The Monumental Project

The Richmond Episode

The Monuments Toolkit

While there are countless examples of controversial monuments around the country, very few have garnered the attention that Richmond has created with Monument Avenue, a fourteen-block-long, tree-lined residential boulevard cutting across central Richmond

The reason for its controversy? Well for over 100 years, the street was riddled with Confederate monuments. Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Matthew Fontaine, J.E.B Stuart and of course Robert E Lee would stand tall, looking down on the citizens of Richmond with no realistic removal plan in site.

All that drastically changed when George Floyd and Breonna Taylor passed away. After days of heated protests, By July of 2020 many of the monuments were torn down and removed. To many this seems like an open-and-shut case of activism doing its part, but a deeper look reveals more to the story than people may think. 

Today The Monumental Project sits down with Richmond historian Lexi Cleveland, photojournalist Regina Boone, and Richmond-based entrepreneur Devon Henry on their experiences during the downfall of Monument Avenue.


This is the Richmond Story. This is The Monumental Project.