Create The Best Me

Vibrant 50s: Midlife Health, Menopause & Wellness Tips

January 04, 2024 Carmen Hecox Episode 45
Vibrant 50s: Midlife Health, Menopause & Wellness Tips
Create The Best Me
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Create The Best Me
Vibrant 50s: Midlife Health, Menopause & Wellness Tips
Jan 04, 2024 Episode 45
Carmen Hecox

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Explore menopause and wellness tips for an enriched midlife journey. Gain insights into managing menopause, adapting to metabolism changes, and fostering overall well-being after 50.


  • Understanding Our Bodies After 50
  • Understanding Menopause
  • Metabolism and Nutrition
  • Bone, Muscle, and Skin Health
  • Proactive Health Strategies for Women Over 50
  • Importance of Regular Check-ups and Screenings
  • Proactive Health Strategies: Upgrading Your Health Toolkit
  • Mental and Emotional Well-being
  • Celebrating Midlife


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Next Week's Teaser:

Don't miss next week's episode featuring special guest Kathie Owen, a certified fitness trainer and life coach specializing in fitness for older adults. Kathie will share essential fitness tips for midlife, helping you navigate this transformative phase with vitality and strength. Stay tuned for valuable insights and guidance!

📕 Resources:


Related Podcast:

📺 Watch this video: Midlife Mastery: The Power of Self-Care

Midlife Women: Embracing Change & Staying Healthy

How to Thrive Through Midlife Changes



#MidlifeHealth #MenopauseTips #WellnessOver50 #MetabolismMidlife #PositiveAging #HealthStrategies50Plus #EmotionalWellbeing #CelebratingMidlife #NutritionAfter50 #AgingGracefully

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Explore menopause and wellness tips for an enriched midlife journey. Gain insights into managing menopause, adapting to metabolism changes, and fostering overall well-being after 50.


  • Understanding Our Bodies After 50
  • Understanding Menopause
  • Metabolism and Nutrition
  • Bone, Muscle, and Skin Health
  • Proactive Health Strategies for Women Over 50
  • Importance of Regular Check-ups and Screenings
  • Proactive Health Strategies: Upgrading Your Health Toolkit
  • Mental and Emotional Well-being
  • Celebrating Midlife


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Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon for notifications! If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and share it with others embarking on their midlife journey. Your support helps us create more content like this!


Next Week's Teaser:

Don't miss next week's episode featuring special guest Kathie Owen, a certified fitness trainer and life coach specializing in fitness for older adults. Kathie will share essential fitness tips for midlife, helping you navigate this transformative phase with vitality and strength. Stay tuned for valuable insights and guidance!

📕 Resources:


Related Podcast:

📺 Watch this video: Midlife Mastery: The Power of Self-Care

Midlife Women: Embracing Change & Staying Healthy

How to Thrive Through Midlife Changes



#MidlifeHealth #MenopauseTips #WellnessOver50 #MetabolismMidlife #PositiveAging #HealthStrategies50Plus #EmotionalWellbeing #CelebratingMidlife #NutritionAfter50 #AgingGracefully

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Carmen Hecox:

Well, hello there and Happy New Year, beautiful listeners and viewers. Welcome to Create The Best Me your go to place where we chat, laugh, and learn about embracing our fabulous midlife. and beyond. I am Carmen Hecox, your fellow midlife adventurer and guide on this journey of rediscovery and rejuvenation. Today we're diving into a topic that is juicy as it is essential understanding our bodies and health after the big 5 0. Yes, ladies, we're talking about those changes that sometimes have us wondering if our bodies are throwing a curveball. But fear not, we're going to catch that ball and throw it right back with grace and power. Did you know that turning 50 is like unlocking a secret level in a game of life? It's where experience meets wisdom, and guess what? We've got plenty of both! So, grab your favorite cup of tea or coffee and let's chat about how our bodies are evolving, what surprises they might have in store for us, and how we can stay ahead of the game with some smart, proactive health strategies. And remember, this isn't just about the"what's" and the"why's" of aging. It's about turning"Oh no!" into"Aha!" moments. So, are you ready to embark on this enlightening journey with me? Let's get started and show the world that life after 50 is not about growing older but growing bolder. Now let's dive right in. And now let's talk about our bodies in the fabulous 50s. Ladies, it's like our bodies have decided to throw a party and forgot to send us an invite. But don't worry, we're crashing this party with style and grace. First, let's address the elephant in the room, menopause. Ah, menopause, the time when our hormones decide to go on a rollercoaster ride. Hot flashes, mood swings, and"Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" moments. But here's the silver lining no more monthly surprise! And with the right nutrition and a bit of yoga, we can tame these wild hormonal waves. Next up, metabolism. Remember when we could eat a whole pizza and not gain an ounce? Well, now our metabolism is more like, I'm going to take my sweet time. But fear not! This is our chance to explore those healthy recipes we bookmark, but never tried. Who knew quinoa could be so delicious? And let's not forget our bones and muscles. They might not be as forgiving as they used to, but with some calcium rich foods and regular walks or dance, we're not just building bones; we're building a fortress. Last but not least, our skin and hair. They're telling their own stories of our life's adventures. A wrinkle here, gray hair there each a badge of our journey. Embrace them! And with a little skincare and self-care, we'll shine brighter than ever. So, ladies, our bodies might be changing, but so are we into a more amazing version of ourselves. It's like a fine wine; we're only getting better with age. Now let's move into how we can play smart and stay ahead of this ever-changing game of our 50s. All right, ladies, buckle up because we're about to become risk management experts of our own lives! First on our list is the art of eating right. Gone are the days of fad diets and"eat this, not that" rule. Now, it's about nourishing our bodies with love. Think of colorful veggies, heart-healthy fats, and yes, dark chocolate is still on the menu(in moderation, of course!). Let's make our plates as vibrant and diverse as our lives have been! Now let's shimmy on over to exercise. No, you don't have to run a marathon(unless you want to, you go girl!). But how about a brisk walk, a dance class, or even gardening? It's about moving joyfully, keeping our hearts pumping and muscles dancing. And remember, laughter is the best workout for your soul, so keep the giggles coming. Stress management, ah, the old foes. In our fifties, we're not just managing stress, we're outsmarting it. Meditation, a good book, or catch up with friends find what soothes your soul and do more of it. Our mantra?"Stressed" spelled backwards, is"desserts", so, a little sweet now and then doesn't hurt. Sleep is the unsung hero to our health. Let's turn our bedrooms into sleep sanctuaries cool, dark, and quiet. A good night's sleep is like a spa treatment for our brain and our body. And if sleep is playing hard to get, a relaxing bedtime routine is your secret weapon. Lavender, anyone? So, as we navigate these changes, remember we're not just controlling risk; we're embracing opportunity to be stronger, wiser, and more fabulous. It's not just about adding years to our life, but life to our years. Next up, let's chat about the importance of regular checkups and screenings because being proactive is our new superpower! Okay, fabulous friends. It's time to talk about something super important, our health checkups and screenings. Think about them as our body's annual performance review, where we get to shine! Firstly, let's demystify mammograms. They're like our secret agent, helping us detect the undetectable. So, let's make our date with our mammogram machine it might not be the most fun date, but it's definitely one of the most important ones. Bone density scans are next. Our bones have supported us through all of life's ups and downs; now it's our turn to give back a little love. These scans are quick, painless, and a great way to check in on our hard-working bones. Blood pressure and cholesterol. They're essential. These are like peeking under the hood of a car we need to ensure everything is running smooth. And remember, high numbers aren't just a score; they're a nudge to take better care of our amazing selves. Now, let's not forget our annual physicals. They're the all-inclusive resort of health checkups covering everything from head to toe. It's our chance to chat with our doctors, ask questions, and stay on top of our health game. I also encourage you keep a health diary. Jot down any changes or symptoms, no matter how small. It's like giving your doctor a piece of a puzzle, helping them see the whole picture of your health. Remember, these screenings aren't just checked boxes on our to do list; they're acts of self-love. By staying on top of them, we're saying,"Hey, I value myself and I'm worth taking care of." Because you know what? We absolutely are. So, let's make those appointments, ladies. Our future selves will be thanking us for it. Coming up next, let's explore how to be proactive in our health journey because we're not just aging, we're upgrading! And speaking of upgrading, welcome to Proactive Health Strategies! Just like savvy techs, enthusiasts who always keep their gadgets updated, we're going to ensure our health toolkit is top notch and ready for action. First, let's be detectives in our own lives. Knowing your family's history isn't just about filling out forms at your doctor's office; it's about arming yourself with knowledge. It's like having a map for your health journey, helping you navigate better and smarter. Next preventive health measures they're like our secret weapon. Incorporating heart-healthy foods, regular exercise, and those essential vitamins into our daily routine can work wonders. Think of it as nurturing your body with the care it deserves. Now, the all-important regular checkups and screenings. These aren't non-negotiable appointments with yourself. They're like tune-ups for your body, ensuring everything is working just right. And when in doubt, remember, better safe than sorry. Let's talk about staying informed and engaged with your health. This means asking questions, understanding your medications and knowing your numbers(like blood pressure and cholesterol). It's like being the captain of your health ship, steering it toward wellness. And lastly, mental and emotional health. Let's never underestimate the power of a good laugh, deep conversation, or moments of mindfulness. Our mental well-being is as crucial as our physical health, especially as we navigate these exciting chapters of our lives. So, there you have it, ladies, armed with these strategies, we're not just getting older, we're getting bolder, wiser, and even more fabulous. Let's embrace this journey with confidence. and joy, and remember the best is yet to come. And just like that friends, we've come to the end of today's empowering journey on Create the Best Me. What a ride it's been, right? We've talked about embracing the changes in our bodies, becoming the master of risk management, keeping up with essential checkups and adopting proactive health strategies. It's been a whirlwind of wisdom, laughter, and most importantly, love for ourselves and our incredible bodies. As we wrap up, I want you to remember one thing: every age, every stage brings its own beauty and strength. Our fifties are not just a milestone; they're a goldmine of opportunities, experience, and wisdom waiting to be explored and enjoyed. So, let's not just age gracefully; let's do it with a spark, a smile, and style that's all our own. Thank you for joining me today. I hope you're leaving with a heart filled of inspiration and a mind brimmed with ideas and how to live your best life. Remember, the journey doesn't end here. We're in this together, growing, learning, and shining every step of the way. Additional information and today's transcripts can be found at Don't forget to tune in next week as our guest will be Kathie Owen. Kathie is a certified fitness trainer who specializes in fitness for older adults and as a life coach. Kathie will be here to discuss the importance of fitness in midlife. Kathie shares so many valuable tips. So, you'll have to come back next week to hear them. And remember, you're not just getting older, you're getting better in every way that truly matters. Until then, keep dreaming big. Take care of yourself. And remember, you are beautiful, strong, and capable of creating the best version of yourself. Thank you for watching. Bye for now.

Introduction to Midlife Health
Understanding Our Bodies After 50
Understanding Menopause
Metabolism and Nutrition
Bone, Muscle, and Skin Health
Proactive Health Strategies for Women Over 50
Importance of Regular Check-ups and Screenings
Proactive Health Strategies: Upgrading Your Health Toolkit
Mental and Emotional Well-being
Conclusion: Celebrating Midlife
Preview of Next Week’s Episode