The Peace-Filled Mind | Manage Your Emotions, Stress Less, Journal Your Feelings, Trust in God

112 | Don't Be Like Job's Friends: Misunderstanding God's Role in Suffering

June 18, 2024 LaToya Edwards | Christian Mindset Coach for Highly Sensitive People and Introverts Episode 112
112 | Don't Be Like Job's Friends: Misunderstanding God's Role in Suffering
The Peace-Filled Mind | Manage Your Emotions, Stress Less, Journal Your Feelings, Trust in God
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The Peace-Filled Mind | Manage Your Emotions, Stress Less, Journal Your Feelings, Trust in God
112 | Don't Be Like Job's Friends: Misunderstanding God's Role in Suffering
Jun 18, 2024 Episode 112
LaToya Edwards | Christian Mindset Coach for Highly Sensitive People and Introverts

During hard times it can be really hard to reconcile a loving God with the pain and suffering you're walking through.  Misunderstanding God's role in suffering makes it difficult to manage your emotions and trust God.

In this episode, I’m wrapping up our series on spiritual bypassing with a look at understanding the relationship between faith and suffering, what to do with your doubts and questions, and finding God in a season when nothing seems to make sense.

Related Episodes:
36 | How to Grow Closer to God in Your Grief
90 | Feel like your life is falling apart? The Truth Behind God's Restoration Plan
107 | The Real Reason Your Faith Isn't Helping You Manage Your Emotions


Join the group coaching program: Feel like your faith isn't enough to navigate through the storm? It's tough when emotions feel like a tidal wave, and your faith feels distant amid chaos. The Peace-Filled Mind coaching program will help you find peace, deepen your faith, and embrace your emotions as a pathway to growth!

🎁⁣Free gift: 3 Steps to Finding Peace w/ an Emotion Map So You Can Calm Down

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

During hard times it can be really hard to reconcile a loving God with the pain and suffering you're walking through.  Misunderstanding God's role in suffering makes it difficult to manage your emotions and trust God.

In this episode, I’m wrapping up our series on spiritual bypassing with a look at understanding the relationship between faith and suffering, what to do with your doubts and questions, and finding God in a season when nothing seems to make sense.

Related Episodes:
36 | How to Grow Closer to God in Your Grief
90 | Feel like your life is falling apart? The Truth Behind God's Restoration Plan
107 | The Real Reason Your Faith Isn't Helping You Manage Your Emotions


Join the group coaching program: Feel like your faith isn't enough to navigate through the storm? It's tough when emotions feel like a tidal wave, and your faith feels distant amid chaos. The Peace-Filled Mind coaching program will help you find peace, deepen your faith, and embrace your emotions as a pathway to growth!

🎁⁣Free gift: 3 Steps to Finding Peace w/ an Emotion Map So You Can Calm Down

Speaker 1:

During hard times, it can be really difficult to reconcile a loving God with the pain and suffering that you're experiencing and misunderstanding God's will and suffering makes it dang near impossible to manage your emotions well and trust God as a Christian woman. So in the episode today, we're going to wrap up our series on spiritual bypassing and emotions and we're going to look at the relationship between faith and suffering, and we're going to talk about what to do with your doubts and your questions and how you can find God in seasons when nothing else seems to make any sense. Are you looking to manage your emotions and calm your mind so that you don't feel overwhelmed by all the hard times going on right now? Would you like to find true rest and peace in God and a little joy in your weariness? What about understanding why you feel things so deeply, especially when you're stressed? If so, you're in the right place.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Peace-Filled Mind Podcast, your go-to resource for practical tips, real talk and encouragement. I'm your host, latoya Edwards, life and mindset coach and, most of all, a woman who's walked through pain and suffering just like you. No matter what you're currently facing in life or how you've dealt with things in the past, I'm here to help you find peace, joy and hope again. Pop in those earbuds and let's get to it. Are you feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges, struggling to reconcile your faith with your suffering? The Peace Filled Mind Group coaching program is probably exactly what you need. Listen this inside this six month coaching program, we are going to dive into discussions about God's role in suffering and we're also gonna look at how transformative it can be when you embrace his presence and begin to recognize his presence in the middle of like hard times. We are gonna explore how to overcome spiritual bypassing tendencies and deepen your understanding of faith and emotions, because they go together. We're also going to learn practical strategies on how you can have compassion for yourself. We're going to talk about how to build authentic community, because you need to be able to connect with people in your life so they're going to be able to support you and walk with you as you are going through these experiences and as well as continue to build your faith right. We're going to cover things like journaling different faith-based practices. Faith right we're going to cover things like journaling different faith-based practices. We'll talk a lot about self-care. That's going to really help you find how to connect emotional resilience, inner peace and your faith.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I don't want you to be walking through hard times alone. Come and join this Peaceful Mind group coaching program, because it is really a journey of spiritual growth, of healing, of finding peace. Okay, so, if you are like I, want to see how God is working in my life, I want to experience, you know, that peace that passes all understanding that he promises, come on over to LaToyaEdwardsnet slash group and sign up for the program so that we can together work towards having a peaceful mind and a deeper connection with God. All right, so we've made it. I want to just say thank you for hanging out with me for these past six weeks where we have been talking about spiritual bypassing. I know that it is a new topic for the podcast and it can be a hard topic to really dive into and understand because it's a lot, it's a lot and it's involved in a lot and it can be a lot to untangle, and so I just want to say thank you for hanging out with me, for sticking with me, and I really, really hope that this whole series has been really encouraging to you as you're on your journey of understanding your emotions right and really learning how to recognize God's presence in your life. So today we are going to get to.

Speaker 1:

I think, like my favorite topic right Is just looking at right, how you can reconcile what God's role is in pain and suffering. All right, so really quick. We've been talking about spiritual bypassing. So if you're new here, when I say spiritual bypassing, what I mean is using a faith basically as an excuse or as a reason not to deal with, like, your emotions. Okay, so saying all you need is faith, you're walking through a hard thing. You don't actually have to address the emotions and address a hard thing. You just need to be a better Christian. You just need to pray more, fast, more, read your Bible, more those kind of things.

Speaker 1:

And the reason that this is unhelpful is because if you are ignoring your emotions, ignoring, you know, your physical body, ignoring your need for community and ignoring all these things that are also part of who you are made up, your journey is incomplete. Right, our faith is important and it matters, and, like, prayer, is important and it matters, but it's not the total picture of what's going to really help you when you're walking through hard times and trying to manage your emotions. And what spiritual bypassing does is it makes you think that that's all you need. Is your faith right, which isn't the case, all right, and one of the big things I've noticed as a result of spiritual bypassing is that we struggle with our theology right. Like it really shakes your faith and I have this experience myself is I found myself at the point where I was like, lord, I have done all the things right, I'm praying, I'm serving, I'm doing all these things.

Speaker 1:

Like what gives? Like why are things not getting better? Why is my life so hard? Why does it seem to get harder the more that I lean into my faith? What is going on? And I began to question God's goodness, like I didn't like lose my faith, walk with my faith, but I really began to question everything that I knew to be true about who God is. And it was a hard season. I'm on the other side of that now and I can say that I've grown stronger in my faith after walking through that. But I didn't have a lot of support and encouragement. I kind of had to figure it out for myself. It was really hard and I don't want that for you. So I want to take a look at just hard times.

Speaker 1:

Okay, because we're here on earth, we're all walking through pain and suffering and sometimes I feel like we become surrounded by Job's friends. All right, like I really wanted to name this podcast like don't be like Job's friends because they were not helpful. Okay, if you talk about classic spiritual bypassing, if you go in the book of Job and you look at this poor man like he's lost all of his kids, like all of his wealth, like he's lost all of these things, his health is failing and his friends are like well, like God must be punishing you, like there must be some serious sin in your life for all this stuff to happen. And it's like no, like don't that you don't say that to somebody. Like you just don't do that.

Speaker 1:

And that's what spiritual bypassing does, is it basically blames all of life, right, the things that we're struggling with. It blames it on, like on your faith. Like, well, clearly you're not perfect, you're not being a good Christian, because if you were being a good Christian, if you had strong faith, none of this horrible stuff would be happening. And so then we're like, well, wait a minute, but I am doing these things and it's still happening. So now we're looking at God like, hey, what gives buddy? Like, what's going on? I'm holding up my end of the bargain.

Speaker 1:

You know what's your problem, and it's a really hard place to be in, all, right, so the first thing that I want to do is I want to look at this tension. Right, of suffering exists and God is good. Right, being here on earth means that we live in this tension. We live in the tension of so many things that seem contradictory, especially when we're looking at, like, our faith and scripture. Right, there's so many things that just seem to not make sense on the surface, and one of these is, okay, pain and suffering exists. Okay, but God is good. Right, we get this all the time for people that don't believe or they're struggling. Well, if God is so good, like, why do all these bad things keep happening? Right, and it's a legit question. Okay, it's a legit question, it's a legit concern and, like I said, it's difficult, right, and so the two kind of most common things that I hear from this tension, as answering to this tension is like, like I said before, job's friends.

Speaker 1:

Well, suffering is a punishment for your sins. The reason that bad things are happening in your life is because, right, you're sinning and right because you sinned. These are just your natural consequences and like, I feel like that's incomplete I'm not going to say this word a lot, incomplete, but here's the thing Like, pull all the way back and get like a really big general view of the world. Right, does suffering exist in the world because of sin? Yes, okay, the reason that we have hard times is because of sin. Sin entered into the world in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. So, yes, suffering exists as a punishment for sin, right, as a result of sin. But that does not mean that, because somebody is walking through something hard, that the thing they're walking in is a direct punishment for some area of sin in their lives.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, yes, sometimes, we have to face the consequences of our actions and our choices, but not always right, like your friend whose child is dying from cancer. That's not because that person sinned God doesn't work that way. It's because we live in a sinful world where illness and cancer exist, but it's not because that person has sinned or that child has sinned. Right, think about in the Bible when Jesus spits in the ground and makes mud and heals the blind man. Right, what was it? Oh well, who sinned. Was it him or was it his parents? No, he was just blind. Because he was blind, because that was part of being here on earth, all right.

Speaker 1:

So we don't want to like fall into this line of thinking where we're examining our lives top, bottom, left and right, for the sin that we committed. That's caused the bad thing. That's happening, because you will get discouraged when you like, you don't. It's like, but I can't find it Right. What can I find it? Well, it might be, because, like it's, that's not the reason that you're walking through our times. Like when I was walking through right, divorce and all these things because I was in an abusive marriage, right, that wasn't the result of my sin, somebody else had sinned against me, but I still live on this earth and so I still had to experience the consequences of somebody else's sin.

Speaker 1:

Experience the consequences of somebody else's sin, okay, so the next kind of line that I see is that suffering is a test of faith, right, well, god is causing you to suffer, basically to see how good of a Christian you are, if you're serious about your faith and, like I, struggle with that too, because it paints this picture of God that is just cruel and not scriptural, like God is not sitting up in heaven figuring out how to torture his followers to see if they believe him, if they are going to hold to their faith. Right Now, god allowed the enemy right to get at Job for this specific example, right, but God is not going. Ooh, how can I make your life miserable? I know pain and suffering, pain and suffering, pain and suffering. He doesn't operate like that.

Speaker 1:

And so when we are operating from this belief that suffering is a punishment for our sins, or that suffering is a test of our faith, well then we think, okay, god isn't who I thought he was right, because that suffering is a test of our faith. Well then we think, okay, god isn't who I thought he was right, because if suffering is a test of faith and I'm still suffering, to me that means I'm failing the test. My faith is not what it needs to be. I'm not a good enough Christian. I need to do better. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me me. The focus is on me, and that's not okay, because you begin to question who God is. Well, if God is good, why is all this bad stuff happening? Well then, he must not be who I thought he was Right, and that leads to a crisis of faith. Okay, and that's where I found myself. I was like, okay, god isn't who I thought he was, and I thankfully, right was able to take that back to God. Right, and he was able to really begin to strip away the lies that I'd been leaving and the hard things, and he showed me the truth and he rebuilt the foundation of my faith. That's not the case for everybody else.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what do we do about this? Listen, you're going to experience times of confusion, of anger. You're going to have doubts. You're going to, at some point, be disillusioned with your faith. That's okay. Okay, it's okay. When that happens, you're not sinning. You're not a good Christian, right? None of that is true. When you are simply having questions, you're human. You're going to have all these emotions come up, right, it's not a black and white thing, right. It is literally living in the tension of these two things.

Speaker 1:

So what I want to encourage you to do here is to reflect on your own experience of suffering. Look at what the pain and suffering that you've experienced in your life and then look at how it shaped your understanding of God, and then take that to God in prayer, take that to scripture and be open to whatever God wants to show you. Because when I did this, when I looked at my suffering and what I understood God's role to be like, who I understood him to be like, and I took it to God, he was like, yeah, most of that is wrong. And I had to be open and willing to let him blow it up and began to show me this is who I am. This is who I am. This is how I showed up in that situation. I know it was hard, I know it was painful, but here are all the ways that I showed up for you. Here is how I showed up for you. That shows you really who I am. Okay, so do that, all right.

Speaker 1:

So some other things to consider about God. So what does God is sovereign really mean? And again, we've got this tension here between God is sovereign and free will. Okay, they bump up against each other. Well, god is in control of all things, but we also have free will, okay, and so what happens is is that the people like, if we're firmly in the God is sovereign camp, that can trickle down to mean that, well then, god is the cause, god is causing everything that happens on earth. God is causing everything that's going on in my life, including the pain and the suffering. I don't believe that that's true. I do not believe that God is the source of all the pain and suffering in the world. Right, that is the enemy. Right that's a direct result of sin. God is not responsible for sin, satan is. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Now, does God allow certain things to come into our lives? Of course, like, satan can't do anything that God does not allow, but he's not causing it. He's not the master architect of all of the bad and hurtful things that are going on in your life. He's not cruel. Okay, so we bump up once. Like, god is sovereign, right, with free will.

Speaker 1:

God is in control, but I can make my own choices. They don't seem to make sense, right? So what do we do? You live in attention, you learn to be okay with the tension that I live and I experience things that God is in control of my life, but I'm free to make my own choices, okay, so, like, how do you kind of reconcile that? Well, again, like, reflect on your own experience of suffering and look at the choices that you made, that God allowed you to make right, because he doesn't want like robots, he wants us to choose him. We get to choose our choices, we get to choose the directions right, but also look at, like, god's role in that.

Speaker 1:

Because I like to say this like the Holy Spirit is a fantastic GPS, I feel like my whole life is like recalculating, recalculating, recalculating, right, but because God is sovereign, because God has a plan, right, I can't really get outside of God's will. Like, god's will is God's will and that's not going to change. How I get there will change depending on the choices that I make, but if God says it, that's what it's going to be. I can't escape from that. All right.

Speaker 1:

So the other thing that we bump up against when it comes to God is well, god is love, right, god is love, but, like I have all these other things going on, all right. And I think for this I don't know that it's so much of a tension that we're living in. Right, god is love, but life sucks, right, I don't know if that's a tension, as just a lack of understanding. Right, god is love. It means something very, I think, clear and specific and it's found in scripture. But I think in our humanness we begin to filter our view of God through our experience, instead of filtering our view of God through the truth that's found in scripture. So, when we view God is love through our human experience, right, we attach the definition to love. Well, if God is love and he loves me, well, then love would make sure that I didn't experience this, that I had this, that I didn't walk through this, okay, and that's not the case. So what is our action point here?

Speaker 1:

I want to encourage you to put aside what you think. Love is what you think God is. Love means, like put that to the side, be willing to set it aside and just go to God in prayer, go to the word of God and let God tell you and show you what that means. What does love mean? What does God is love mean? It's there. It's there in the Bible, it's there in scripture, and no, I'm not going to tell you where to go. You're a grownup. You can go and dig into it for yourself, okay, but do that, and do that with any kind of characteristic or attribute of God that you're struggling with. If you're like God, you're a provider but you're not providing, okay, do you actually know what that means? Because God as provider does not mean that he's going to give you everything that you need and want and ask for okay, that you think you need, right, it means something different, and so dig into God's word to really see what these things mean.

Speaker 1:

Whatever you are believing about God, whatever you think about God, go to the word. Go to God and let him clearly explain to you what that means. That has been my journey for the past year and a half. Is everything that I thought I knew about, of taking it to him and saying, okay, but this is what I think, and he's like well, no, that's wrong. Go on my word, I can show you exactly what. That is All right. Does it feel good? Nope, it doesn't. It feels like the ground beneath you is like shaking and it's going to give way. That's okay, because even if it gives way, do you know what? God's gonna be right there to catch you? He's not gonna let you fall. He's not gonna lose you. You're not gonna lose your grip on him. He's not going to lose you. You're not going to lose your grip on him. He's got you and at the end of that process, I promise you that you will have a stronger faith and a stronger foundation on the other side of that, all right.

Speaker 1:

So the next thing I want to talk about here is how do you find God in the midst of suffering? Okay, so we've talked about living in the tension of suffering exists. God is good. We've talked about finding out what it really means, right, like what our understanding of God is and like what that really means. So now we want to look at how can we find God in the midst of all this pain and suffering, right? So I think what this boils down to is a couple of things. Okay, it really is a question of recognizing God's presence in your life, and this, it's easy and it's not right. There's that tension again, it's easy and it's not.

Speaker 1:

God is always with us. We have that promise, right, he is Emmanuel, he is with us, he is always with us. We have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us. There is nowhere that you can go, that you're going to be outside of God's presence, away from God. The problem is is that we don't feel that way all the time, right, we're humans, like we want to feel. I want to feel, I want to know, like I want to have this tangible experience of God's presence with me and when we don't have it can send us into a tailspin of different kinds of emotions. All right, so I'm going to give you an example and then we're going to break it down a little bit. So I'll just give you a warning.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to talk about pregnancy loss, so if that's struggle for you, maybe skip a minute or two, but I hope you can bear with me because it's important. So I've got four boys. In between boy number three and boy number four, I had two losses. I had two losses back to back. I spent a year and a half either pregnant or recovering from either loss of pregnancy or giving birth. It was a really strange time, but I remember after my second miscarriage. So I had one miscarriage and then three months later got pregnant and then miscarried again and three months later got pregnant and had my fourth son.

Speaker 1:

So after the second one, I was driving and I just remember having. I was fine, and then I suddenly wasn't fine and I was screaming at God. I was so hurt, I was so devastated. I wanted to know like I basically called God a liar. Okay, I was like you promised to be with me, but you weren't with me when I was losing my baby. Like, where were you? You said you were supposed to be there but you weren't there. And as I was driving and I can't even explain this other than to tell you how I experienced it but it was like I was watching a movie and, yes, I'm still driving. So, driving and watching a movie, I got home safe, I promise, right. But god began to show me these pictures and these images Of all the ways that he was there with me while I was miscarrying my second baby.

Speaker 1:

That second baby, okay, like I mean all the way down to the fact that it was on a day where my third son was leaving to go to be with his dad, right, so I didn't have like the small person to care for as well, like he was gone. My other boys were big and kind of able to be on their own a little bit, but my husband at the time was there. My mom was there, like all these different pieces like that. I had already made dinner, like there was literally nothing that I needed to do to take care of anybody else in that moment. Right, my mom was there. She was a great source of thing, like all of these things that had happened and he was like I was there and he showed it to me like a movie, right, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip. And I just sobbed, like I pulled over at this point and just sobbed because he was right. I so desperately in that moment wanted to know that God was with me, but I didn't feel his presence, like I just didn't. But once I was able to kind of identify those emotions and work through them a little bit, then I was in a place where God could then show me I was there. See, look at this, look at this, look at this, look at this, look at this. I was right there.

Speaker 1:

And I think that happens so many times for us is that we are so deep in our pain, so deep in our struggles, that it's really hard to look up with clear vision to see that God is right there, okay, with clear vision to see that God is right there, okay. So what can we do? Right? What's the answer to this? How can you begin to focus on God's presence and recognize it? Like, when life is so hard, you can really look up and breathe? Well, we have to do a couple of things here, right? We have to be just open and honest with God, right, like I legit said, god, you're a liar, right I mean I can't think of any more honest way to say that.

Speaker 1:

But be honest with him, okay, open and honest about what you're feeling, about what your questions are, right, about what you don't like, what you don't understand. Like, share that with him, because what I have found that those moments of deep vulnerability and despair become almost sacred. Right, it was a sacred space where I had this encounter with Jesus that I wouldn't have had otherwise. Okay, like I have not ever since had an encounter with Jesus where I kind of got this film strip with an answer to whatever I was talking to him about. Like I've only had it that one time, right, and I don't know that, like it would have been as impactful if it had been a different time. Like I was so desperate, I was so hurt, like I just needed something tangible and he gave it to me.

Speaker 1:

So know that, like in, like you're in the, in your deepest pit of despair, god is sitting right there with you, right, he's holding you, he's right there. But you have to be vulnerable enough, right, to be open and honest about what you're feeling so you can see him there, so you can see him clearly and see what's going on with more clarity. Right, and then you can have this great encounter with God and, just practically speaking, like, what can you do for that? Practice, stillness, practice being quiet, practice, reflection, all right Things like meditation, breath, prayers, lectio Divina, or just being quiet and still in solitude. You've got to find a way to get yourself still and quiet so that God can be like, hey, I'm right here. And if you need a few more suggestions, go ahead and check out episode 83, where I give you seven practical ways to be still and listen to God. All right, so deep breath. We're almost done.

Speaker 1:

So I didn't want to wrap up this episode without addressing faith, the tension again, a faith and doubts. Okay, you can be a woman of faith, you can have strong faith and you can still have doubts. All right, doubt is okay and it's expected. Like, god is God. There is no way that we can understand all that is God, the way that he works, the way that he thinks, the way he chooses to do and not do, whatever it is he chooses to do and not do. Like we cannot understand all that is God. We can't. We're human, okay. All that is God. We can't. We're human, okay.

Speaker 1:

And so, because we can't fully understand all of that, we are going to have questions, we are going to have doubt. It's okay, listen to me, it does not make you a bad Christian. It does not put your salvation at risk to have doubts and to have questions Okay, again. It does not make you a bad Christian. It does not put your salvation at risk to have doubts and to have questions Okay, again. It does not make you a bad Christian. It does not put your salvation at risk when you have doubts and you have questions for God, okay. What it does do, or what it can do if you let it, is that it can serve as a catalyst for deeper questioning, deeper exploration and, ultimately, deeper connection and deeper faith with God. Okay, let your questions, let your doubts drive you closer to God. Take those questions to him in prayer.

Speaker 1:

Explore like what you don't understand in the word of God. You're going to grow spiritually Okay, you're praying. You're spending time in God's word Like that's how you grow. You're spending more time talking to him. You're going to grow spiritually Okay, you're praying. You're spending time in god's word Like that's how you grow. You're spending more time talking to him, you're going to um, it's going to be that much easier to recognize his voice, all right, so embrace being vulnerable, embrace being authentic, right in your relationship with god.

Speaker 1:

If you do not have vulnerability, if you do not have authenticity, then like your relationship is not going to be close, it's not going to be deep, it's not going to be intimate, it's just not Okay and like you need to be your most vulnerable and your most authentic. When you don't want to be right, in those times where you have doubts, in those times where you're questioning things, you're not going to want to be open and honest. It's going to feel scary. It's going to feel scary, it's going to feel unsafe to be that open and raw. But you need to do it, okay, because I promise you, I promise you, when you lay it all bare, like before god, I mean one. He already knows right, but when you do that, he is able to really heal those deepest Right parts, pains and hurts in your heart, in your soul, and he's able to just show you so much more about who he is, about his love for you, about his plan for you, about your purpose, about who you are and how that all works together. It really, really strengthens your faith.

Speaker 1:

And I say that as somebody who was on the other side of that. Now, that's not to say that I don't still have my moments of doubt, but I have have gone through, like the season right, years and years and years and years and years and years of having doubts, of having questions, and I'm struggling with my faith. And now, on the other side, I can say, okay, I feel closer to God than I've ever felt before. I am like enjoying my time with him. I'm telling somebody like I'm actually having fun with God, which is not something that I thought was possible, but I am. I'm having fun with God, I feel close to him, I feel heard, I have peace, I have joy, I have like I have so much like I'm just like bubbling over. And all of that is because, right, I did the work of really examining my view of God, the role that he plays in my suffering, the role that I play in my suffering. I got comfortable with having doubts and I have truly found God in my suffering. Right, women, finding God, that's what my right, that's what the business is called, because we can find him everywhere, even in our hurts, even in our pains.

Speaker 1:

All right, so I can leave you with one final thing here. It would be that, when it comes to managing your emotions and your faith, they are not diametrically opposed Okay, they go hand in hand. Can you manage your emotions well and learn how to cope with all those things without your faith? A hundred percent you can, right. There are emotionally resilient people in this world that cope with life that don't know can right. There are emotionally resilient people in this world that cope with life that don't know Jesus, right? Is it a million times better with your faith and with God? Absolutely it is. It's deeper, it's richer, right, and it's just, it's a wonderful place to be.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I hope that this has been helpful. Please, please, please. I want to encourage you to find a community, find your people that are going to allow you to be open and honest about your doubts and your questions. Right, so you can grow together. And again, if you're looking for a place, the Peaceful Mind Group program is a place for that. You can come and be open and honest about what you're going through, what you're feeling, what you're struggling with and together, right, we are learning how to manage our emotions and process our emotions, and doing all of that in the context of our faith. I hope you were blessed and encouraged by today's episode. I would love to hear from you. The best way to do that is to leave a five-star rating and review on your podcast player, sharing what you loved or found helpful about today's episode. This helps other women find the show and it's a huge blessing to me. Thank you so much for joining me today.

Reconciling Faith and Suffering
Understanding God's Sovereignty and Love
Navigating Faith and Doubt