BACK on Air by Backhouse Jones

Turn BACK time? Tachograph special

Backhouse Jones Season 1 Episode 48

BACK on Air is THE podcast for operators who have compliance on their mind and road transport at the heart of their business.

This podcast is a recording of our live  fortnightly webinar held every other Friday.  So, if you like what you hear and fancy joining the live event where you can ask questions, and vote on our interactive polls, Just register through this link:

This time on our free BACK on air webinar, it's a tachograph special.  Like the rules governing them, tachograph issues are rarely straight-forward and understanding the rules and how to implement them is crucial, because -  as we all know - if you make a mistake, you can't turn BACK time.  The team discuss:

•             Common mistakes 

o             Failing to understanding analysis software.

o             Missing mileage.

o             Reconciliation.

o             Infrequent downloading of VU.

•             Involving a human 

o             Human analysis.

o             Driver follow-up.

o             Infringements - simple driver error or a disciplinary matter?

•             Had an accident? 

o             When and what do I tell the Office of the Traffic Commissioner?

The content of this podcast is correct at the time of broadcasting and isn’t meant to be specific legal advice.  If you need advice, we recommend that you take proper legal advice for your individual situation.

Please leave us a review and of course details of any areas you would like us to cover in Your employees' health and your business future episodes.  We do read them and it helps others find our podcast. Enjoy! 
