Stay up-to-date with the JavaScript and Open-Source communities with the 20MinJS podcast. We publish interviews to members of our communities and discuss new and exciting technologies that are shaping the web ecosystem.Hosted by OpenReplay, an open-source session replay tool for developers.
Episode 19 - Bundling and Compiling JavaScript with Michele Riva
Season 1
Episode 19
In this episode of 20MinJS we discuss what it means to bundle and compile (or rather "transpile") our JavaScript code.
Why do we do it, what benefits do we get out of those processes and we also get a glimpse into a potential future of what bundling will be like in the next few years.
Learn about that and more in this episode with Michele Riva.
Get in touch with Michele:
- His Github profile
- His Twitter account
- His Book "Real World Next.js"
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Meet our host, OpenReplay:
OpenReplay is an open-source session replay suite, built for developers and self-hosted for full control over your customer data. If you're looking for a way to understand how your users interact with your application, check out OpenReplay.