Pop Culture By Volume

End of Summer (Pop Culture) News 2023

Zach and Daniel Season 2 Episode 13


First off, the wine.  Today we drank UFO (Unfiltered Fucking Orange) from Good Boy Wines.  This was a wild wine and a perfect pairing for a free wheelin' conversation.  

On this episode we recap all (most) of the important pop culture news of late Summer 2023.  Farewell Summer, we hardly knew ye.  



Speaker 1

Welcome to another episode of Pop Filter by volume. Your source, your pop culture and booze news. It has been a while, but we are back coming on strong with good Boy wine UFO. That's that's our.

Speaker 3

Is that an unfiltered? Ohh I think I just put it. Together right now. Yeah, duh.

Speaker 1

Unfiltered, unfiltered ******* orange is what they're calling it.

Speaker 3

Makes sense?

Speaker 1

It is a 2022 white wine field blend sold out. We got exclusive access.

Speaker 3

Yeah, from good boy himself.

Speaker 1

And it's a it's a blend, it's.

Speaker 3

Everything, baby.

Speaker 4

According to their.

Speaker 3

Marketing everything. It's back, baby.

Speaker 1

In the kitchen sink we got a.

Speaker 4

It is quite a.

Speaker 3

Blend it's a crazy, crazy drink and. Look you have like. A unfiltered. It's unfiltered. You have a crazy like tiger with, like, a Basquiat hat or crown. Holding a bottle.

Speaker 1

Straight to straight river water this.

Speaker 3

****, yeah, I would river like after that.

Speaker 4

After a flood, some sewage got mixed and.

Speaker 3

Exactly like a.

Speaker 1

A water table rose a little too quickly.

Speaker 3

An old English reserve during industrial times.

Speaker 1

This is what those poor Dickens Streeters, yeah?

Speaker 3

That's what they were drinking, getting drunk and dying.

Speaker 1

It's mostly Grenache Blanc.

Speaker 3

Mm-hmm. 60%. Ohh man.

Speaker 1

60% and then you can feel it.

Speaker 3

Kicks me in the.

Speaker 1

Throat in the jugular. This one.

Speaker 3

Somebody like the mix of this thing is like pretty? Crazy. So the Grenache Blanc, two weak maceration and age neutral oak. Love it. Then we have 30% Chardonnay aged in fiberglass.

Speaker 1

That's what gives it that scratchy texture. That's why.

Speaker 4

It burns all.

Speaker 5

The way, yeah, maybe that's where that acetone.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I just got, like house insulation poured it into that and.

Speaker 2

The problem?

Speaker 3

Then yeah, let it age in there. Ohh man. 6% of Claret into stainless steel and then 4% Sauvignon Blanc. Also in stainless steel.

Speaker 1

The interesting there was aged in oak because I don't get anything Oakey about it. There's no vanilla. I don't feel any get smoothness to it or buttering less.

Speaker 2


Speaker 3

I blame the fiberglass. I think you're.

Speaker 2

Right, yeah.

Speaker 3

We're drinking the fiberglass.

Speaker 1

It's just like old recycled furniture or something.

Speaker 3

You're gonna see us on those commercials with the lawyers. Like, right? If you drink. Good boy.

Speaker 2

Miss Ophelia.

Speaker 3

UFO you may be entitled to compensation.

Speaker 1

Ohh man you know rip up my inside.

Speaker 3

Next to the old Iron Lungers.

Speaker 1

When we cracked this bad boy open this good boy.

Speaker 3

It was like walking into a.

Speaker 1

Nail shop. Yeah, it was like acetone on the nose. It is calmed down a little bit. Is supposed to be what? Tropical. Yeah, fruit. But like rotten tropical fruit.

Speaker 3

Ohh for sure. Yeah they they. Called it sun drenched apricots. Yeah, I think we said it was more like apricots left. In the sun.

Speaker 1

Like with something on blank, you can get some tropical. You can get pineapple you can get.



Speaker 1

Other warm things, warm weather is right.

Speaker 3

But it's like the fresher notes of those fruits, not the extra ripe.

Speaker 1

Yeah, this is uh, it's like.

Speaker 3

What are we? Gonna do with all. Produce. You know what in the fiberglass. But yeah, the tasty note according this is according to the the the good boy people tart Mai Tai, sun drenched apricot sea salt, toasted almond umami, an Italian Amaro nightcap. So we definitely get the. Some version of the apricot, yeah, followed by the the the saltiness and the salinity. Yeah. Toasted almond. A tad. I get, but only after the apricot. Like just right there. There it is. It's right there. Like 3/4 through the experience, it tastes like the almond.

Speaker 1

Maybe that's and then?

Speaker 3

Yeah, just the anxiousness.

Speaker 1

That's the OK at play.

Speaker 3

That would be my guess, yeah, but yeah. It's a weird a weird guy.

Speaker 5

But crazy guy well.

Speaker 1

Then Chris sick guys. But we're we're dealing with. It he is here to stay, yes. And we we welcome him to the.

Speaker 3

It does say drink chilled. This is chilled. Weird. That's true. I guess it was chill. Yeah.

Speaker 1

Well, we're doing it at the. I think it's actually a. Little better when it. When it warms up, well, the refrigerator is.

Speaker 3

A little.

Speaker 1

A little little too chilly.

Speaker 3

Generally, but as it warms up, you're right, it definitely starts tasting a little bit more of. Remember that Kern's apricot juice? Ohh. Yeah, yeah. But again left out, right? Near in the expiration. Date it's also.

Speaker 1

Had a little time to bring, but yeah, we're we're, we're. Right in the borderline.

Speaker 2

Like, is this still good?

Speaker 3

Right. Yeah. Really makes you question. Your, your, your taste but not.

Speaker 1

Anyway, bit of a grab bag episode as we. Do every so often, usually when we're.

Speaker 3

Yeah, man.

Speaker 1

On a on a a break? Yeah. Hiatus had some things to take care of in in the real world.


I need it.

Speaker 3

But now we're back.

Speaker 1

We're back and we have to. We have to.

Speaker 3

Stronger than ever.

Speaker 1

Go over those.

Speaker 3

It's like the 2020 experience.

Speaker 1

Those we've lost the the longer we're off the air, the more people die. I think we need to do this more frequently. And then we'll we'll keep the celebrities like I think we're given. We're given the good.

Speaker 2

Ohh the world.

Speaker 3

Vibes out until they gotta keep up. I see what you're saying.

Speaker 1

Yeah, they're, they're hanging in there. We're the. The IV drip of of good drugs.

Speaker 3

Soon enough, yeah. When you think about it, we're gonna have this. Everybody's dying.

Speaker 1

Celebrity world. We're gonna open up a. Health Center.

Speaker 3

With that too, yeah. But we're gonna start doing a list of. Like, who's still alive? Not even who's everybody's dead now?

Speaker 1

Right. It's going to be. A select few who are still alive.

Speaker 3

Yeah, especially about like of note, like, these people were of note, but everybody is now famous for 10 seconds.

Speaker 1

Some some of them I don't.

Speaker 3


Speaker 1

Know top of the list.

Speaker 3

They were well known. People were crying. I don't know. Maybe the stories were written.

Speaker 1

Maybe the the widow. Right, I don't.

Speaker 2

Know who else.

Speaker 5

That that death.

Speaker 3

Dominated the news cycle for at least. A day and 1/2.

Speaker 5

An hour? No, no. What are you talking about?

Speaker 3

That song became like the number one.

Speaker 2

Alright, what?


We're talking about.

Speaker 1

OK, let's, let's, let's, let's see.

Speaker 4

This well, no.

Speaker 1

If if it was so dominant, people like ohh, obviously.

Speaker 3

It was a singer, yes, who created dreamscapes. And one song. OK, one really big song. But he had some other songs. Sure. Gary Wright.

Speaker 1

I if you told me who sang or like, ask me who sang Dreamweaver. I would have had.

Speaker 3

No idea. We would have been like crouchy.

Speaker 1

50th anniversary of his death or something, right, there's. Like crochet? Yeah, or some kind. Of he's been dead for. 50 years anniversary. Wow. Yeah. Remember. Our ECON teacher loved loved the coach.

Speaker 3

And he did. Yeah, as many do. But he's another one like, I know he had a lot of hits and if I. Heard them. I would recognize him. But ask me. I can't think of 1.

Speaker 1

Big Ben Leroy Brown.

Speaker 3

Ohh, that's the big one, yeah. One of my favorite names is Leroy Brown.

Speaker 1

OK, so we lost Mr. Gary, right? Yes. Of Dreamweaver fame indeterminate time ago, we.

Speaker 5

These were on the last.

Speaker 3

Like 2 months.

Speaker 1

In in in our our last OK next.

Speaker 4

Steve Harwell.

Speaker 3

Of Smash Mouth.

Speaker 1

Smash Mouth fan.

Speaker 3

I didn't know he was in such bad shape.

Speaker 1

No, I thought he was just an out of control alcoholic, and apparently he.

Speaker 3

A jacket, right? That part is half true.

Speaker 1

Maybe he he was and then also had health issues that may or may not have been. Related to his well, right?

Speaker 3

Before he died, I was going to text you too. I had read, like literally days. It had said, like Steve, Steve Hall was manager, reports that he's been he's entered into Hospice. I was like, damn. So that's why I looked it up. And apparently, yeah, he had been. An alcoholic for many years. Yeah, some people attributed to a loss of a child. Is when he was always like a fun party guy, but that's when like the. Turning point.

Speaker 1

Happened. Was it? I thought he like named him after Elvis or something. I forget. Then I remember when that happened and he was super sad about it. But then there's something about the the. Child's. Name. Ohh there was like a tribute to some other singer, I thought, but I forget who it was.

Speaker 3

A different artist. But yeah, old Steve Harwell. Basically, during his after death.

Speaker 1

From Astro Lounge, I think that was their.

Speaker 3

Their big album? Mm-hmm. Walking on.

Speaker 1

The sun walking. On the sun. Yeah. And then they did the.

Speaker 3

You're an All Star.

Speaker 1

Yeah. And that was in mystery, men.

Speaker 3

And Shrek? Yeah. All these movies like, because that song had been out for a while. And then they kept on bringing it back.

Speaker 1

And the what was that covered the?

Speaker 3

Ohh I'm a believer. The monkeys. So yeah, that was for Shrek too, yeah.

Speaker 1

Yeah. Yes.

Speaker 3

But apparently Smash Mouth is an ongoing endeavor because they had kicked him out or he had left. But they're on tour right now.

Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah, they they released something. I forgot what it was. Was it pro some kind of movement or liberal position that was like? Really Smash Mouth? Because they've been doing like biker rallies all during the pandemic, it was assume Steve Harwell.

Speaker 3

Right, right, right.



Speaker 1

And they're all just. Decent dudes in in disguise I.

Speaker 3

Guess. Yeah. I'm Chris. Who the singer is there. What he sounds like and we go. They went for like, yeah. Like for Smash Mouth. Like, did they go? Yeah. Did they go with sublime and some random dude who kind of sounds like the singer Rome. Yeah. Or did they?

Speaker 1

Steve Harwell.

Speaker 2

Oh, the replacement.

Speaker 3

Go with just.

Speaker 1

Tomatoes. So.

Speaker 2

That's the vibe.

Speaker 3

There, that's Fremont does. Or did they just go with, like, someone who could sing?

Speaker 1

Did they get a? New person? Or did they just?

Speaker 3

They had to or you think one of. Those people, I. Don't know or they have, like, a hologram Steve.

Speaker 1

I don't know. I think they're quite quietly happy that they don't have to, like, deal with him anymore. So I don't know if they've gotten anyone. They didn't have a an excess style reality competition.

Speaker 3

Or they played to a. A singing track. Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Speaker 1

Or did? His journeys search for the guy.

Speaker 3

'S Journey had a strange journey to their singer because there was different stories, cause they've had different like replacements. The one that's stuck for a big chunk. They claimed they had discovered him like at the gap because he was singing ohh, but then it turned out he was lip syncing the whole time.

Speaker 1

But it's a it's a Filipino guy said. Like legit saying that.

Speaker 5

Yeah. The Filipino guy. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3

I think he could maybe legit sing, but they were saying that he was lip syncing. On all the tours. Ohh so I don't that's mean. I don't know what exactly. Happened in the world of Journey.

Speaker 1

But he's out.

Speaker 3

Now I believe so. Yeah. Yeah. But. I think they're still fighting with Steve Perry as they have been for like the last. 30 years or so. Now getting to the bigger names, I guess.

Speaker 1

Yeah. Yeah, Jimmy.

Speaker 3

Buffett, Jimmy. Buffeting.

Speaker 4

You can take whatever you want from that.

Speaker 3

Guy the great, he serves all he does it. The price is right. Never mind. But yes, the leader of the parrot heads. Owner of Cruise Lines, uh T-shirts or or? Shirt. Tons of. Paraphernalia. You go to any Big Lots and they have like a whole section dedicated to like his brand.

Speaker 5

He had time shares they.

Speaker 3

Had everything, yeah.

Speaker 1

Margaritaville restaurants.

Speaker 3

That's right. The restaurants. Yeah, yeah. All of 1 freaking song.

Speaker 1

Anything blenders and Margarita Margarita mixes.

Speaker 2

Oh yeah, that's true rhythm.

Speaker 3

Anything related to the life of leisure.

Speaker 4

You is a part of.

Speaker 5

I cannot believe.

Speaker 3

The amount of money he accumulated literally off one song.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I assume. I guess that's a pretty popular song, but I would think most of it would be like licensing and merchandising.

Speaker 3

Ohh yeah yeah yeah.

Speaker 1

Yeah, there's it used to be. I think the Riviera Hotel in Palm Springs, that's now a Margaritaville.



Speaker 1

Like he's gotten. Or he did. His company, he got into that kind. Of stuff.



Speaker 3

Or name licensing that makes sense.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I don't think they changed a ton about the hotel other than, yeah, just like playing Jimmy Buffett songs all the time and then having tropical drinks at the bar.

Speaker 3

We put some parrots. Right.

Speaker 1

I don't know the core wise they they did all that much. But yeah for for like, for headed parrots to flock together, yeah.

Speaker 3

But apparently he was something of a philanthropist.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I I don't know.

Speaker 3

Sure. That's what I read. I don't know. We have that much money, I guess you kind of the tax write offs, right? Sure. Yeah, that's ultimately what it is.

Speaker 1

Yeah, we get you get. Lower taxes on capital gains, though I'm sure when you making that much money, you gotta figure out.

Speaker 5

But yeah, like.

Speaker 1

Some way to?

Speaker 3

He had interesting group of friends. Cause what's his name was like, became really good friends with him. Hunter S Thompson. Yeah, like the best of. Buds. Yeah. Up until his death. Yeah.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I recently watched the clip. Conan O'Brien will clip interviewing Hunter. Uh-huh. And he's like, well, he wouldn't come to the studio, so we had to go and like, shoot guns with him and upstate New York. And I guess.

Speaker 3

Weird. Yes, definitely.

Speaker 1

Weird. Yeah. So was Hunter alright so.

Speaker 4

Farewell to thee.

Speaker 1

Parrot man Buffett.

Speaker 3

Ohh Buffet off to the. Great parrot land in the sky on the right.

Speaker 1

So the all the margaritas you can on bottomless margaritas.

Speaker 3

Mama's margaritas? No hangovers.

Speaker 1

To you, good Sir.

Speaker 3

Bob Barker the great. Host alleged sexual assault.

Speaker 1

The price is wrong.

Speaker 3

*****. Boom.

Speaker 1

Loves dogs, cats. Ohh, that's true he did.

Speaker 3

Yeah, he was a great friend to the animal. A modern day Saint Francis, if you.

Speaker 2

Will I will, yeah.

Speaker 3

Bless him with his. Presence, sure.

Speaker 1

And maybe a gross old man.

Speaker 3

We don't know right battle sometimes it seems. Like all old men. Go that route, but it also. Seems like they don't have control of it.

Speaker 1

Because George Bush senior.

Speaker 3

That's exactly what I was thinking of. Uh-huh. Long time, prude. All of a sudden is going around groping the nurses. Yeah, most likely. Cause he's not all there. I don't know. Bob Barker's the same. It was the.

Speaker 1

But he. Same host of television show he had to have some mental faculties.

Speaker 3

Yeah, but it was just like a muscle memory.

Speaker 2

Right. It's down under a dollar.

Speaker 3

He said like 5 things each show.



Speaker 3

Come on. Right, come on down. What's?

Speaker 1

The price per.

Speaker 3

Their showdown didn't take much thinking, right? Yeah.

Speaker 1

Yeah, doesn't say much for Drew Carey.

Speaker 2

Poor guy.

Speaker 3

He ruined his career.

Speaker 5

What did he do?

Speaker 3

By doing prices right?

Speaker 1

He's doing fine. He's I'm sure he's doing. 1,000,000 yeah.

Speaker 3

Fine. His bank, right, his bank, his bank. Account is fine.

Speaker 1

What what reputation did? Have some. Yeah. The Drew Carey show did.

Speaker 2

Who's lying?

Speaker 3

Yeah, that was cutting edge off his comedy. Ohh.

Speaker 2

My God.

Speaker 3

It was like a the. The proto office.

Speaker 1

He was like a Dilbert come to life.

Speaker 3

And just cause he looked like him? Exactly. But he was in his when he was like a touring comedian. He was like the Lenny Bruce.

Speaker 5

Yes, he was.

Speaker 1

Someone older. What was he in the Marines? An Air Force?

Speaker 3

Wait, what's his drew? Drew Carey was. I didn't know this. Yeah.

Speaker 2

Ohh wow, he's a regular rob regal.

Speaker 3

I had no idea.

Speaker 1

I think it was in the Air Force.

Speaker 3

In the band or.

Speaker 1

No, he's never shown any musicality.


Yeah, he was.

Speaker 3

Always singing on the show and dancing.

Speaker 1

That's what went on. On whose line or?

Speaker 3

No, no on the Drew Carey show, like almost every season had a big dance number and singing number.

Speaker 2

Is it? Oh really?

Speaker 1

Ohh this is like This Is Us when Mandy Moore had to sing like no twice.

Speaker 2

Ohh it's a season.

Speaker 5

It was like.

Speaker 3

Choreographed. Ohh, I can't. What? You did not watch the.

Speaker 1

Show I saw the. Opener when, like you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3

Ohh yeah, the opener is a good that's a good example.

Speaker 1

Yeah, now I'm getting.

Speaker 3

But they had big, big numbers. Big, big dancing. Yeah, they had this one really good. One where it was Rocky Horror versus.

Speaker 1

Dance now.

Speaker 3

The Queen of the.

Speaker 2

Desert. That's the queen of.

Speaker 3

The desert. Yeah. Yeah, that musical, sheba. Something like that. With the dude, the dude who plays Mr. the agent Smith. He's yeah. Yeah. Hugo weavings in it something. Queen of the desert. But they're both too, like, opposing, like drag musical.

Speaker 2

Hugo weaving.

Speaker 1

Shows they went this into a.

Speaker 3

And in.

Speaker 4

20 minute Drew Carey.

Speaker 3

They did it and you have them singing and dancing at each other. It was the best.

Speaker 2

It was beautiful. Ohh.

Speaker 1

I saw Dietrich Bader went to the.

Speaker 3

CVS. Ohh yeah. Or Rite Aid? Yeah. What was he doing?

Speaker 1

He's picking up a prescription. He was chatting with Molly Shannon.

Speaker 3

Oh, they were there together.

Speaker 1

I think they ran into. Each other? Ohh OK yeah.

Speaker 3

Man, look at this. So you're at the fancies of CVS.

Speaker 1

I don't know. I was just hobnobbing with. Has it got prostate issues, huh? I don't know what he's picking up. He maybe he was just talking to Molly Shannon and I had already gotten his stuff because they're off to the side, just chatting, and then they left, so it didn't seem.

Speaker 2


Speaker 3

Really conspiring.

Speaker 1

They're waiting for.

Speaker 3

Did you go behind them? And say, like, who's in line anyway.

Speaker 4

I need suggestions from the audience. Anyone, anyone just calling grab the microphone from?

Speaker 5

Writing, yeah.

Speaker 3

Right you're talking into? It, yeah.

Speaker 1

Who is the? The the Pianist, the one who would do the song was like oh we. Have an original. Song by and then it was remember this song.

Speaker 3

I don't remember at all.

Speaker 1

Woman who it was.

Speaker 3

Then this was on. The line, right? Yeah, I know you're. Talking about, I cannot remember the life.

Speaker 1

Of me, something hall. I don't know anyway. Yeah, well, how?

Speaker 2

Bob Barker? Yeah. Ohh. He died. He is. He is.

Speaker 3

I don't know. He cares.

Speaker 1

And then Robbie. Robbie Robertson. I thought he already. Died. There's someone from the band. Who?

Speaker 3

Ohh, that's horrible everybody but him.


Had died.

Speaker 3

The one right before him had that was Levon.

Speaker 1

Ohh, what? Yeah. Really. Uh-huh. I. Thought there was someone in the past month or two.

Speaker 3

Who did? No, I think everybody know, you know. What I think what's his name is still alive, Garth? Garth Hudson, I believe is still alive.


But yeah, how could?

Speaker 3

You think Robert Roberts, who was dead? He does all the music for. Martin Scorsese. Movies. Some people are even considering the music he did for the flower moons or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, this will be the best because he's able to mix his rock'n'roll with his native sounds and roots. Yeah.

Speaker 1

Killers the flower moon. Oh, OK. 3 1/2 hour. Olivia, I believe.

Speaker 3

Another long one. Yeah. OK.

Speaker 5

Well, I I feel.

Speaker 3

Like this movie's been on the verge of release for almost a year, and at this point. Ohh yeah, cause Apple has been.

Speaker 1

I don't know.

Speaker 3

Having it on their thingy for months.

Speaker 2

Right, right, right.

Speaker 1

I think they they had to shift it around because of COVID. Ohh because it is getting a theatrical release right and I think it was supposed to come out maybe a year ago or somewhere around there and then they decided to push it. So it's been.

Speaker 3

Ohh cause.

Speaker 1

I think it's been done for a bit, but it's first announced maybe six years ago.


Oh wow.

Speaker 1

That there's some kind of interest or someone was going to do it. Yeah. And then it it's finally coming out.

Speaker 3

Into the project. Well, I think I read even Scorsese like rewrote the script like he had written one. And he's like, oh, this is too much focus on. The white guys or something so he. Rewrote it to maybe bring in more of the native.

Speaker 1

I read back to the story. Three, a third of. The book.

Speaker 3

And you're like, I know how this ends close.

Speaker 4

I'm done.

Speaker 3

I'm done. They all die.

Speaker 1

Eventually, yeah, as people do. So Robbie, so those are the the big names we've lost since we last recorded, yeah. Keep me up to. Date if if if anybody.

Speaker 2

And what else else, glasses.

Speaker 1

The last big one was was Sinead O'Connor. Right, that was.

Speaker 3

On the last episode, I believe we talked about yeah, Sinead. The Great O'Connor of our time greats.

Speaker 1

Well, these these great of ours can no longer work anymore. No. And the same can be said for the WGA and Sags and sags. Yeah, the writers and and actors are still on strike. It seems like negotiations are happening some.

Speaker 3

Yeah. Last three days they've had.

Speaker 1

Some important headway has been made.

Speaker 3

Marathon sessions, apparently.

Speaker 1

But some people don't care about that. And like you know what, we're. Gonna put a show. Anyway, right we got.

Speaker 3

Our banks to feed.

Speaker 1

Queen of Quirk herself.

Speaker 3

Drew Barrymore. Had she stolen that from? Is she the new queen? Zoe. Has she taken her crown?

Speaker 1

Well, I think she's predated.

Speaker 3

Zoe, that's true. But she didn't become the quirky until.



Speaker 3

The talk show.

Speaker 1

I don't know.

Speaker 3

Before she would just like almost out. Of her as like a more annoying Shirley MacLaine.

Speaker 1

Was she?

Speaker 3

Quirky, not quirky, but more like in that like. Just aloof, loopy like space caddy is how I. Always pictured Drew Barrymore because Shirley MacLaine.

Speaker 5

Like that? Yeah. Shirley MacLean believes in, like.

Speaker 1

Was she part of the psychic friends?

Speaker 3

Yes, yes, yes, stuff like that. Yes, I don't know. She was exactly the network, but she.

Speaker 1

Network she was.

Speaker 3

Believes in all that stuff. Yes, the astrology stuff. I learned that from the Animaniacs.

Speaker 1

Didn't know. About Shirley MacLaine. The shoes.

Speaker 3

Yeah, they make a joke about it in one of their songs or something that I. Remember looking into it, and yes, apparently. She's big into the astrology and whatnot.

Speaker 1

Man, I thought it was just state capitals. You could learn from the end. Of it, there's so much more.

Speaker 3

That maniacs was like. You know how they people used to say, like the clash was the only band that. Because if you want to know the news or what's happening, you listen to the clash, the Animaniacs where I.

Speaker 2

Right, right, right.

Speaker 3

Think that for us? Sure.

Speaker 1

Yeah, they did put. I mean, it was heavy Hollywood satire and skewering that as a child. You didn't really get. That as an adult.

Speaker 3

There's much more to it. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1

OK, Shirley MacLaine did not realize. I can't. She was in the apartment. And then I'm blanking on it.

Speaker 3

Oh, she was with Lemon Old Lemon.

Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah. And then it's it's really, uh, it terms of endearment. No. See that.

Speaker 3

No, the other one, right. Steel magnolias.

Speaker 1

Magnolias. No. OK. Yeah. Yeah, OK, I think.

Speaker 3


Speaker 2

Sure. Other than that.

Speaker 3

Then consult the stars.

Speaker 1

OK, so oh, Stacey McLean.

Speaker 3

Yeah, one of those, right. With Jack Nicholson.

Speaker 1

Something's gotta give.

Speaker 3

No, no one of the other ones. But when you said that other movie reminded me, it might have been. That other movie as good as. It gets no older. Ohh when you said a movie before after that.

Speaker 1

The apartment like wait like Ohh.

Speaker 3

Terms of endearment. Maybe it was her. That was Jack Nicholson, right? Yeah.


That might have been it.

Speaker 1

Is in the hair, lead is in the pencil.

Speaker 3

That might have been the one. OK. But I'm sure she has a storied career.

Speaker 1

Ohh no, she's a she's a famous actress. Just I personally at this point cannot and the Shirley MacLaine movies.

Speaker 3

I can't either. Yeah. Outside of the apartment and steel magnolias. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1

Apartments pretty early.

Speaker 3

Yeah, young in that well.

Speaker 1

Drew Barrymore, she decided to walk back her position. Uh-huh. And she said a a ghost told her to. Continue and she didn't realize it. Well, is that true? It was giving. Her bad advice? No. Ohh I would believe.

Speaker 2

It because it's true, Barrymore.

Speaker 4

She went out in the.

Speaker 1

Rain. Is it beautiful? I must.


This is.

Speaker 1

Continue my daytime talk show and promote cookware, yeah. Curmudgeonly old man Bill Maher. Yeah, he seems to be more and. More out of touch. With things, yeah.

Speaker 3

That seems to always be his bread and butter, but before it seemed like his out of touchiness. I don't know. Was smarter and more satirical. Where now he's. Literally just out of touch. Like he bought into his own juice. Or whatever, yeah.

Speaker 1

Yes. Yeah. On his show and his politics. And then he's like writers should. Not expect living.

Speaker 3

Wage right. Even though he made his life basically.

Speaker 1

Right. And then he also walked.

Speaker 3

Back as he has as well. Yes, well, he claimed because they have reentered the renegotiations, he said. That's why he's like, OK, I'll wait it out then. That was his his his claim.

Speaker 1

I talked to my friend Drew Barrymore.

Speaker 5

Yeah, right.

Speaker 3

She consulted with Shirley.

Speaker 1

Yeah. Yeah. And thanks for the psychic friends network.

Speaker 4

I know how to.

Speaker 3

Proceed. Yes, my future is now clear. My path is clear.

Speaker 4

Shoot the 8 ball.

Speaker 1

And I know what's up with the universe. Sherri Shepherd also.

Speaker 3

She went forward.

Speaker 1

She's full steam ahead. Yeah, she is.

Speaker 3

She's like I got my flock to look after. I didn't know this lady had his show. I understand why or how.


But she's.

Speaker 3

She's doing it. Oh. Speaking of Sherry and drew, one of the cynical takes I read about these was because, like the daytime talk show is so saturated they were jumping in to try to steal some viewers.

Speaker 1

Some viewers from for. Our people who are not coming back on.

Speaker 3

Uh-huh. That was one of the things that I read that. They were doing. Although maybe not them specifically, but I'm sure the. People around them or whatever.

Speaker 1

Well, not everyone agrees with that because.

Speaker 3

Howard Stern, friends of the writer.

Speaker 1

Friend, friend of the people and long standing man of justice.

Speaker 3

More, I would say more recent maybe.

Speaker 1

No, no, no from the beginning.

Speaker 5


Speaker 4

Never rough justice. Not controversial. Bone in that man's body.

Speaker 5

And his very long body.

Speaker 1

He has blocked Bill Maher. Yes, he's taking him off his Myspace top eight. He will no longer be. Talking to him, he's no longer.

Speaker 3

It's friendster. Yeah.

Speaker 1

I don't know. Is that are we supposed to be? Impressed by that?

Speaker 5

I don't know what's in.

Speaker 3

The news, but here's the story.

Speaker 2

Going to listen to Howard, man, he knows what's.

Speaker 3

Here's apparently the story.

Speaker 1

It was like a stuttering whether.

Speaker 3

Ohh, stuttering John. Well, apparently Jay Leno stole from Howard.

Speaker 1

Oh, I mean, I think that stole that. No.

Speaker 3

Like literally well, I mean technically. But he stole the character and just put it into his Jay Leno show.

Speaker 5

What that means, like, right? Where's my car, right? Yeah. No, he was fine. But then he had, like, an injury right after or something.

Speaker 2

Mickey Mouse.

Speaker 5

Like that dude should not.

Speaker 1

Drive. Was it a car related injury?

Speaker 3

I think so. I think so, yeah, that dude.

Speaker 1

Accident. Oh.

Speaker 2

Hey, Madam.

Speaker 3

For his own good. Yeah, but the story, apparently, yeah. Is Bill Maher for no reason? Was talking about how? I guess he's annoyed that Howard Stern keeps on talking about how much he. Loved his new wife.

Speaker 5

That's what he was saying.

Speaker 3

He tried to. He wouldn't even deeper, saying like. Basically saying you still have a your ex-wife, your first wife. Imagine how she feels hearing you say this? Uh-huh. To which Howard Stern was like, what do you even know about my marriage? We haven't even talked in years. And he basically said, you know, those thoughts were just sexist because, like, you just imagined that because she's my ex-wife, she's just like. Being sad pining away from me or something.

Speaker 2

Right, right, right. Yeah, right.

Speaker 3

So then they said, like, I haven't talked to him in forever. You know, as far. As I know, we're.

Speaker 4

Not friends, so it's not even like.

Speaker 1

I cut ties not.

Speaker 3

Really, no, but Howard did. Say he emailed. Bill and was like, if you wanna talk about my my life and marriage, call me. And he was like. Bill Maher. Did not call. And then he gave him an extra jab and was like, I guess this is what happens when you don't pay your writers. You know, you just Babble about nothing. So, but that's funny. Like Howard Stern in the last like. Since COVID has turned into like the voice of Reason. Yeah, because he even went on to say cause I guess he give a maybe. An interview or something? Yeah, saying, like, you know, if if that he's woke, he's fine being woke and attributed with being woke. And if woke means you're like pro vaccine anti Trump then you know then he takes it as. A badge of honor. So is the the Howard Stern of? Late is like a whole different.

Speaker 2

Robin Hood. You really? Yeah.

Speaker 3

He is. He is a a man in tights.

Speaker 1

Good guy. Well, another guy is going to be. In some tight places.

Speaker 3

Some tight quarters.

Speaker 1

Danny Masterson. That's every show of fame.

Speaker 3

And uh and the ranch.

Speaker 1

I guess right, right, right. Apparently it does. Did.

Speaker 3

I never watched it.

Speaker 1

Live on a farm. Ohh is. That right, that was this thing, yeah.

Speaker 3

I believe it probably did. Like like Ezra Miller, right? Like a guru type of deal.

Speaker 5

They were like their cult lived on the.

Speaker 1

Land. Yeah, I could see him being a. Cult leader, right? Yeah, for sure. 30 years in prison. It was two out of the the three.


Of the of the.

Speaker 1

Was of accusations.

Speaker 3

I think so. Yeah. I think it was right. Two, they said it was 2 rape and then I got third sexual assault. They didn't get the full rape.

Speaker 1

And this sexual assault was.

Speaker 3

One of them was Bixler, yes.

Speaker 1

His wife.

Speaker 3

Yes, right. And current wife of Cedric. Yeah, Mars Volta.

Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And his wife? Well, Danny Masterson's wife.

Speaker 3

Mm-hmm. Biju. Right. She's out.

Speaker 5

Yeah. How'd she? I don't even understand how she.

Speaker 3

Got in. I know she comes from the Phillips withdraw. Kooky, but man.

Speaker 1

Ohh John Phillips of Mamas and Papas of Michelle.

Speaker 3

Uh-huh. All those fools. Yeah, they're all weirdos. Cause right, because one of them was like Mick Jagger had sex with her even though he saw her grow up because he was friends with. John uh. There was some story about. Mick Jagger, right? Right. Yeah. Having some kind of relations with when she became an adult or something.

Speaker 1

And then what? Who was in Wilson? Phillips. What? Phillips was that?

Speaker 3

Oh, I don't remember.

Speaker 1

OK. Yeah. But it was part.

Speaker 3

Of that of the Saint Phillips family.

Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah. And then there's one that was in American graffiti, right? It was in there. Phillips in the.

Speaker 3

Oh, was there. There might have been a lot of. People in that movie. Anyway, and what's her? Name too, right? Busy Phillips. She's a Phillip. Of the same Phillips is she, I thought. So I could.

Speaker 1

Be wrong? Ohh I. Don't know she.

Speaker 3

Maybe it's more of the electronics Phillips.

Speaker 2

From the CD Player Dynasty DVD players.

Speaker 3

And the Phillips Magnavox Kingdom.

Speaker 2

She was birthed out of a VCR. A bit. I don't know.

Speaker 1

I never. I never thought about that.

Speaker 3

I just assumed every famous Phillips is a Phillips. Oh.

Speaker 1

Do you think it goes? Back to John Phillips, Sousa.

Speaker 5

What the hell is that?

Speaker 1

Sousaphone and all the sousaphone.

Speaker 4

Patriotic music.

Speaker 3

Right. I don't know why they related.

Speaker 1

Is that is Phillip. That middle name, it's John Phillips Sousa, so it's not Phillips, right? It's not a lot. OK, scratch that.

Speaker 3

Unrelated or are. They that's just true. There could be. Yeah, we have to do some 23 and. Me. Deep dive, OK.

Speaker 1

Busy. You can get us. Are you? Are you? Related to the.

Speaker 5

Because she is kooky too.

Speaker 1

She's certainly right, yeah.

Speaker 3

Yeah, it seems to fit the mold absolutely. But yeah, after he got sentenced, we had a whole bunch of his Co stars, notably couture and cuteness coming to his defense, writing letters of leniency to the.

Speaker 1

Judge and Kurtwood Smith and Deborah Joe Rupp, but.

Speaker 3

Right. Yes, yeah. Of note, not tofer.

Speaker 1

No. Or Wilmer?

Speaker 3

Ohh that's true, because he's just as. Bad or?

Speaker 1

Or Laura preppin.

Speaker 3

That's true because you left the church.

Speaker 1

Oh, she's assigned all this.

Speaker 3

Yeah, because of him. Ohh. She. He got her in and she was a Scientologist for the longest time. But I think as recently I forget her interview. I think she said she hasn't been involved in the church for a few years now.

Speaker 1



But yeah.

Speaker 1

50 people. I think there were letters.

Speaker 3

That many?

Speaker 1

Yes, the four that get mentioned all the time are the costars, and then you said Kutcher and.

Speaker 3

Right. Specifically them. Too, and I think more so than because I think there are one higher profile but also two because they had a whole bunch of like they're big into like the anti sex trafficking and stuff. Thorn is that.

Speaker 1

What it's called, I think, is the organization that Ashton founded.

Speaker 3

Found it. And recently now stepped down because of his. Letter of support to a sex abuser. But yeah, but that was another one, right? They they they came out once the letter came out that they had written. They tried to like backtrack it. But the damage was done. And it's like I guess. Yeah, sure. You're friends with them, but come on.

Speaker 1

Right. Yeah. That's a step down. And Thorn was the like the anti trafficking thing. I mean, he had some kind of technology where you could.

Speaker 3

It goes.

Speaker 1

By photos that were taken, I think maybe of the OR if if they were filmed. Forced to do stuff on camera, it would somehow recognize or a crowd source and like compare the background of the.

Speaker 3


Speaker 1

The room to some sort of database to figure out, and that was one of the big.

Speaker 3

Figure out where. Oh wow.

Speaker 1

Things and it seems like a worthwhile organization that he's no longer. Part of it because.

Speaker 3

Of his? Yeah, his support of a ******.

Speaker 1

His statements.

Speaker 3

It was funny though, like there was a big the big thing, right that. Was like everybody was now pro. Topher. I was like, ohh. That's why he didn't used to hang out with them. Because they were a bunch of weirdos cause I guess there was always like story. Like they would all hang out and he was always separate. Yeah.

Speaker 1

He was always alone. Yes. Yeah, he just seemed kind of an anti Hollywood guy.

Speaker 3

In general, yeah.

Speaker 1

Didn't really want to be a part.

Speaker 3

Of it. But now it makes sense even more. So I'm just waiting for the day when Vilmer finally. Sees a day. In some sort of court of public opinion or court of law, because now even his longtime paramour Lovato. Has been like. Yeah, that was weird. Ohh, cause he was always. He was already in his late 20s and he was dating like 17 year olds. He was dating or at least grooming Lindsay Lohan.

Speaker 1

Since it's big, younger.

Speaker 3

And Demi, so he had a reputation for all these dating very, very young.

Speaker 1

Didn't you date? I guess they'll start. Closer he did Mandy Moore for a while.

Speaker 3

I think that's. Too, right? Yeah. Yeah. And she too was like, maybe 1718, tops.

Speaker 2

But there I think, oh.

Speaker 1

Oh, I thought they're closer in age. How old?

Speaker 5

I don't know.

Speaker 3

Is maybe they are not now because of the time of.

Speaker 1

But they would have only.

Speaker 3

Day right? All right. But I think even then cause I think that's the whole thing with Demi Lovato. Pro was her song was called 29 because he was 29 when she was 17.

Speaker 2

Oh, so he yeah.

Speaker 3

I was gonna say he somehow this guy has gotten away with his nonsense for a long, long time. So some of that was stuff was resurfacing, but it seems like nothing really has stuck because I guess maybe he's just creepy. Not. Doing anything illegal, per se? Yeah, right.

Speaker 1

Yeah, just a little little skeezy Mandy Moores, 39. Wilmer Valderrama is 43.

Speaker 3

OK, so that was closer, OK.

Speaker 1

And busy Phillips does not seem to be related to the. Phillips ohh. She's not. She's born in Oak Park, IL.

Speaker 3

Oh, OK. You would have thought with a.

Speaker 1

Name like that. What was the nickname? Because she was always moving. Yeah, she was always doing a lot.

Speaker 3

Oh so busy. Stop talking.

Speaker 1

Of stuff she was. Not stuff, Elizabeth. Something with her, her real name, her.

Speaker 3

OK, alright. Well, she's cleared.

Speaker 1

Real name, yeah. But maybe she wants to be.

Speaker 3

An unofficial official, Philip, well the same last name. There must be somewhere in the lineage of crossover.

Speaker 2

Brandon Phillips yeah.

Speaker 1

Somewhere. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3

Or a bloodline. Speaking of. Sexual assault and abuse. Russell Brand. Yeah. Seems to be in trouble for similar accusations. An old merry Old England there was a.

Speaker 1

An onion headline was like man. Everyone thought had already been accused of something. It was like, yeah, he seems kind of.

Speaker 3

Ohh uh-huh is right.

Speaker 1

Gross and yeah.

Speaker 3

He always did. That seemed to be. As sort of his bread and butter, right? But apparently now, so apparently no charges have been filed. But uh, some news organizations did a deep dive expose on it and just I was reading based on, I guess, how hard are the the rigidity of, like, libel laws in England, like for them to publish the story they have to, yeah, uh, because they're very yeah.

Speaker 1

Be pretty. You're tight.

Speaker 3

Lawsuit friendly over there when it comes to stuff like this. So yeah, so far no charges, but but Russell has been seeming like a big weirdo for a long time.

Speaker 2

Right, right, right.

Speaker 3

He went from like, I don't know, like Libertine Lothario. But now all of a sudden he's like a big friend of, like. The alt right. Crowd. He's like he's gone like ********, like the people who came out of his defense were like Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro. Right. But that's who he's been like, hanging. Like, that's his. His new group, apparently, is all these like.

Speaker 1

One on your side.

Speaker 3

******** right people. Good riddance. So at some point he went that away. So. Yeah, and he stopped being funny a long time ago, too. And he started, like, when he went into his whole. Sort of more like. Guru phase and like I'm more like philosophizing than comedic sizing, right? It was like, alright, whatever.

Speaker 2

Uh-huh, right.

Speaker 3

So, but that's his current drama, old brand. That's his new brand.

Speaker 1

Yeah, no charges, OK. He said no.

Speaker 3

Charges no charges have been filed yet. Well.

Speaker 1

There's some new charges on Amazon.

Speaker 5


Speaker 1

Because Amazon Prime or the streaming. Whatever you call it. They're adding was it 299 per month in order to get ad free content because they're starting to introduce ads in the US, the UK. Those two places for sure, maybe Canada, and then we'll soon add some other countries to that which is inciting the ire of people everywhere.

Speaker 3

Everywhere 299 are you out. Of your mind.

Speaker 1

That the Grand Slam.

Speaker 3

Free inflation. Yeah, that was probably like what?


Yeah, they were.

Speaker 3

1599 are you out? Of your mind.

Speaker 1

Yeah. So. A lot of people who pay for the streaming services expecting. No ads, or if there are going to be ads, it would be a low cost or free service, which is what most streamers have these.

Speaker 3

Right. Uh-huh, right.

Speaker 1

Days and then if you want no commercials. You can pay. More for it. But now the the base.

Speaker 3

Service. Yeah, the base 139, which they now.

Speaker 2

Charge, right? Yeah.

Speaker 1

Is going to come with commercials and you'll have to pay an extra 290.

Speaker 3

9 to get.

Speaker 1

Rid of them. I don't. Are you big Amazon watcher?

Speaker 3

I don't know. It's like all over the place. There's some stuff I but I can't remember what right, but I'm sure there's some stuff. I've because sometimes I get movies. But now.

Speaker 2


Speaker 3

The movies are have. Ads. They're right. Or is that? Who never. Mind, that's Hulu. Hulu movies have ads, unless. You pay the higher tier. There's some stuff on prime, but I can't remember.

Speaker 1

What? There's not too much Amazon original content that I think I would watch except for Reacher.

Speaker 3

Right. You and your Reacher.

Speaker 2

Who's that? Who's who's? Yeah.

Speaker 1

It's enjoyable enough. I don't want Bosh.

Speaker 5

Well, it ended.

Speaker 1

Right. Or did it or it? Just ended over. Oh.

Speaker 3

I thought it ended years ago.

Speaker 1

Oh, Amazon is like. A streaming CBS Yes, where it's like a lot of shows for like the the 40 to.

Speaker 3

Older people these.

Speaker 1

50 right. And like Middle America crowd, yeah, a lot of like they have the.

Speaker 3

A lot of those military type of shows.

Speaker 1

The the Jack, the Jack. Ryan with Krasinski, they have that Chris Pratt show. So yeah, it is a lot of military go America.

Speaker 3

Right. Yeah, yeah, that's what I. Was thinking of uh huh? Right. It is like a CVS. Channel streamer. They were like randoms. I thought we watched begrudgingly because we had started it. Mazel. Uh-huh. Marvelous. Miss maisel. Yeah, that was a prime original.

Speaker 1

Vibe to them, yeah. Not a lot of espionage on that one.

Speaker 3

No. Risky.


Honestly, right?

Speaker 4

I I brisket and.

Speaker 3

Tony salute. But I think it was. Also, right? Yeah, the monk crowd going for that older crowd.

Speaker 1

Sir. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5

Trying to think.

Speaker 3

What else? Ohh.

Speaker 1

So that one transcended though that was.

Speaker 3

A big hit. It was somehow.

Speaker 1

A lot of Emmy. Nods. Wins that.

Speaker 3

Yeah, I didn't give it to anybody.

Speaker 1

Rachel bro.

Speaker 3

The rings of power. We watched that. That was the Lord of the Rings prequel show that they spend a.

Speaker 1

Billion dollars. Is that on the Amazonian?

Speaker 3

Television. Amazon. They saying that's one of the reasons they're charging so much. They spend so much money on shows like one that billion dollar show, which not a lot of people watched, apparently. And they're trying to get into the sports world, which costs a lot of money. So they recently purchased, like, the rights to air.

Speaker 2

Right, right.

Speaker 3

Some, like Thursday Night Football or some random thing. Yeah. So saying. All those big spending projects have now led to them. Having to charge, OK.

Speaker 1

Well, I don't really watch Amazon.

Speaker 3

No, but I have prime just cause of the shipping. I guess the channel, yeah, why not. But I think they said they're also going to yeah, put commercials in movies, pretty much everything was going to have.

Speaker 1

Sure. And then you got you got the. Thrown in.

Speaker 3

Commercials now, unless you. Pay. So they're joining the rest of the ranks.

Speaker 1

I guess that's just on ammo because you can get other subscriptions through Amazon.

Speaker 3

Ohh, when you bundle yeah.

Speaker 1

But that's.

Speaker 3

I think that's no. I think that's whatever.

Speaker 1

I'm not going to apply to them.

Speaker 3

Deal. You get to bundle with or whatever is. Going to be separate.

Speaker 1

OK, but yeah. Well, that's just.

Speaker 3

But yeah, we're heading into the land of like.

Speaker 1

Cable now, right. It's just cable. But on the streaming service, all the kind of bundling all the.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

The deals there is.

Speaker 3

Yeah, although like.

Speaker 1

All the charges.

Speaker 3

You only like watch one show on each kind of type of deal. Then again, being inundated with fruit flies.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I got fruit flies well.

Speaker 3

They're going after the acetone wine. Probably they're like. Oh, we smell ripe Peach.

Speaker 4

We smell right fruit.

Speaker 1

Let's get drunk on this. Right. I well, if they hit the. One, I think they would just singe immediately cloud of dust. Acid bath. Ohh my goodness. Lookout fruit fly. You know what else? Death. Is coming for you. Speaking of Speaking of Expendables, new Expendables.

Speaker 3

Hold his back.

Speaker 4

It's just the 4th.

Speaker 2

One ohh.

Speaker 3

The 4th. That's like if you seen the ads, they put a four where?

Speaker 1

Ohh and for the A1 I think was.

Speaker 3

The E or something?

Speaker 1

For one of the A's, right.

Speaker 3

Oh, OK. Yeah, I think you're right. So after like a nine year hiatus.

Speaker 1

I guess the only.

Speaker 5

That's true, yeah.

Speaker 4

How many as are?

Speaker 3

Expensive if you spelled it correctly expandables.

Speaker 5

That should.

Speaker 3

Be like the parody series. Of it expansive.

Speaker 4

It says it gets.

Speaker 2

They get fatter right bloated with age and death.

Speaker 5

Morgan. Yeah, like, I don't know.

Speaker 1

Fell into a river and then. They found him right there.



Speaker 1

When they're shooting cannons into.

Speaker 2

The river at the bodies.

Speaker 3

Oh, that's right. Yeah, it's my. Forgot about that scene. Yeah. Sliced alone. Getting the old gang back together with some new additions. Yeah, we got we got some old stalwarts. Statham Lundgren.

Speaker 1

Who do have?

Speaker 3

Some other dude. Apparently added. Now we got.

Speaker 5

So mother dude, that's some like wrestler people.

Speaker 3

I can't remember his name, no.

Speaker 1

Triple H. Mankind with the sock.

Speaker 3

With the yeah. Mask. Those guys have not joined the. They're too. They're. They're too new. They have to be famous. In the 80s.

Speaker 1

Ohh, there aren't too many of those left Ric Flair anything. He's gonna enjoy, I think.

Speaker 3

He's too old, although I do want to.

Speaker 1

Ohh yeah, we've been talking about it, but we haven't.

Speaker 3

See that documentary? Looks pretty. Good. Yeah. You gotta watch it. Yeah. Megan Fox has joined the fold, as has $0.50. And then this eco person who have no idea who that is. But that's the villain this time. You know who echo UIS is?

Speaker 1

No, Arjun, maybe his. You know, there's a lot of like Hong Kong.

Speaker 3

I sure looked it up.

Speaker 1

Like so, Jet Li was in some of those, wasn't he?

Speaker 3

Yeah, but I think he was. A good guy. Or was he a bad? Guy, I remember seeing the first one. And maybe the second one, but not the third.

Speaker 1

OK, so Indonesian actor and stuntman. So maybe he's kind of like Chris Hemsworth or. Keanu Reeves stuntman, who got in front of the camera or because they they're the directors now, right? Like Keanu Reeves stunt coordinator is the one who directed the John Wick.


Oh, OK.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

Movies and Chris Hemsworth's guy did Thor.

Speaker 3

Oh, I didn't know that.

Speaker 1

No, the extraction.

Speaker 3

Ohh right that you like for some reason.

Speaker 1

That's pretty good.

Speaker 3

There's like 2. Of them now, right. OK.

Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah, I've seen both. Yeah, it's a. It's a dumb action movie. They can just sit back and watch Chris, Chris Hemsworth shoot a lot of people and do some hand to. Hand combat and. I think I like the first one better. Yeah. Look, it's a good. Airplane movie, OK. It's like I. Don't have any anything to do for two hours. Is this gonna be any good? Like. Yeah, it'll keep you entertained.

Speaker 3

Speaking of will this keep me entertained? Yeah. The return of a much maligned. Not even cult classic. Right. It just kind of just got aligned. Yeah, the old Britney Spears. Crossroads. I can't believe this 20 year anniversary.

Speaker 1

Yeah, this is. This is the thing.

Speaker 3

Just bringing back any movie.

Speaker 1

After some time, yeah, 1020 years and then. I think for. People in our age range because this is and and of high school for us, that it's really hitting in the nostalgia fields and right and that's why, like death Cab for cutie and Postal Service are touring. And there's a lot of anniversary tours that are coming after people like us, right. Who were.

Speaker 3

Oh for sure. They're cashing in.


Ohh yeah yeah yeah. That's true.

Speaker 1

Where these things would have been a prime time in our lives have a lot of affection for I was not on the Crossroads train. I remember it coming.

Speaker 3

Me neither.

Speaker 1

But I I liked.

Speaker 3

I've never seen it.

Speaker 1

At the time looking at. Britney Spears. I was not being. To listen to Britney Spears.

Speaker 3

Right, right, right. Or watch your act for an hour.

Speaker 1

And 1/2 right. So this is not for. Me. Me neither. I'm. I'm not sure.

Speaker 3

I will not meet you on the Crossroads, Miss Spears.

Speaker 1

I'm gonna go to Rosedale. Exactly. Yeah, I'll meet.

Speaker 4

You in rosedale.

Speaker 3

With Miss Bob brown. Something brown. Mr. Brown? Yeah, I can't remember who brown. Bo Diddley Brown, I think. Was his name. What with the with the man in the lyric. Right. Ohh. Something about something brown. Anywho.

Speaker 2

Over at. I don't know.

Speaker 1

Yeah, that's coming back out. I don't know what. They're gonna do, are they?

Speaker 3

A limited release because her memoir.

Speaker 1

Is coming out.

Speaker 3

As yeah so. Is it? Yeah. 20 year anniversary of the movie and coinciding with. Yeah, the the release of her memoir. The woman in me.

Speaker 4

And quite a note here.

Speaker 1

The movie is the first theatrical released movie written by Lord Shonda Ryan.

Speaker 3

Yes, I read that tidbit appealing, though Shonda doesn't start off the Shonda Rhimes train.

Speaker 2

Who called her ward them?

Speaker 3

I added that.

Speaker 5

Because she basically is right material.

Speaker 3

She has like a Rhonda land and this and.

Speaker 1

Oh yeah. That whatever.

Speaker 3

Right, yeah. Wonderland. Shondaland, not Rhonda. Names together. That's what she should have called it. Shonda Rhimes, Wonderland. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Mento.

Speaker 1

Like like, like HARP, some weird portmanteau. Yeah, she's doing quite well.

Speaker 3

Ohh yeah, more on the line of what you're talking about of people trying to pilfer our childhood for money and gain.

Speaker 1

They think Rhonda Rhonda land is.

Speaker 3

Doing that, no. The one right after that.


We'll we'll get.

Speaker 1

We'll get to that in a second.

Speaker 4

I don't.

Speaker 3

Let me get your.

Speaker 1

New glass. I don't know who's going to see this movie. I don't know who it's for, is it? People in their late 30s and like women, I guess, are there female fans of Britney Spears at this point or like? Yeah, I want to.

Speaker 3

See Crossroads again. My guess is is all the people maybe, but my guess is also the people who have all been like the free Britney crowd.

Speaker 1

Gave gay community.

Speaker 2

Oh huh.

Speaker 3

And all that resurgence. Yeah, of of of Spears and whatnot. The Spears apologists. My guess is those people or the people who are, like, maybe even of our age range who are like, oh, let's go watch it for the kitchen factor or something. You know what I mean? Yeah. I can see something like that because I was reading some quote from the director and she was acting like this movie was like.

Speaker 1

A revolutionary.

Speaker 3

Yeah, like the greatest. Movie of all time.

Speaker 1

Like we've ever had, like beach Blanket bingo, Elvis movies like I don't.

Speaker 3

Yeah, we don't need crossroads.

Speaker 1

Bad acting had singers turned actors. Since the dawn of Hollywood.

Speaker 3

That's true, but even sooner, I'm sure even vaudevillians Sophocles sang her #2.

Speaker 4

Ohh yeah.

Speaker 1

Hello, my baby. Hello, my darling.

Speaker 3

What are those? My toga wearing? Pals.

Speaker 1

My toga. My toga.

Speaker 3

That's a movie.

Speaker 1

No Tor Tor Tor.

Speaker 3

Ohh Tora, Tora, never mind, not toga.

Speaker 1

I saw Tortora and found it extremely long and boring.

Speaker 3


Speaker 1

Uh, so along with. Britney Spears? They're former. Oh yeah, former lovers. Well, I think. Just one of them. I don't think it was. He dated everyone from.

Speaker 3

*NSYNC. Maybe. Maybe it was like a Joni Mitchell situation.

Speaker 1

Who did she? Date all the, didn't she date?

Speaker 3

A couple of The Rolling Stones. She did at least.

Speaker 1

Mick. Ohh I did not know that.

Speaker 3

There was other people that dated.

Speaker 1

When they visited the Canyon, yeah.

Speaker 3

And then also.

Speaker 1

Follow her siren song.

Speaker 3

There's some other people, I think that. Floated around the stones.

Speaker 1

Ohh I thought it was going to. Be like a bird's. Situation where it's like.

Speaker 3

Oh, I'm sure they had their share too.

Speaker 2

There's there.

Speaker 3

No. Of doing that type of thing.

Speaker 4

There's terrible joking.

Speaker 3

No, no. Share no share of partner Sharon. No, what?

Speaker 2


Speaker 3

Yeah, but yeah, return of In Sync. So we first saw.

Speaker 1

Them two unknown ends as of of this, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3

Right, that's true.


They we yeah, we don't know.

Speaker 3

For good or for evil?

Speaker 5

But they have returned.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I'm sure they're going to be like a big fracking proponents.

Speaker 3

I wouldn't be surprised. They seem like frackers.

Speaker 1

They showed up at the the VMAs right presented.

Speaker 3

Gave some awards to SWIFT to.

Speaker 1

There's two. Or swift Tay Tay. She was honored. So they were like the.

Speaker 3

Essence of pop. Oh yeah? Then she say something. Like if you do something. I want to be involved or. Something. Yeah, I. Want in In Sync.

Speaker 1

And then they're on hot.

Speaker 4

Ones I have yet to.

Speaker 3

Watch it. Have you seen it? I saw a clip. Where?



Speaker 1

They're like this is hot.

Speaker 3

Right. They start singing and dancing.

Speaker 5

Right, they do the puppet dancers and.

Speaker 1

Then Oh yeah, yeah. I think Joey Fatone started singing.

Speaker 3

OK. Yeah, makes sense. Sure. Because you kind of stayed in the limelight, right? You can like a host and stuff like that. Oh.


A little bit he.

Speaker 1

He did some acting. He was in my big fat Greek wedding sequel.


Ohh I didn't.

Speaker 3

Know which apparently just has another one coming.

Speaker 1

Out. Yeah, yeah. With the with Aiden coming back.

Speaker 3

Yeah, I don't know his real name, John. Something I forgot name. Stockton no, John Eden.

Speaker 1

Corbett Corbett, John Corbett. Like the yes Fritz. Is it full? Is like the square bottle that turned round at the.

Speaker 3


Speaker 1

Top Canyon Corbett Canyon.

Speaker 3

I've been. I haven't even thought of that in forever. Well, I forgot that thing existed because you don't even see it anymore, right?

Speaker 1

Canyon Canyon Canyon. Maybe maybe it doesn't. I don't know. Yeah. We gotta do a taste.

Speaker 3

Test. We gotta go find it. Yeah. Some old stock.

Speaker 1

Yeah. And we should. And we should do.

Speaker 4

Save for the apocalypse. Empty out your gallons of water and you're like, I need more Corbett.

Speaker 3

Candy and my head is tasting. Like this maybe? Like that UFO?

Speaker 1

Maybe we should. Do a a boxed wine taste test.

Speaker 3

I could be fine or.

Speaker 1

Fun or canned wine? So like Underwood has them cupcake.

Speaker 3

We did one canned wine before one of our rose episodes. Yeah, where we did the levels of rose. Yeah, but we could. Yeah. Be good to box wine or. They're the ones that, that, that don't come. In full boxes, but they come in like. Those like container.

Speaker 1

Oh yes, you're talking about uh, yeah, yeah. All right, well. Instincts coming back. They're in, they're in the limelight. They're all wearing double breasted.

Speaker 4

Suits, were they really?

Speaker 1

Are the VMAs, yeah. Except for Justin. He had some, like, blue play. Yeah. Yeah, a little different. A little more fitted. Everyone else had a box here, as is the style now.

Speaker 3

OK. Oh, he had to stick out.


Ohh OK.

Speaker 3

As a style, but also he's probably the only one who could probably.

Speaker 1

The the wide leg trouser.

Speaker 3

Get away with it still.

Speaker 1

Uh, I think Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick are the two that have gained a little weight. Jaycee and Lance are still.

Speaker 3

Oh, that's true. Lance has always been lanky.

Speaker 1

Like Justin. So so they too would be.

Speaker 3

Justified wearing a tight suit? Sure, yeah.

Speaker 1

Certainly I it seems like they'll be going on a reunion tour. I mean, that's the most obvious thing. Possibly with the new album.

Speaker 3

Right. They have to be. Oh, I hope not.

Speaker 1

I don't know. I mean it's. It's not. I don't think going to be a. Chart Topper people are.

Speaker 3

I guess it's.


I don't know.

Speaker 1

Like, oh, they came out with a new song.

Speaker 2

Hmm. So it's like like.

Speaker 3

I could see people just being like I guess.

Speaker 1

98 degrees is.

Speaker 3

They're really 90.

Speaker 1

2 Going back on. Tour. Yeah, lychee. Nick Lachey, elberg.

Speaker 4

A Wahlberg.

Speaker 1

No, they were in KTB. Those done.

Speaker 3

OK. No, no, no. Yeah, I know that one, but I could have sworn one of the other ones was in another, lesser known. I could be.

Speaker 1

Mark, Marky Mark and the.

Speaker 3

Funky bunch. No, not me that was.

Speaker 1

More known how many wahlbergs are?

Speaker 3

There too many I.

Speaker 1

Think just those two, right? No, there's.

Speaker 5

More. Yeah, you, I thought.

Speaker 3

You watched their show? No, the Wahlburgers. No, no.


I don't even know where that.

Speaker 3

Is is that on EI? Don't know. I don't watch that. I thought you did. I thought you said that's why you frequented them. The local Wahlburgers to you. The only West Coast Walburger.

Speaker 4

On Hollywood Blvd. yeah.

Speaker 1

Absolutely. I support them. Those men are patriots. Mark Wahlberg. A took out the eye of a. Some some man.

Speaker 3

He like in. Real life. Yeah, that's why he.

Speaker 1

Went to jail. His hate.

Speaker 3

Crime stuff. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's right. Which you never have to really account for.

Speaker 1

Taking out the immigrant scum.

Speaker 3

Hey. Yeah, that's true. You never. Really had to account. For that.

Speaker 1

Well, personally he has a lot of Catholic guilt. I'm sure he he wakes up every day, says a rosary to that man in his eye, his missing eye.

Speaker 3

Well, person, right? I don't know. I doubt it. If you felt so bad, you buy him a new eye. He has the money.

Speaker 1

Like a Cyborg guy? Yeah, I'm sure. Uh, I. Don't know what what that man situation is. If he has a patch, if he has a. Glass eye. I don't know if they've had any contacts.

Speaker 3

You should buy him something.

Speaker 1

That's that's not, that's not penance.

Speaker 3

It's more closely than not. Like he should ask. The guy. What do you want? And. Then he gives it.

Speaker 2

To him, an eye for an eye. Ohh, there we go.

Speaker 1

Yeah, that'd be good anyway.

Speaker 3

I'd like to see Mark you mark with one eye. Say hello to your.

Speaker 1

Mother, say hi to my iPhone.

Speaker 2

I know where it is. You see my eye.

Speaker 1

Terrible. Terrible. So, oh, 90 degrees. No, it was Nick Lachey. His cousin Drew Lashay. Oh, I didn't know that. And some. Other guy, right? The. Third guy and then they all stood on the the Golden Gate Bridge to sing a.

Speaker 4

Song OK.

Speaker 3

A lot of people have done that.

Speaker 1

They're like at the very at the very top, they're at.

Speaker 3

Ohh, like for real? Was it like CGI superimposed green screen?

Speaker 1

The top of 1 of. The towers? No, no, no, they they want. No, no, no.

Speaker 3

They they climbed.

Speaker 1

Yeah, this is all practical effects.

Speaker 3

This like gorilla video.

Speaker 4

They didn't have permission. Safety equipment.

Speaker 3

Before they got a. Record deal.

Speaker 1

They're just three.

Speaker 4

Root kids trying to make it into this crazy world.

Speaker 5

Right. Yeah, in fact.

Speaker 1

Oh, God, yeah, that that one big song that they had.

Speaker 3

I know what you're talking about. I couldn't. Name it or hum. It if you ask me, but. I know they had the one, but then there's.

Speaker 1

Another one right? That was used for the newlyweds. Oh. Does that count? I promise you.


Ohh yeah, that's.

Speaker 1

True, that's a banner.

Speaker 3

A sleeper. No, no, you know.

Speaker 1

I'm gonna play that at my wedding.

Speaker 3

As you walk down the aisle. Absolutely different portion as you leave the aisle.

Speaker 4

I think for everything, just every time to the low.

Speaker 5

It up.

Speaker 4

Walking down the aisle, walking away from the aisle.

Speaker 3

It's like a sporting event. Anytime. Just quiet blast it.


All right.

Speaker 1

Introducing the bride and groom.

Speaker 4

Bride and groom leaving the party.

Speaker 3

Bride and groom like choreographed. What do you call it? Unsuspecting dance.

Speaker 5

Cutting the cake, cutting the cake.

Speaker 3

It's everything that I will promise you this I promise you.

Speaker 1

Yeah, absolutely. I like that play for the clean up. Crew. I like that.

Speaker 3

Everybody goes home with the burned copy of the.

Speaker 1

Yeah, *NSYNC coming back. We'll see what happens.

Speaker 3

With that, with the brothers Timberlake.

Speaker 1

I don't have a transition for.

Speaker 3

This one there really isn't one, yeah. But old Millie Bobby Brown.

Speaker 1

Is she the one for the Crossroads song?

Speaker 3

That's the. That's the connection. Yeah, I think it. Is. Yeah. Eric Robert Johnson. We're talking about Millie Bobby Brown.

Speaker 4

From knew there's going to be. A young British girl. To star in a sci-fi series.

Speaker 3

And then hit. But yeah old. What was that show called Stranger? Stranger things are happening. She wrote a novel.

Speaker 1

She also starred in Anola Enola.

Speaker 3

Holmes. Oh, yeah, no one.

Speaker 5

That I know. Watch that.

Speaker 3

That was supposed to be Sherlock Holmes niece.

Speaker 1

Or daughter.

Speaker 5

Sister, did you have your?

Speaker 3

Sister. Ohh. I don't know a.

Speaker 2

Relative some relation of.

Speaker 3

Cumberbatch. Apparently she wrote a novel. Whether she wrote it herself, undetermined. Called 19 steps. Basically stole the stories that her grandmother used to tell her about World War 2 turned into a novel, making tons of money. I assume has not yet. But probably guys.

Speaker 4

Making and it's not released, it will.

Speaker 5

Make it presales.

Speaker 4

It's it's. Make any money she hasn't even written.

Speaker 5

Sure, you got a what do you?

Speaker 3

Call that a. Front thingy in advance. Sure you got an advance. I'm sure there's some level of pre sales you probably like, made her family buy some.

Speaker 1

Ohh in. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4

Right. The Browns got to stick.

Speaker 3

Together, exactly. Sure, Drake probably bought a pre sale.

Speaker 2

Coffee, stranger things count.

Speaker 3

All of them, right, she.

Speaker 2

Five. No, it's not.

Speaker 4

Had to buy no.

Speaker 3

She bought his band CD so. He had to buy her.

Speaker 1

Book he just came up.

Speaker 3

With a movie. Oh, is that right? Like he directed it, yeah.

Speaker 1

He's like 20 years.

Speaker 3

Old. Ohh, well what happens? We can make tons of.

Speaker 1

Do you want the movie? Money as a kid debuted at TIFF. Yeah, he was that a Weezer mom.



Speaker 3

He was in a like.

Speaker 1

A music music video, OK. Yeah, what stories does the British woman like? Oh, we got bombed a. Lot basically a lot.

Speaker 3

Of that? Uh. So I don't know how she thought, and not only that. Why is this grandma like, OK, so Millie Bobby Brown was saying, like, like when she was like, going to sleep. She tell her grandma. Tell me a story to sleep and she tell these heroine. Sales have been bombed during.

Speaker 5

World War 2.

Speaker 4

We heard the.

Speaker 3

Right, exactly. That's the way she made it seem. But she said in those stories, though, where stories still have like community and heartwarming perseverance or whatever. Yeah. So yeah, she's basically now, you know. Shilling her grandma's tails.

Speaker 1

You leave my cell. Move over.

Speaker 4

I got the real. Scoop on World War 2.

Speaker 3

Exactly to right. Straight from the horse's mouth.

Speaker 1

Oh my God.

Speaker 3

But that's old Millie Bobby Brown.

Speaker 1

MMB another Bob in the news. Oh yeah. Bob Ross. Of painting cram.

Speaker 3

Of Happy trees fan.

Speaker 1

Whatever happened to Owen Wilson?

Speaker 3

Movie got bad reviews and everybody ignored it.

Speaker 5

It did.

Speaker 1

It was the talk of the town we even reviewed.

Speaker 5

The trail.

Speaker 2

Yeah, it can look promising. We were so excited. Yeah.

Speaker 3

Could look promising. It looked promising. Then all the reviews came. Out like this ****, the.

Speaker 4

Man, the Carmel Stillion got burnt to a crisp.

Speaker 2

On that one.

Speaker 1

Ohh **** son. Well, Bob Ross's first painting for PBS that he did on the PBS show, I guess as a state kept it.

Speaker 3

Or did most likely is my guess.

Speaker 1

It's going on sale for bargain price, so it's not for auction, it's just straight 10 mil.

Speaker 3

I yeah, I think it might be. An auction, but it starts at 10 mil.

Speaker 2


Speaker 3

Yeah, you have the very first painting he did. On his show.

Speaker 1

Man Gagosian should get on.

Speaker 3

Yeah. That's like a Michael Jordan rookie card right there in Rarity and time.

Speaker 1

I guess so.

Speaker 3

Are we going to? Go in on. Ooh, maybe.

Speaker 1

Is it? Is it a Sotheby's? Is it a is?

Speaker 3

It a I don't know who's doing it. Actually, for 10 million it better be. One of those big.

Speaker 1

Yes, houses.

Speaker 3

Names big, not some random authenticate, not what was that dude that used to sell things that turned into the brewery? That's that crazy Gideon I.

Speaker 1

You have to.

Speaker 3

Hope crazy, Gideon.

Speaker 5

Something price is so high.

Speaker 1

There's like looking at the strokes like. There's something Bob Ross strokes you can see.

Speaker 3

The quickness. Right. Exactly. The technique wasn't yet developed.

Speaker 5

6 strokes.

Speaker 1

What is? I'm I'm composto or what?

Speaker 3

Was that ohh the name of the art?

Speaker 1

He did. Ohh no, just like when. You have like a thick layer of.


Oh, oh oh.

Speaker 1

Is the name for that. Pasta or something? Something.

Speaker 3

Yeah, it does have everything. Has a. Name right is made-up strokes.

Speaker 1

It's Italian.

Speaker 3

But apparently what he did had a name too. Ohh it was. Called wet painting or some. Ohh, because I don't think. You would necessarily wait for the layer below to dry. Huh. Yeah. That was a name for it.

Speaker 1

Van Gogh fixture.

Speaker 3

Ohh, kind of I guess, yeah. He had big old thick. Yeah, good. Strokers really, really layered it on. I wonder if he. Meant his paintings to also be felt. Like why else have?

Speaker 1

Such feel with your eyes.

Speaker 3

Feel with both feel with your eyes. And your touch. Multi sensual.

Speaker 1

I think it was just. Because he had to get. It done in a.

Speaker 3

Half hour. I don't think anybody was rushing van.

Speaker 4

Gogh. No, I was like van.

Speaker 3

Gogh. Ohh. You talk about Ross? Yeah, nothing was Bob Ross trying to make him touch his paintings. Van Gogh. Oh.

Speaker 2

Ohh if he.

Speaker 3

Had at the time meant for his paintings to be touched as well.


What is?

Speaker 1

I don't think. So hmm.

Speaker 3

You're just going for the visual. Texture I think.

Speaker 1

So what else was was going on?

Speaker 3

Ohh in the art.

Speaker 1

World. Yeah, like what impression is like catching the light. Representing it right.

Speaker 3

But even then I've seen some stuff.

Speaker 2

As it was.

Speaker 3

That was similar to what he painted, and it was not as rough as he painted it, you know, look. At sunflowers and they're not.

Speaker 1

It's not a three.

Speaker 2

D effect, right?

Speaker 3

It's not all jaggedy.

Speaker 1

I don't know. Maybe he really had to go to the bathroom when?

Speaker 3

I look at stars and.

Speaker 1

He was painting some of them.

Speaker 3

They're not. They're not all like that either.

Speaker 4

Well, the light.

Speaker 1

Waves coming at.

Speaker 3

You I guess if I take off my glasses. Old Bobby Ross. Yeah. Talk about Speaking of.

Speaker 1

Art ink on page.

Speaker 3

Tons of people writers, including RR Martin of Waster Rose fame, right W Rose, whatever.

Speaker 1

Was Stephen King? I think he is. And on this I. Some big news.

Speaker 3

Too a lot of big names. Suing ChatGPT for copyright. Seems like a long time coming. That's basically what they're doing, right? Stealing all this copyrighted work to create whatever it is they create. But finally this the writers have taken the stand, banded together, gone to the courts. We'll see how this turns out.

Speaker 1

Banded together. Said Herri hiri.

Speaker 3

We wrote it first and we're still alive. Not public domain, no. We'll see how that. Turns out I think. If I remember correctly so far. All the lawsuits have been in the US, they haven't done any in other places, but we'll see what happens with that, whether technology will win the day.

Speaker 1

International uh. Or if riders will strike back again, again another thing striking back COVID.



Speaker 3

It is, yeah, the venge.

Speaker 1

Especially in Los Angeles, right, it's.

Speaker 3

Yes, a hot bed spike. Everybody's got it these.

Speaker 1

Days. Yeah, Jimmy Kimmel. Mm-hmm. Stopped his late night fame. They had a.

Speaker 3

A5 Man podcast.

Speaker 1

Super host Jimmy Kimmel. John Oliver.

Speaker 3

Right. Fallon for some reason.

Speaker 1

Yeah, Jimmy Fallon. Conan. No, no, I don't.

Speaker 3

Think so? Cause he has. His own network. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1

Sold it for 200. Million, right?

Speaker 3

Everybody wants to buy us. Ohh, we're open.

Speaker 4

We're open, SiriusXM.

Speaker 1

Serious offers only. Exactly, yeah. Gimlet. No, they're in trouble. We don't want. To be talking.

Speaker 3

Ohh, are they ringer? Ohh yeah, we're doing or even the. The team Coco.

Speaker 1

Ringer's Spotify. Well, Coco.

Speaker 3

Whoever bought him serious. Oh, that was serious. Yeah. And then someone bought Marc Maron recently, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, we're as good as them. Definitely not worse.

Speaker 1

We're we're bringing in the numbers we just. Looked at our. Stats. Yeah, you're baby.

Speaker 2

We are global, we are global.

Speaker 3

Talk about that later.

Speaker 2

Too talk about our greatness, our global reach.

Speaker 3

But yeah, that whatever. That podcast is now off the the table, it's.

Speaker 1

I guess.

Speaker 3

At least for shelved. Maybe we're.

Speaker 1

I I I thought they were doing it remotely. I didn't realize they were. All actually there.

Speaker 3

Had to been some live portion of it for them to. Cancel it.

Speaker 1

Right, that's what confused. Me, I did not read.

Speaker 3

Yeah, I once I saw Fallon was involved. I didn't really liars. Seth Meyers, that's who.

Speaker 2

Seth Reed.

Speaker 3

The other one was. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Other people have gotten COVID Sherri Shepherd, and some people might call it Karma. For returning her show. Most likely where she got it. Yeah. And then. These people who are touring with Steve Martin and Martin Short.

Speaker 1

Also got covered. So they're they're 4.

Speaker 3

Also got Kobe. Yeah. So they had to cancel a whole bunch of, I think this new. York or East Coast tour dates? Ohh only.

Speaker 1

COVID in the building? Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 5

Well, Speaking of see of.

Speaker 3

Mr. Martin, not Martin Martin Short the other Martin.

Speaker 1

Ohh, someone said it was not funny.

Speaker 5

Yeah. Did you hear all? That I just heard.

Speaker 1

Someone said that and then people came to his.

Speaker 3

Whole piece. Ohh. Huge defense. Yeah, and.

Speaker 1

I don't know why. Yeah, I mean, it's fine. I I like Martin Short. I'm glad people came to his defense, but that seemed like a wacko.

Speaker 3

At this stage in his.

Speaker 1

Out of left field. Like what?

Speaker 3

Right, yeah, why now?

Speaker 2


Speaker 5

But although like.

Speaker 3

For the longest time, I think I mentioned the show. I didn't think he was funny or I didn't care for him and it wasn't really until that movie. With Joaquin Phoenix, no, with Joaquin Phoenix.

Speaker 1

3 amigos oh.

Speaker 3

Based on the the book. Clifford. No, no, not definitely. Not Clifford. That was the worst. Or when he played the other guy too. Damn it. In here in. Vice remember, he played like the coked out doctor or whatever. That's where I started liking him, and then he just has been stealing the show on only murders. Sure. But before that, whatever that writer said, I kind of.

Speaker 1

Right, right. Right, right. Yeah. OK.

Speaker 3

Echoed. OK. But again, why now? It makes no sense. Why now I have no so.

Speaker 2

Who was? Yeah.

Speaker 3

I forgot what publication he was with.

Speaker 1

She on she on strike. Ohh yeah.

Speaker 3

You didn't have to write about the.

Speaker 2

It's not.

Speaker 3

WGA guy. Ah, no. He was like a.

Speaker 1

He's he's a good journalist.

Speaker 3

Publicist. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, a publicist. Yeah. A journalist. Ohh. But I can't remember for what he journalized for.

Speaker 1

A weird time.

Speaker 5

Yeah, it just makes no.

Speaker 3

Sense. He was like, oh, I see. He's with Martin. Short is getting some attention for only murder.

Speaker 1

Like, wait till he's at the height of his fame, when everyone loves him. It's like this is a good time.

Speaker 4

To take him down, right, take him down.

Speaker 3

A peg or not a dot or two. Yeah, it made no sense, but that was in the news for a couple of days. But everybody came to his defense and now he is.

Speaker 1

Not everyone's not lucky.

Speaker 3

That's not true. No, I. Mean that's true, right? Because Jimmy Fallon? No one really can't do it.

Speaker 1

Everyone's like, you know, Trump is a good guy.

Speaker 3

No one said.

Speaker 1

It was like that guy.

Speaker 3

Multiple people. Yeah, but none of. Them want to be named for fear of retribution.

Speaker 1

Right. They're all current employees on, sure.

Speaker 3

Yes, and even the former ones.

Speaker 1

Ohh, like a showrunner or something, right? Yeah.

Speaker 3

Yeah, because apparently that was one of the things, right? So we're talking about right is Jimmy Fallon, who, like, teetered on the edge. Of getting cancelled. But his story kind of came and went in the news cycle.

Speaker 1

It's a hostile work environment then.

Speaker 3

Yeah. Hostile work environment. Yes, very similar. They tried very much similar to Ellen, but. He like Ellen. Got. Got it worse than Jimmy has. But yeah, they're saying stories of abuse behind the scenes, him letting like some of the the staff just be bullied to the under staff. Uh-huh. I think his show had, like, an unprecedented number of showrunners, like, every year would be a new. Showrunner yeah, but. Some of those some. Of the people they talked to were the show runners, but they wouldn't go into detail. They just said they gave, like very flat statements. But somehow he's it doesn't seem to have. Had much of an effect. I think there was like some kind of awkward zoom apology. Meeting he had with. People that got reported on and pretty. Story has.

Speaker 1

Much the stories I think it was like a staff meeting. Part of it might be.

Speaker 3

Gone away now.

Speaker 1

Because he's just not. On air. So it's not top of mind for people and more stuff has to.

Speaker 3

That's true, I guess.



Speaker 1

Come out. It doesn't seem like anything is going to happen. As of yet.

Speaker 3

No, unfortunately, but talk about not funny. Maybe I should write a hit piece. You've been. On him? Sure. Yeah, I don't.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I think Lauren vouched for him and that's how he got. The job right?

Speaker 3

Fortunately, yeah. So and it's, I feel like the thing they've said about him always seemed to be under the surface of of like, oh, I just laugh at everything. I love everything, and I love everybody, though. This is weird undercurrent to him we're doing has now come to.

Speaker 1

Light. Well, he broke his thumb. Or whatever and people were like. Oh, he got were drunk and.

Speaker 3

Wasn't that when his finger came?

Speaker 1

No, sounds like a drinking problem or. Something like he's.

Speaker 3

Ohh, they have been talking about his drinking problem but I thought the finger thing he had talked about it was cause his wedding ring. Uh-huh. Got caught on something and literally cut through his finger. But that was the whole thing too, because. He had because he's super. Rich like like. 9.5 out of 10, that finger had been lost, but because he had so much money, he was able to reattach it and regain use of it.

Speaker 1

Oh, I thought it was a thumb or it was another. Finger, I thought, he said like.

Speaker 3

He may have had multiple finger issues then, but I remember definitely the ring one. OK, cause that's one of those. Like they always say it's doesn't happen a lot, but when it happens like it like takes out the finger. Ohh because it's just like a the band is just like you know.

Speaker 1

He fell and and something.

Speaker 3

Just metal, right? But he may have had. Another hand issue, you're right. But somehow Jimmy Fallon just gets keeps on. His falls forward. Even though he's unfunny, untalented. And some people say led to the rise of Trump.

Speaker 1

Oh, because he took his hair? Yeah.

Speaker 3

He humanize him? Yes, by tossing his hair.

Speaker 1

Oh OK so. Jimmy Kimmel spent 10 hours in a hospital intensive care unit. After tripping in his kitchen and injuring a finger so badly it required six hours of. Microsurgery. That's the 1:00 to.

Speaker 3

Save. That was the wedding finger.

Speaker 1

So that. That happened made a full recovery, right?

Speaker 3

Because he had millions of dollars. To spend on saving his finger. But I don't know. It's too bad that the story maybe hit now. When he is kind of hiding behind the scenes of the writer strike, yeah. Who knows?

Speaker 1

And one guy we haven't heard from in a while was back in the news. Ohh yeah, former Rolling Stone.

Speaker 3

Editor and Co co-founder founder Jan Wenner. Yes, he's out of of the rock and roll Hall of Fame, an organization which he founded right. And even from the magazine. Right. Oh, that's true. But did he step down from, like, the board or something from the magazine? Maybe that he had. He had a couple of repercussions.



Speaker 1

Well, he sold the magazine a few.

Speaker 2

Years ago.

Speaker 3

For his new book. Yeah. Or the interview of his.

Speaker 1

So yeah, yeah, someone in New York Times interviewed him about the book was like, why didn't you? Well, why is it only white males and right?

Speaker 2

New book.

Speaker 1

And he's like, uh, no one was up to the like, they weren't intellectually there.

Speaker 3

They weren't like the philosophers of.

Speaker 1

That's a block, right? Right.

Speaker 3


Speaker 1

And there's only seven interviews. There aren't even. It's not like a compendium.

Speaker 3

Very short, yeah.

Speaker 1

And he has Bruce Springsteen. Bono.



Speaker 3

I imagine probably Bob.

Speaker 1

Probably Bob Dylan. Yeah, it's called masters.

Speaker 3


Speaker 1

And people and similar to how Bob Dylan got a little bit. Of Flack, I think he had better. Answers for we're. Not cancelled because he he had. His ohh his book.

Speaker 2

Of that's true.

Speaker 3

Musicians. Yeah, he did get a little Flack, but those were like he, I think he personalized that enough.

Speaker 1

That he thought were influential. Hmm, it was like these are important to me.

Speaker 3

Yeah. And also his the righties were rambling and crazy enough that no one took it. They took it well. They took out the same level of seriousness. They know what Bob Dylan has always has, like a smirk with everything he does. You know what I mean? Everything has a little mischievous. Whereas I think Jan yawn.

Speaker 1

Uh-huh. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3

With playing it straight.

Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah. Well, then it came after Joni Mitchell, right?

Speaker 3

Yeah, he was saying there was no philosophize or women or people of color. He was saying there was some that were good at their craft, right, like Joni or Aretha Franklin or whatever. Right. But like, no one to be in his book of genius.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

And he just kind of went.

Speaker 2

By feel right about who he.

Speaker 1

Picked and the interview was like, OK, I'm gonna give you some. I'm gonna. Let you rephrase that.

Speaker 5


Speaker 4

Like. No, no. No, not enough. I'm gonna double down.

Speaker 5

Right. It literally made no sense.

Speaker 1

Yeah, like you could have. Because they talked in the beginning about like being friends with the people he interviewed and like, well, these are the people that are closest to me. And because I have this insider.

Speaker 3


Speaker 1

Knowledge of them? Yes, he even. If would have, he could have had still had heinous views that he just kept to himself, right? But he instead almost dug himself a deeper hole.

Speaker 3

Had it? Uh-huh. Right, this is basically what he did.

Speaker 1

Yeah. And they're like, no, they just weren't smart either in their music or their interviews. I didn't see anything worthwhile. What they were saying, not like the people I.

Speaker 2

Right. Uh-huh.

Speaker 1

Picked right. And he just like hung.

Speaker 3

Himself. He really did unnecessarily at this against. Now that's going to be it's going to be. Remembered for right, right at this stage now. Right.

Speaker 2

You're out, but this is the whole thing.

Speaker 3

I think his reputation has always kind. Of ebbed and flowed, right? Yeah. Yeah, but now that's that's it.

Speaker 1

Cameron Crowe wishes he didn't have his him in a cameo and almost famous thing on.

Speaker 3

That one.

Speaker 1

And get that guy. Yeah, he was in the. Cab. Right, right, right.

Speaker 3

Like no, would have not played him like, even for cameo, right? Because what's his name? Rayne Wilson played somebody right. It wasn't John, right? Right. It was that dude with, like, longish.

Speaker 1

Yeah, but it wasn't yawn.

Speaker 2

Hair, right?

Speaker 3

Right. But he was like a just no name, right?

Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah. Obviously, Ben Fong Torres, the guy who played him was the one who got all the. Yes, the publicity.

Speaker 3

He did. I wonder if he went on to. Do anything else crazy? Crazy. Which we did a previous episode. On if you wanna go. Back in the archives, dig deep.

Speaker 1

It's a it's a diamond in the rough. Speaking of diamond in the rough, we're for sale.

Speaker 4

Because we have a global reach, we do huge.

Speaker 1

We we got you want to tap that Brazilian?

Speaker 3

We missed under this perfect connection.

Speaker 1

Oh yes, yes, wrong so.

Speaker 3

Speaking of the Great enduring band Rolling Stones.

Speaker 2

Ohh no Moss.

Speaker 3

Coming out with a new album, Hackney. Diamonds, Hackney diamonds. Apparently that's the slang for broken glass. There's an east London slang more referring to broken glass.

Speaker 2


Speaker 3

After a. Ohh OK, so you know The Rolling Stones are all about streets and whatnot.

Speaker 1

People. Yeah. Band of the People still scrapping. Getting in round.

Speaker 3

Which speaking actually Speaking of World War 2?

Speaker 5

Yeah, yeah, old man.

Speaker 4

They're shaking their fists at clouds.

Speaker 1

Mightily these days.

Speaker 3

Although there was that funny thing right? Oh, there was a meme. It was like they were showing Mick Jagger and they. Was like and then someone else. His age might have been Trump or something. Saying like the life of rock'n'roll versus the life of not rock or whatever. And like Mick. Jaggers obviously still very fit and. Whatever, and have kids.

Speaker 2

Yeah, I mean.

Speaker 3

Yeah, and this other I think I want to say. Was Trump, you know it? Looks just completely out of shape and ship.

Speaker 1

Jagger's old.



Speaker 1

Isn't it, you idiot, isn't.

Speaker 3

It that it was someone else, but it was someone else who was, like, always espousing the clean life or something, right. But.


But yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3

Speaking of World War Two, they grew up during that time. Sure, cause I remember reading an auto a biography on. Actually it would be just with The Rolling Stones. In general, but they started. No. Was he just?

Speaker 1

Look, Paul McCartney, like his mom, was a nurse and he had memories like Mother Mary is talking about his mom.

Speaker 3

Him too. That's right. Yes, I'm trying to remember what book it was built specific about Keith Richards, but it wasn't his autobiography, but. I talked about him. Being a kid, uh, and being in the bombings as a child, yeah.

Speaker 1

Yeah, all those guys in that.

Speaker 3

Then he used to. Apparently he used to be in a choir, cause he had like a very great like one of those high pitched.

Speaker 1

In that area were.

Speaker 3

Little boy voices.

Speaker 5

That would be funny.

Speaker 4

We're gonna pour.

Speaker 5

It I think you could do it. Don't think you could.

Speaker 3

Hit those cats. Drawdy notes.

Speaker 1

Take place Brian Johnson place.

Speaker 3

I guess you could go high and rough.

Speaker 1

But you could do the background vocals for you can't always get what you want. Like all the.

Speaker 2

Choir stuff. I'd love to hear that.

Speaker 5

Ohh, the question I wouldn't there's.


There's a few.

Speaker 1

Others right where they have some, some high vocal. Can we get what you want?

Speaker 3

Yeah, they the one where they.

Speaker 5

Have the high pitch not. The high pitch, but the the the jumping Jack.

Speaker 2

Flash, yes.


Yeah, they have a or.

Speaker 1

What the the beginning of sympathy for the?

Speaker 3

A female voice in that one.

Speaker 1

Devil or The Who? Who's?

Speaker 4

The Who go on the cello, cello, cello.

Speaker 2

Or what's that say?

Speaker 1

That's a.

Speaker 3

A quick one.

Speaker 1

A quick one. Yeah. Yeah, a quick. One, he's aware that'd be good.

Speaker 3

Yeah, they should go and tour together.

Speaker 1

Ah, yeah, yeah. Who in the?

Speaker 3

Would be uh.

Speaker 1

Rolling Stones. A good one.

Speaker 2

Sure. Well anyway, hacking.

Speaker 3

Well, yeah, Hackney diamonds. I don't know the new single actually. Sounds pretty good. Yeah, I don't know if you heard it angry actually, was in the last episode of.

Speaker 1

Reservation dogs? Ohh, haven't seen that one yet, Lenora.



Speaker 3

'S dad. Dad. Yes, I believe it was that episode just yesterday. OK, which I think I was.

Speaker 1

Have you seen her?

Speaker 3

Like, oh, that's the new Rolling Stone song.

Speaker 1

I know the cameo, but I haven't.

Speaker 3

Right. Yeah, pretty good episode. Yes. Oh yeah, and not coming back. Yeah, later. Yes, I said that and the murders finishes up, which is also believe the end as.

Speaker 2

Yeah, we'll we'll cover, yeah.

Speaker 1

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3

Well, I think oh, really? Well, it could have been Steve Martin, you know, saying it. But I thought so, but maybe.

Speaker 1

Not COVID scare, yeah.

Speaker 3

But I don't know if you seen the video. All the old euphoria actress Lothario Sweeney, Sydney. Is in the video.

Speaker 4

Is Glenn Powell? In it.

Speaker 5

I don't know. Who the hell that is?

Speaker 1

Co star in a upcoming.

Speaker 3

Movie. Ohh I I don't. Know he was. In Top Gun, it's only. Oh, that dude I know talk about now the new ones. Yeah. Yeah, she is like, scantily clad, going down like Sunset Blvd. Huh. You know she's not driving. Someone else is driving in a convertible. It's kind of cool video because you have, like, she's driving down sunset and they have. The different billboards. With like different like. Video superimposed iterations of the stones, more so in. Their younger years? Sure, yeah. But the song was pretty good.

Speaker 1

Actually, did you listen to a bigger bang? Was that? Their last. Yeah, I didn't really care for.

Speaker 3

It was better than the one before that when we were younger, like in the 90s.

Speaker 4

Greatest enabler.

Speaker 3

Just the Babylon. Yeah, it was better than. For just the Babylon.

Speaker 1

Diego doesn't like anything.



Speaker 3

But yeah, bigger bang was whatever. I don't know how much this one. So this new ones will have like a lot of good cameos or no, we're.

Speaker 2


Speaker 1

Not guest stars over. Yeah, still some some Charlie Watts.

Speaker 2


Speaker 3

On it, right is that I think they said maybe a little bit, but I. Don't know. They meant spiritually or actually recorded.

Speaker 4

Random drum beats.

Speaker 1

This is not the energy.

Speaker 2

I see.

Speaker 3

As Daniel was mentioning.

Speaker 2

Yeah, we're global. They were global. We're, we're.

Speaker 4

We're up there with Pitbull.

Speaker 3

Yeah, Mr. Dale himself.

Speaker 4

Call US misters worldwide.

Speaker 1

Mr. So if you're looking to break into the German market.

Speaker 3

Well, the thing. Yeah, thank you to all our German listeners. Listeners, you have a whole bunch of randomly.

Speaker 1

Yeah, I I don't own any German.

Speaker 3

I don't either.

Speaker 1

Good and.

Speaker 2

Talk. That's German.

Speaker 1

Right. I think that's a formal good day. Hello.

Speaker 2

Yeah, good day.

Speaker 1

Brazil, if you want to get the the ears of some. Brazilian birds. We got some listenership over there, Japan.

Speaker 3

Ohh yeah, that's more.

Speaker 1

Recent greetings to you Ireland. Hello. Who else? We. Have. Yeah. Germany. That's big Northern California trying to get that mountain market.

Speaker 3

That the the VC money.

Speaker 1

And yeah, I think that about covers it and then scattered around the.

Speaker 3

US. Yeah, there's some scattering of U.S. cities. But yeah, the the German like what? Top top two, top three or right after the US is Germany.

Speaker 1

Mostly West Coast, West Coast, best coast. Yeah, Germany is real strong, yeah.

Speaker 3

So keep listening. Tell your your Bros and sisters.

Speaker 1

Thank you German listeners who, whoever you are, I'm glad we can.

Speaker 3

Keep you entertained.

Speaker 1

We're we're we're an American export that you enjoy.

Speaker 3

Yeah, not since sliced bread. Has there been a better American export? Sure. I'm assuming we did it at. I don't know. Yeah, we're we're the kings of convenience, right?

Speaker 1

We're we're diplomatic ties. You win hot, you boys.

Speaker 3

That's true. Is right here in the old New York City. What the UN right? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4

We're like right here in New York City like we're.

Speaker 3

In Los Angeles, like comparatively, geographically.

Speaker 1

Oh, I guess so. Sure. Who's the head? Of the you at Kofi's out, right, he's.

Speaker 3

Like I'm done. Yeah. I can't remember who the. New one is.

Speaker 1

We got some new person.

Speaker 3

I can't remember. Moon something?

Speaker 1

It's a little moose.

Speaker 2

Thank you, Bruce, Bruce.

Speaker 4

Head of the UN, you. Heard it here first, people.

Speaker 3

No, not so real.

Speaker 1

I'm Speaking of. Ohh leaders, Fran Drescher is.

Speaker 3

Leading the she won. Ohh, that's right. She beat Modine again.


I don't know.

Speaker 4

Private joker. You're out.

Speaker 3

Or did no one run because it's, you know, she's like, leading the charge.

Speaker 1

One of one of those I don't.

Speaker 3

Unopposed. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1

Know but the nannies.

Speaker 3

Feeney didn't come back to try to come back.

Speaker 2

Right. No, that guys, I can barely walk.

Speaker 5

Well, you don't need to walk to.

Speaker 3

Be the President of.

Speaker 1

Well, you do now. You can be on the picket line.

Speaker 3

She's president of Sager. WGA SAG. SAG. OK, that.

Speaker 1

Ring the finger.


Makes more sense.

Speaker 3

I don't know. Maybe you should a ghost writer. Maybe she wrote her own jokes on the nanny.

Speaker 4

The good news?

Speaker 2

Yes, pretty close.

Speaker 3

Plus anybody can get a writing credit these days, right? Like in music, that's how the artists get the writing credit because they're like, oh, let's put the there or take the out. Yeah. Oh, writing credit. So you're right, maybe she put in her eyes and.

Speaker 5

Ears. I think she would be here exactly.

Speaker 3

Yeah, yeah, insert laugh. I think that wraps it up that wraps.

Speaker 1

It up. I'll feed this in sayonara.

Speaker 3

Goodbye and hello.

Speaker 1

Ciao. Ciao, Bella.