, Nobody Carried a Cross, Simon of Cyrene, Only Jesus Carried Cross, Impossible Statements Meant to get Listener to Trust Him Instead, With Man This is Impossible but All Things Are possible With God, Some Apostles Died on Cross by Man, Not By God, Jesus Said He Came to Give Life Not Death, Cost of Being a Disciple, Luke 14, Count the Cost, You Can’t Afford It, Trust The Delegation Party Instead, Jesus is the Delegation Party, Living In Sin, Sinning Doesn’t Cause You to Live in Sin, You Live in Sin if you Live in Adam, You Live in Righteousness if You Live in Christ, Living In Christ and Sinning, Living in Adam and Sinning, Romans 6:2, How Can We Who’ve Died to Sin Live in It?, Rhetorical Question, How Can We Who’ve Trusted in Jesus Go to Hell?, Not a Possibility, Sinning Less is Not the Goal, One Sin Would Require Death, Romans 6:23, Jesus Won’t Die Again, “How Can We?”, We Can’t, We’ve Died to Sin and Been Set Free From It, Romans 6:6-7, Old Self Was Crucified, You’re Sinning While You Live In Christ Not Living in Sin, Context of Philippians 2, In Your Relationships With One Another Have Same Mindset as Jesus Christ, Philippians 2:5, Fear and Trembling is Reverence and Awe, You Have the God of the Universe in You, Not Fear and Trembling Based on Punishment Because Jesus Was Already Punished

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