Cocktails and Conspiracies

Epi 2: The Ca-Moon

August 19, 2018 Tessy & McDub Episode 2
Epi 2: The Ca-Moon
Cocktails and Conspiracies
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Cocktails and Conspiracies
Epi 2: The Ca-Moon
Aug 19, 2018 Episode 2
Tessy & McDub

The Earth’s moon is one of the most mysterious objects in our solar system, and literally goes against a number of Laws of physics; begging the question “Why is it there?”

WTF Moments: 

  • The Earth's moon is HUGE- more than 50X bigger than it should be based on our plant's size and gravitational force. 
  • "It seems easier to explain the nonexistence of the moon than it's existence." - smart NASA guy 
  • Processed metals have been found on moon rocks, including Titanium, Brass, Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237- soooo, how did they get there? 

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The Earth’s moon is one of the most mysterious objects in our solar system, and literally goes against a number of Laws of physics; begging the question “Why is it there?”

WTF Moments: 

  • The Earth's moon is HUGE- more than 50X bigger than it should be based on our plant's size and gravitational force. 
  • "It seems easier to explain the nonexistence of the moon than it's existence." - smart NASA guy 
  • Processed metals have been found on moon rocks, including Titanium, Brass, Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237- soooo, how did they get there? 

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Speaker 1:

Cloudlock again, we, we, we all, we all want to count down to that blog. I know. I like. It just brings me back to my dance team days. Yeah, it makes you want to snap hard, real hard. You're a good sniffer. I like that. Hi. Hi. Well I'm two. Cocktails and conspiracies were been on A. Hey, that's getting back into swing of things. Bringing you a very, very interesting yes. Conspiracy today. Which I, which I'm, you know, I'm hoping with all the theories, you know, I was thinking about this, like some of them are kind of plausible like our titanic theory. I think that's, I couldn't believe some of the conspiracies around this, but then there are some that are literally out of this world. It was a good one out of this world, out of this world. So we're calling this the moon because of this dumb tongue twister. I've been having like, trying to say what this subject is because I, I was trying to say the moon is a command center and I kept saying come moon like one night when we were being dumb and so that, that, that's the title. Cut the title. Yeah. Guys. And talking about the man. Today we are, we're taking it to space. I know you were wondering when we were going to do that. I know, you know what I always think of when I think of the man, you know Alice in Wonderland? The cartoon. Oh yeah. Okay. So there's this one part and it's like the tweedledee and tweedledum and there they formed themselves into the sun and the moon. A little belly. Oysters. Yeah. Okay. So can I just say that for. So for my birthday this year, my parents surprised me with the trip to Disney and I had never been, um, because as I did as a child and as I found that I still do as an adult have this weird fear of anyone in like a costume. I don't know who's behind that face. I don't know what kind of person is in that costume, so I wonder what that stems from. That character's freaked me out as a kid. That's why I. We never wanted to go to Disney world. Neither me or my brother did because I didn't want to be around the characters and going as an adult. Yes. No, thank you. Sorry. Melania was little. It was just like Matcha, but I was scared of them because I didn't know who was behind like that mad. How smart of you to know. I just thought it was the character. I guess my life would've been so much ignorant, less anxiety ridden. I kinda just chill the fuck out. It's so anyways, like coming back from that, me and my mom went on this kick of trying to get as many Disney movies as possible because it's been so long. But you know, how they in the faults or whatever. So we had. Does that mean that all the Disney movies are like in the Disney vault? So you can't just go out and buy beauty of the beauty and the beast whenever you want, like it releases it. That's the thing that Disney does, like a licensing thing, like they come out with like a re pictured or whatever, whatever, just for a limited time, the like Cinderella and like they'll do a couple, like, you can't just find them anywhere. You can't just go buy them on Amazon. You can't. It's weird. So weird because of that, you know, there are limited, you know, me and my mom, when I would go visit them on, you know, where they live, um, we just, we were just getting any Disney movie can. And so just recently we rewatched alice in wonderland. I'm never frickin watching that movie again. We are so weird. And it was like all, it triggers all my anxieties. I hated that part at the very end when she's trying and she's like going down that dark forest with that. After she paints the roses red. Yes. So she's trying to find her way home and that dog comes by and he's like, yes. And he's brushing behind him and he's brushing away the past. So she's just standing in this square. That gives me so much anxiety. Like wow. After that, me and my mom looked at each other and we're like, what? Never watching this again. Yeah. They eat those baby oysters, like hi. And then she gets like she eats that thing and like grows into this huge, giant, enormous woman and like get stuck in the house and then she's a little tiny thing. I hate that. Yep. So yeah. Yeah, no, that's, I used to like adapt to that movie. I know. Well, like even as a kid I was a little stressed out, but as an adult that like, preyed upon like all the fears. No way up there. So. So yeah. So the mood. Yeah. It's just, well that's what the MOU. That was such a tangent, but I know, reminds, we have. So um, this is kind of a fun one because I mean, I don't know, I can't speak for everyone out there because definitely can't speak for everyone out on the Internet because there are some people that are 100 percent believe this theory, but this is just a fun one that I totally don't believe. I love it. Okay. So the, the conspiracy is that the moon is hollow or that there's commands, there's, there's Kinda two flavors to this. So there's like the Halloween theory that the moon is actually hollow and then there's this other one called the spaceship theory or the passenger Shcherbakov theory that there's, it's actually inhabited and it's like a spacecraft. So, so, um, so yeah. Well we can get just right into it and I know, I know. So, so like I said, this is kind of our self titled Comune Theory, but um, so here's a, here's a couple of differences. So this, the concept of a hollow moon isn't, isn't a new one. I think I, I think it was like back in the 16 hundreds. Oh Wow. Yeah. I can never say this word. Philosophers, and I'm not even reading it. I'm looking at my notes and I just like, I just got it. Okay. It was okay. The first discussion of a hollow earth, the was by scientists Edmund Halley in 16, Ninety two. So we've been kind of like thinking about these celestial bodies being hollow for awhile and the earth isn't hollow, right? Yeah, totally. Not, and I don't think the moon is either, obviously, and I know you're going to cover that, but I'm basically, you know, and of course I'm going to bring this up, he's like the father of Scifi, but hg wells wrote about it in a 19. Oh, one novel, the first man in the moon and he wrote about this epic journey to the moon and they, the main characteristic found out like the moon was hollow and inhabited and it was just a by the strain insect like alien race, which is going to be interesting because that's going to come back like as far as like the insect slash reptilian. That's what anybody that conjectures about this. They think the people are like that. It's so weird. So they think that there's life on a man. Yeah. That it's inside the, underneath the surface. So actually like the, the reason this really got going during the moon landing, of course I'm in 1969 and during that time the astronauts deployed several s a seismometers seismometer. It's a, it's an instrument that, that will measure vibrations. So like they use seismometers during earthquakes and stuff like that to help categorize them and all that kind of sciencey stuff. Um, they were set up during Apollo Eleven, 12, 14, 15 and 16 missions and they radio back information to earth and until they were finally switched off to save money in 1977. So what really kicked this theory of was these shallow quakes that caused this hair brain notion of the hollow moon came from during one of the flights. They just kind of let loose this old lunar landing gear. It wasn't, you know, they weren't gonna use it anymore to measure if something came from the atmosphere hitting the moon. What kind of, um, you know, measurements that would give off and bizarre tingly. Like it just shook everybody to the core. As soon as the lunar landing equipment impacted the moon surface, the moon quote unquote rang like a bell for 30 minutes straight. Yeah. I wonder how loud the ring was because that indicates that it's hollow and. Okay. So one thing that I was also wondering, I thought you couldn't hear a sound in space, but can't you? It's probably through like the vibrations it, but they said it rang like a bell maybe that they were talking about like on the, on the charts, because whenever you look at seismometer readings, they look like, you know, one of those ekg machines or like a lie detector. Yeah, exactly. So it was highly, highly unsuspected and contrary of what would have happened on a planet like earth completely. So this led to the spaceship serious slash Vassen sharper cough theory. So Michael Vaseline and Alexander showed recall published in 1970 and it was hypothesized that the moon was actually an artificial hollowed out earth satellite that had been put into place by unknown beings. So that was the difference. So I think that like, okay, some people can conjecture that it's hollow, but then these guys were like, oh no, like somebody did this, somebody just straight up put this thing here, like it's not just follow. Um, and so, uh, they were members of the then Soviet Academy of Sciences, but the article was published and Sputnik, which is like a reader's digest to us. So it was not like a scientific journal whatsoever. But I mean, it all came off of that phenomenon of the moon ringing a bell. And so, um, it, their hypothesis relies heavily on the suggestion that large lunar lunar craters generally assumed to be formed for meteor impact are generally too shallow and have flat or even convicts bottom. So that's, that's the two biggest I'm quoting science science points or data points for this hypothesis is that there's something weird about the craters on the moon and we'll get into this later, but like the size of the moon compared to the size of earth and what has actually happened in the rest of the galaxy so that other planets moons are like nowhere, nowhere near the size, like of the moon to Earth. So those are the two main, you know, Gotchas, right? Um, so they basically said that so the, the moon craters generally have to shallower a shallow flat or even convex bottoms. They hypothesize that small meteors making a cup shape depression and the rocky surface of the moon, while the large meteors are drilling through rocky layer in hitting an arm old armored hole underneath. So they're like, okay, yeah, the smaller ones, sure they'll look like that, but why aren't the larger meteor's going deeper? There must be an like an arnold armored, like, like, like shell basically this spaceship and like the surface of the moon is like the, the camouflage or whatever because the craters are too shallow. Okay, got it. Yeah. And they indicate that they should be bigger than what they are. Yeah. Yeah. So that's the general hypothesis and it has just grown into this crazy theory about reptilian people and like all this kind of. Have you seen like more information lately on this subject? I found a couple of articles that were written like a year or so ago about it, but, but yeah, it's an old theory and it still is perpetuated or like supported by this guy who will show up in this podcast, I'm damn sure multiple times. David ICKES, this like super outspoken conspiracy theorist. He used to be, he's from England and he was like, uh, I don't know what was your rugby player? Like Houston's kind of professional sports guy. And then he turned into this like big proponent of conspiracy theories has been all over the world. He talks on everything, but he is like the guy for the reps, Lillian overlord. I know we're going to cover. Oh, he is like the, like the guy for all of that. Like he truly believes that he thinks the queen of England's a reptile. He has all this list of like celebrities which feed into the Illuminati theory. Like they're all connected. It's so crazy. I love it. So first let's just talk some facts. Tests. Okay. This is you telling us about the moon. Why should we not believe that this is a hollow space craft put in by aliens? Well, okay, so like the origin of the moon, basically in a nutshell, what philosophers think is when the earth formed four point 5 billion years ago, there were other smaller planetary bodies that were also growing and one of these hit the earth late in its growth phase and it blew out some rocky debris and a fraction of that. Jeffery became the Earth's moon. Okay. Oh, you know what? I kind of remember this from like elementary school. Yeah. Yeah. And that's the reason why that's a good hypothesis is because the moon has exactly the same oxygen isotope composition as the earth. So to support that breaking parts of the same structure our planet and then I'm this huge media or, or whatever it was, came in, broke it off and I think it had a name like, like to thea or something like that. They named her. Oh yeah. I love that. Yeah, I didn't know that. Um, and that's. Oh, it's called thea. Yeah. Okay. And that's really bad. I mean there's another theory that it's two moons that have collided and that's why that explains that size. And um, those are basically the two, the two kind of valid theories. Yeah. So two minutes combined into one or the moon broke off from the earth. Got It. And the reason why the earth has water is because like before it was fully developed, that asteroid or whatever it was broken off and that in that was a big like kind of blow to the theory or to support why the moon ring out is because it doesn't have the water reserves audit surface or underneath that the earth does. So for us it had a different reading or that's why that a lot of scientists say that it rang because of the water content that it doesn't have. Right. And the reason the earth wouldn't because 75 percent water[inaudible] um, my, my thing just missed it. Okay. So there's a lot of information about the core of the moon and the core of the earth and of reasons why not to believe this theory. And we'll put it up there. It's core, mantle crest, right? Did, it isn't mantle core, mantle crest? Yeah, sure. It's got to be, oh, third grade earth sciences. And I can just picture like a, uh, like a little like snippet. The Dye, the figure is like the earth and then it's like cut out a little bit. And just see like those little layers. Yeah. So, um, yeah. So I had that too, like the, the fact that the moon is less dense than the earth is advanced as support for it to be hollow though. That's what some people say. Say what? The fact that the moon is less dense than the earth is advanced as support for it to be hollow. So one explanation of this discrepancy is that the moon may have been formed by a giant impact with which ejected some, the earth's early or separate into its orbit and the earth, upper mantle and crust or less dense than the court. So that's funny because I found that for, as, I like a support for that. Oh yeah. Okay. So yeah, that makes sense. Because if the crust and the mantle have less density, right? Is that what you're saying? And then. So it's part of the earth. Yeah. I don't know it. So, so here's, here's a reason. So looking through all of this, there's one, there's one thing that we know is not everything is known about the moon. It isn't an anomaly. It totally spaces so freaky. If so weird, and I know nothing about it, um, but, but that is like even just your every day scientists and every. I mean it is an anomaly from the point of this size and there's things, but I mean, not that we don't know everything about the moon. So they're all still theories, right? There's no way we would know for sure, right? So moons are normally much smaller than the planets that orbit, which we kind of alluded to earlier. So a small planet such as Earth might have at best at tiny world, perhaps 30 miles in diameter, but that's not. So it's a giant satellite that we have and it's about 2000, 160 miles in diameter. I'm damn, I don't even want to. So Jupiter's moon, Jupiter's moon is one 80th the size of the planet and our moon is a quarter the size of the earth. And they also say the people that are skeptical and don't think that this was at a naturally occurring phenomenon like the moon just coming into Earth's orbit is because Earth's gravity is far too weak to have captured and pulled into orbit. And objects such as large as our mood. So that's why a lot of these freaks think that aliens put it there. And I love that theory. By the way. That's the one I'm going to believe too. Sure. If it's fun, absolutely. But if it's less dense than the gravitational pull, it wouldn't have to be as strong, right? The size doesn't matter. It's the density, right? Nor normal scientists like they've proven that the or the moon is not hollow. So then you have to ask yourself, okay, then how did it, how did such a dense objects stay in its orbit? And the orbits really, really weird. Like it's a complete, it's almost perfectly circular instead of like elliptical, like all the other orbits. I'm not going to get into that because I don't know shit about gravity in math. So. But that is another weird thing. Like it is where it's just, there's a lot of things to be skeptical of in some of these people have just like on and run with it. So, so a lot. So another reason that people think it is an artificial object is because of the, um, crust on the moon, like what's actually coding the moon. So the surface is only about two and a half miles thick and oh, some the vaseline and Sherpa golf guys think that it's coded to make the craft look like a natural object because there's an, I think you found these, but it's so they suggest that the spacecraft has been coated with rocks and dust and moon looking substances in order to disguise it to make it appear as natural to human observers on earth. And it was also found that such substance substances would provide such a spacecraft with optimal protection from the adverse effects of space. He cosmic radiation and meteorite impacts and it's actually made of, I think he found them like uranium is on the surface of the moon and on basically all these elements like inorganic elements like man made elements were found on the surface of the moon. And that's another like, you know, feather in their cap. Like, of course it's a fake object, you know, like it has all this other shit on it that shouldn't be there. Okay. It's cronyism, titanium, zirconium on which are significant, significantly different compositions to that of the earth, which that's weird, that exactly theory that it was part of the earth. So, um, and also like, you know, if, if any of you guys watch like ancient aliens or anything like that, a lot of the, those wackadoos show, they support their theories based on the fact. And I do think this is kind of weird that all these ancient cultures around the world before we thought that they had ways to communicate with each other, have a lot of the same folk lore. They have a lot of like, look, pyramids are in every ancient culture around the world. You know, like every ancient culture has a story about a dragon. There's all of these very similar kind of ancient stories and a lot of them have these. Um, and actually like the one that, that David, I conspiracy theorist guy talks about is like the Zulu Shaman from Africa. I'm talking about how the moon was pulled into the sky and like it's inhabited by like reptile type beings. I know. So a lot of ancient civilizations have their own stories about how the moon was pulled into place. Wow. Um, so let's, I'm gonna I'm gonna give you all some quotes. So the weird thing is, and we'll play a snippet of this kind of short. It's about two and a half minute long. It's um, yeah, just this kind of audio by about, um, it's from the history channel and it talks about this theory and actually has a surprising amount of like technologists, physicist. I'm a NASA scientist that talk about how weird the moon is. And honestly that was the one thing that I was like, okay, how do these extremely smart guys are, why are they appearing to talk about this? Because it seemed to be silly when you say it, but. So they back it up. Yeah. And NASA geologist, Dr Brett, robin or Robin Brett wants that. It seems easier to explain the nonexistence of the moon than its existence and mini science degree. Many scientists agree, if they don't like agree on this theory, they do. It is so fucking weird that the size of the moon to the earth, that's like the one thing. All of them are like, yeah, this is kind of weird. We don't know why. So in physics has been unable to explain why a planet the size of the earth has moved such a large size in comparison. I'm this guy, he's an American author and Profesh, a professor of biochemistry at Boston University. Isaac Asimov said, we cannot help but come to the conclusion that the moon by rights ought not be there. The fact that it is there is one of the strokes of luck, almost too good to accept. And he is also the one that said, even if the earth has a satellite, it would be tiny, perhaps 30 miles in diameter. Ours this giant at 2000, 160 miles. Um, so, and there's a lot more in this snippet that we're going to play later. Um, there is actually this us navy whistleblower that produced thousands of documents saying something is wrong with the moon. Um, something's wrong. Unlike anything else, it doesn't rotate and there are explanations to the rotation of the moon, like you know how we never see the dark side of the moon. Yeah. Doesn't it rotate extremely slow.

Speaker 2:

I don't know,

Speaker 1:

maybe it rotates, like really, really slow. So basically. Yeah. So this guy was like, he thinks it's a vehicle and some of the things that I read was like if you land on the moon, this is kind of the funny stuff. So it's a command center for a sizable number of different extraterrestrial civilizations. So there's not just one but many like just chilling out on the moon. Damn. Well, okay. So if you think about it, if the moon's like, what a fourth of the size of the earth, is that what you said? Yeah, it's pretty vague. Yeah. So apparently if you land on the moon, they tell you no trespassing and don't go inside where they're working in the moon because apparently there's a different ways to get past. They won't let you in and assess La. Um, there's inside secret thing takes that are compartments and yeah, there were like think tanks in part. Yeah, like for all the extra terrestrials if you like, just brainstorm using like, oh, when are we gonna do that. So. Okay, wait, I did find this. So even though that guy with the moon doesn't rotate, it's, it's so weird. It does rotate. It's called synchronous synchronous rotation. It takes the same time to rotate on it to access as it does to orbit the Earth about 27 days. And that's why we always see the same face. Okay. So, okay, this is interesting. We watched something on this. Um, so right now actually this is like happening now. There's private companies that have been kind of putting together proposals for funding. Um, I know that Google, when you know what ABC is, the company that owns Google and they have, you know, every letter of the Alphabet, alphabet is another company and so they actually have, um, it's called lunar x prize and so it's being funded by Google and it's actually this, it's a$20,000,000, um, almost like a grant that they are giving to accompany that can go to the moon for, for private, like a private company to go to the moon like mine the moon and because we haven't been up there since 1969 and no other person except a government agency across the world has ever been able to get into. Well, that's funny because like this week, this, this week, like actually this article count today at 3:00 AM, um, they finally announced proposal for the$21,000,000,000 fund to fund NASA. Oh, he's refunding it, he's refunding it. And he's basically saying, um, we want our space force to guard the US from above. I mean, I mean, at least he's thinking, I bet. I mean that's outside the box. I mean, we haven't spaces. And what is that, the next uncharted territory? It's like the thing again, like do we even want to waste money on face like, well I dunno. So one of the other things that I thought was kind of back to Google lunar x prize, it's this company called from Florida called Moon Express. Um, and it, it is going to be the first private company allowed by the government to go to the moon and just unabashedly just explore over that thing. So if that happens, it's going to be a huge event because this is going to go back to our first, you know, Moon landings, like people will want to know what will it look like? I'm Armstrong and all those guys pager is, you've got to look the same. Yeah. And I'm sure people are going to be like, oh, well if they get up there, let's compare and contrast their visit versus event sponsored by the government. I mean it's not sponsored so it's sponsored by Google and they're already committing like another, like up to$30 million or whatever for this track. But the government is going to allow, and this Florida Company, Moon Express is like the front runner for that. So, you know what, maybe find out if that, uh, that's awesome. Cool. Spacecraft is a whole new man. Little Moon men are real or not. So do you think they look like, Oh God, they're so pale. I don't Dunno. So in conclusion, um, that theory from the seventies as just, it's still around people. Um, I mean there's, there's a group that believes it and I think it, I think what perpetuates that. It's just like there are some unanswered, like weird phenomenon about the moon and whether or not you believe that little reptilian guys are in there or not. It's still a mystery. Okay. So what do you think you think the moon is hollow or. No? I think, uh, I think I. okay. I don't think it's hollow. I, but I don't know why it's the size that it is and I don't know where all of those manmade compounds came from. Yeah, I don't. Yeah. So I don't know how it got there. And then um, and how reliable are these like element tests? Like how I think they're approve a. yeah, that's true. So did someone double check? Come on? So many bringing in. Tell us what's up. Yeah, I don't, I don't really believe this theory either, but I want to believe that aliens put it there and they're there in monitoring, monitoring us just watching us, which I'm fine with either. We're detecting us were alive today, so. All right, well we'll close out and everyone. What are we saying? Oh, we love you. And God bless you. Did I just say God blessed you. Fuck is wrong with. Okay, we love you. God bless you. And Travis. Now.

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