Grounded Conversations

Grounded Conversations: Girl Talk Segment!

November 08, 2022 Diana Muuru Episode 9
Grounded Conversations: Girl Talk Segment!
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Grounded Conversations
Grounded Conversations: Girl Talk Segment!
Nov 08, 2022 Episode 9
Diana Muuru

Welcome to Episode 9 of Grounded Conversations by Black Coffee Northwest, an intergenerational conversation about ourselves, our blackness, our world, and our favorite drinks.

Join us for our NEW Grounded Girl Talk Segment where we sit down and talk about navigating life and all that comes with it as young black women trying to figure it all out. 

On todays episode we will be playing the card game We’re Not Really Strangers so you guys can get to know us and our friend group a little more intimately as we discuss our perspectives on vulnerability, creating a community, sisterhood, the unhinged black woman, live, laughing, and loving and more!

We would love to hear from you and hear your thoughts on our new girl talk segment! Connect with us via:

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to Episode 9 of Grounded Conversations by Black Coffee Northwest, an intergenerational conversation about ourselves, our blackness, our world, and our favorite drinks.

Join us for our NEW Grounded Girl Talk Segment where we sit down and talk about navigating life and all that comes with it as young black women trying to figure it all out. 

On todays episode we will be playing the card game We’re Not Really Strangers so you guys can get to know us and our friend group a little more intimately as we discuss our perspectives on vulnerability, creating a community, sisterhood, the unhinged black woman, live, laughing, and loving and more!

We would love to hear from you and hear your thoughts on our new girl talk segment! Connect with us via:

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• LinkedIn - Black Coffee NorthWest

Listen and follow the podcast on all major platforms:

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Welcome to Grounded Conversations by Black Coffee Northwest, an intergenerational conversation about ourselves, our blackness, our world, and our favorite drinks. Grounded Conversations is all about brewing up discussions and topics that matter to the community. With our differing perspectives, our hopes is to share our unique flavors opinion. And also life experiences to create a greater insight and also understanding. So join us every other Tuesday as we come together and talk all about things that are on and popping all over a nice hot cup of black coffee. Hi everyone. Hello. Hi. Hi So we're back again on the pod. Um, so this is a little different. So we wanna introduce to you guys our Girl talk segment on Garden and Conversations. Can we get'em? Hello Yep, please. Yeah. So, we have Diana in the building. Got ho. and Rachel. Yeah. And so, um, this segment will basically just be, us talking primarily just like young black women, in our twenties trying to navigate through life. Hopefully we can give you guys some gems, drop some gems, um, and just like, just talk about topics that, you know, we don't usually get to, like, talk about on a platform that we feel. Needs to be said. Mm-hmm. And we have things to say. We gonna to say. Yeah. So, um, we are gonna start off with, um, this card game. And I actually stole this, um, from the BMO podcast. Her podcast is dope, but, um, we have these cards called, We're Not Really Strangers. And if you guys don't know what, um, that card game is, it's basically just a game to like get to know. People better. Whether it's a group of friends that you know, or people that you barely know. it's just a good way to get to know somebody. So, uh, we just wanna come together like as a group of friends and like, so you guys can get to know us better. So, yeah. Who wants to pull first? Oh, perfect. Actually, Hove, it's ho's birthday. Tomorrow's beautiful. Okay. Pick from level three since like, you know, we know each other pretty well. Which side? Oh, there's levels to this shit. Yeah, there's level, there's levels. So level one is like basic stuff, like, oh, like what's your mom's name about? Um, it says on the side, Oh, okay. And it goes like deeper as you get to like level three. Like more deeper questions though. Okay. Write down one thing if you want to write down. Yeah, let's skip it. Write podcast. What can we create together? Community memories, space and sisterhood. Yes. Emphasis on the sisterhood. Mm-hmm. because that is very much needed. Mm-hmm. especially with black women, sisterhood is very much important, especially just cuz like in shoreline in Seattle, you don't have, you don't see a lot of black women that are just like together, that have that, like that bond, that sisterhood, that loyalty and just like commuted and connection. Yeah, that's very much important. And I would also say just beautiful memories. Yes. Like we're young, we're like, you know, trying to just experience life to the fullest and just like, we are so much more than just like coworkers. Mm-hmm. we hang out. Y'all like we're actually like, Going to like do like smore night, have little bonfire, but like going on trips together. Like when I tell my friends, I'm like, Oh yeah, I just went on a trip. Like my coworkers, they're like, You guys are that close. Yeah, we are. Yeah. And I think that's a beautiful thing that we can also work together, but also have fun together, so. Mm-hmm. and I feel like a lot of people are like, Oh, like. don't be too close with your coworkers. Yeah. But I feel like with us that's a very different like Yeah. Cause this is a different work dynamic at work environment. Yeah. Very different. So it's all in each other's business. literally. No, actually. Okay. So am I asking you a question or asking? Just everyone. So what part of your life works? What part of your life hurts? Ooh, what deep? I'm going in. First question. We're going, We're going in. We're going deep in Be the camera in here. No, literally you wanna go first? Can you read that again? Again? Yes. What part of your life works. What part of your life hurts? Hmm. You know what? I, I can go, I think the productive life is both because it's like I try to be productive, like in high school and stuff. Like I was really in like, you know, academics and blah, blah, blah. I still kind, I mean, I still am, but if the productive part works, but it also hurts because it's like, It's as a black woman, you kinda have to overextend yourself for basic things, so it's just like the productive part kind of works and hurts, if that makes sense. Yeah. I think for me, what it would, it works and hurts and I think it's like, My need for like independence and also like alone time because I do like being alone and just like being in my space, being in my own energy. But at the same time, like that can be lonesome cuz I'm like excluding myself from other people and like other connections. So it works cuz it protects my energy and my space, but then it also hurts because I'm missing out on that, like that connection and that social socialism basically. Mm. Okay. Is the question something that works and hurts or something that Yeah. They just decided to like intertwine it? Yeah. It looks like it's both. Um, mine's also intertwined. I feel like having really big goals for myself, it like works for me because like I get to work towards something, but it also hurts because I constantly feel like I'm not good enough or like I, I'm constantly working towards more and more and more. Mm. And I feel like I've recently realized that it's hard for me to like slow down and just enjoy like what I. So, yeah, it works. I'm getting places, but in you it kind of hurts sometimes. No. So yeah, I definitely relate to that. Um, I would kind of say the same thing, like something that works is just like my independency, like ho was saying, how Rachel was saying, like just like wanting to reach those goals and like continue the next thing, the next thing, the next thing. But something that might hurt sometimes is like, I don't. make time to really sit in the, like, the present moment and really enjoy like what's going on in that present moment. Mm-hmm. like, I just graduated. I'm like, Okay, cool, then I gotta get a job, then I gotta da, da da. Like, you know, like, I'm not like sitting in, Wow. I actually graduated and got a degree. Let me sit in that for a bit and settle on that. But like, now I'm like onto the next thing. Onto the next thing. Mm-hmm. But you know, like I'm working on that. I'm working on, you know, like, you know, wake waking, like just. Sitting down and smelling the flowers. Yeah. And just slowing down literally. Yeah. Yeah. That's a word. Pace. Yeah. Working process. Absolutely. That was a good question. Yeah, that was a good question. Well, and then I'm leaving cuz this is too deep. Okay. Who's pulling the next card could just go this way. Sure. Right here. Makayla. Oh, bride. It's me. The audience clean here, like shuffling Okay. Um, how would. What is it, bro? How would you describe me to a stranger? Oh my God. Ok. I feel like I've done this before. I would start off by saying you're a Gemini, Cause I feel like that sets the tone. It sets the tone. Yeah. I would say that Michaela is really creative. Very quirky. Yes. Sometimes awkward, but in the best way. Yes. Like in the way that doesn't make you uncomfortable, you're just like, Yeah. Like you come as you are and I appreciate that about you. And I feel like I would tell a strange, like Makayla's gonna do Makay. One of a kind For sure. One of a kind. No. Like literally. Yes. Unique. I would say whatever you're expecting, go back and then re expect again. And then you're not gonna expect what? Just expect more. Yeah. Whatever it is. Excellence. Yes. Always expected. It's intelligence. Not that you always have to reach for that cuz you know people Yeah. You know what I'm saying? It's just, it's natural. Mm-hmm. it's natural. Like Yeah. Like Makayla. I've never met a person like you. Literally like ever. Thanks. Please don't ever change. In a good way. Yeah, in a good way. It's really like, um, for the unhinged black woman out there. I see I see. This is for you, Oh my God. This is for. Fuck Exactly. I think we're, see like, I saw a tweet that was like the unhinged black women like need like, um, supremacy because it's like, We should normalize like speaking like you've had a gas leak in your garage for like 12 years. but I kinda get it like this is, Yeah. Which, this is what you get so Right. Clown one of the funniest people you ever meet. Seriously. Oh, literally everything she does is just funny. That's so funny. I'm honored. Would you, would you agree with what we said or would you like No, definitely. Cool. Alright. Yeah. This is stupid. It says, Take a selfie together, Hello. We have so many of those. In one word. Describe how you feel right now. Oh. Content. Yeah, I was just gonna say that, that's a good one. Content. Yeah. I also feel content. Yeah, yeah, yeah. like I said, I'm trying to practice more of that living in the present moment and just like, I know I'm just happy, like I was late to work today per usual, but like I just like, you know, got to like do my hair too much cuz. This summer has been like, kind of crazy cuz like I, it's just been like work, school, work school. And like, this is like my first summer, like getting ready into my adult life. So like I don't have time in the summer to like sit anymore and like just wake up whenever I want to and just like watch movies all day. Like you, we what you would usually do in the summer when you're off school? Mm-hmm. Cause I'm just finishing my summer classes. I'm trying to get that degree finished up and like, I'm just like, I just need some moments for myself and usually find those in the morning. So I don't like to rush all the time. So like I, I'm trying to work better on, you know, being on time to places, but at the same time I like hate being rushed. Yeah. So like, yeah, I just feel content. Yeah. Yeah. Morning time's. Like the best for just like peaceful moments. Exactly. No one's awake yet. It's silent. It's just now why would I wanna rush that in this nature? And the world keeps going even if you're lit. Literally. Yeah. Literally. The world's not gonna wait for you. Yeah. Well, it's gonna be on my time. Exactly. Main character moment. Yep. Good. Turn. Oh, yeah. Okay. Oh, is it going to Hoit? No, she already, She went first. Oh. Oh yeah, I miss, I miss that clue. I did miss that clue. Oh, I should have put them back. Has a stranger ever changed your life? That's a good question. Um, I don't think a stranger has changed my life, at least not yet. Um, I would say, Yes. Kind of like, I guess like my agency, they were strangers at one point. Mm. And they changed my life easily, like my, mother agents. So, yes. How did you meet them? They followed me on Instagram. Mm. And then they DMed me and then we had a Zoom call that was like 15 minutes and they were like, Do you have any questions? And I was like, Oh, I don't know what I'm doing right now. And. And now she's a supermodel. Something like that. Yeah. Okay. Habin my turn. What would make you feel closer to me? Oh, I'm getting intimate guys. I don't know like how to think about that. I would say, Hop's, like very, uh, much like a it. She'll only say something if she has something to say. I love that about you. Yeah, I love that too. Like we very much have like, just like blissful silence and that's why I love, like, you don't always have to like, that's why I love talk about this friend girl. Yeah. It's like we will be there, we will be sitting there for a long ass time just in silence because no one has. Exactly. But then I feel like that makes our conversations better because it's like we're not just talking to talk. Exactly, exactly. You're forcing a conversation. Right, Right. Ugh. Cause those are, Those are so awkward. Yeah. So H will have something to say like, and it'll just pop up like, and then she'll just start talking whatever she needs to say. But like in terms of like feeling closer, like maybe like being more vulnerable with those moments as well, because she's like a person I feel like. That it takes you like a while to like, you know, show that vulnerability side of you. Yeah. So like, yeah. And that's like, that's okay. Like no rush whatsoever. Mm-hmm. But like, in my like opinion, like that's, what would it be like having more of those like moments where like, once you feel something, cuz like sometimes you'll feel like, Oh, I wanna say this, but like, ugh, like maybe I shouldn't say that. You know, like mm-hmm. But yeah, just having more of those moments and just knowing that we're here if you wanna have more of those moments. Mm-hmm. that's good. I. I love the silence too, cuz sometimes I'm like, yeah, I don't have anything to say. Like no, literally, what do I say? What do I talk about? And I never have to stress about that with you guys. It's like if, Yeah, like sometimes when I'm with other people I'll stress about it. Cause I'm like, I know that conversation. Exactly. Like do should I, Should I come up with someone? So So how's the weather like You like bread, Yeah. I wouldn't say, um, I probably just like spending more time together, but like, that's life, you know? Yeah. Yeah. So we're just busy women. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. But the moments we do spend together, they're always beautiful. They're always lit, so we always have a good time. Yeah. Okay. Okay. That's your turn. Oh. What an okay. I mean, I didn't really have, Okay, it says what answer of mine made you light up? But we have a saying, you saying the um, What was the tweet that made me light up? That was funny. Cause I, Yeah. Oh, like, wait, what? What tweet? Um, when we were talking about, Oh my God, what was the tweet? The, it was the other black woman. That was funny. That was funny. I was wonder We didn't really go for that long. So it's like, Yeah. What about me? Most surprised you? I like that question. Oh. I feel like how goofy you are. Cause at first, like, you're like very calm, like, you know, like you have a very like, chill energy mm-hmm. but then like, when you like, start being comfortable with like, you know, the people that you're around, like you start like showing your goofy side more. So I was like, oh, like she could do both, you know? Mm-hmm. serious and goofy. Yeah. Good balance. Period. Okay. If you could describe me in one. Oh wait, if you could des, wait. Oh. If you could prescribe me one thing to do for the rest of the month, what would it be and why? Take something. Take everything seriously. I know you can't do. That's not, that's. Yeah, I cannot take anything. I'm just thinking about all the times that we, I would go up to your car and you're like, My keys. My keys, please. bro, I cannot take anything seriously, bro. Bro, do you remember that one time? It was like when we were first getting, um, we were like decorating the, like the pride flags over there. Mm-hmm. And there was that one lady that was recording us and she was like, Oh, can you sign this, like, waiver? And you're like, Oh, what if I don't wanna sign it? after she filmed everything, she was like, What? She, like what? She was like, Oh. Cause she wanted to us to sign like a release form, like that she could like, you know, like record us or whatever. She gave it to us after and I was like, What if I don't wanna sign this, please. I love catching people's reactions like that. Cause like what, Bro? I was just, Just kidding you. That was so funny. Oh my God. I don't even know if that happened. That is funny. Hilarious. I actually don't even know what ever happened to that video. I know you never said to us. No. Literally. Okay. How do our personalities compliment each. Mm. I think that we kind of already talked about it, like we like just respect each other's like quiet moments. If you wanna have quiet moments, like we all bounce off each other. Yeah. Nothing really feels forced. Exactly. Yeah. Like, it's just like, it's just so natural. It really is. Yeah. Yeah, I would agree. Is this me? We're all very grounded not to like, you know, grounded. I haven't gotten a conversation, conversation. We're literally grounded. Conversation. No, literally. Yeah. Yeah. I love that about us too. But don't get it twisted though, because we know our worth. Exactly. Yeah. We know our worth. But yeah. This is me. Yeah. Okay. Say is Troy, say is No word. Okay. It says, What do you recommend, Dang it. This is all setting me, like all the questions I have are setting me up, I swear. what do you, what do you recommend I let go of if. You let go up. Yeah. I think that you could just kind of like Hold on, let me think about what I'm trying to say. Um, I feel like Michaela is very much so, like the responsible one in her family, even though she's the youngest. She's very much so the mature one and like very much so like, okay, like guys, like we have a schedule, like this needs to be done. Like, you know, like she's very much so like, you know, wanting to take care. Yeah. Wanting to take care of everything and make sure everything is okay. Especially like for her family's business. And I would just say like, you don't have to be that person all the time, right? Mm-hmm. Because I think what I was gonna say is you can let go of. The false sense of control sometimes. Yeah. Cause it's like things aren't gonna go your way and like it can feel really chaotic, but sometimes you just get like, that's something that I'm learning. It's like you just gotta like let things, If they're not gonna work out, like just let'em gotta let go. Sometimes you just gotta like, Let things go with the flow sometimes. Mm-hmm. if you can't control it, don't stress about it like it is what it is. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And like usually things work out in your favor, right? Like, you know, things work themselves out. Yeah. So what's meant for you will be for you. Thanks. Good heavens though. You guys are right. I can't be Bob the builder all the time. No, once you can. And I, and like that's something that like is put on us and it's like as I feel like you just, you have to learn one day. Like I can't be Bob the builder, especially as daughters too, and families, like, it just immediately goes onto your responsibilities, especially a black, to take care of the family, to take on responsibilities. Like, let me be a child. I'm not a handmade. Exactly. And you have to let other people like be like, I can't save you. Yeah. Mm-hmm. if you want to act a full act of. Yeah. And Ooh, But we need a camera. No, actually Oohs, get hot here. Oh Lord. What do I need to hear right now? Oh, what come from me y'all? No, that your. A boss ass bitch and you're doing what you need to do to keep living your life unapologetically. Period. Cause I remember like me and Rachel talking in California and I asked like, Okay, like what do you aspire most in this life? And she was like, You know, I just feel like I'm not where I am in. Your like her career and like given like, yes, shoot for the moon and, but she's doing so many great things. Like you were on Savage, Fenty Literal that show her, y'all on the screen. On the screen. She met Rihanna Han and then she's like, Oh, well I'm having been on VO yet, so I'm not really like, What? Hello? Like, what? How many of us consider you Maria? No, but you're gonna be there for sure, but like, you know, Take time to like give yourself your flowers because you already like are doing so many great things already and I know that your sisters and like us, like you're have, there's so much representation that you're giving to like young black girls that can actually, like, I can do this. Like I'm beautiful and I deserve to be like represented. I deserve to like see myself like in Nike on Savage Fancy on the skincare stuff. Yes. Period. Yeah, I did need to hear that. Thank you, Diana. I appreciate all the small things. Yeah, yeah. No, that's real. I need to hear that. I'm gonna play that back every morning. Affirmation. Affirmation. Literally Okay, let's see. Oh, we already did that one. Where, What is one lesson that you will take away from our conversation? from like any conversation or this conversation? This conversation. Oh. To be more vulnerable. Mm. Cause I'm, That's definitely like, I already know that's like my issue, like meet. N I definitely started to become more vulnerable around like 2020, kinda like around this year. Mm-hmm. But I was never like that. Like I would never cry cuz I always saw it as like a weak thing. Like Yeah. All growing up through like elementary, like middle school. And I still like kind of feel that like sometimes now, but like I know like when I'm having those thoughts on like, okay, like this is the past, like this is how I would think in the past. I'm trying to heal and like move forward now. So I know this isn't actually like the mindset and I don't actually think this way. It's. The ego and also just like not wanting to be hurt or like seen as like weak or vulnerable. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So that's definitely like a takeaway for me. Yeah. I second that. Vulnerability is something I've always struggled with, but I think that just like learning that like you just gotta practice. Mm-hmm. you know, And it's like sometimes it's just like the little things. So yeah. I second everything Hop said. Yeah. Deaf. What about you? Oh gosh, I was thinking about it. Um, I definitely think like the part about like, um, letting go more. Oh. Because it's just like, Yeah, I could definitely see that. Yeah. Like, like living out here. Especially like, it's really been like not even blatant that the people are pushing things on you, but like, I don't know. It's just so worked in that it's just like, I literally have to feel like I have to be on like a hundred percent. Yeah. Like all the time. The time. And I'm like, girl. You don't, I'm goofy. You don't. I need to laugh. Exactly. I have to laugh. You have to laugh. Like life is too, You have to laugh. Like around laughing. Don't like laughing. Literally we are living, we are loving and we are laughing. That is our mantra. Yeah. That should be the episode title. Living and Loving. Yes. But, um, I think one thing for me would just be. Like I said, like just being aware and like taking in like these present moments. Cuz every time I play this game, like I take something away from it and like, I just like feel like even more connected with like the people that I already know. So like, just like not taking it for granted and you know, like just being in this space right now. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Read a song. Write a song, not write a song, please. My big conversation, Okay. Oh, both players. Are all players. Share something you're most grateful for in this current moment. Aww, you guys. I feel so grateful for you guys in this. And like growing up, always wanted a friend group of like all black girls. And I feel like I finally have, and it's the most perfect group ever. And I feel like we have a little bit of everything and it's like, I want you guys in my life forever. Oh yeah. I want you guys in my life forever too. We're gonna do so much big things together. Like I already know, like I already know. Mm. I love the sisterhood and also like, it just like more special cuz I never do anything for my birthday. So like being able to like, I'm gonna cry. Just being, oh my gosh, now it's ok. What do we say? It's okay to cry but yeah, it's being in this space with you guys and just being able, like able to like celebrate, like when we went to Daywind Busters, like that was fun. That just like made my entire year. Aww. Dang. I can't, I can't match that. That, That's that. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Next question. Yeah. Y'all wrapped it up. It's on you. Oh, how we do on time? 20 babe. 28. Cool. Perfect. Oh my God. Oh my clear cards. That's interesting. Is that all right? Yeah. Sorry, y'all. Oh my God. bro. This game is trying to drag me for real. I think the game knows that you're leaving and it wants us to like, just like let get all of this. Like, why are these, why so many analyses? Okay, um, based on what you learned about me, does my social media accurately reflect who I am? Why or why not? Your Twitter does which account? which account? I think that you're a lot cooler than you present on social media. Yeah. You don't get to see like your entire personality and. Everything about you. Mm-hmm. from present, like from social media. That is true. Yeah. But I feel like Twitter's a good representation. Okay. Everybody like, Oh wait, no, I was gonna draw my Twitter. Okay. You guys were low. You guys follow my main Twitter account at qui weary on Twitter. Um, lots of unhinged thoughts. Not really filtered, unhinged black woman Yeah, but like, they'll be like filtered. To where I have to like, like suit it for work. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes it could be like rants and stuff and flavorful things, but yeah. Little spice. I get it. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Oh, is my turn. I'm like, If we were, This is funny, if we were in a band, what would our name be? Oh, I God Joking. We about starting a band since like the start time? No, literally for like years now. Like McKayla really wants to start a band. I do wanna start a band. Okay, so what are, what is, what's her name? Oh, she don't even know. the Black. Coffees please. The black coffees please. I don't like that. You know, what our initial. Or our names combined. H dmr. We don't have any dmr H dmr Hdmr. Is that a thing? That's hdmr. Oh my god. Hdmr. It kinda sounds like ASMR H dmr. So like, you know, like for the years Hdmr. Okay. That's a good start. Okay. What do you think I fear the most? Um, I feel like it would be failure. I was just gonna say, like knowing your, you know, like just knowing you. Yeah. Probably failure. Mm-hmm. but that's like, Yeah. Yeah. Well, I don't really fear anything. Yeah. Period. But I mean, yeah, period. I feel like if I did that would be one of them, but I'm not gonna fail. So that's Period. Next question. That'd be so funny. If we had callers, we should get that spring season. what would be the perfect gift for me? Crystals? Yeah. Or I don't know, just something sensitive. Me Crystal. Yeah. Yeah. I love lighters. Sensory like necklaces, bracelets. Yeah, I really wanna get into letter making. Like the ones where they like make the stamp. Yeah. And they like put become pen pals on there. Oh my God. If you send me a letter, I'll send you one back dude. Yeah. Pen. I'm gonna like put it in a bird. Okay. the whole shit. Bag in a bottle and just throw it, throw it off the window. It won't make it there I was deadass too though. But it's fine. No, no, me too. Okay girl. We might have to move to level two at some point. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Oh Lord. is that another crazy one? Yeah, it's, it's interesting. What about me is the hardest for you to understand? I honestly not to say that. I feel like I understand you Yeah. There's not a part of you that I'm like, I don't get. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And like honestly, I feel like you don't always have to be understood by everyone all the time. I misunderstood like some things could just be like, that's just the way I am. I'm. And you're not responsible for making everyone understand. Understand you. Yeah. That is a word. Yes, That's a word. Yeah. That's why I kind of looked at it. I was like, Why am I living for peop other people? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Cause you don't, We're not really strangers. We need y'all to fix this. Fix it, it out. Thank you. I Okay. Rachel, please. No What parts of yourself do you see in me? That's a cute question. Uh, goofy side for real. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was on side period. We locked, We all like comfortable being like goofy around each other. That's what I love. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, sorry. Good. I'm sweating I know it's hot. Yeah, I'm hot. I guess. How does one earn your vulnerability? Have I earned it? How can I earn more? Hmm.. I definitely think that you have, you probably don't think so because I'm real. I feel like I'm really reserved or that I've been told that I'm really reserved. Whatever. But wait, what was the. It was, how does one earn your vulnera vulnerability and have I earned it and how can I earn more? I feel like I just have to really trust you, which can kind of take time for some people. Yeah, for a lot of people. For me, if like, if someone's vulnerable with me, then like I do get like more comfortable to like share with them. Cause it's like, okay, like you feel safe with me, so like I can feel safe with you. Reciprocated energy. Yeah. And then also it's like, it's really like just me. It's like, just like whenever I decide like, okay, I'm like comfortable enough to like share this like private, like personal information with you. So it's not really much like what someone can do other than. Being respectful and just like being patient. Yeah. I think it's more of just like, whenever I'm ready to share, then I'll share, and also I'll add that like, not everyone like deserves your vulnerability. You do not deserve access to me, past the boundaries that I want to give you. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So like, kind of Rachel said like, It has to be trust established and also backing like off of what Hoban said, like it has to be reciprocated as well. Mm-hmm. if I'm pouring out some of myself to you, then I deserve the same back, you know? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So yeah, For me, another thing is it has to be on my terms, like me being vulnerable. Yeah. Like don't force, Don't force people like that or like, Yeah. Anyways. That's definitely what you guys said, like the kind of boundaries, Cause it's. I'm not gonna like, just literally what she said, like I'm not gonna like pour everything out and then like You don't Yeah. It's just, Yeah. I be as one sided. Yeah. Yeah. Can't have that. Nope. Access, not granted. Right. 36 minutes. Wow. What do you think our most important similarity? Hmm. I think we're all pretty like-minded. Yeah. Honestly. that we get to the bag Yeah. We know how to get to the bag. Yeah. We all wanna just like better ourselves. We're just go getters. Yeah. We all helped. We all help each other like evolve and get just like hired places, so. Yeah. Yeah, and that's like important, like you never wanna feel like you're s. Duck with somebody or like somebody's holding you back. Mm-hmm. Like, you always want to be growing with somebody. And I feel like we do that very much so, like gracefully. And you never feel like any like jealousy towards anyone either. Like, no one's intense when one person's up. It's like, we're, we're all, we're all up. We're all eating. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Literally. That's hard to find too. So hard to find. Lemme tell you. Surprise These bitches are crazy. Ok. Absolutely insane. Like why are you mad? Literally, what's wrong with you? God, heal and go to therapy for your own girl is free. Please stop Project girl. Yeah, we're not on all back chasers for Mag Finders and we just know how. So, Okay. Also, I just wanted to add Project Grill is a place where you can find therapy, you know? Yes. For those of you, you don't know, that's what we're referring to. Free resource. Yes. If you are someone you know, um, no. But seriously speaking. Yes. Yes. Hit us up if you actually like, want their contact information. Cause some of you need it. Okay. I'm gonna open, I know. Serious gonna in jokes? I think so. Oh my, Okay. Wow. Okay. Oh, oh my god. What? Okay. Why are these, Do you wanna pick another one? I'll take this one. No, I, I got. Okay. Um, so do you believe that if everyone has a calling, if so, do you think I found mine? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You were meant to do creative things. Oh, for sure. It comes so naturally to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I definitely believe that. Yeah. Creative and like social, like community work. Just like bring awareness and like being a voice for people. Absolutely. And also just being your own voice, like sharing your own voice and your own work and art. Yeah. I definitely feel like you. You're like a living and breathing like that be Yeah. Genius. Wow. Like when I think of you, I think of like a young Issa Raye. I'm like, Tell me what Issa was like. Oh my Yeah. That's great. That's not good. That's Issa Issa's like super goofy. Like she's super creative. She puts people on, She's all about her community, bro. Like all of her projects are very, very like pro-black, like center centered around like black stories. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Anyway. Yeah, just, just so you know, 10 years from my mom would be like, Hi. Her crazy. That's crazy. Okay. Oh, based on what you learned about me, what book would you recommend? I read? I don't really read, Don't the books question? I dunno. Ok. Maybe I should read more, honestly. Oh God. Ooh. Okay. Yeah. Um, what do you think? This is the universe being easy on you. McKayla, please. It says, What do you think my weakness is? I feel like you get all the hard ones. I feel like this is kind of What? Just like, I feel like this was kind of like the other one. Yeah, Yeah. Kind of like what you already said, like. Just like thinking that you're not enough sometimes. Mm-hmm. and like always like pushing yourself, pushing yourself to like, you know, do more, do more, do more. But you're more than enough. Yeah. You are enough. Thank you. Yeah, you are. You are her. Yeah. Period. Period. I'm bad girl. I'm, That's good. Okay. We could do one more since we're at 40 minutes now. Okay. Oh, that gives me pressure cuz I wanna pick a good one. Oh, this is okay. Okay, This is like our last card. So what has this conversation taught you about yourself? Oh my gosh. It's like a perfect wrap up card. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. that I need to be more vulnerable with. Like the people like, cuz sometimes like I'll do feel like, I'm like, okay, like I feel like I'm making progress. Or like, even if feel like it is small progress, I feel like I know that I can still do more. So like, like hearing from like you guys that like the, I still can like open up more and like get that like more like connection and be closer to you guys. Like I feel like that is something that like I can take away that I liked. No one's. That's good. Um, I've learned that I should just be more sure of myself and more sure of my accomplishments and that I should celebrate the more. Yes. And stop and smell the flowers like Diane. Yes. Being present. The flowers smell damn good. They do. They know they smoke. Great. I think definitely that. Um. Oh my God, my stomach is like grumbling. Sorry, I don know. We could hear that in the mic. Yeah, we can. And it's like, sounds like a volcano or like a dance number in there. So sorry about that. Um, Oh my god. What? What was I gonna say? Oh, yes, that like, I feel like it definitely like validated my creativity and kind of like goofiness. Mm-hmm. because like it's definitely a lot of pressure to not be that like most of the time those are the best parts of you. Yeah. Yeah. You should embrace those cuz a lot of people can't be as funny as you are or as creative as you are, period. Definitely. No. Sorry, I'm not sorry. No, cuz like I couldn't really be that like before and now, but I really got comfortable with this group cuz like in high school I was definitely not like this. It was definitely like, oh my God, like I'm so academic and like, you know what I mean? But yeah, so I definitely validated that side of me that, I mean it's basically here most of the time, so, yeah. That's nice. I would say, Just like how much that I appreciate, the little moments that I don't take into account all the time. I definitely like cherish these moments a lot. Like, especially being able to like, grow and like learn about other people and you know, like your, your guy's perspective. Like I love. and like, yeah, it was less about me and like more about like us. Mm-hmm. for me. Aw us. So yeah, I like that the. But yet guys. All right. Hope you guys enjoyed. I kind of forgot for a moment that we're gonna release this I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. I hope you all have friends, as great as we do. I hope you guys find a sisterhood, a brotherhood. Mm-hmm. Yes, it's important and I hope you guys learned a little bit about us. Definitely more to come. Um, you'll get to hear like our more goofier, more like Yeah. Less serious. Yeah, less serious. We really started deep, and let me tell y'all something, I You're not gonna get that all the time. No. Yeah. Like, we just wanted to get like for you guys to like, you know, see like us at our core beings, you know, us as like, Like I said, like as a group of friends. Mm-hmm. you know, hopefully you guys, you know, have found something to relate to your guys' selves as well within us. And we just like look forward to hearing back from you guys and just giving y'all more like content. Like I'm so excited for this segment and meeting y'all too. Come to the store, come see grounding coffee. Come literally no, for real. Come see us. We're here. Yeah. And we'll definitely start being on YouTube for sure. Like we definitely wanna start recording. Mm-hmm. um, our podcast episodes, so stay tuned for that as well. Yes. And have you enjoyed these questions? We got them from the game. We're not really strangers. I'm definitely gonna pick up, sponsor us. No seriously, no sponsor. Please listen. No free decks. Thank you. Right. Alrighty. Bye guys. Bye bye. Thank you for tuning in to Grounded Conversations by Black Coffee Northwest. We hope you enjoyed and connected with the conversation. Now we wanna keep this going, so if you're in the area, join us in person at Black Coffee Northwest in Shoreline, Washington, just a few minutes outside of Seattle. Otherwise, connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, and on your favorite social media. Form we're at Black Coffee NW on everything. You can also shop our BES and March on our coffee Until next time, stay connected and stay grounded.