Pop Culture By Volume

Top Chef with a side of Star Wars

Zach and Daniel Season 2 Episode 12

Hello, beloved listeners!

Pack your headphones and listen to this episode on Top Chef, Padma Lakshmi's departure, with an aperitif of Star Wars. 

To get this convo going we drank some Ogopogo Guivre, a farmhouse saison from pod favorite brewery, Ogopogo.  


00:00:00 Speaker 1

Yeah. What's up? You scullery maids. We're back with another episode of pop culture by volume. Your source for pop culture and booze news.

00:00:10 Speaker 1

With your two favorite hosts, I'm Daniel.

00:00:13 Speaker 2

And I am Zach.

00:00:14 Speaker 1

And we are here to talk about Top Chef.

00:00:17 Speaker 1

Episode all of them.

00:00:21 Speaker 3

Season 20 it's what do you call?

00:00:23 Speaker 2

It a memorium.

00:00:23 Speaker 3

It's a map.

00:00:24 Speaker 1

What's no, it's still going on.

00:00:26 Speaker 2

That is true.

00:00:27 Speaker 1

But it's a, it's.

00:00:27 Speaker 2

The end of an era memorial Memorium emeritus.

00:00:33 Speaker 3

Sure, chef emeritus.

00:00:34 Speaker 1

Steamed host.

00:00:36 Speaker 1

Padma Lakshmi announced that she's.

00:00:40 Speaker 4

Leaving the show the world.

00:00:41 Speaker 1

After the world All Star.

00:00:45 Speaker 1

Season right?

00:00:45 Speaker 2

Yeah. Where? If you haven't watched already? Spoilers.

00:00:49 Speaker 2

Are bound.

00:00:50 Speaker 2

Per usual.

00:00:51 Speaker 1

Yeah, if you want to.

00:00:52 Speaker 1

Know who cooked the best you're going to.

00:00:53 Speaker 1

Find out.

00:00:56 Speaker 1

And so we're just going to talk about the show up to this point and what the future of Top Chef will be, some conjectures. Wild conjecturing.

00:01:07 Speaker 2

Which will probably be proven right some.

00:01:10 Speaker 1

Unfounded speculation and strongly worded opinions.

00:01:15 Speaker 3

As is our way, yeah.

00:01:18 Speaker 1

This is this is.

00:01:18 Speaker 2

Is the.

00:01:19 Speaker 3

The way.

00:01:19 Speaker 1

Way says the Mandalorian.

00:01:22 Speaker 2

I just still like in the middle of season.

00:01:25 Speaker 2

Two he just met.

00:01:26 Speaker 2

Those other Mandalorians, like the more liberal Mandalorians.

00:01:30 Speaker 4

Those lefty progressives.

00:01:31 Speaker 2

Yeah. The ones that take.

00:01:32 Speaker 2

Off their helmets? Ohh yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:01:33 Speaker 2

Like Ohh, you're part of the religious zealots.

00:01:36 Speaker 2

He's like no me.

00:01:40 Speaker 1

This is the way.

00:01:42 Speaker 2

Uh does it?

00:01:43 Speaker 1

Get better the foundling.

00:01:45 Speaker 1

Does he get better?

00:01:46 Speaker 2

What does it show? No. Ohh, it kind of falls off.

00:01:49 Speaker 1

Yeah, they they push far into the Mandalorian minor mythos and it becomes less about his individual journey. Ohh and into the mythology I think because they're trying to.

00:01:54 Speaker 3

Lord OHS.

00:02:02 Speaker 1

And then to the entire storage universe and get to like other storylines, right. And things of that nature. So it kind of loses its individual identity in favor of.

00:02:14 Speaker 2

The universe, the expanded universe.

00:02:14 Speaker 1

Like property, property, building and moving into interconnectedness with everything else. That's like why Boba Fett shows up at one point, and then they.

00:02:24 Speaker 1

Have the book of Boba Fett show.

00:02:25 Speaker 2

Shouldn't he be dead?

00:02:28 Speaker 1

No, he for a movie that came out in 1980.

00:02:28 Speaker 3

Spoiler alerts.

00:02:32 Speaker 2

One no, but in the Mandalorian he should be dead, right? He even has his outfit. He took it from Oliphant.

00:02:40 Speaker 3

Oh, OK. So he survives. No, the fat. Yeah.

00:02:48 Speaker 1

No matter how sure I am, I never.

00:02:50 Speaker 1

Bet the fat.

00:02:51 Speaker 2

There's no way Boba Fett survives and lives that long.

00:02:55 Speaker 3

Well, he has a.

00:02:57 Speaker 1

A. Show the book about.

00:02:59 Speaker 2

Right. I just assumed it.

00:03:00 Speaker 1

Was so contractually, you know.

00:03:03 Speaker 3

He had to.

00:03:04 Speaker 4

Live long enough to to shoot the show. I think it's.

00:03:06 Speaker 1

A documentary? Yeah. Exactly. So, yeah. Yeah.

00:03:08 Speaker 4

They went all the way.

00:03:09 Speaker 3

To tattooing sality.

00:03:11 Speaker 2

Just not talking heads of Boba Fett.


They should.

00:03:13 Speaker 1

They should do that, make some kind of like Christopher Guest style Star Wars.


Wait, wait, wait.

00:03:18 Speaker 1

The mockumentary.

00:03:19 Speaker 2

I thought Boba Fett was a like prequel.


Like before he died.

00:03:24 Speaker 2

You're telling me he's alive in the world of the Mandalorian Post empire and then gets his own spin-off?

00:03:32 Speaker 1

Yeah. Yeah, he he survived that monster. Yeah, the.

00:03:36 Speaker 1

The Sarlac, the sarlac, the.

00:03:40 Speaker 1

And then the great pit of cartoon. Ohh, so so that was return of.

00:03:44 Speaker 1

The Jedi right?

00:03:45 Speaker 1

We said this was gonna be about top.

00:03:47 Speaker 1

Chef, but just how?

00:03:48 Speaker 4

A few things to clear up.

00:03:49 Speaker 2

Apparently this other stuff came to light.

00:03:52 Speaker 1

Knew she was.

00:03:53 Speaker 4

Coming to light man, he rescued himself.

00:04:00 Speaker 1

Return of the Jedi Boba Fett falls into the the presumed dead, and then they they stopped making movies. So like well, who knows what happened to?

00:04:02 Speaker 2

Yeah, never to be seen again.

00:04:08 Speaker 1

Boba fett. But in the books.

00:04:11 Speaker 2

The fan fictiony.

00:04:12 Speaker 1

Stuff official, I guess what's considered canonical.

00:04:16 Speaker 2

I mean technically it is.

00:04:17 Speaker 1

Right. He, he blasted his way out and and survived. Ohh OK and so then.

00:04:18 Speaker 2

But it's just like elevated fan fiction.

00:04:24 Speaker 2

They made and then just kind of hit out until like some new IP came around.

00:04:30 Speaker 3

He's like, I'm just.

00:04:30 Speaker 3

Gonna hang out on tattooed until so.

00:04:32 Speaker 4

One writes some more adventures for me.

00:04:35 Speaker 2

Right, exactly.

00:04:36 Speaker 4

I'm just gonna be a.

00:04:37 Speaker 1

Simple moisture farmer.

00:04:39 Speaker 4

Take over.

00:04:41 Speaker 1

Because even in Owen and Baru's.

00:04:43 Speaker 2

Place even in those books. Does he do anything?

00:04:46 Speaker 1

I don't know. I just know that it happens. I never read any of those books, and that was the thing.

00:04:50 Speaker 3

Like ohh survive. That's lame.

00:04:53 Speaker 1

And so the book of Boba Fett. I don't know if it starts with that.

00:04:56 Speaker 2

Is that what he was doing in the meantime? He was writing a book.

00:04:59 Speaker 1

Yeah, he was stuck in the stomach.


Like on.

00:05:00 Speaker 4

His publishing tour like some.

00:05:01 Speaker 1

And he he found. Yeah. It's like, you know.

00:05:03 Speaker 2

Some papyrus.

00:05:06 Speaker 1

What? I'm gonna write my tails, my.

00:05:07 Speaker 1

More, yeah, just like.

00:05:10 Speaker 1

Like Albert Speer when he was in prison.

00:05:14 Speaker 2

That's what everybody always does.

00:05:15 Speaker 1

Right. They write stuff he they wrote on. He wrote his memoirs on toilet paper. OK. And then he published. It was like I was the good Nazi I.

00:05:22 Speaker 1

Wasn't. Yeah, I was busy.

00:05:23 Speaker 1

Writing. Yeah, I didn't know what was going on. I was just an art.

00:05:26 Speaker 1

Tech I was involved, like gerbils and gearing.

00:05:30 Speaker 2


00:05:31 Speaker 1

So yeah, it's. But Buffett was just using his little headlamp to.

00:05:33 Speaker 2

Man, what a.

00:05:36 Speaker 2

That little thingy.

00:05:38 Speaker 4

To write some stuff down.

00:05:39 Speaker 1

And then he's like you.

00:05:40 Speaker 4

Know what I gotta get?

00:05:41 Speaker 4

A publisher. I gotta get out here.


Get fussed out.

00:05:46 Speaker 2

You just make a fist.

00:05:48 Speaker 1

And then he runs into Mando. Did Jaron what?

00:05:52 Speaker 3

I forgot his name.

00:05:54 Speaker 2

Ohh the Mandalorian has.

00:05:54 Speaker 3

A name. Yeah. Yeah. Ohh.

00:05:56 Speaker 2

Did jaron.

00:05:58 Speaker 2

Din Tai Fung.

00:06:02 Speaker 1

Great dumplings. How long bow?

00:06:06 Speaker 4

On unmatched.

00:06:08 Speaker 1

I forget exactly how and why they merge.

00:06:11 Speaker 1

They're both.

00:06:12 Speaker 1

On tattooing, I think for whatever reason.

00:06:15 Speaker 2

He's like, hey, I got.

00:06:16 Speaker 2

Your clothes. So wait, OK.

00:06:19 Speaker 4

Ohh fit me.

00:06:20 Speaker 2

We're going deep, deep off, but Boba Fett is naked then.

00:06:24 Speaker 2

Because he's lost his outfit and his his jet pack and his.

00:06:27 Speaker 2

Little like headlamp.

00:06:29 Speaker 3

Yeah, well, he had.

00:06:30 Speaker 1

Some clothes of some sort underneath. So the jaw was raided. Him, I think in the middle of the night or some or he was captured by the sand people and the sand people traded it to the jaws or they kept it. Right. And then that's how Din Tai Fung got it.

00:06:36 Speaker 2

Uh-huh. Ohh.

00:06:49 Speaker 2

Right, right after we got it from Olivia.

00:06:49 Speaker 1

I think.

00:06:52 Speaker 1

Yeah, I forget the specifics.

00:06:54 Speaker 2

OK. Ohh man, that's lame. No wonder no one.

00:06:58 Speaker 1

Likes it, and then Boba Fett's a.

00:07:00 Speaker 2

His show sucked.

00:07:02 Speaker 1

A portly Mallory man, right? Yeah. With amazing teeth. They.

00:07:07 Speaker 1

Just very.

00:07:07 Speaker 2

Great bright white, yeah.

00:07:08 Speaker 1

Glimmer in the desert? Yeah.

00:07:10 Speaker 2

Even though right, he spent time in a worms stomach or whatever.

00:07:11 Speaker 1

You can.

00:07:13 Speaker 4

Yeah, you could land the Millennium Falcon with those teeth in the middle of the night.

00:07:18 Speaker 1

My God, the glow.

00:07:20 Speaker 2

Maybe he traded his jetpack for some veneers.

00:07:25 Speaker 4

It could be.

00:07:27 Speaker 2

Ohh God alright, just before or Daniel. Yes, as you are known on the podcast.

00:07:33 Speaker 2

Whose real last name should not be said.

00:07:36 Speaker 1

Strike it from.

00:07:37 Speaker 2

The record to avoid doxing. What are we drinking today on this lovely hot day?

00:07:44 Speaker 1

Ohh, we're drinking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's uh.

00:07:48 Speaker 1

Well, it says it's 84, but the real field might be higher.

00:07:52 Speaker 2

Like 100.

00:07:52 Speaker 1

Yeah, Fahrenheit, Kelvin for for all you.

00:07:57 Speaker 1

International listeners, it's probably somewhere in the high 20s.

00:08:01 Speaker 2

40s, right, I think I.

00:08:04 Speaker 1

Think I think we'd die if we.

00:08:05 Speaker 1

Were in the 40s Celsius. Yeah, no.

00:08:08 Speaker 2

Well, you you tell us.

00:08:10 Speaker 2

We'll drink. We're going to do some physics.

00:08:12 Speaker 1

Ogo Pogo Brewing a good.

00:08:17 Speaker 1

Say song that was beautiful I already sounded.

00:08:21 Speaker 1

Like Gaston and beating the beast.

00:08:23 Speaker 2

Pure French. You were. You're a regular ratatouille.

00:08:27 Speaker 1

5% that's low or say sounds usually that low.

00:08:31 Speaker 2

I think so. Yeah. They're like, you know, they were drink them after working in the fields or what not. Oh, you're right. It would be 28.8.

00:08:31 Speaker 1


00:08:35 Speaker 1

Ohh sure sure.

00:08:39 Speaker 2

Celsius. Yeah, so.

00:08:41 Speaker 4

What's forty?

00:08:45 Speaker 2

Well, just the only reason I thought 40 was because right now I think there's a big heat wave in the UK and they're all. They're all complaints in the 40s, but I assumed it was.

00:08:54 Speaker 2

The 80s.

00:08:56 Speaker 4

That sounds right.

00:08:59 Speaker 1

So all their beers are named after mythical creatures, so.

00:09:02 Speaker 2

Ohh yeah, you're right. Well, 40 degrees Celsius is 104 Fahrenheit. OK, so it's pretty hot in the UK right now.

00:09:08 Speaker 1

So it if it is in the 40s? Yeah, that's crazy.

00:09:12 Speaker 1

Apologies to our UK listeners.

00:09:15 Speaker 2

Across the pond? Sure.

00:09:17 Speaker 2

And they say, I mean, they should drink.

00:09:19 Speaker 2

Some season, yeah.

00:09:21 Speaker 1

What what's uh?

00:09:24 Speaker 1

It's a good light British boddingtons.

00:09:28 Speaker 1

No idea what.

00:09:28 Speaker 2

That is the the Byington is pub ale. We've had it before.

00:09:32 Speaker 2

Ohh sure, yeah, where and bars. Ohh.

00:09:36 Speaker 2

It's like it usually comes in a bottle and it has one of those things that explodes on the inside as one of those balls.

00:09:36 Speaker 1

I don't remember that.

00:09:42 Speaker 1

Those nights, exploding balls.

00:09:42 Speaker 2

Like your body.

00:09:44 Speaker 2

Yeah, those Nitro balls.

00:09:46 Speaker 2

Oh, you've seen it.

00:09:48 Speaker 1

You tell me, like, Guinness, when they have the like, the thing like, yeah, inside of a spray paint can in here or huddle all around.

00:09:57 Speaker 1

Boddingtons, this is a Glendale tat.

00:10:01 Speaker 2

No, this is I think more you can find it anywhere. Remember this, this is yellow can no.

00:10:07 Speaker 2

I don't know. It's a known.

00:10:08 Speaker 2

Entity. Yeah, love it. But.

00:10:10 Speaker 3

Drink of that.

00:10:12 Speaker 2

Anyway, yeah, we're enjoying this Cezanne from a local brewery. Ogo Pogo.

00:10:18 Speaker 1

Yeah, the singular valley, San Gabriel, the city, in fact.

00:10:21 Speaker 2

Oh yeah, the city and the valley. It's a valley within the city.

00:10:24 Speaker 2

Within the valley.

00:10:26 Speaker 1

It's like most Isley is a city within a valley.

00:10:30 Speaker 2

Planet it's a. It's a city planet state.

00:10:34 Speaker 1

No. Corsant is the city planet. Ohh, and most likely I don't know where it falls geographically in in tattooing.

00:10:42 Speaker 2

Ohh, that's right, it is not a plant, yeah.

00:10:46 Speaker 1

Is to get on my Atlas refresher.

00:10:49 Speaker 2

So all these beers named after mythological creatures? Yeah. What's funny about this guy, apparently.

00:10:54 Speaker 2

He was very aggressive.

00:10:56 Speaker 2

Looks like a dragon with bad breath, apparently.

00:10:58 Speaker 1

That's what's fiery or.

00:11:01 Speaker 1

What does it say something Miss bro?

00:11:04 Speaker 2

Venomous brown. Oh yeah. Venomous. But the funniest part is that it's so aggressive and stuff, but like according to this.

00:11:11 Speaker 2

They would blush and look away in the.

00:11:13 Speaker 2

Presence of naked humans.

00:11:15 Speaker 1

I don't know if that's like a defense mechanism or like sexuality was so vile that even. Ohh.

00:11:22 Speaker 1

Great beast could not stand.

00:11:24 Speaker 2

That's it was. It was a Puritan dragon, you know.

00:11:28 Speaker 2

Gonna go like, take your land.

00:11:31 Speaker 2

And stuff, but keep your clothes.

00:11:32 Speaker 1

On mid, is it medieval? Is it medieval France?

00:11:35 Speaker 2

It did say.

00:11:36 Speaker 3

Medieval France, OK?

00:11:37 Speaker 1

So 13 hundreds 1500s.

00:11:39 Speaker 2

But the French were always big, naked sexual beasts, right? They were never really afraid of their bodies.

00:11:44 Speaker 4

Those those French.


Sexual beasts.

00:11:47 Speaker 2

Did the French have any?

00:11:48 Speaker 2

It was like anti.

00:11:50 Speaker 2

Like like England is ********. Keep your clothes on. I thought the French were always about being naked.

00:11:55 Speaker 1

And stuff. I'm sure there's a.

00:11:57 Speaker 2

Time. Ohh. Like when the Catholics were really in.

00:11:59 Speaker 1

Charge sure. Yeah, yeah.

00:12:05 Speaker 1

Alright, everything was a sin, I guess that's.



00:12:07 Speaker 2

True, but I said even even then, they still like to be naked.

00:12:10 Speaker 2

Or didn't like frown upon it.

00:12:14 Speaker 2

Anyway, I don't know.

00:12:15 Speaker 2

This beers refreshing as seasons generally are as like that barnyard.

00:12:20 Speaker 3

Does it does it like?

00:12:21 Speaker 1

That is that refreshing new. Mm-hmm. ****.

00:12:26 Speaker 1

No, it doesn't have that kind.

00:12:27 Speaker 2

Of funk. Is that the funk? But isn't it's still like considered in the realm right? Because usually says something about this.

00:12:33 Speaker 1

But Knights of the.

00:12:34 Speaker 1

Realm sometimes.

00:12:35 Speaker 2

Have like.

00:12:40 Speaker 2

A wild yeast or something, OK?

00:12:43 Speaker 2

I don't know if this one specifically does, but there's that that taste most of my taste that I think of like like hay and farmland. Ohh OK.

00:12:46 Speaker 3

Of the dead. So.

00:12:53 Speaker 2

Flavors or whatever.

00:12:56 Speaker 2

Yeah. See, cause it's. Yeah. It says other traditionally made of an ale made in farmhouses. Hmm. In the French speaking region, blah blah blah.

00:13:05 Speaker 2

Low alcohol light body.

00:13:07 Speaker 2

And high carbonation. Expect an Ester spice tastes and Supreme Germanus.

00:13:08 Speaker 1

Is this?

00:13:11 Speaker 1

So it's just like the Paquette of beers.

00:13:14 Speaker 2

Kind of. Yeah. Yes, I think so.

00:13:16 Speaker 1

For the for the farm workers, yeah, they get the seconds of the.

00:13:21 Speaker 2

Because traditionally has very highly carbonated little fruity little spicy.

00:13:21 Speaker 1

The holding hops.

00:13:26 Speaker 2

Also, sometimes called the farmhouse ale, huh?

00:13:30 Speaker 2

Yeah, nothing, nothing says French like a farm.

00:13:36 Speaker 2

All right, back to the show. So, OK. So I just learned, unbeknownst to me.

00:13:41 Speaker 1

That I haven't watched many.

00:13:43 Speaker 2

Of the scenes.

00:13:43 Speaker 1

Talks this seasons.

00:13:44 Speaker 2

Yeah, I could have sworn you watch more. So like I was a late Comer too. I late bloomer.

00:13:50 Speaker 1

Your spices didn't bloom until much.

00:13:52 Speaker 2

Later. Yeah, I think I.

00:13:53 Speaker 2

Started watching the Portland season like in real time, and then that ended and that was already like.

00:14:00 Speaker 2

That was already like mid or early late pandemic.

00:14:05 Speaker 2

So with all my free time, I went back and started watching it from the beginning on Hulu because they had all the seasons. I didn't watch season one because nobody did. Like everywhere I read it was like skip season one. Yeah, it's not the show. Not the show. Yeah, one different host. But then, yeah, I started with Season 2, which was in Los Angeles and in Los Angeles. So just.

00:14:25 Speaker 2

Quick note for those of us who listeners who don't maybe know too.

00:14:30 Speaker 2

Much about Top Chef.

00:14:32 Speaker 1

Quick rundown. Yeah, break it down it is.

00:14:36 Speaker 2

Ohh reality.

00:14:37 Speaker 1

It's it's a cooking competition.

00:14:40 Speaker 2

Show, But yeah, premiered apparently in March 20, 2006. So far, there have been twenty seasons in the original American series.

00:14:49 Speaker 1

And is now.

00:14:50 Speaker 2

Global global phenomenon, yeah.

00:14:52 Speaker 1

Come on again.

00:14:52 Speaker 2

They got them everywhere, Canada Maas isley.

00:14:56 Speaker 2

I think I.

00:14:56 Speaker 2

Think Boba Fett was on, wanted serious.

00:15:01 Speaker 1

The the chefs from Java's.

00:15:04 Speaker 2

Palace. Oh, yeah, exactly. Oh, yeah. Salacious crumb, maybe.


There are the.


You hear the.

00:15:06 Speaker 1

Yeah, he was probably a guest.

00:15:07 Speaker 1

Judge he was? Yeah. He just laughed.

00:15:09 Speaker 3

Increasingly all the.

00:15:12 Speaker 1

Live ones the job the Ewoks were.

00:15:15 Speaker 2

There. Yeah, they were also guests.

00:15:17 Speaker 1

They came in from Endor.

00:15:22 Speaker 1

Took place on course, of course. Cosmopolitan.

00:15:25 Speaker 2

Is that where they did the gambling and whatnot?

00:15:29 Speaker 1

Ohh no, that was someplace else.

00:15:31 Speaker 2

The made-up just for that Jedi movie return of or last of whatever.

00:15:34 Speaker 1

I don't. I don't know if it was in.

00:15:35 Speaker 1

The books or not? Ohh but yeah.

00:15:37 Speaker 2

Johnson just went wild, created a new.

00:15:39 Speaker 1

Land. Yeah. With those floppy eared visara.

00:15:42 Speaker 2

Horses. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:15:46 Speaker 1

I don't need. I don't know what that what that's about. But Top Chef is global because the most recent season was.

00:15:55 Speaker 1

World All Star World All Stars, so it was.

00:15:59 Speaker 2

I think winners from what Mexico, France.

00:16:06 Speaker 2

And some others, but in Spain.

00:16:09 Speaker 1

Maybe Spain?

00:16:10 Speaker 2

Ohh yeah Canada with Dale.

00:16:11 Speaker 1

And then there was the American returner north.

00:16:20 Speaker 1

And then there was the eastern.

00:16:23 Speaker 2

Ohh right, they had like runners up from other right, like by representing different countries and.

00:16:26 Speaker 1

Chevelle and Dolly.

00:16:28 Speaker 2

Stuff, yes, and Sylvia.

00:16:32 Speaker 1

Ohh from Poland.

00:16:33 Speaker 2

From Poland. Yeah, yeah. The potato lady potato.

00:16:35 Speaker 2

Girl. Yeah. Yeah. Described self-described, yes, that's what.

00:16:36 Speaker 1

Self not our word.

00:16:39 Speaker 1

She, she decided.

00:16:40 Speaker 2

Repeatedly said so.

00:16:40 Speaker 1

To call it. Yeah. And then my she from.

00:16:43 Speaker 1

Was that a regional or?

00:16:46 Speaker 1

Is that?

00:16:48 Speaker 1

I don't know. It's just from malaise.

00:16:50 Speaker 2

I think, yeah.

00:16:51 Speaker 2

You're right. I think she was Malaysian. OK. Yeah, but yeah, that was season 20.

00:16:56 Speaker 2

And for like with the last two every season as every.

00:17:01 Speaker 2

Show tells us the winners get featured in food and Wine magazine. Yes, I I don't know what the money is now. I wrote 250, but I think.

00:17:09 Speaker 1

I think it's more than two.

00:17:10 Speaker 2

$150.00. No, I think that's been always one of.

00:17:12 Speaker 2

The critiques that.

00:17:13 Speaker 2

They haven't upped it. I think it started.

00:17:15 Speaker 2

At 1:00.

00:17:15 Speaker 2

K-100. Uh-huh. But I could have sworn it's only, like 250 these days. I guess it kept up with inflation.

00:17:20 Speaker 1

OK, so I think.

00:17:22 Speaker 2

Like harm.

00:17:23 Speaker 2

Me would not be able to.

00:17:24 Speaker 2

Open a restaurant survivor.

00:17:28 Speaker 2

Yeah. That's like a million.

00:17:29 Speaker 1

500 I don't know, but it's significantly higher than this.

00:17:32 Speaker 2

Yes, that's what I'm saying. I think the the Top Chef has not significantly like up their ante, I guess because they guess you get.

00:17:41 Speaker 2

You're featured in food and wine magazine, and then you get featured at the food.

00:17:44 Speaker 2

And wine classic.

00:17:46 Speaker 2

In Aspen or whatever, right?

00:17:48 Speaker 2

So I guess all that exposure.

00:17:49 Speaker 2

They they equate to $1,000,000.

00:17:50 Speaker 1

I was supposed.


To uh-huh. Yeah, yeah.

00:17:52 Speaker 1

Yeah, it's like an intern. Like, we're not gonna pay you very much, but the.

00:17:55 Speaker 3

Opportunity is like astounding.

00:17:56 Speaker 4

Right or priceless. I think it works for.

00:18:00 Speaker 2

A lot of them, like even some of the ones that haven't like, won.

00:18:03 Speaker 2

Or whatever. Have at least started like smallish restaurant empires, or do traveling around like, what do you call with? They just do the the menu and maybe the executive chef for a couple of months to get the restaurant off the ground and they move on because I think really Troy basically does that too. He doesn't own any of them. He just like develops the menus and has attached to his name.

00:18:19 Speaker 3


00:18:21 Speaker 1

Oh yeah.

00:18:25 Speaker 2

And then he takes off.

00:18:27 Speaker 2

But uh yeah.

00:18:28 Speaker 1

So this the show, it's an elimination challenge. So you start out with, what, 16 chefs in the beginning, certain number of chefs and then each episode is broken down into several challenges. One, the first one is a quick fire, which is they have to do something in 30 minutes with.

00:18:47 Speaker 1

A set of ingredients predetermined.

00:18:50 Speaker 1

And that.

00:18:52 Speaker 1

Do anything. It's like you just win it and then you get a prize.

00:18:56 Speaker 2

But it doesn't affect your. Well, it's too usually at the beginning like it changes. But if like the maybe up until midway it gives you immunity from the elimination. So yeah, normally you sometimes will win something extra like money or a trip.

00:19:06 Speaker 1

Oh, that's right.

00:19:11 Speaker 2

Or something. But the thing the bigger thing.

00:19:11 Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah.

00:19:13 Speaker 1

Yes, safety. The immunity. Yeah. And then the elimination challenge is longer. They usually have.

00:19:13 Speaker 2

Is that you get safety.

00:19:18 Speaker 1

Hour, hour and.

00:19:19 Speaker 2

1/2 yeah.

00:19:20 Speaker 1

To cook.

00:19:22 Speaker 2

Usually for like a big group.

00:19:23 Speaker 1

Or something? Yeah, and there's a theme to it. And then whoever loses.

00:19:29 Speaker 1

That one, and they're judged. Their meals are judged by the the.

00:19:34 Speaker 1

Hosts, right? Which?

00:19:35 Speaker 2

Tom Colicchio craft kitchen craft yeah.

00:19:36 Speaker 1

Is Tom Colicchio of Kraft Kitchen fame GAIL Simmons?

00:19:41 Speaker 2

Of food.

00:19:42 Speaker 2

Wine and traveling roving freelance writer.

00:19:45 Speaker 1

Fan being the Canadian fame.

00:19:48 Speaker 1

And for.

00:19:50 Speaker 1

19 out of the 20.

00:19:53 Speaker 2

Seasons. Yeah. Padma Lakshmi. Yeah, host. That was the only thing I never was fully sure of. Like, she was definitely the host, right. But it was always unclear how much input she had actually on who got eliminated. Cause normally, right, it was usually generally it was always. It's always been Tom. GAIL, I think disappeared for a couple of seasons.

00:20:10 Speaker 2

Or sometimes was more of a guess.

00:20:13 Speaker 2

Judge and they would have just rotating like usually each episode has like, a rotating third celebrity judge or.

00:20:20 Speaker 1

Or or something like a whose line situation.

00:20:23 Speaker 1

Have a.

00:20:23 Speaker 2

Was yes. Yeah, that's who's the Ryan style? Yeah. Yeah. But so I was always very curious, I think as the show progressed, she had more of a say.

00:20:33 Speaker 2

But it seemed like at the very beginning, Tom was like.

00:20:36 Speaker 2

The the the big decider?

00:20:39 Speaker 1

Yeah, I think he was the best known of the three. And because he was in the restaurant world, he led and he lent some credibility.

00:20:44 Speaker 2


00:20:49 Speaker 1

To the proceedings, well, this guy is a no nonsense. Chef will trust his judgment. And then, yeah, as it goes on, as the show went on, I think each of the.

00:20:50 Speaker 2


00:21:00 Speaker 1

We're allowed to show their personality and their point of view on cooking more, and so then they were able to bring different things to.

00:21:10 Speaker 2

The judges table.

00:21:10 Speaker 3

Show, yeah.

00:21:12 Speaker 1

Different opinions let their their backgrounds inform.

00:21:16 Speaker 3

How they judged, yeah.

00:21:19 Speaker 1

And so now after.

00:21:23 Speaker 1

20 seasons.

00:21:25 Speaker 1

Padma said.

00:21:27 Speaker 1

I'm out.

00:21:28 Speaker 2

Yeah, she packed her knives and.

00:21:30 Speaker 4

Left. I'm done. You don't have to.

00:21:32 Speaker 1

Vote me out. I'm doing.


It on my own.

00:21:34 Speaker 2

Yeah, I'm leaving my own accord.

00:21:35 Speaker 1

And she went to pursue her.

00:21:38 Speaker 2

Or other.

00:21:38 Speaker 1

Ventures. Yeah. Taste the nation. Yeah. And I'm. I'm assuming just spending more time with her.

00:21:45 Speaker 2

I think it was full time just.

00:21:47 Speaker 2

Him. She does have a daughter. Yes, yes.

00:21:48 Speaker 1

Child children. Just just one just.

00:21:50 Speaker 2

She has a a daughter.

00:21:51 Speaker 1

A yeah.

00:21:53 Speaker 1

And yeah, her Hulu show that she has one season out two. Ohh.

00:21:56 Speaker 2

Two now. Yeah, second season came out couple months ago.

00:21:59 Speaker 3

Yeah, it's it's OK.

00:22:01 Speaker 2

I think it's better than OK.

00:22:03 Speaker 1

I haven't seen the.

00:22:04 Speaker 1

Second season. Oh well. I think even the.

00:22:05 Speaker 2

First season is pretty strong.

00:22:07 Speaker 2

Like not, though there was like, OK, there's the first season, then they left they like.

00:22:11 Speaker 2

I think because of the pandemic, it delayed season 2 so they like let out like three. I think uneven episodes, but I still think the first season is solid. But yeah, she left to say to pursue mostly the taste of nation stuff so she can expand that empire.

00:22:20 Speaker 1


00:22:29 Speaker 2

But I I don't know, I think.

00:22:31 Speaker 2

She I think that shows better than some people.

00:22:35 Speaker 2

Like rated ohh destination. Yeah OK, because I think even when the show first came out, remember some of the food podcasts were like and kind of like medium positive about it. Uh. But I just think like, the grand scheme of things, it's a good show because she does like every she does everything that other food shows don't and almost like carries on more of the Bourdain tradition like.

00:22:54 Speaker 2

Learn about the people and the history and and there's like a point of.

00:22:58 Speaker 2

View whereas like compared to all the other big shows that are on right now, food shows like Phil, I don't know anything about Phil. All I know is stupid ***.

00:23:06 Speaker 2

Faces like I don't learn.

00:23:08 Speaker 2

Anything. But that's no one ever gives that.

00:23:10 Speaker 1

Oh, crap, sure. Yeah, he's just so delightful.

00:23:13 Speaker 2

People he is not, he's.

00:23:15 Speaker 2

Barely. He's not even bearable.

00:23:17 Speaker 1

No, he's he's a big creepy eyes.


Freak me out and he's always.

00:23:20 Speaker 2

Dancing for no reason and he just loves everything. Yeah. If someone gave him poop on a stick, he would still make that stupid happy face. Say it's the best shirt he's ever.

00:23:23 Speaker 1

That's why people learn.

00:23:29 Speaker 2

Had Phil, Phil.

00:23:30 Speaker 1

People so people love.

00:23:31 Speaker 1

Philips, I think.

00:23:32 Speaker 2

He does not like people. I think he so much hates people that he puts.

00:23:36 Speaker 2

On that act, I think he's.

00:23:37 Speaker 1

Afraid of people he might be.

00:23:40 Speaker 4

It's like you just.

00:23:41 Speaker 4

Have you just?

00:23:41 Speaker 1

A lot of anxiety so.

00:23:43 Speaker 2

Puts on like a nice front. Yeah, I think so.

00:23:46 Speaker 1

He's a good.

00:23:47 Speaker 2

Guy, I I've never met the man. I doubt it.

00:23:50 Speaker 2

He's like a billionaire. What has he ever done for anybody?

00:23:54 Speaker 1

It's for people.

00:23:58 Speaker 4

He puts his health on.

00:23:59 Speaker 4

The line, yeah.

00:24:01 Speaker 4

His his Lipitor bills are through the roof. They don't cover that high dosage. Insurance isn't going to.

00:24:08 Speaker 4

Cover that.

00:24:09 Speaker 2

You have to get on the black.

00:24:10 Speaker 2

Market. Hopefully it's not laced with fentanyl.

00:24:14 Speaker 4

Like horse pill size, limiters.

00:24:18 Speaker 2

Ohh God.

00:24:19 Speaker 1

He has to get them injected intramuscularly.

00:24:24 Speaker 2

Pills straight to the ****.

00:24:26 Speaker 1

Give him those big eyes.

00:24:28 Speaker 2

I just, I don't know. I think Pamma is way better as a host in general and especially in that type of show. I remember. Listen. OK. So like a while ago, I tried giving a shot to the Dave Chang podcast.

00:24:42 Speaker 2

Ohh, and he had David show on as a guest. OK? And David Cho kept on telling him like Ohh Dave. Now you know that Anthony's gone. You're the guy. You're the one has to pick up the mantle. David changed not. David Chang has no personality. I don't think he cares about the history of anything. And he himself has a history of.

00:25:03 Speaker 2

Being one of those male toxic.

00:25:04 Speaker 2

Chefs like ******** like he would.

00:25:05 Speaker 2

Get off on yelling at his staff for no.

00:25:07 Speaker 2

Reason as well documented.

00:25:09 Speaker 2

Yes. And even then, when it came out right before his.

00:25:11 Speaker 2

Memoir. Yeah, he did a fake apology.

00:25:14 Speaker 2

Hmm. So he was never the guy, and even his shows suck.

00:25:19 Speaker 2

You know, like they're they're. They're hard. They're very hard to watch.

00:25:23 Speaker 2

So I think when you think about the totality of someone who's giving you.

00:25:27 Speaker 2

A history of the food of how the food came to be from like a true immigrant perspective. And when you don't even expect, right, I think that's what really makes it all together like a way better show than it.

00:25:43 Speaker 1

Gets credit for OK. Yeah, I.

00:25:46 Speaker 1

Food shows in general, including all the stuff on Food Network.

00:25:51 Speaker 1

Which is a lot of.

00:25:52 Speaker 1

Cheesy competition stuff beat Bobby Flay and.

00:25:53 Speaker 2

Right, yeah.

00:25:56 Speaker 2

Says show down play this meat.

00:25:58 Speaker 2

A supermarket.

00:25:58 Speaker 1

And yeah, guy fury.

00:26:01 Speaker 2


00:26:02 Speaker 2

Yeah, that.

00:26:03 Speaker 2

Guy has taken over the food competition world.

00:26:04 Speaker 1

He's like we're rushing through flavor town. There aren't that many Bourdain style shows where people are going out or and talking to people or right.

00:26:15 Speaker 3

Not that great. Yeah, exactly right.

00:26:17 Speaker 1

And so overall, yeah, I I think I agree that she's in in the top and then even in Bourdain style shows.

00:26:27 Speaker 1

Probably better than.

00:26:28 Speaker 1

Most I'll give season 2A shot because I.

00:26:32 Speaker 1

Didn't even know there was a second.

00:26:33 Speaker 2

Season out. So yeah, it's gotten, I think, a bunch of Emmy noms.

00:26:37 Speaker 2

Too, yeah, yeah.

00:26:37 Speaker 3


00:26:39 Speaker 2

And she focuses. That's the thing she was saying. She wants to, like, expand it. Cause like I think right now, a lot of it has been mostly takes the nation in terms of the US uh, but I think she.

00:26:46 Speaker 2

Wants to expand it.

00:26:47 Speaker 2

Like to taste the other nations taste the world.

00:26:51 Speaker 2

Alright, sure. But yeah, and even coming into like that's one of the things too like coming into when she took over.

00:26:58 Speaker 2

Katie Lee Joel from season one. I don't know what happened to her, never seen again, but coming into taking over as host by that point, she had already been a TV host of, like traveling food shows and I believe had already at that point even had two cookbooks.

00:26:59 Speaker 1

Yeah, what happened?

00:27:00 Speaker 1

To her.

00:27:01 Speaker 1

Man, she got cut real quick.

00:27:18 Speaker 2

So she had some.

00:27:18 Speaker 2

Pedigree. Yeah, well, then, just like, oh, there's a model. Bring her in. Yeah.

00:27:24 Speaker 2

I think she only kind.

00:27:25 Speaker 2

Of like developed as the show progressed.

00:27:27 Speaker 2

So I think.

00:27:28 Speaker 2

Yeah, her loss I think will be gigantic.

00:27:31 Speaker 1

Yes, well, she has. She's the only one of the three who is there throughout the entire episode interacting with the contestants.

00:27:40 Speaker 1

Eating all the food as she was made sure to mention in her interview with at the.

00:27:45 Speaker 2

Time yes. And she mentioned that was partly part of the reason why she left too, she.

00:27:49 Speaker 2

Just said like it's not sustainable like bodily wise.

00:27:52 Speaker 2

Sure to eat all that much food.


Eat all that.

00:27:55 Speaker 1

So, and she has to be both judge and.

00:28:00 Speaker 2

She's Judge Dread of Top Chef.

00:28:00 Speaker 2

And extension cause she kind of is right. She's the one who gets tasked with pack your.

00:28:07 Speaker 2

Knives and go. I am the food law.

00:28:12 Speaker 1

As an expert Padma impression, she's known for her deep, serious.

00:28:19 Speaker 2

Voice Sylvester Stallone impressions.

00:28:23 Speaker 1

Yeah, but she's a friendly to them. She has to be warm, welcoming, give out the instructions for the challenges. Yeah.

00:28:33 Speaker 1

Come on out and talk to them as their mid challenge and then be at the judges table. Whereas GAIL and Tom get to waltz in whenever they want.

00:28:40 Speaker 2

Right at the end.

00:28:41 Speaker 1

For the yeah and just.

00:28:41 Speaker 2

Elimination. Eat some food.

00:28:43 Speaker 1

And get out of there and it's kind of Tom just gets to walk around back. Oh, you're adding cheese, right?

00:28:48 Speaker 1

Now, huh. OK.

00:28:49 Speaker 2

Right. Just to **** with people, yeah.

00:28:50 Speaker 4

It's just the mind games.

00:28:53 Speaker 1

Yeah, GAIL, I think is I think she's.

00:28:57 Speaker 2

Like she's in the.

00:28:57 Speaker 2

Middle right. Yeah, she tries to be very nice to them, give some positive comments, but she's also be critical when necessary.

00:29:03 Speaker 1

Sure. I think similar to, yeah.

00:29:07 Speaker 1

When it's her hosting duties, she'll be nice and encouraging, but when she's at the table.

00:29:13 Speaker 1

She's isn't afraid to.

00:29:14 Speaker 2

Throw down, right? Yeah, she'll tell. Like.

00:29:16 Speaker 1

It is, yeah, especially with rice, which is.

00:29:19 Speaker 1

A killer for for so.

00:29:20 Speaker 2

Like everybody.

00:29:20 Speaker 1

Many people, yeah, they just can't cook rice, right?

00:29:22 Speaker 2

Rice or with the wet rice risotto.

00:29:28 Speaker 4

That tricky arborio.

00:29:30 Speaker 4

You gotta stir that **** on a.

00:29:32 Speaker 2

Low heat can't get your eyes.

00:29:34 Speaker 1

And so with this absence, there is speculation about who could replace her they're thinking.

00:29:42 Speaker 1

I think the media and fans were thinking about someone within the Top Chef community instead of bringing in somebody completely new. Maybe.

00:29:46 Speaker 2

World, yeah.

00:29:51 Speaker 1

An old contestant, maybe a previous visiting judge.

00:29:56 Speaker 1

And there's a short list, and I think a lot of.

00:29:58 Speaker 1

People put Kristen Kish at the top of that list. Yeah, because she was a contestant and winner. She had done some other TV host.

00:30:09 Speaker 1

Things I think most recently the Netflix.

00:30:13 Speaker 1

Version of iron.

00:30:14 Speaker 2

Chef. She had? Yeah, she was one of the Co host presenters of the Iron chef. She has? Yes. She also had a her own. She has a couple of shows. She had one. I think it was on technically true TV, but I saw it on HBO. Max or Max whatever it was called. Fast foodies, it was her and other two renowned chefs.

00:30:17 Speaker 1

Yeah, with Alton.

00:30:33 Speaker 2

Or make recreate a like a fast food dish or a dish.

00:30:36 Speaker 2

For celebrity. Ohh.

00:30:37 Speaker 2

OK. And then I think she has another show that haven't started watching. I wanna say it's on either Hulu or prime restaurants of the world. Mm-hmm. I haven't seen it.

00:30:46 Speaker 2

But yeah, she was, I think always a front runner because also a former model.

00:30:52 Speaker 2

Yeah, she's the one she won season 10, Seattle.

00:30:54 Speaker 2

And I think she popped up a handful of times.

00:30:58 Speaker 2

Since winning in the.

00:30:59 Speaker 2

This was back in the fold.

00:31:01 Speaker 1

And lo and behold, just like Ryan Seacrest becoming host of Wheel of Fortune.

00:31:06 Speaker 2

Yeah. No, like.

00:31:07 Speaker 1

When Pat Sajak is like ohh, he's gonna retire. I was like, I bet they're gonna.

00:31:10 Speaker 1

Get the Ryan Seacrest he had.

00:31:11 Speaker 2

Just left Kelly. And yeah, yes.

00:31:16 Speaker 1

Now it's Kelly and Mark, right?

00:31:17 Speaker 2

Husband and wife duo, sure.

00:31:20 Speaker 2

Like the old variety day show show days.

00:31:23 Speaker 1

Was there a husband and wife?

00:31:24 Speaker 2

Probably obviously in there, right? They're like the modern day Lucy and Desi.

00:31:30 Speaker 1

Who is the?

00:31:33 Speaker 1

I'm trying to.

00:31:33 Speaker 1

Think of and. It's still from the 60s or 70s, so it's not going to be a.

00:31:38 Speaker 1

A timely reference, you know so, but anyway.

00:31:41 Speaker 1

Husband and wife do.

00:31:44 Speaker 1

But anyway, Chris and Kish was the the one who.

00:31:46 Speaker 2

Yeah. Just what a couple of days.

00:31:46 Speaker 1

Who, who they announced as the next.

00:31:47 Speaker 2

Ago was.

00:31:50 Speaker 3

Replacement for Padma.

00:31:53 Speaker 2

There's some huge shoes to fill.

00:31:56 Speaker 1

Yeah, the Padma is pretty tall, so she is.

00:31:59 Speaker 1

This is a model.

00:31:59 Speaker 2

She's like 8 feet, I think.

00:32:03 Speaker 2

At least.

00:32:04 Speaker 1

What's that in?

00:32:05 Speaker 2

Without heels.

00:32:09 Speaker 1

She's like Yao Ming height.

00:32:12 Speaker 2

Yeah, exactly. She should have played basketball.

00:32:16 Speaker 1

So what? How do you feel?

00:32:17 Speaker 1

About this, it's Kristen Kish.

00:32:18 Speaker 2

Taken over, I don't know. I have my reservations mostly because, like, I think no, no.

00:32:23 Speaker 1

Be like Bourdain kissing with no reserve, no reservation. Yeah.

00:32:29 Speaker 4

Keep an open mind.

00:32:30 Speaker 2

Man, I have all the rest.

00:32:32 Speaker 2

Relations I I just feel.

00:32:33 Speaker 2

Like Padma, especially you think of her trajectory when she first started on the show, like watching those like original seasons when she first came on. Like, you could definitely see the growth. Like she went from just being host and like, she even said like she had to put on this like facade of just being like stone faced. Yes, which.

00:32:52 Speaker 2

You know, kind of like went away as as she progressed in the show and, like, asserted her herself into the show. Yeah, because I think she even told us a story in the LA Times where.

00:33:01 Speaker 2

It was like, I think, Eric, repair, he was a guest judge one time, took her aside. It was like you have a great.

00:33:04 Speaker 1

Uh-huh. Alright.

00:33:06 Speaker 2

Palette. You gotta start speaking up, right, right, right. And that was kind of.

00:33:09 Speaker 2

A turning point for her.

00:33:09 Speaker 2

Yeah, but. But yeah, as as she started making.

00:33:13 Speaker 2

That space for.

00:33:13 Speaker 2

Herself. I think this show got better because I feel like I don't know when that happened, but I feel like around season 10 around the Kish episode.

00:33:21 Speaker 2

Third season. From there forward, I think Padma started like being more part of the.

00:33:26 Speaker 2

Show and I think.

00:33:28 Speaker 2

Highlighting more so of ethnic foods and not just everything having to be like an American food with, you know, hints of a an ethnic flavoring or.

00:33:38 Speaker 1

Something I think they also.

00:33:40 Speaker 1

Whether it's Padma or just in general.

00:33:45 Speaker 4

Were more aware.

00:33:47 Speaker 1

Of the ethnic foods that the the chefs brought. So if someone had.

00:33:53 Speaker 1

Like a regional cuisine, they wouldn't say. Like I I haven't heard of this. I don't what this is. I don't know how to judge it right. They would automatically come with the knowledge of what that cuisine is, what it should taste like they've said. Well, this isn't as good as or traditionally it should.

00:34:09 Speaker 1

Be like this?

00:34:10 Speaker 1

And I think that helped.

00:34:12 Speaker 2

Yeah, there was definitely.

00:34:13 Speaker 2

I think a broader awakening of those ethnic foods, but thinking back on like on those earlier seasons.

00:34:20 Speaker 2

Even between not even just the judges, but also in between the chefs, they were like a big pushback. Like if there was, I think it was I want.

00:34:27 Speaker 2

To say it was May Lin.

00:34:29 Speaker 2

I think don't or one of the other.

00:34:31 Speaker 2

Maybe it was Malin.

00:34:33 Speaker 2

But there was one of the yeah, don't quote me, there was. There was one of the seasons where like one of the other contestants kept telling her, like, oh, you just do Asian. You just do Asian. Like there was like this just, you know, like it was like a one thing as Asian is one thing, right? We're like now there's no way anybody would say that or even hold it against them because a lot of these chefs.

00:34:52 Speaker 2

Did kind of stay within?

00:34:53 Speaker 2

And their regional flavors or what the food they brought in, you know, whatever adapted it to whatever the challenge might have been, yes, but never would you hear now in 2023 like ohh, it's just Asian. You're always doing Asian whereas before like that was a big critique if you were like doing ethnic food, it would be like oh you're.

00:35:04 Speaker 1

No, that's right.

00:35:12 Speaker 2

Always doing that.

00:35:14 Speaker 2

That's celebrated. Now it's celebrated, is not such. Yeah, it doesn't put you in like.

00:35:19 Speaker 2

In a corner. But that's I'm saying.

00:35:22 Speaker 2

I think it.

00:35:22 Speaker 2

Feels like there was maybe. Yeah, some growing part of society that opened up to that too, but the.

00:35:27 Speaker 2

In the Top Chef.

00:35:28 Speaker 2

World, especially when you consider a lot of the judges at the like the judges, the guest judges that would come in are not.

00:35:34 Speaker 2

The same that we're coming in now.

00:35:35 Speaker 2

Right. We get a lot of a mix of judges now from all over. Yeah. Whereas those early days were all these very white male chefs. Yeah. So who were also in that, you know, that that person.

00:35:45 Speaker 2

Active and I feel like Padma pushed at least somewhat against that. OK, especially reading her. I read her memoir Ohh Love loss and what we ate. Uh-huh. I was. I think I read it during the pandemic as well.

00:35:59 Speaker 2

Normally I don't care for celebrity memoirs.

00:36:02 Speaker 2

But hers was actually.

00:36:02 Speaker 2

Pretty good. Yeah, a lot of.

00:36:03 Speaker 1

Rusty in there, there was.

00:36:05 Speaker 2

A little. I think it started.

00:36:06 Speaker 2

She mentioned him. Yeah, I think.

00:36:07 Speaker 2

By the time there wasn't.

00:36:09 Speaker 2

A huge amount, especially not their personal.

00:36:10 Speaker 1

Lives like for the best.

00:36:11 Speaker 2

Yeah, but there was mention of it, but it just tells the whole story and it just says very it has a depth to it. It's not your usual like, whatever.

00:36:19 Speaker 2

Yeah, right. Grew up in India, came to the US. I was somewhat of a native, right. She was in.

00:36:26 Speaker 2

Well, I wanna say Hacienda Heights.

00:36:27 Speaker 2

Or Pico Rivera. Ohh, one of those.

00:36:29 Speaker 1

Areas did not know that.

00:36:30 Speaker 2

Yeah, they went to Italy when she.

00:36:33 Speaker 2

Was like a model.

00:36:34 Speaker 2

For a little bit, and from she tells like all her love of food, basically from like.

00:36:37 Speaker 1

That must be nice.

00:36:38 Speaker 2

From like birth.

00:36:40 Speaker 2

I don't think like a major modeling agency or.

00:36:42 Speaker 2

Whatever, but yeah.

00:36:43 Speaker 2

It's famous enough, right? I guess that's true. But, you know, she was like.

00:36:46 Speaker 2

Two times, you know, they just throw you in a house with all these other.

00:36:48 Speaker 2

Models and.

00:36:49 Speaker 2

It's kind of pick you when they need you, but you talked about them. She would go like wander into towns and just eat.

00:36:55 Speaker 2

Like guys like fancy cheeses like she remember she made friends with like this really gruff cheese monger, and I think she mentioned isn't some kind of funny story. She got called in by like the house Marm or whatever was like, hey, according to this bill, like you keep on.

00:37:08 Speaker 2

Spending all this money at the cheese.

00:37:10 Speaker 2

Place the model.

00:37:14 Speaker 4

Like Mrs. Garrett from the facts of.

00:37:16 Speaker 2

Alive like she's she's quitting. Spending your per deal.

00:37:16 Speaker 4

Life. Exactly.

00:37:21 Speaker 2

At the cheese monger.

00:37:22 Speaker 4

I can spend it however I want.

00:37:25 Speaker 2

But they're just like, is this real? Are you spending all this money? And she's like, yeah, so they had to. They put the.

00:37:29 Speaker 2

On that, but I guess she always talks about like her love of food throughout.

00:37:33 Speaker 2

Her like whole life, right?

00:37:34 Speaker 4

No more cheap.

00:37:35 Speaker 2

And what was fun about her memoir, too, is, like it had recipes spread out throughout the.

00:37:41 Speaker 2

Throughout the the book, and I think one of her it's not. It's like a giant recipe. One of the ones that she always post about, I think people, a lot of people make it during pomegranate season is like a toast, peanut butter and pomegranate on.

00:37:53 Speaker 2

Top and it's, yeah.

00:37:54 Speaker 1

Like the seeds.

00:37:55 Speaker 2

Uh-huh. And it's pretty good, actually. I made it one time. OK, but it's a, I guess, a whatever favorite.

00:38:00 Speaker 2

Little snacks or whatever.

00:38:01 Speaker 2

But umm, in.

00:38:02 Speaker 2

The she talks about like Top Chef a little bit, right? And she talks about like, I guess sort of having to.

00:38:06 Speaker 2

Like catch up and learn. So I guess she would like her palette was always there, but she didn't have the words because she didn't grow up in the chef world. She was a chef, right? Yeah. So I think there was.

00:38:15 Speaker 2

Always pushed back it.

00:38:16 Speaker 2

Felt like because she wasn't some she.

00:38:18 Speaker 2

Was like a chef or a restaurant tour?

00:38:20 Speaker 1

Oster syndrome.

00:38:21 Speaker 2

Exactly right.

00:38:22 Speaker 1

A female model come into a heavily.

00:38:25 Speaker 2

Male white. Male world, yeah.

00:38:26 Speaker 1

And just.

00:38:28 Speaker 2

So I think that we think about that in.

00:38:30 Speaker 2

Context, you know. Yeah, you can.

00:38:32 Speaker 2

Just miss it. It was.

00:38:32 Speaker 2

A competition show was a reality show.

00:38:34 Speaker 2

But like in context of it all.

00:38:36 Speaker 2

It was like, you know, I I give her.

00:38:39 Speaker 2

A standing ovation.

00:38:42 Speaker 4

As one does in the.

00:38:43 Speaker 4

Restaurant world.

00:38:44 Speaker 2

Right. I clink my glasses.

00:38:48 Speaker 4

My that's like compliments.

00:38:49 Speaker 4

To the shape.

00:38:50 Speaker 2

Compliments to those.

00:38:52 Speaker 1

Like your tip and show us.

00:38:55 Speaker 4

How how? How much you like?

00:38:56 Speaker 2

It I wouldn't want to sell it.

00:38:57 Speaker 4

With money, this is crazy with much more.

00:39:03 Speaker 2

Right. You can't put a.

00:39:04 Speaker 4

Price on this on my color.

00:39:09 Speaker 1

Oh my. So how well, how do you think Kisha is going to do and filling those?


So OK.

00:39:14 Speaker 2

Having said all that, it's like I.

00:39:16 Speaker 1

Feel like Bigfoot and model?

00:39:17 Speaker 2

Shoes leaving like a big gap, right? Like if she created this space for herself. Yeah. So whoever comes in has to, I think. And it's always one of those things. No one looking for a replacement. Right.

00:39:28 Speaker 2

But you got to fill it.

00:39:29 Speaker 2

And sort of expand it in your own way. Mm-hmm. Now, based on what I've seen of Kish, yeah. And maybe I just playing devil's advocate I.

00:39:36 Speaker 2

Don't know. Yeah.

00:39:37 Speaker 1

As is your way.

00:39:37 Speaker 2

I don't know. It is my way that is the way this is the way I don't know. I'm not sold that she has that depth of.

00:39:49 Speaker 2

Or even care. And the curiosity maybe is the word I'm looking for too of a Padma.

00:39:55 Speaker 2

Because some of the stuff like in her hosting stuff that I've heard her like some of the comments are and again.

00:39:59 Speaker 2

Because she sort of.

00:40:00 Speaker 2

Like she grew up, I grew up, but she was a chef. She is a chef and a restaurant tour. Yeah. So she's on, like, the Colicchio side of the line. Yes. Whereas Panama was, like, almost an audience standing, right. She loved food, knew about.

00:40:11 Speaker 2

Food learned about food, yeah.

00:40:12 Speaker 2

But was not of the food, whereas Christian.

00:40:15 Speaker 2

Is, yeah. So I feel like she's gonna be skewed that way. And some of the stuff I've heard her like when she's on like a hosting or whatever. Sometimes she says some of that, like for lack of a better turn kind of bro.

00:40:27 Speaker 2

Stuff that you kind of associate with.

00:40:30 Speaker 2

Like you know.

00:40:31 Speaker 1

About like preparations and the cooking or the the final?

00:40:31 Speaker 2

Chef worldly stuff.

00:40:35 Speaker 2

Even some of this. Yeah, the some of the stuff, like the people presented or whatever. I just feel like she's still trying to be, like on that side of the line.

00:40:43 Speaker 2

So I guess that maybe maybe that's my main concern is whether she's gonna be able to like.

00:40:47 Speaker 2

Put yourself outside of like, I'm also a chef.

00:40:51 Speaker 2

Umm to not just be another Tom.

00:40:54 Speaker 1

Sure. Well, she's coming into a show that has been on for 20 seasons, so in certain ways.

00:41:02 Speaker 1

I think just.

00:41:04 Speaker 1

And it's a very.

00:41:07 Speaker 1

A well oiled machine, so she'll have to fit in.

00:41:13 Speaker 1

There'll be an empty space for her. That's on kind of marked like she can do what she wants with it, but it's still within certain confines and Tom already has his position. GAIL has hers, so she'll have some room to play, but it's and maybe being a chef.

00:41:30 Speaker 1

Will change the way she interacts with the guests. It might change that.

00:41:35 Speaker 1

Scope of the competitions it might change.

00:41:38 Speaker 1

How much she interacts with them and in what ways. If she's just going to be?

00:41:43 Speaker 1

A friendly person who asked some questions, or if she's going to be more of.

00:41:49 Speaker 1

A Tom type person in the quick fire or if she'll be like guides for.

00:41:55 Speaker 1

The chefs as they go through the competition and be that bridge between judge and contestant in in a way that Padma wasn't so much because he didn't have the cooking experience. And I've heard an interview with GAIL and you know, they've always tried to improve and change the.

00:42:15 Speaker 1

Competition, especially now because winners like Buddha, it's getting to the point where people watch the show.

00:42:22 Speaker 2

I was gonna say we.

00:42:22 Speaker 2

I wanna get into that deeper hold.

00:42:24 Speaker 1

Yeah, OK. And so especially with the new host, I think they're gonna do a lot of retooling, trying to figure out after 20 season.

00:42:24 Speaker 2

That thought, yeah.

00:42:32 Speaker 1

What the show will be and what Kristen's role will be, so I think they're going to go about it in a very thoughtful way and might not come out 100% like they envisioned it. As people grow into their roles. But I think it will continue its its high bar and Kristen, like popped up before her we'll find.

00:42:52 Speaker 1

Voice. Yeah. And bring her own Flava Flav.

00:42:55 Speaker 2

I mean, I hope so. I like this show.

00:42:57 Speaker 2

I don't want to see it go.

00:43:00 Speaker 2

I mean, 21. Yeah, 21 the next season just got announced. There's gonna be in Wisconsin. Skansen Skansen let of. What are the cheese curds and fried cheese curds? Is that?

00:43:10 Speaker 1

The big yeah. Yeah. Right. That's yeah, new.

00:43:13 Speaker 2

Yeah. So I mean, it should be good. I hope. I, yeah, I want to continue watching the show and.

00:43:19 Speaker 2

Doing it so hopefully she eases right in and takes us to the.

00:43:25 Speaker 1

Next era, all the best to to Kristen Kish. Yeah.

00:43:27 Speaker 2

Of Top Chef.

00:43:30 Speaker 2

They maybe they'll do. They'll just do a.

00:43:30 Speaker 1

You're watching closely.

00:43:33 Speaker 2

Audio clip of Patma still saying pack your knives and go.

00:43:36 Speaker 2

Like the do voice over.

00:43:38 Speaker 1

Just but it be like like Speed Racer or other.

00:43:39 Speaker 2

So the overdub, yeah.

00:43:43 Speaker 4

Yeah. Yeah, it's a little off. And pat?

00:43:44 Speaker 2

It doesn't match.

00:43:47 Speaker 4

May have to like race to say it.

00:43:49 Speaker 3

I'm sorry. How nice to go.

00:43:51 Speaker 2

It's speed up. All right? Yeah. So. OK, there's our big overview, thoughts of the what's going on in the future, but now actually the point that you brought up, I guess part and parcel to the future. Yeah, the point that you the great point you brought up.

00:44:05 Speaker 1

Yeah, I always bring up.

00:44:06 Speaker 1

A good point, yeah.

00:44:11 Speaker 2

Which I think started especially showing up in Houston, but was completely highlighted I think in this world All Stars. Yeah. And just before we go to that, yeah. What were your thoughts on world All Stars generally though?

00:44:20 Speaker 1

That that whole season I enjoyed it.

00:44:25 Speaker 1

Mm-hmm. I liked.

00:44:29 Speaker 1

Having so many different cultures represented and having all the challenges, I think it's difficult to have.

00:44:37 Speaker 1

A global challenge. Uh, that started from a a Western show, and then there's some language barriers. There's some.

00:44:50 Speaker 1

I don't know.

00:44:52 Speaker 1

How how do you for a lot of the challenge because it was hosted in England, it was very England centric challenges and then for people who or from Asia or people from Middle Eastern regions or North Africa who might not necessarily.

00:45:08 Speaker 1

Understand to be familiar with that kind of cuisine. Mm-hmm. And then people from the US and Canada or even maybe Mexico would be more familiar with the ingredients or the challenges would have a bit of an advantage. I think if the type of cuisine weren't necessarily tied to the location and they really tried to do.

00:45:29 Speaker 1

Global cuisine. So people from the US or North America or South America would have to tackle Asian or have to tackle African or wherever I think it would help even things out.

00:45:43 Speaker 1

Yeah, a little bit. But overall I thought it was.

00:45:45 Speaker 2

That would.

00:45:46 Speaker 1

A. A very, very good season.

00:45:49 Speaker 2

Yeah, I think.

00:45:49 Speaker 2

Overall, I agree with that actually a good point. It would have been fun if.

00:45:52 Speaker 2

They had done like because it was world.

00:45:54 Speaker 2

Stars like make each one of them in one of the challenges, do one of theirs like native cuisines or something? Yeah, like a round Robin of sorts or something, even if it was just.

00:46:01 Speaker 1

One or the other.

00:46:06 Speaker 2

For the quick fire.

00:46:07 Speaker 1

I guess they did like some of the judges there.

00:46:09 Speaker 1

Was like the Indian.

00:46:10 Speaker 2

That was more.

00:46:10 Speaker 2

Panama, though remember, I think there was anybody at that point who was familiar with Indian. That's everybody was freaking out. No, not only were you cooking for Indian for Padma, but I think any of them like.

00:46:20 Speaker 2

I guess routinely cooked Indian, right, right, right. And some were completely unfamiliar, right, like Amar talked about how he didn't. He never cooked Indian. Right. You know, he won that one cause. I guess he was like, so.

00:46:29 Speaker 2

Focused in by that point. Yeah, but.

00:46:32 Speaker 2

What was the one who didn't like?

00:46:33 Speaker 2

Spice. I felt bad for her.

00:46:36 Speaker 2

Ohh hmm. She had a French name but.

00:46:40 Speaker 2

I can't remember from Congo.

00:46:42 Speaker 1

Yeah, she spoke 9 languages.

00:46:44 Speaker 2

Right. Yeah, yeah.

00:46:45 Speaker 2

She just barely learned English or.

00:46:46 Speaker 1

Something it's like are.

00:46:47 Speaker 3

You sure? Yeah. Like, I think that I.

00:46:48 Speaker 4

They sound pretty fun.

00:46:51 Speaker 2

Think that she probably was suffered the most from sort of the fish out of water, yes.

00:46:55 Speaker 1

She's like I've tasted well seasoned for me and I don't.

00:46:58 Speaker 1

Like spice, right?

00:47:01 Speaker 4

How are you averse to salt?

00:47:05 Speaker 4

Like that's you gotta salt.

00:47:06 Speaker 1

Everything. Yeah, even salt the salt.

00:47:09 Speaker 2

And she got pretty far.

00:47:10 Speaker 2

Actually right, like top five.

00:47:11 Speaker 1

I was a little surprised at how.

00:47:13 Speaker 2

Far I was.

00:47:14 Speaker 3

Too. Ohh gosh. What's her?

00:47:16 Speaker 2

Name. Are they gonna say her vetoing? Yes. Veto.

00:47:20 Speaker 2

Yeah, yeah.

00:47:22 Speaker 2

I was too, because everything like they were always saying like she was lacking spice and stuff. Yeah. And I did feel bad for her cause. It almost felt like even her culinary journey was all over the place, right?

00:47:30 Speaker 2

I grew up in Congo.

00:47:31 Speaker 1

And Congo, Congolese.

00:47:35 Speaker 2

Then she talked about how she went to Italy and learned in the Italian style, which again is not very maybe this was a recent discussion, but is not very flavorful and flavorful.



00:47:49 Speaker 1

Buttery it's cream.

00:47:50 Speaker 2

But not all of.

00:47:51 Speaker 2

It either and even yeah, I guess, but either way, they're not bold flavors, so she's probably especially. That was like her more formal culinary education.

00:48:00 Speaker 1

But that's, but that's that's.

00:48:02 Speaker 1

The classic people go to French.

00:48:04 Speaker 2

But she was learned.

00:48:04 Speaker 2

Italian. Ohh yeah, that's.

00:48:06 Speaker 2

So I don't know, I think it.

00:48:09 Speaker 2

Just I think.

00:48:09 Speaker 2

A lot.

00:48:09 Speaker 3

Of that what? Who?

00:48:10 Speaker 2

Hurt her and.

00:48:12 Speaker 1

Was it the French who took over the Congo? The.

00:48:14 Speaker 2

Dutch, wasn't it? The Dutch, the Belgians?

00:48:18 Speaker 1

So French adjacent.

00:48:19 Speaker 2

Right. Some of those jerk Europeans, none of them. None of.

00:48:23 Speaker 4

Them are big flavors white colonizers.

00:48:27 Speaker 2

But I didn't feel bad for her. But I think the the the one that the biggest thing that.

00:48:32 Speaker 2

It's just like, I don't know.

00:48:34 Speaker 2

I don't know how fair it.

00:48:35 Speaker 2

Was because they had done the.

00:48:36 Speaker 2

An All Stars before it was all.

00:48:38 Speaker 2

Stars LA, but that was like.

00:48:40 Speaker 2

The OK. So they've done an.

00:48:42 Speaker 2

All Stars with season 8.

00:48:44 Speaker 2

And then they did an All Stars in season 17, but there was a big gap of time. I don't know how.

00:48:49 Speaker 2

Fair, fair it was.

00:48:51 Speaker 2

To let the winner.

00:48:53 Speaker 2

Of the previous because I don't think they did in the last All Stars the winner, the hot off the presses, winner of the previous season come into.

00:49:02 Speaker 2

A show hot.

00:49:03 Speaker 2

You know what?

00:49:04 Speaker 1

I mean, but it was also filmed, I.

00:49:05 Speaker 1

Think pretty close to back-to-back. That's what it's also exhausted.

00:49:08 Speaker 2

I'm saying.

00:49:10 Speaker 2

I don't know when you're like, especially the way he made his sound was like he was still like in the zone. Yeah. Like, you need. You need people to get.

00:49:19 Speaker 2

Out of the zone a little bit sure, especially when and then this was the other thing that I think that you had touched upon a little bit that was I think that didn't help the other contestants, even the ones that were, I mean they were on Top Chef, but other versions of Top Chef, as we learned.

00:49:31 Speaker 2

Didn't have the same challenges like Restaurant Wars was completely new to them, where Buddha got to do one and not only that.

00:49:33 Speaker 1

Oh, oh, right, right.

00:49:39 Speaker 2

Like he talked about. And this is like sort of the bigger main point that I kind.

00:49:42 Speaker 2

Of want to get to uh, he.

00:49:44 Speaker 2

Like studied it, he studied Top Chef like.

00:49:47 Speaker 1


00:49:47 Speaker 2

It was his own science. Yeah, you know.

00:49:50 Speaker 1

He he.

00:49:51 Speaker 1

He didn't necessarily win because he was the best chef, although he is an excellent chef, right? But he knows how to play top. He knows how to play Top Chef the best.

00:49:58 Speaker 2

You game the system.

00:50:01 Speaker 2

Exactly right. And that's that was the whole thing, I think I I think we're not doing who thought that a lot of the comments I was reading was kind of the same thing was like it's not like he's unlikable, he can be a little bit bland, I guess, but he's not unlikable. He doesn't.

00:50:16 Speaker 2

He's not a villain as.

00:50:17 Speaker 1

A personality.

00:50:18 Speaker 2

Personality, right? But yeah, he just he. Everybody was like, to paraphrase it kind of came off like he was just a big try hard overachiever because of all that game.

00:50:29 Speaker 2

Where it was like you never could tell whether was his food, that his food was bad, obviously because he made it that far, right? But without that gaming, how far would it have gone? Just on the food itself?

00:50:40 Speaker 1

It's still a an achievement in a skill to be able.

00:50:45 Speaker 2

And that was usually adapt that is true.

00:50:45 Speaker 1

To use the.

00:50:48 Speaker 1

Like, OK, who knows what you're gonna get assigned or what the ingredients are, but to be able to.

00:50:55 Speaker 1

Think on the fly.

00:50:57 Speaker 1

And combine your culinary skill set with the and work those into the parameters.

00:51:06 Speaker 1

And the.

00:51:09 Speaker 1

Point system, yeah, of Top Chef and Cook to that while still maintaining your voice. Right is, I think, still very much a culinary skill.

00:51:20 Speaker 2

I would agree with that, but I think part of that then goes into that voice portion. I think that's where he gets his hits. It's like, how much of a voice is really there.

00:51:29 Speaker 2

When everything he's doing is geared towards the win.

00:51:33 Speaker 1

Or just a very technical execution like where is Buddha?

00:51:35 Speaker 2

In this right, exactly. Yes. Or the technical execution exactly right. But that's the thing, right? They should have done something. I think that was one of the bigger critiques a lot of people were like, you can't blame Buddha. He's just playing the game, right. Whereas the producers should have done more.

00:51:49 Speaker 2

To have even the playing field and every there were a lot of critiques that the producers almost made this for him to win. It was his to lose from episode one.

00:51:59 Speaker 2


00:52:00 Speaker 2

Yeah, and it.

00:52:01 Speaker 2

Kind of played off that way, like everybody, even in the runners up were except for. I mean, that's the whole thing, too, right? The controversy.

00:52:08 Speaker 2

Of Sarah win. Losing well, sure, cause even Tom had been confirmed in a tweet. Had she not undercooked.

00:52:16 Speaker 2

The liver, the IT was liver, right?

00:52:22 Speaker 2

Purple. Yeah, well, either we had.

00:52:24 Speaker 2

That not been undercooked, she would have.

00:52:25 Speaker 2

Won, right? Tom basically confirmed that.

00:52:28 Speaker 1

Yeah, I think GAIL said something similar in an interview where, yeah.

00:52:32 Speaker 2

If it wasn't for that one.

00:52:33 Speaker 2

Undercooked. I think it was.

00:52:35 Speaker 1

Liver and who?

00:52:36 Speaker 3

Was it?

00:52:38 Speaker 1

Was she cooking it or did Amar?

00:52:39 Speaker 2

Cooker a mark cook did at her specifications cause I think if you remember there was like at least and they kind of harkened back to another episode he kept on asking her should we slice now to check it, to slice now to check it? And she's like, no. And I think she actually also asked him to wait on the cooking. I think she told him wait to start cooking.

00:52:48 Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:52:58 Speaker 2

And then after he cooked it, he's asking, should we slice it? She was like, no, no, no. Had they.

00:53:04 Speaker 2

Sliced it. Yeah, which didn't make any sense because I think they cooked 3.

00:53:07 Speaker 2

You know what?

00:53:08 Speaker 2

I mean, they should have just sliced one. Ohh.

00:53:11 Speaker 2

Because it was in the beef Wellington when when they both got eliminated. Same thing. I think it was veal.

00:53:17 Speaker 2

It was undercooked and I think I'm mark kept on asking. Should we cut it should be cut. And she was like, no, wait, wait, wait. And then it was undercooked. So although technically I mark cooked it, it was.

00:53:26 Speaker 2

At her direction, yeah.

00:53:29 Speaker 2

But and that's another one, right, just a major small execution mistake. But again Sarah was that close?

00:53:37 Speaker 2

To beating them.

00:53:38 Speaker 2

Yes, the king of execution.


And then.

00:53:42 Speaker 1

And talking about.

00:53:44 Speaker 1

The playing field I listened to an interview with GAIL.

00:53:49 Speaker 1

Just talking about someone like Amar, who was last on season 13 and having to catch up and like maybe being out of the the competition mindset for so long and other people who might have been.

00:53:58 Speaker 2

For so long, right?

00:54:03 Speaker 1

Not so recent winners. Yeah, jumping back in.

00:54:06 Speaker 1

And I mean Omar got pretty far, so he's.

00:54:08 Speaker 2

Yeah, I think I read an interview with tomorrow after he got eliminated. He was saying, like, you know, coming in, he was already the oldest. And he felt old and he hadn't been in this competition. Yeah, right. For, like, almost 10 years. Almost.

00:54:21 Speaker 2

But he did talk about like, yeah, he felt old at first. Then he got a.

00:54:24 Speaker 2

Couple of wins and he caught like you know he.

00:54:26 Speaker 2

Got a? He got a good groove, yeah.

00:54:29 Speaker 2

And then he said by the time he got.

00:54:30 Speaker 2

Eliminated. He was gassed so, but yeah.

00:54:31 Speaker 1

OK. Yeah.

00:54:34 Speaker 2

But that was, I mean, yeah, that was good for him to see. Yeah, exactly. Good for him to see. Uh, almost make. I mean, he made it really far. Yeah. Yeah. On his own terms.

00:54:34 Speaker 1

Those hot, young things.

00:54:43 Speaker 1

She was so 3rd to 2nd to last episode.

00:54:48 Speaker 2

Yeah, I think he almost made it to France.

00:54:52 Speaker 1

The the sous chefs were the the the most recent.

00:54:55 Speaker 2

Yes. Eliminated. Yeah, yeah, but.

00:54:57 Speaker 1

Yeah, earth. I don't know who would have chosen Tom.

00:55:02 Speaker 1

Was there sue? Who was?

00:55:03 Speaker 2

That I think it was Gabry.

00:55:05 Speaker 2

Yeah, Gary, because they had apparently.

00:55:09 Speaker 2

Forged a friendship.

00:55:10 Speaker 2

Of some sort, yeah.

00:55:11 Speaker 1

Expanded across the pond.

00:55:13 Speaker 4

Romance put more. What did Tom always?


Agar Agar.

00:55:18 Speaker 1

Always had. Passover was.

00:55:19 Speaker 2

Yeah, she was a big cassava flower, yeah.

00:55:22 Speaker 2

Everything was cassava. Everything was a gardener.

00:55:27 Speaker 2

Tom was annoying, but he kind of grew on me. By the end of it, it just seemed like an annoying nice ish guy. You know what I mean? Like trying to impress all that like over again. Like overachievers? Yeah.

00:55:37 Speaker 1

I think some of his.

00:55:40 Speaker 1

Is germanness. Yeah, dropped away and he's like, OK.

00:55:45 Speaker 2

He's not that bad.

00:55:47 Speaker 1

Or I would make the egg roll to help it.

00:55:50 Speaker 1

Just go to 2nd this.

00:55:52 Speaker 2

Especially some of the episodes where he look like * **** taking like 75.

00:55:56 Speaker 2

Percent of the budget.

00:55:57 Speaker 3

Or whatever. Uh, with all the seafood.

00:55:59 Speaker 1

Yeah. And then was it Victor Hart chose him for her team, and then he ended up.

00:56:05 Speaker 1

Renting it, it was. Was it restaurant or?

00:56:07 Speaker 2

I think it was a restaurant.

00:56:09 Speaker 1

Yeah. Yeah, it is. It is roots.


Look at these roots.

00:56:14 Speaker 2

Ohh yeah, and it was supposed to be all root vegetables, but then that.

00:56:17 Speaker 2

Kind of got muddled.


What? No.

00:56:18 Speaker 1

It was all their their native cuisines.

00:56:21 Speaker 2

I thought that's what it became, but I thought original. His idea was it was to be root vegetables, but then they.

00:56:24 Speaker 4

Really. What a terrible they.

00:56:27 Speaker 2

Got converted to like their roots, right?

00:56:29 Speaker 1

Oh my God.

00:56:31 Speaker 2

I remember that with like one of the things right that their their concept got muddled. Yeah. And I think Tom talked about that.

00:56:36 Speaker 1


00:56:37 Speaker 3

Well, yeah, yeah.

00:56:38 Speaker 1

Buddha doesn't have the clear concept for that challenge me.

00:56:42 Speaker 4

I am the concept United kitchen.

00:56:46 Speaker 2

Something like that.


Yeah. What a.

00:56:47 Speaker 2

Guy yeah, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha.

00:56:49 Speaker 1

Rocking everywhere, cooking everywhere, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, cooking.

00:56:52 Speaker 2

Looking everywhere, everywhere.

00:56:54 Speaker 2

Yeah, I just hope, yeah, for for the next season, they start factoring in that. Yeah, this people study this now.

00:57:00 Speaker 3

Yeah, I.

00:57:01 Speaker 1

I think they're aware that shows like The Amazing Race or survivor, how people are coming on and like.

00:57:10 Speaker 1

I made a binder I saw.

00:57:13 Speaker 1

70% of the time when you vote someone, whatever the statistics are they 3D printed.

00:57:19 Speaker 1

Puzzle pieces and they're trying to figure out how to.

00:57:25 Speaker 1

Take that kind of advantage away. Right? What kind of challenges are retooling the existing challenges to make it more even?

00:57:32 Speaker 2

So blindfold.

00:57:34 Speaker 2

Sure, one handed.

00:57:40 Speaker 2

Yeah, I don't know.

00:57:42 Speaker 1

Well, Skansen, I don't know.

00:57:46 Speaker 1

I have no familiarity with Wisconsin cuisine. What's going on in in Madison?

00:57:54 Speaker 1

Within the US, it's known as dairy and cheese and right cows.

00:57:59 Speaker 2


00:58:01 Speaker 1

I don't know what immigrant communities, if any, are there that could have.

00:58:06 Speaker 2

Yeah, who would want to go there voluntarily?

00:58:07 Speaker 1

Spice things up, it's probably people like it seems cheap. Hmm. Let's go there and.

00:58:13 Speaker 1

Then, like. Oh ****.

00:58:14 Speaker 2

Yeah, here we go, known as America's dairyland.

00:58:17 Speaker 2

Yeah, famous for its cheese as well. Such as cheese curds and frozen custard. OK.

00:58:23 Speaker 1

Maybe the cast of that 70s Show will?

00:58:27 Speaker 2

Other notable foods common to the region include Brewers. Ohh, there's a big German populations, beers and Brandy, old fashioned cocktails, butter burgers, fish fries, fish boils, cranberries, and booyah Stew.

00:58:45 Speaker 2

I think Stu believes to have originated in Belgium, made of the United States two days to me.

00:58:50 Speaker 2

Serve hundreds if not thousands of people.

00:58:52 Speaker 1

He's a Mega Man.

00:58:53 Speaker 2

It's like a social it's a social Stew.

00:58:56 Speaker 4

Social or social?

00:58:59 Speaker 2

Stew the name. Oh there. OK.

00:59:01 Speaker 2

The name can also refer to a social event surrounding the meal.

00:59:04 Speaker 1

So yeah, come to my booth.

00:59:04 Speaker 3

So yeah.

00:59:05 Speaker 2

Come to my booyah, Stew.

00:59:09 Speaker 2

Season with peas, granulated vegetables and chicken.

00:59:14 Speaker 1

Sounds like dog food.

00:59:16 Speaker 3

It kind of.

00:59:17 Speaker 3

Looks like it.

00:59:19 Speaker 1

Oh, OK.

00:59:20 Speaker 2

Like the more fancy dog than a can.

00:59:21 Speaker 1

Or maybe like like a like a really wet shepherd's.

00:59:24 Speaker 2

Pie. Ohh yeah. Beef, chicken or pork are popular varieties of meat for burya.

00:59:29 Speaker 2

Vegetables such as carrot, peas, onions, potatoes also in the mix wide variety of seasons, seasonings sometimes lowered into the kettle in a cheese cloth bag.

00:59:38 Speaker 2

Typical large scale boreal kettles can.

00:59:40 Speaker 2

Hold more than fifty US gallons 50 gallons.

00:59:44 Speaker 4

That's a lot of boots.

00:59:47 Speaker 2

You go swimming in.

00:59:48 Speaker 4

It. Oh my God, that's a hot.

00:59:49 Speaker 2

Tub. Ohh God. OK, it's still made in northern and northeast Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

00:59:58 Speaker 1

There you go, Skansen.

01:00:00 Speaker 2

So yeah, I guess we'll be seeing Boyas Stewart, imagine.

01:00:04 Speaker 2

I'm sure whole bunch of cheeses. Yeah, ice cream. Custards alcohol rumchata was invented.

01:00:12 Speaker 2

In uh Pewaukee WI Pewaukee Pewaukee Miss Wisconsin.

01:00:18 Speaker 1

There you go, Steven Avery will.


Do you think?

01:00:20 Speaker 3

Be on.

01:00:22 Speaker 4

Manitowoc County will that will that feature.

01:00:24 Speaker 2

Prominently was that Wisconsin?

01:00:26 Speaker 1

Junkyard Stew, I think.

01:00:27 Speaker 2

So OK, maybe you'll be.

01:00:29 Speaker 2

One of the guest judges.

01:00:33 Speaker 2

Oh God.

01:00:35 Speaker 1

Mark Ruffalo. Maybe he'll come in.

01:00:37 Speaker 2

He's Wisconsin, right? Yeah, I think so. I didn't know that.

01:00:44 Speaker 1

Chris Farley's brother.

01:00:45 Speaker 2

Ohh yeah.

01:00:47 Speaker 1

The other father, Kevin, I think sounds about right.

01:00:51 Speaker 2

Of Milwaukee is be known as Brew City, with Miller Brewing, Pabst and Schlitz.

01:00:56 Speaker 1

Who's the other one from Laverne and Shirley? That that wasn't.

01:00:57 Speaker 2

Oh, Luke and kugel.

01:01:02 Speaker 1

Penny Marshall Laverne.

01:01:06 Speaker 1

Was Penny Marshall Shirley? I don't even.

01:01:07 Speaker 1

Know I don't know I.

01:01:08 Speaker 1

Didn't watch the show, but whoever.

01:01:10 Speaker 1

Because they're they're in in a.

01:01:11 Speaker 2

Beer factory. Yeah, yeah.

01:01:12 Speaker 1

In Wisconsin, I think.

01:01:14 Speaker 2

I think you're correct.

01:01:16 Speaker 1

And bridesmaids, wasn't that supposed to be?

01:01:19 Speaker 2

Was that Wisconsin? None of them had accents.

01:01:22 Speaker 2

That's something they're from Los Angeles.

01:01:27 Speaker 1

I think Kristen Wiggs from Arizona.

01:01:31 Speaker 2

Ohh look, they also invented the beer butter beer canned chicken. Ohh when you sit it in the.

01:01:38 Speaker 2

Beer can what's uh, God.

01:01:41 Speaker 3

Bob Rucker.

01:01:43 Speaker 1

You could show.

01:01:43 Speaker 2

Maybe that even sound familiar?

01:01:45 Speaker 1

He was.

01:01:46 Speaker 2

Ohh, we talked about him.

01:01:47 Speaker 2

He was a dad in Belvedere.

01:01:49 Speaker 1

Yeah. And he's the the announcer for the Milwaukee Brewers.

01:01:54 Speaker 2

Brewers. That was always the question was he really or he just always played one?

01:01:58 Speaker 2

On TV.

01:01:59 Speaker 2

Movies and he was also the one in Major League.

01:02:03 Speaker 4

Ohh yeah yeah.

01:02:05 Speaker 1

Love that Bob Ucker right the old.

01:02:08 Speaker 2

Timer. OK, so you know rumchata and they invented the Brandy. Old fashion. Hmm.

01:02:15 Speaker 1

Ohh, I think I've had one of.

01:02:16 Speaker 1

Those, this was Apple.

01:02:17 Speaker 1

Brandy, OK.

01:02:19 Speaker 2

Apple brand new cream puff is popular Danish Kringle.

01:02:25 Speaker 2

Chris Kringle. Oh yeah, they have the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

01:02:29 Speaker 1

Badgers. Yeah, I think. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh. Go Badgers with that red sweatshirt.

01:02:35 Speaker 2

Simply, yeah, simply safe simply for them. And bakery is known for their cinnamon rolls.

01:02:40 Speaker 4

OK, everyone has cinnamon rolls.

01:02:45 Speaker 2

Not these specific ones.

01:02:47 Speaker 2

Yeah, look at that Food Network has, like, iconic eats to eat in Dairyland.

01:02:52 Speaker 2

I'm. I'm only invented Kobe cheese.

01:02:55 Speaker 1

OK. That's like a hybrid cheese, right, there's.

01:02:58 Speaker 2

It's it's two. It's a yellow and.

01:02:59 Speaker 4

Looks like it.

01:02:59 Speaker 2

A white.

01:02:59 Speaker 1

Looks like cheddar and mozzarella or something, yeah.


Yes. Yeah.

01:03:06 Speaker 2

Cream puffs.

01:03:09 Speaker 1


01:03:10 Speaker 1

It's. I mean it's it's a.

01:03:12 Speaker 2

Food. You're really pushing that Brandy old fashion, rusty.

01:03:17 Speaker 2

Should I know that is Rusty roesti that thing?

01:03:19 Speaker 3

Is that?

01:03:21 Speaker 1

So oh, so it looks like some melted cheese in in like, a fondue situation on.

01:03:26 Speaker 1

The left, right.

01:03:27 Speaker 1

And then a bread of some kind of a pastry puff. What is that, potato. Ohh.

01:03:31 Speaker 3

The potatoes.

01:03:33 Speaker 2

Not sure. It looks like another. Oh, this looks from Old World Switzerland.

01:03:36 Speaker 2

Shelly stuff.

01:03:42 Speaker 1

Well, with with the heavy dairy focus, it would work well with traditional French cuisine.

01:03:46 Speaker 2

OK, here. Yeah, it's a crusty golden round of butter fried grated potato like hash Browns.

01:03:52 Speaker 1

Ohh OK and then it's.

01:03:53 Speaker 2

Yeah. Cover with onions and melty Swiss cheese.

01:03:57 Speaker 1

OK, I don't.

01:03:58 Speaker 1

Kill you. So it's kind of like a.

01:03:59 Speaker 1

Lot go with Swiss cheese over it.

01:04:03 Speaker 2

Hash Browns with cheese.

01:04:06 Speaker 1

They're making like fancy names like it has.

01:04:08 Speaker 1

Some deep historical tradition, when it's just yeah with a.

01:04:11 Speaker 2

Hash Browns cheesy Browns. Lemon.

01:04:14 Speaker 2

Sandwich. That's pretty.

01:04:16 Speaker 1

Good. OK. That's a grilled cheese.

01:04:19 Speaker 2

Oh my God. Swedish tank. I I guess the big the big Swede and German, I guess, influence, right? Got some.

01:04:23 Speaker 2

Crepes here? Yeah, a lot of kirstens.

01:04:25 Speaker 2

Over there. Uh Maple syrup.

01:04:28 Speaker 1

I don't think that's from Wisconsin.

01:04:32 Speaker 2

According to this, is one of their best known culinary icons.

01:04:35 Speaker 1

I thought was Vermont.

01:04:37 Speaker 2

Well, I mean, they're most known for it, but surely Wisconsin has trees too, and Maple trees are. They're in a similar ecosystem, right?

01:04:46 Speaker 3

Latitude, yeah.

01:04:52 Speaker 3

Is that right? Yeah.

01:04:54 Speaker 2

BIOS, deer foam Dome, the seen bio-dome.

01:04:59 Speaker 4

Pauly Shore has.

01:04:59 Speaker 4

Been to both of those states.

01:05:01 Speaker 1

Surely he knows how to tap the Maple tree?

01:05:03 Speaker 2

Beer cheese soup.

01:05:05 Speaker 3

I've heard of that. Look at that. I.

01:05:07 Speaker 2

Don't know if it has beer. It's made with beer and sharp cheddar.

01:05:11 Speaker 2

Gardens with popcorn.

01:05:13 Speaker 1


01:05:14 Speaker 2

Fried cheese Curry.

01:05:15 Speaker 2

That's probably the best thing out of there.

01:05:16 Speaker 4

Do you think do you think all these are?

01:05:17 Speaker 3

Going to.

01:05:17 Speaker 1

Be featured on Top Chef. I think they have to.

01:05:20 Speaker 2

Be like usually when they go into one city, yeah, they normally do.

01:05:26 Speaker 1

They're probably gonna cook in a stadium, right? They're gonna go to like.

01:05:29 Speaker 2

Ohh, probably yeah, yeah. They're gonna have to have, like, a sausage episode. They're going to have to have, like, a stadium episode.

01:05:29 Speaker 1

You know.

01:05:36 Speaker 2

They're going to probably.

01:05:37 Speaker 2

Have a couple of cheese episodes.

01:05:41 Speaker 2

They might have a.

01:05:45 Speaker 2

Home alone episode.

01:05:47 Speaker 1

What the wet bandits?

01:05:49 Speaker 2

No. Was it home alone? Yeah. Wasn't home alone when John Candy was driving them? Uncle buck? Yeah. In his polka band. He was trying. He was driving the family back. He was going back to Wisconsin.

01:06:00 Speaker 1

But that's not home alone. Ohh, just talking about Wisconsin based things.

01:06:03 Speaker 2

Yeah, I think he was going back to Wisconsin and he cause, yeah, they were in Illinois or whatever. But regardless, Wisconsin is where Top Chef will be, and Kristen Kish will leave the the, the the charge.

01:06:17 Speaker 3

Well, she's from.

01:06:18 Speaker 1

Again, that's well, you're right. Right. Yeah. Born in South Korea.

01:06:19 Speaker 1

Her adoptive.

01:06:24 Speaker 1

OK, so I'm looking at some statistics here.

01:06:27 Speaker 2

About what's constant like the longevity, life life.

01:06:29 Speaker 1

Expectancy. I don't. I don't know if these are.

01:06:34 Speaker 1

Official OK, but I looked up Wisconsin immigrant population. Ohh 5% of Wisconsin residents are.

01:06:37 Speaker 2

Oh, nice, alright.

01:06:39 Speaker 2

Immigrants, OK, pretty.

01:06:41 Speaker 1

Low. Well, another 5% of residents are native born U.S. citizens with at least one immigrant parent. OK, nearly half of all immigrants in Wisconsin are naturalized citizens. And then?

01:06:54 Speaker 1

Where most immigrants in Wisconsin are from.

01:06:58 Speaker 1

Oddly phrased question but.

01:07:01 Speaker 1

Born in Africa, 7.1%, born in Asia, 35.4.

01:07:06 Speaker 2

Ohh we're how about modern?

01:07:08 Speaker 2

Day, immigrants, then.

01:07:09 Speaker 1

Yes, yes, yes. OK, yeah.

01:07:10 Speaker 1

Yeah, I don't think.

01:07:14 Speaker 2

This is like the.

01:07:14 Speaker 2

Gangs of New York Times.

01:07:17 Speaker 1


01:07:20 Speaker 1

Born in Europe, 15%. Uh-huh. Born in Latin America, which would be South Central America, Mexico or the Caribbean. 39.7. OK, so Latin American and Asian are the two largest almost.

01:07:36 Speaker 2

Modern immigrant groups.

01:07:37 Speaker 1

Yes. So maybe they'll be some kind of pocket communities that.



01:07:42 Speaker 2

They will probably, yeah.

01:07:43 Speaker 1

Have something interesting going on. I don't know how.

01:07:45 Speaker 1

In a.

01:07:46 Speaker 1

Work in cheese beer soup into.

01:07:51 Speaker 1

Traditional Asian cuisine, but I'd I'd love to see how that works.

01:07:55 Speaker 1

Out well, a.

01:07:56 Speaker 2

If you remember in actually it's when you bring that up. Yeah, Portland season. I think it was like their second to last elimination challenge. Yeah. Was supposed to be.

01:07:56 Speaker 1

Cheesy fun.

01:08:02 Speaker 1

Didn't see.

01:08:09 Speaker 2

Like everything had to have cheese in it and that they believe Shoto, who was the runner up, was very like deep into like Japanese food and he was able to meld.

01:08:10 Speaker 1


01:08:18 Speaker 2

Japanese with cheese, which was like a big feat because the Japanese cuisine like has like.

01:08:23 Speaker 1

No cheese. Yeah, I don't think any Asian. Yeah.

01:08:25 Speaker 2

Anything, right. I guess that's true in general. Yeah. Yeah. But I remember he. He was like, yeah, they they really loved his stuff cause he was able to meld the two. Like, in a way that's never been.

01:08:36 Speaker 2

Done before. OK, well, Latin.

01:08:38 Speaker 1

America has cheese, so it'll be.

01:08:40 Speaker 3

A little a little easier.

01:08:41 Speaker 2

For yeah.

01:08:42 Speaker 1

The the the quesadilla.

01:08:45 Speaker 2

Yeah, exactly. Sticking to the top.

01:08:48 Speaker 2

I just deep fry it for you, Wisconsin.

01:08:52 Speaker 2

And then make it a chalupa.

01:08:56 Speaker 1

Gordita puffy right. Once. Once the Chalupa gets.

01:09:00 Speaker 2

A little it does. Yeah. Ohh, almost. Like, what's his breakfast burritos?

01:09:04 Speaker 1

Ohh chimichanga chimichanga. Yeah. And then a gorditas.

01:09:11 Speaker 2

It's more like a that's a fat Taco right thick.

01:09:12 Speaker 1

The just the.

01:09:14 Speaker 1

Tortilla, but that's folded because, like the soapy would.

01:09:18 Speaker 3

Be flat. It's flat.

01:09:19 Speaker 2

Right. Or the like middle indentation?

01:09:19 Speaker 1

And then.

01:09:22 Speaker 3

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

01:09:24 Speaker 2

I can't remember. The only times I've had these things.

01:09:26 Speaker 2

Are Taco Bell.

01:09:27 Speaker 2

Right. Yeah. Gorditas like a fat Taco.

01:09:31 Speaker 3

Fat like the the the cheese, like OK thick. Uh-huh.

01:09:32 Speaker 4

Because there's a lot.

01:09:35 Speaker 2

Yeah. It's like a really fat flour tortilla.

01:09:38 Speaker 1

And then that's different from a chalupa.

01:09:42 Speaker 2

Which one is it then?

01:09:44 Speaker 1

I thought like the Chiluba was fluffy because it was fried.

01:09:47 Speaker 2

I think everything was fried. Uh ohh. The whole thing is fried is what you're saying.

01:09:54 Speaker 1

I don't go to Taco.

01:09:55 Speaker 2

Bell very often. Ohh Chalupa is a real thing from Puebla, but they don't look like the Chalupa is from.

01:10:01 Speaker 4

So it looks like.

01:10:02 Speaker 2

These look like regular human food.

01:10:07 Speaker 2

It's not. Whatever they turned it into.

01:10:08 Speaker 1

I want to get those dorito Taco shells. Ohh yeah, I want to live Moss.

01:10:14 Speaker 2

Yeah, see, here's the one from.

01:10:18 Speaker 2

I want the image.

01:10:21 Speaker 2

Yeah, this is a chalupa.

01:10:22 Speaker 2

They look vastly different from the uh, Puebla, native versions, sure.

01:10:28 Speaker 1

I don't think.

01:10:29 Speaker 1

Taco Bell is known.

01:10:30 Speaker 2

For their. That's right, they're Mexican inspired. What was the other we were talking.

01:10:35 Speaker 2

About the gordita.


Cordido Cortina.

01:10:42 Speaker 3

See like what is?

01:10:44 Speaker 1

And some more.

01:10:46 Speaker 2

I don't know what the difference is, quite honestly.


It looks the same.

01:10:52 Speaker 1

I don't think you even did a different.

01:10:53 Speaker 3

Image change did.

01:10:54 Speaker 1

It's the exact same photos.

01:10:56 Speaker 2

Like the only difference.

01:10:58 Speaker 2

Is like think Gordita come in Gordita Crunch version that has a a hard shell within the.

01:11:02 Speaker 1

Soft. OK, that's not.

01:11:03 Speaker 2

A real side. I don't see the huge difference, quite honestly, actually.

01:11:08 Speaker 1

Yeah, it's, uh, we'll put a a thick flour tortilla and then put a hard.

01:11:14 Speaker 3

Fried shell.

01:11:16 Speaker 3

Over that.

01:11:18 Speaker 1

And we call it.

01:11:18 Speaker 1

Something different and meld them together with melted cheese.

01:11:22 Speaker 2

Ohh OK here we go.

01:11:23 Speaker 2

I just did. I just did one of those, like Gordita versus Chalupa. The main distinction is that the the shell used for the Chalupa is deep fried, whereas the gorditas one is made on a skillet.

01:11:26 Speaker 1

Oh, sure.

01:11:36 Speaker 2

I don't know if you get that distinction at Taco.

01:11:38 Speaker 2

Bell, they look.

01:11:40 Speaker 2

Very very similar. So the triple will be crispier and crunchier with the gordita is softer and doughy.

01:11:46 Speaker 1

Put it on the plancha.

01:11:46 Speaker 2

But I think that's.

01:11:46 Speaker 2

Why? They cheated by just throwing the hard shell?

01:11:50 Speaker 2

To get the crunch versus like doing the right.

01:11:53 Speaker 2

Like they're Mexican pizza.

01:11:56 Speaker 4

Now that's food done right.

01:11:59 Speaker 2

It's another cheating one.

01:12:01 Speaker 1

Oh boy.

01:12:02 Speaker 2

Oh well anyway.

01:12:04 Speaker 1

That is Top Chef. That's. Yeah. That's prefixed for you. That's the cream of the crop on top, chef. The cream always rises to the top. I.

01:12:12 Speaker 2

Still think you gotta watch some of these old ones cause.

01:12:14 Speaker 2

They were pretty.

01:12:15 Speaker 2

Crazy. Yeah, go back to cause it's like, like, literally, I think those especially like maybe.

01:12:19 Speaker 2

Those first 7-8.

01:12:22 Speaker 2

Seasons like they.

01:12:22 Speaker 1

Yeah, the the.

01:12:24 Speaker 4

Hair he never had.

01:12:26 Speaker 2

Hair, although there are pictures of him with hair, looks like he's.


Yeah, I see that.

01:12:28 Speaker 2

Wearing a.

01:12:28 Speaker 2

Wig he like he's looks better bald.

01:12:32 Speaker 2

They were just like.

01:12:34 Speaker 2

Like getting random people so they had like little line chefs from random places and it was.

01:12:36 Speaker 1

Oh, right, right, right.

01:12:39 Speaker 2

More of a.

01:12:39 Speaker 2

Reality show. So they focused more on the.

01:12:42 Speaker 2

You know the living quarters and them just getting drunk and you know, like their craziness, I think one of them, like there was one of these seasons where the guy had, like, an affair with one of them and they were both like, one of them.

01:12:52 Speaker 2

Was engaged, I.

01:12:53 Speaker 2

Think the other one was in a relationship? Ohh yeah that that feels more.

01:12:56 Speaker 2

Bravo. Yes. And it was more bravo, because they would have that after the season ended. They.

01:13:02 Speaker 2

Would do a A.

01:13:03 Speaker 1

The reunions. Oh.

01:13:04 Speaker 2

A talking show? Yes, with that ******* Andy.

01:13:07 Speaker 1

In the.

01:13:09 Speaker 1

I think he's still a.

01:13:09 Speaker 2

Producer he is still the producer. Yeah. He's never got that money. Go. But yeah, during that all he did the whole time was just to drum up crap. Right? So I think they don't even do that portion anymore than God. But yeah, he was just trying to drum up nonsense.

01:13:10 Speaker 1

Sir, on top.

01:13:23 Speaker 1

Class it up.

01:13:23 Speaker 2

Colin, I don't think he knows it. How?

01:13:26 Speaker 2

How he he well.

01:13:27 Speaker 2

He looks for the bottom dollar.

01:13:29 Speaker 2

That's his thing.

01:13:31 Speaker 2

With his what is the other show like watch what happens or whatever?

01:13:34 Speaker 1

Watch what happens live, yeah.

01:13:36 Speaker 1

But it's on there, within a ridiculous outfit.

01:13:38 Speaker 2

That's his thing now.

01:13:40 Speaker 1

Yeah, there's something like there's a wardrobe person.

01:13:42 Speaker 1

He he doesn't like pick it out.

01:13:44 Speaker 2

I think he does now, I think.

01:13:45 Speaker 2

That's what happened. I think previously the wardrobe picked it for him. He's like.

01:13:48 Speaker 2

Nah man, I got.

01:13:50 Speaker 2

I done this long.

01:13:52 Speaker 3

I'm gonna take.

01:13:52 Speaker 1

Bring. I'm gonna take a pay cut as long.

01:13:54 Speaker 1

As you increase my.

01:13:54 Speaker 4

Hat yeah, exactly my.

01:13:55 Speaker 2

Budget $20,000. I want those king of Queens berets.

01:14:01 Speaker 4

I need.

01:14:01 Speaker 4

A lot of.

01:14:01 Speaker 3

Coats, kangaroo, right, tangle or kangos? Yeah.

01:14:04 Speaker 1

This is Samuel Jackson.

01:14:06 Speaker 2

That's true. Yeah, but he stopped wearing it, whereas Kevin James continues to wear it.

01:14:06 Speaker 1

Signature app.

01:14:12 Speaker 1

Ohh yeah, his conservative Catholic masses.

01:14:15 Speaker 2

In his Latin masses.

01:14:17 Speaker 2

But yeah, some of these were still pretty crazy.

01:14:20 Speaker 2

Especially, yeah, the the the quality of chefs.

01:14:23 Speaker 2

Has vastly improved. Yeah. And I think bringing in that quality has also, like, you know, gotten rid of some of these drunken craziness, Sir, these antics that they used to also.

01:14:32 Speaker 1

Focus on, well, I think could mean more for.

01:14:34 Speaker 2

Your career probably so you don't want to be known.

01:14:37 Speaker 1

As a Top Chef contestant, A contestant finalist.

01:14:41 Speaker 2

Yeah. And not the guy who got drunk in, like, I don't know, like got.

01:14:44 Speaker 2

Naked in the pool or something.

01:14:45 Speaker 1

Yeah, especially with social media.

01:14:47 Speaker 2

These days, that's true. Nothing was forgotten. Yeah.

01:14:49 Speaker 3

Very quickly.

01:14:51 Speaker 2

Definitely. Definitely, definitely. But yeah, a lot of these guys have just disappeared. Actually, this Fabio guy? Yeah, they tried to make him a thing, and he did a he came back as I.

01:15:01 Speaker 2

Think early on.

01:15:02 Speaker 2

Was a model. No Fabio viviani. He should have been right. But I think now he I saw him on TV today. He's like he like.

01:15:11 Speaker 2

Created the the.

01:15:13 Speaker 2

Menu for one of the like Indian casino restaurants.

01:15:17 Speaker 1

Ohh. In around Southern California like OK.

01:15:20 Speaker 2

Yes. Uh-huh. He was on some commercial. Yeah, something like that. Yeah. OK, but oh, Fabio is doing that nonsense.

01:15:32 Speaker 2

But uh yeah, that is Top Chef.

01:15:35 Speaker 1

All right, we will look for it, no.


Well with the.

01:15:38 Speaker 1

Writers strike and everything. Who knows?

01:15:40 Speaker 2

Does reality count under that?

01:15:43 Speaker 2

Are they allowed to continue?

01:15:43 Speaker 1

Well, yeah, because, well, no. There's all the scripted stuff that they have to say with the host. Like there's. Yeah. Yeah, so.

01:15:48 Speaker 2

I guess that's true.

01:15:53 Speaker 1

We'll we'll see what happens with Top Chef and all kinds of other TV that should be getting TV and movies. That's. Yeah, that's being should be in production right now or scheduled to be. That is not. Yeah, who knows what? What will happen with with the scheduling. But eventually season 21 will come out with Kristen Kish.

01:15:58 Speaker 2

All team.

01:16:00 Speaker 2

Last year, 2 movies.

01:16:12 Speaker 1

In Wisconsin, and when it does, we'll be there to cover it with the same.

01:16:18 Speaker 1

Eagle eyed.

01:16:21 Speaker 3

Perceptive critiques? Yeah, the the hot takes, you know.

01:16:26 Speaker 1

And love, yeah.

01:16:28 Speaker 1

And we'll also talk about Star Wars.

01:16:32 Speaker 2

Somehow, right?

01:16:32 Speaker 1

We'll also talk about Chalupas. We got a lot of comments the past month asking about chalupas.

01:16:33 Speaker 2

Way it's way into top show.

01:16:40 Speaker 2

That's true where you talk about coverage.

01:16:42 Speaker 1

And we delivered because that's what we do.

01:16:46 Speaker 1

Until the next until the next time.

01:16:46 Speaker 2

We listen to our audience.

01:16:47 Speaker 1

Mr. Deer skull remains.

01:16:51 Speaker 1

Stay well.