Train your brain
A Grey Matter
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A Grey Matter
Train your brain
Jul 22, 2024 Season 5 Episode 7
Queensland Brain Institute

We know exercise is beneficial for our body and mind. Research has shown that neurogenesis – the production of neurons in the brain – continues throughout our lives and is key to improving cognition.

 At the Queensland Brain Institute, Dr Daniel Blackmore, has been captivated by this process of neurogenesis. Alongside colleagues from The University of Queensland, he completed a comprehensive study, investigating the potential of exercise in mitigating the cognitive decline associated with diseases impacting learning and memory.

 In this fascinating conversation, Dr Blackmore discusses:

 What is happening in the brain at the onset of dementia?

How stem cells are important in producing new neurons?

What did you find out from the study?

What type of exercise leads to cognitive improvement?

Is there still more we can discover from this one study?