Cocktails and Conspiracies

Epi 1: Titanic Conspiracy

Tessy & McDub Episode 1

Was the sinking of the Titanic planned?!

 WTF Moments: 

  • The Titanic's sister ship (The Olympic) was in a wreck months before the Titanic's maiden voyage and both ships were damaged in the exact same spot. 
  • Original Newspapers first published stated that EVERYONE SURVIVED. 
  • 14 years BEFORE the sinking of the Titanic, some guy wrote and published a book called The Titan, that literally foreshadows the entire thing. 

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Speaker 1:

Well, okay. Hello? Hi, Mick. Davi. Jesse, how are you? Oh, we'll just as good as a mandate. Could be the chairs. Yeah. Fuck. Mondays are the days I've been trying to like what did I say the other day? I said that's good. It's so good that there needs to be a day between Sunday and Monday. It's all fun day because that's helping you get ready for Monday. Like that's my hair. Make Sunday the fun day. And then have a real Sunday. Like there needs to be a fun day in the morning. One more day. Just one more. Um, the morning of the week to come. Yeah. So everyone. Welcome to cocktails in conspiracy is drinking cocktails and talking about conspiracy theory, talking about things we don't know. Freaky mysteries around the world. Yep. So our whole goal is to drink something new every time. Tell you what we're, what we're drinking, drink along with us and give you the highest level bullet point research possible on Mary. Very high level, high level is how all you guys. So our goal is just to, um, give you the starting point to some of the more well known or you know, kind of under the radar conspiracy theories and tell you where to find some initial research. And then if you want to deep dive, go for it because we are not. No. Nope. Okay. What we're drinking today is a red blend wine from Napa valley called the prisoner. It's super, super good. It's um, it's good. Like if you want a really nice wine then you can just, that you can just find in your grocery store. So that is what we are drinking today. It is a very, I'm really impressed with this line by the way. Oh, I've, I can drink this by the case full. So how many bottles are in a case? 12. Yeah. Yeah, sure, sure. Um, oh. So it's going to tell you I'm doing something very adult t this week. I'm so proud of you already. I'm, I'm talking to a financial advisor in the morning for what? To manage my finances. I know that's a good idea. I'm 30 and I feel like, you know, I just, by the way, to everyone out there, I'm the worst at. I'm like, I'm not a detail person, you know, I automate everything. I don't think about anything. Like I can't even tell you really like what I'm putting in my 401k I don't know, but all I do want to know is that I want to make my money make money. I don't want to have like store, like, like I want to have more than one stream of income. You know what I mean? For sure. For sure. I feel like I don't know anything. So you're investing so well for. I know I'm going to have him telling me like, okay, here's what I'm doing. Yes. Which, okay. I kind of have anxiety because I don't know this person and like for me finances are very personal. Like I don't like to talk about them like I. So I'm a little nervous because I'm like, I feel like I have to like, it's almost like a therapy session. It is, yeah. You have to make sure that you guys are going to get along and that you're going to like working together because right. It's a man really spend too much money on Tito's vodka. Okay, please stop. It's like, okay. I don't know. Like in that there's like an episode of the office where Michael Scott is trying to declare bankruptcy and one of his like accountants does this bar graph for him. It's like, okay, here's what you spend on necessities that you need to live food our entertainment and here's this big black bar that you spend money on things. Nobody in the world should everybody and I feel like that's how it's going to be tomorrow. We'll see. I just, I think I just want to be more in tuned and smarter about finances as an adult because I feel like I know shit. Like I took that finance class back at a and m. That was like almost 10 years ago, so I know who learns anything in finance. Amateurization, amatorization. I can't even say the word. What does that. I don't know. Don't know the word, but I'll know tomorrow I've like. They may look at me and be like, oh my God, she sucks and it's a young guy, right? I want somebody that's like my dad. Not that I don't think that they know what they're talking about, but like, just for me personally because I feel like I can be like, well, I didn't know and then I'll do it. I mean, I could have already met Deb, Marnie, Mcdevitt anymore things have them do for me. I know. Do you think it's a generational thing? Like we still depend on her dad so much? Um, yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think so. And I mean I think for girls too. Yeah. And I know that. I mean I think we're girls. I think girls are 100 percent women yards. Yeah. But now I think it's because that we are in. I mean if somebody is going to say, well let me do that for you then why the hell not sure. Okay. So what is, what is on the docket today? Okay. So I'm very, very excited to talk about the titanic conspiracy theory. Okay. So this is a kind of a new one that I heard about. I hadn't heard about this one until I was about to say I know nothing about it. Oh, it's so interesting. And you know what? Hey, this is a special shout out to one of our are besties who thought the titanic story. It was just the movie with Leo Dicaprio Be. It is real. It was a historic event. So is this for her? Is that this? I think we should dedicate this to stay for sure. Yeah. Yeah. So I was telling her a little bit about it and she's like, you know, that I didn't even know the titanic was a real thing. Like it actually happened until a few weeks ago and she's my age, she's 30 and she thought it was just a movie, like a story. So yeah, I mean, only Thai, I love it. No, but so everyone else knows about the titanic. Right? So if you don't, don't feel bad because a very smart, capable person that we know didn't either knew about it. Right. Okay. Yeah. But it's just, you know, I, we've talked about this, um, a lot of these conspiracy theories hinge on really historic events and if you're anything like me growing up, I didn't give a shit about us history or Texas history, I didn't care. Yeah, I feel it's like whatever you pay attention to. So that's true. Yeah. Yeah. Well, if you guys have seen the movie titanic, it's based on a true story. It did happen. So basically the titanic known as the unsinkable ship, there was a lot of press around it. It was a very big deal when it went on its maiden voyage. Um, it set sail from, I believe somewhere in England and then stopped in Ireland before coming to New York. And um, it's a last trip is when it sank. Just Google something and it's like talking about the movie based on true events. The scene in the movie where the musicians were playing, that actually did happen when I was thinking, yes, they didn't survive that, but they played for hours to keep up morale. And that's so sad. That's really sad. I had this eerie feeling when I was doing research and I don't know if that's because all the pictures are black and white or it happened such a long time ago or it's just such a tragic story, but uh, yeah, it was, it was pretty depressing. But for those of you that don't know, the titanic had two sister ships. Yeah. The Olympic and the Tana and both of them got into crashes. Both of them racked. All three of them were part of White Star line. Okay. I was about to say like, it's district ships, meaning they were made by the same company, made around the same time. Yes. Okay. So both crashed. Cool. Yes. Airline had these three ships, the piano at the Olympic and then the titanic. The Olympic had just been in a wreck, a collision with the HMS Hawk off of the UK. Well, the first theory is that it was an insurance scheme because when the Olympic collided with the HMS Hawk, a insurance deemed at the Olympics fault and they weren't going to get reimbursed for that shit. So at the time white star was facing financial ruin and they were to have to foot the bill for the Olympics repairs plus the titanic's completion date would have to be delayed. So at the time they were starting to build the titanic and they had this huge maiden voyage planned and you probably already. Exactly, they were pretty much on a time crunch and losing a lot of revenue. So the theory is that White Star would be able to claim the insurance for the brand new ship and the original titanic would be pressed into service disguised as the Olympic laptop. Laptop might've heard of that, but I didn't know why. I didn't like. So here's the proof. Bruce is may was the original CEO. He had just sold it to jp Morgan, those guys, JP Morgan Rockefeller, after bill, all those guys. This was the digital age to them, like. Yes. And I'm glad you said that because there were last minute passenger cancellations and JP Morgan who is the new CEO of White Star Line, obviously had the presidential suite. Right. He had all of his accommodations ready and set and canceled last minute. There were 50 high profile passengers booked that mysteriously canceled at the last minute. Isn't that Hershey? Hershey. Hershey. Okay. So then, so then you have to ask yourself, you know, why are all of these very in the know it all of a sudden. Exactly. And Jp Morgan. So he said he was very ill, he was super, super sick. He was actually seen in France a couple days later and he looked like he was perfectly well. How do you get to France and a couple of days if he's so sick, right? I don't know. Um, other cancellations included Henry Clay, frick, horace, Jay Harding, George Washington, Vanderbilt. Um, and then again Milton Hershey. So do you think that they just. Okay, well here, let me, let me play like devil's advocate instead of it being like something premeditated. Do you think that they could've just been like, hey, just buy, like say you're going to go on this because we need high profile people to get like, oh, well if that's a good point. Good point. Yeah. Maybe. The interesting thing is the SS California, and it was another passenger ship owned by JP Morgan and it was closest to the titanic when the went down, it's only cargo on board was 3000 blankets and the belief is that it was waiting to rescue the titanic's passengers after the ship had been delivered for the insurance for the insurance. And then another interesting thing is the newspaper headlines. So many of the early published newspaper headlines read that all passengers survived almost as if the initial press release was already planned and sent out before the details had filtered through. Because I mean what, there were 750 survivors out of over 2000. Something like that. Yeah. So there's this empty ship that has nothing except for. I mean obviously a captain and a few people on board and just all blankets and towels and like apparently they had shut down their radio for the night. I guess they weren't on night duty and they didn't see the flares going up and tear. It was today. Like we're worthy though, like at that time, like during the Labor 12 miles away. So the HMS Carpathia was 60 miles away, that's the one that actually rescued the 700 survivors and they're the ones that stepped up to the plate and they weren't a part of that, I don't think. I don't think so. No. So they actually like reacted like normal. Right. So that might be a thing or like two things went wrong because it's weird that there was the ship right there, an empty ship like pretty much prepared to rescue everyone and then they don't even end up coming to the ship safety. And I think a lot has to do with the fact that the titanic was completely sunk in less than three hours, which if you think about it, is really fast. From what I didn't know, it was only three hours. It was less than three hours. It was like two hours and 40 something minutes. So it hit the iceberg and then it was underwater in less than three hours. Not Crazy. That's insane. The first officer Murdoch spotted the iceberg ahead and for some reason ordered the ship to be turned full. A stern. This however, increased the risk of a collision, which he would have known if the iceberg had been struck full on there would have been damaged in a loss of life to the crewman and their bunks, but the ship would have stayed afloat and made it to New York. Striking on the side meant that six of the watertight compartments were ruptured and that's too many to enable it to stay afloat. Ooh, this is a good one. So the design difference between the two ships. Okay. Okay. The titanic was pictured while it was being built and it had 14 evenly spaced portholes, but when it left South Hampton on the doomed maiden voyage on April 10th, 19, 12, it had 16 unevenly spaced portholes exactly like the Olympic. Another coincidence, they use the interior pictures of the Olympic and the titanic's brochures because it wasn't ready yet. Oh my God. No one can really tell. You know, obviously they're going to replace all the carpet and repaint, so it's going to smell and look new. Right. Well, wasn't one of those smokestacks fake too? One of the web smokestacks. There's like four of them. Oh, I don't know. See that for some reason. I don't know why. I know that. I don't know why, but I, one of them was fate to make it look more impressive or different from the. Yeah. Oh, that's a good one. I had no idea. I'm theorizing right now in real time. In Real, real time conspiracy.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Um, do, do, do, do. So patty the pig.

Speaker 1:

I'm patty fentanyl's, someone who had told his fellow seamen, see men, semen nutsy Mandarin at Crec. See men, the men see dash men that they were in fact switch. Amanda in Australia sent a letter to the Northern Star newspaper on July 30, first 1996, which talks about a conversation has been had with Patty. Here's an extract of that letter, and I'm. This is a quote, when the surviving crew got to the port, they were all taken aside and met by two men, one in a high position of the company. And the other man was very high position in the government. The government man read the crew, the official secrets act, explaining that if they told the real reason for the sinking or the rumors of an insurance scam, they would serve a minimum of 20 years in jail and will never get a job when they got out. I mean, so what it. Unless they were doing something shady, why would they say that? Yeah. You know, like on a normal. Is that how, why were you all start your jobs every day or if you're onboarding? Yeah. Apparently captain Lord was a fucking Dick. He's the one that, um, was the captain of SS Californian. What did he do? He just ignored all the flair signals. He's the one that directed because there is his team. His crew had, I had told him about it apparently. And he refused. I mean they were, I don't know, they wanted to get to shore the fastest or something like that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

okay. So I'm going to go over some of the proof again. We talked about how when the Olympic had collided with the HMS hawk, it sustained damage to the Keel. Giving the ship a list too. It's port side rumors were actually circulating around the shipyard that white star was going to carry out the insurance fraud. Again, marine insurance fraud was huge at this time is a sketching, whatever, so that. That's weird. Okay. And then to that weird, go ship with all of the um, blankets and surviving survival materials for a rec means preemptive. Right. Like they're ready to go rescue for money. Yeah. The press yet like, hey, everyone survived. It was a crazy crash. But Hey, we're all fine. That I had never heard of but never ever, ever heard. She is really, really fucking sketchy. That's a good, what the fuck moment? Oh, for sure. That's what the fuck moment. And then the fact that a ship what, 12 miles away had their radio turned off. I'm, I'm no sailor, but I think there are nighttime or something like that. Oh, 100 percent. Yeah. I am no sailor, but I pretty, I'm pretty sure like if you're on water, are they on water? They docked. No, they're on water and water and just turned all the shit off and went to sleep. I mean, that's retired. You know what, it gets lonely out and quiet. Got to take a nap. Okay. So those are just like five things right there that you want to hear the best and biggest what? One hundred percent. Okay. Morgan Robertson writes the book 14 years before the maiden voyage of the titanic called the wreck of the Titan. Okay. This was published in 18, 98. Okay, so 14 years before the maiden voyage of the titanic. That was 1912. No, wait. Yep. Acquainting twelfth. So the tool I did some ad. Good quick man knife. Okay. So there are a lot of weird coincidences in this story. Seekers shadows the titanic, this fiction piece of literature about 98 about a ship. So they were both known as the unsinkable ship, the Titan Titan, this fictional book. And then what actually happened? Boats. Ships were British owned steel vessels both around 800 feet long and sank after hitting an iceberg because the Titan, this is the book again, was considered unsinkable. She only carried the minimum number of lifeboats required by law, which is 24 m and a. This isn't cool. This isn't the book. Yeah, okay. Um, this was not enough for the 2000 passengers onboard. Morgan Robertson, that's the author Morgan Robert Sins tightened, hit an iceberg and the North Atlantic Ocean and sank a almost 3000 people died in the disaster. Morgan Robertson republish this book after the sinking of the titanic with some notable changes suggesting that he was trying to cash in on the titanic disaster. Nevertheless, the similarities are striking, which they really are like, that's so weird. That's why I don't know. Isn't that so crazy? So I just read something. It's on a, the secret of how the titanic state a sink. It's a US news article. So some conspiracy theorists believe the company silence was a sign of a coverup and that the post disaster retrofitting of titanic sister ships proves harlow and wolf, which is a design and engineering company like a British one. A new ship was flawed, but most historians come come to a different conclusion. The fact that the ship broke upon the surface does not mean she was weak when 30,000 tons of waterfield it's bow pushing the stern up even to 11 degrees out of the water. The ship was loaded beyond its capacity and cracked into. Okay, so that's your other like argument, but okay, here's my thing. Yes. If we want to look at the ships mechanics, like there's all these theories about, oh, well there was the rivets sucked. They didn't use the right rabbit. So where they packed like cheap material and you know, Blah Blah. It's not bad at all. It's not built to be a battleship. It's not built to withstand an iceberg. Right. Sorry. That's okay. Okay. God, it wasn't built to withstand like running into an iceberg. It was a passenger ship. Right? Right. But like you can, I'll, I'll put this on here. You can get into the engineering of this ship and you know how I'm at, you know, 11 degrees at rose in the water. What does that typically due to that size of a vessel and why did that crack and have and why did it fill up with water so fast? You can get into all of the engineering and mechanical aspects of this. Right? But for me, I still think that it's really fucking weird. There's all these ancillary, you know, I'm just weird shit happening around this. If it was just the crash, if you take just the crash, you know what? Yeah, everything about that happen the way it should. I don't think it was shoddy work or whatever. You know, I mean like you can read stuff online, but I think the fact that there was all those shifts around, there's the insurance, there's like the weird stories from the employees. It's just like too many weird things. Too many where things. Here's another weird thing. Um, there was a fire going on in one of the cold rooms 10 days before it set sail and it was still on fire when it left. Yeah. Ten days. And you're just gonna you're just gonna. Ignore the fact that one of the courtrooms is on fire. Why? Well, they got to do that voyage and it's like, it's like there's, there's a certain, there's a threshold of operating at risk that you can operate at risk for certain things. Right. And so that was probably why they were like, whatever, what the fuck ever. It's on fire. Like it's not really an, it's contained or they were like, you know what, we're going to wreck the ship anyway. Just fucking go right, exactly what you have a plan because we need to follow the plain Leonie's. Here's a little fast fact. There were only two bath tubs available for more than 703rd class passengers. Baptists, I don't understand the third classed, classed. Wait two bathtubs for the, for the, for the seven over 703rd. Oh, what did they do? Did they take showers or just not bay. I feel like people didn't pay a lot back then too. Dirts dirty. I bet it was real stinky. It was roll right down there. And when, I mean with two bathtubs like, well what are you going to do? Okay. A few other interesting facts. There were 13 honeymooners onboard. I'm 40,000 fresh eggs. I don't know why that's a fact. I don't care about that. I'm 64 is the number of lifeboats. The ship was equipped to carry, but it only carried 20. Oh, he got those rules and regulations. Guy Shooting from the hip and the 1928 people were in the first life boat, which had a capacity of 65 people. Um, there was 160 minutes between the striking of the iceberg and total linkage and two dogs survived out of mine, which is probably the saddest part is the saddest part because I always get more sad about animals. It makes me so sad. I would be so upset if I couldn't take my dog with me. I would honestly probably die with my dog. Oh, 100 percent, right? Yeah. Tucker, my bulbs. Oh, okay. To expand on the 64 life boats. Okay. It was equipped to carry 64. It only carried 20 and then most lifeboats were not even filled to capacity. Like what? Assholes fucking fill them. Then I also just read like they were supposed to have a like a drill that like a, like a emergency evacuation drill or whatever, that the captain canceled that they were supposed to do it that day before the passengers got on and that he canceled. Really see, I don't want to believe that the captain had anything to do with it, but he had to have. If it was a conspiracy, he had to have known all this sad. It really was women and children first. The overall survival rate for men was only 20 percent. The survival rates for women and children were 74 percent and 52 percent respectively. Damn. Oh, that's so sad. Everyone that got rescued and everyone that survived his dad. Now there are no survivors. Charles joke in the ship's Baker reportedly brought. Yes. Did you see that? I saw that trotted water for two hours before being rescued with little ill effects. He claimed that he had not felt the cold do the due to the amount of whiskey he had drawn for you. Charles Charles body at drink that whiskey. I like it. So I guess like what, what do you think? I believe the insurance scam that they meant for it to be just like a, I mean just because the last minute cancellations. Okay. I'm going to also add JP Morgan had gold statues removed hours before they set sail. What do you mean? I'm apparently he had, because he was the ceo, he had a whole presidential suite so it was filled with some gold statues, I guess, of his or that he's somehow owned. He had them removed hours before they set sail. Sketchy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

and I also just think like the fact that the Olympic had collided with the HMS Hawk and got damaged in the exact same spot where it hit the iceberg.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

um, the rumor circulating around the shipyard and then pappy, his interview. Yeah. So is there anything else you want to add

Speaker 2:

to the conspiracy?

Speaker 1:

I don't think so. That was a good one. It's a good one, right? I didn't know about. I know I didn't either. I really didn't know. I guess because I remember when I saw the titanic movie, I was in fifth grade and then just got me obsessed, so I like, I just, I think Lindsay is the one that told me she wrote a voluntary buckboard on this idea and made her teacher graded. She got an a to. Of course he does of course, but it's just like when you're little and get fascinated by these can touch you so mad you can personally relate and then to find out that that actually happened in history.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, conspiracy theories. That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Well guys, hopefully on this kind of got your, your mind going in, but as we always say, we love you. God bless you and trust no one. I love that. Yeah, that's a good one. That's a good one.