Grounded Conversations

Girl Talk Segment: Crowned Corner

March 28, 2023 Erwin Weary
Girl Talk Segment: Crowned Corner
Grounded Conversations
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Grounded Conversations
Girl Talk Segment: Crowned Corner
Mar 28, 2023
Erwin Weary

Welcome to Episode 14 of Grounded Conversations by Black Coffee Northwest, an intergenerational conversation about ourselves, our blackness, our world, and our favorite drinks.

Join us for our NEW Grounded Girl Talk Segment called Crowned Corner where we sit down and talk about navigating life and all that comes with it as young black women trying to figure it all out.

Today we are checking up with some of our friends and having a tea talk with story times!!

On this podcast episode we will be discussing:

• Current shenanigans (failed plans, being a good wing man, etc.)

• Dating outside of your race, men with kids in your dms, etc.

• Envisioning life 5 years from now

We would love to hear from you and if any of you have any stories to share feel free to  contact us  with the information below.

Don’t forget to check out our first visual recording of our podcast on Youtube!

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to Episode 14 of Grounded Conversations by Black Coffee Northwest, an intergenerational conversation about ourselves, our blackness, our world, and our favorite drinks.

Join us for our NEW Grounded Girl Talk Segment called Crowned Corner where we sit down and talk about navigating life and all that comes with it as young black women trying to figure it all out.

Today we are checking up with some of our friends and having a tea talk with story times!!

On this podcast episode we will be discussing:

• Current shenanigans (failed plans, being a good wing man, etc.)

• Dating outside of your race, men with kids in your dms, etc.

• Envisioning life 5 years from now

We would love to hear from you and if any of you have any stories to share feel free to  contact us  with the information below.

Don’t forget to check out our first visual recording of our podcast on Youtube!

Email -

• Instagram - Black Coffee NW

• Twitter - Coffee NW

• Facebook - Black Coffee NW

• LinkedIn - Black Coffee NorthWest

• Youtube - Black Coffee NorthWest

Listen and follow the podcast on all major platforms:

• Apple Podcasts

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• and more

Welcome to Grounded Conversations by Black Coffee Northwest, an intergenerational conversation about ourselves, our blackness, our world, and our favorite drinks. Grounded Conversations is all about brewing up discussions and topics that matter to the community. With our differing perspectives, our hopes is to share our unique flavors opinion. And also life experiences to create a greater insight and also understanding. So join us every other Tuesday as we come together and talk all about things that are on and popping all over a nice hot cup of black coffee. hello everyone. Welcome to the Girl Talk segment of Granted Conversations. This is the Crown Corner. So, we just wanted to come together as young black women in our twenties, you know, trying to figure out life, have open, beautiful conversations. Some of us are in college, some of us are working. Some of us are in relationships, some of us are single Me anyway, Um, but so yeah, we just wanted to come together and create as. Space, where we can like, just talk about life, what's going on in the world, the chaotic state that our generation is in. We all have unique perspectives, on different topics as you'll see. and hopefully we can drop some gems, give you guys advice. Uh, but essentially we're just a group of friends wanting to laugh and learn with y'all. so welcome to Crown Corner. Everyone. Hi. Come on. We got a button. Okay. So I guess we could start with introductions. Um, I can start with me. So, hi everyone. I am Diana. I'm the event program manager at Black Coffee, as well as one of the youth directors. I am 21 years old. I am first generation American. My family's originally from Kenya. I am a senior in college, which is exciting. Get to graduate this year per mm-hmm. Yep. Mm-hmm. But yeah, I'm just trying to, I. Try my best to be great, you know, and to make so something of myself and I have a lot of people to make proud and I intend to do so. Period. Period. Right? Mm-hmm. we need a period button. We do need a, we do. Hello everyone, I am Rachel Thir. I am the podcast manager here at Black Coffee. Um, you can also catch me behind the bars sometimes making coffee, um, outside of black coffee. I am a. And yeah, that's me. That's her. All right. Hello. My bestie West Ease. It's Hoban. I'm the project manager and also grounded youth leader or youth director here at Black Coffee. Um, little about me. I'm 19 years old. I'm studying criminal justice at Shoreline Community College. Um, outside of work, I like to play the bass. I'm learning the guitar. I like music, love all things true crime, love horror. Um, and yeah, I'm just trying to make a difference in this place. So it's nice to meet you all. Hi everybody. Okay. My name is Dayday Stewart. I'm 20 years old. I'm a Libra. Um, I'm in college. I'm a junior studying community psychology and media communication studies. Um, when I'm not in school, I like to read anything, romance. I'm just like a romance whore. Um, Yeah, that's mean. Um, hi, my name's Maya. I'm 20. I go to eat at Bothel and I study psychology and education. Um, honestly, outside of work, I just love cars and anime. It seems like very common nowadays, but, um, I'm honestly just like trying to survive and figure out how to enjoy it while I am 20. Cuz I don't know, I see people all the time and they're enjoying life and I'm like, that should, that could be me. So I'm trying to figure out how to make that me. Hi everyone. My name is Eden Wain. I also go to Uup Bothel and I'm 20 years old. I'm studying law, economics and public policy, and I'm also a senior. outside of work, I honestly just bury myself in books, whether if it's like, you know, fiction or like case briefs and just like all of that. I also enjoy podcasts, which is why when I like everyone brought this idea, I was like, I have to, like right now. But yeah, this, it's all about me. I just can't wait to talk, you know, just engage. Hopefully we'll all talk about our life here. Yeah. Yay. I love it. Look at that. And that's the team. That's everyone. So what's today's topic guys? Let's start with like how, how's have ever been been? By the way, I haven't seen a couple of y'all. Well, I saw some of y'all yesterday, Rachel. I haven't seen you in a bit. Yeah. Let's talk about like what's been going on. Mm-hmm. me and having had me having, Let's start off with the tea time, with the tea talk, because let me tell y'all about last night. Oh my god. She just jump like hella Yeah. The topics. Nobody say nothing. No. This is crazy. We saw her like yesterday and she already had C We've been busy. Where should we start? Um, how was the concert first of all? What concert we wouldn't know cause it was, was canceled. What did I tell what, what concert was this? Sin? Yeah, the Broken Hearts Club. That what I tell you though, I said on was two 14, Bro Eden, we talked, I told Hoban that. You told me that day to So then tickets, What happened to the TIA money? Where's they better transfer to the next day? No, literally. That's all I know. That's all I know. That's crazy. But let me tell y'all the story time, right? So it's a Thursday, great day. So we're supposed to go to the, so concert, right? Um, featuring Doesn't con right. Oh my God. I love Doesn't con, but anyway. So we're supposed to go to this concert, the, like, last night, and everything's all set. We get ready, we head over to Seattle. We're playing the music, we're bumping it. It's cool. It's a good vibe. We get there, right? We get there, we walk to the location, just walking up, all you know, like happy, all excited for the concert. And then we see the doors and they're chained up. They're locked. Key gated and gate thrown somewhere. I don't know, Key locked away. It's, it's close. No one's there. I'm thinking we're four minutes late. Did they already start this show when they're not accepting anyone else? I'm like, it's not gonna be in, I'm like, like is there like music playing? But it's, it's quiet. So I'm like, Bro, the minute that we got there, Hobb and I looked at each other, we said n. Um, it's eight 30 It's not adding up. Um, it's no one's here. This is what's going on, what's going on. So at this point, I'm like, I, I automatically think about what Eden said to me. I was like, Damn. I was like, Cause y'all, I was like, Okay, you know what, Cause Eden had mentioned earlier that day, um, we were like, we're like, we're in somewhere on campus. And she was like, Wait, I, I was looking at the dates and you said that like, cuz I was trying to get Dayday and Maya and all of them to come, cuz I just found out like this week when we were all hanging out like it was happening, right? So I was like, Oh, let's go, let's go. But apparently she moved it like last minute. But Eden tells me this and I'm like, Oh, like maybe tonight is like, you know, a pre, a pre-tour concert. I don't know what's going. I'm just like, all I know is that I paid for Thursday, April 28th. So I'm going So. All right. So Eden shows me that Instagram. I'm like, okay, maybe it's like a pre-con, like teaser or something. I don't know. Uh, so we get there and I'm like, Dang, I should have done more research. At least he didn't wait for like hours and hours. That's such your fault though. Cause why are they still selling tickets on the date? That's cancer. That's literally Exactly. That don't make no sense. That don't make any sense. Like that's where'd you buy your tickets from Access? Yeah, but the, that's an official app. Like they should close it if they canceled it. Yeah, but I ordered, I got the tickets like Tuesday, two days before, so I don't know if she had canceled it by then. Hmm. That's a very late notice. No, see, that makes sense. Why I didn't see videos. I was, I only saw like a picture of you, YouTube and all that I'm like, wait for the video That was like, that was like, that's, we said we're not gonna waste the outfits. We're taking pictures. It was moments after we realized it was closed. We're like, Right, well picture Right. But let's get into the T of this. So we get to the show. We could, we get out of the car, La la, la, la. We go, we go to the um, shell box. And mind you, it's Seattle, right? So we don't park like right next to the building. We have to go find parking somewhere on the street or whatever. We forget to tag the location of the parking spot, the cars. So we make it there and we do not know where the car is, what? Look at this. Standing there looking at other like functionality. Disorganize and that's when I realized the car, it's just vibes. Every time we step outside, inside, it's just vibes. Straight vibes. Cause where's the scent? No, literally no way. We were in stems. We like walk, we were like walking everywhere. Like, okay, maybe, maybe it was this way we walked that it wasn't that way. Maybe it's this way. It wasn't that way. No. And then at some point we're like, You know what, let's just take like a little vlog. Let, and so let's just embrace the moment. Vlog Cause like I was like thinking, I was like, wait a. This is gonna be a great podcast episode. As soon as I said that, I was like, Oh yeah, I'm straight. I'm before. Yeah, we're good. We're embracing the moment. We're chill. We know like, this gonna be a good story. And one of the pictures, it's live so you can hear yourself. You're like, you said you're good. I'm good too. that's so Diana, but I'm, But keep in mind, we are independent women, right? Exactly. Mm-hmm. we know how to utilize our resources. Mm-hmm. So what do we do? Of course we're taking pictures the whole time, right? Mm-hmm. we were taking pictures like behind this restaurant and we were like looking okay. First of all, we thought about this first, right? Cause the pictures that you take are always geo tagged. Yeah. Like Apple has like the new update where like, even if you send someone a picture, like you can still like find the location. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And so I remembered, I was like, Wait a minute. I took pictures. Like, wow, you know, I was like, it is so smart. So I looked up, I found the location and I found like the restaurant, like where like, it was like, Right, like tag next to, to cookies, right? Yeah. And so I was like, Okay, let's look at the map. So I put it on 3d and then I was looking at like, from like satellite, and I was like, Okay, we parked over there, we walked this way, and then we took the picture right there. So we found the restaurant out there. Women in stem. 30 minutes? No. Literally after 30 minutes, I trying, bro. And after I gave up once, I was like, I look at Diana, I was like, Should we just call a Lyft because she really tried to give up, bro. I was like, but I was like, All right. So we already tried cause Okay. How the, how the street was looking like there was four different directions we could have gone on that corner. So there was. This way, this way and this way, and then this way. But we had already tried three ways already. So I was like, havin, this is the only way that we could go. Like this has to be the way. But the thing is, we thought about this like at the beginning of like our search for the car, but our mistake was we went to Snapchat and looked at the location on those pictures. But Snapchat gives you like the general like area where you're in. So it gave us like some random place, like near the Showbox, but it wasn't like, like where we parked. Mm-hmm. So that's why I had to go to the picture on art camera roll, thank goodness. And find it right. But it was so funny, bro, we were like, first of all, cuz when we were talking about earlier the other day, like Eden said this, she was like, Imagine you go there and it's not there. Cause I was like, I've never, And that's what happens. Yeah. And I imagine, and then it actually happens. I was like, That's crazy. But the whole day, I kid you not y'all. Like I had like, y'all know me, like if I'm excited about something I'm gonna be excited. I'm like, oh my gosh. Like is it concert, da da da. Yeah. And I wasn't like that the whole day. I don't know what was throwing me off. I was on my period, so I was like, Exactly. I was on my period. So I was like, oh, like maybe it's like my period, like, you know, like maybe like I'm just being moody. You knew? Yeah. I knew I wasn't expect, cuz like one the night, the day of the Lucky Day concert, I was hell excited the whole day I was so hyped. Like even like on the car ride there, we weren't even like playing their music. Like we were just vibing out to like different songs. We were like, okay. Like a couple minutes before like we were about to go like, Oh let's listen to some of the songs or whatever. But I would've been like playing them like I would've been hyped like, but I was like, oh, like we're just chilling. Like I, something in me like knew it was gonna be chill day. That's crazy. Mm-hmm And I was like, dang, that's crazy. That was my intuition cuz I was like mm-hmm I knew it wasn't gonna happen. I don't know what it was, but That's crazy. Honestly. Moral story is always take pictures. No, like from now on, like before I go out, I have take pictures in the car. So like I have like, Yes. Make a whole album was like, and the thing was our dumb ass and the picture that we posted on, on my story. Yeah. And the background. You can see the freaking Van Gogh like painting. So I, we just looked back at that story. We could have been like, Oh, it's Van Go. Cause the whole time I was like, we park somewhere next to a famous painting on the Wall Famous. I was like, what painting that's sending me? I was like, I was like a hoit. It was a famous painting. The only famous paintings I was thinking of were the ones, I took pictures. It was like Seattle Seahawks and like Sonics. I was like, those paintings, nothing comes to your it. It was rock. It was, it was, No, oh my gosh. It was hilarious. It was so funny. Middle home safe. Even though ho tried to pray on our downfall or whatever, I was pray on our downfall. I was ready to, I was cold. That's like, okay. That was good. So how is everybody else's week? Any to what's going on? I'd be having a look at my Google calendar to see what I did this week. Yeah. I didn't do shit this week. Um, yeah. Okay. But how was, how was New York? How was Cali? Um, Oh yeah, she's been out busy This is why we never see her. I got Covid the beginning of April and then right after I got c v it was like after I had traveled to California for like a week and a half and then I came back, I got code from my roommates and then I was quarantined for like nine, 10 days. And then after that I went to New York and then I flew back to Seattle and the next day I flew to LA and then I flew back to, What were you doing in New York? I shot for. Glossier, I can say that now. She can see that I shop for Glossier. Uh, they have a new coming out. It's lavender flavored. Um, Okay. And then I shop for Lulu Lemon, and then I shop for Stitch Fix or something in San Francisco. Oh, cool. Looked, I'm so be honest. When do we see all this come? Like the Glossier stuff will be out next week on May 3rd. That's when they launch it. And then the Lulu Lemon stuff. I really don't know. Hmm. Yeah, she's there to take the pictures. Can I figure it out? Yeah. Yeah. So I was like super busy, but like now I'm like, it's like the way that like things work, it's like I'll be really busy for like three weeks and then I'll have like two weeks of doing absolutely nothing. Mm-hmm. as needed or longer mm-hmm. Um, but yeah, so like right now is like a rest period. I'm hoping that things start to pop off like after my birthday. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I've just been seeing friends and. Chilling. Oh yeah. Yeah. You're turning 21. How do you feel? Does it feel any different or, I, I have mixed emotions because I feel like I've been looking forward to this day since I was like 16, 15. You know what I mean? Yeah. Mm-hmm. but. I hate the fact that my 21st birthday's on Mother's Day. True. Like that really irritates me. Like it really has me hot like How dare they Yeah. But it's fine. I'm excited to be 21. I'm excited to go to dispensaries. I think traveling will be a lot more fun. I'm excited about the airport barn. Yeah. Um, I'm excited to order those little mini bottles of vodka on the flight. Okay. For grown things. And she'd be traveling, so this is convenient for her. Yeah. Mm-hmm. like, leave the bottle, leave it with me. Sometimes they away. Thank Exactly. Exactly. But yeah, that's my. Okay. Oh my god. Tax season taxes, you guys. Oh, that shit had me depressed for like multiple days. I was like, Uhuh, the worst bro. Yeah, they could have gave me more money, but it's fine. That's fine. That's what I'm saying. I like We won't talk about it. Yeah, we don't have to talk about It's fine. My mom did my taxes and she like waited till the last minute. Say she didn't. I was like, Mom, the IRS is gonna gimme said I'll ask for an extension. No. What She said no. Another person in charge Connection. They know she got it. No, I'm good for it. Before she, the extension, like it got mother for an call up. Remember me? Remember how last year I filed my taxes? Yeah. just updated. I don't know. You have have to do anything again. Like, you know where I've been? No even know. Oh. Anyway. Let's see. I honestly just work and school. Mm. Mm-hmm. like, it's, it's insulting cuz I'm, I try to find things that I'm like, okay, maybe if I like, oh, sorry. Maybe if I like, you know, like give like go somewhere and stuff like that. But I always end up just not doing it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm Also the weather just sucks. Like it's not giving spring, it's giving wizards all. Why was it Spring is not springing brick yesterday. It's raining brick. I'm saying where this, that, get it together. Washington please. Like a puffer in April. What's going? It's the middle. April's over. Mm-hmm. like two days. Almost may. That's crazy to know. Approaching may come on. Disappointing. I know. Okay. For me, um, this week I've been the most social, so clap for me. Okay. Yeah. That just Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So I went to the, Well, obviously I was an at attendant bounces night. Yeah. Which was That was amazing. Yes. Um, yeah, that was really fun. I didn't really skate. I just look cute. suck. I like we're not, I'm not, I'm not that kidding. She was her trophy wife. A trophy. Exactly. I was in the back just checking in people's shoes and stuff. I was cool. I was chill. Mm-hmm. Um, then on Thursday I had my own event and that went really well. What was the event? It was so a rapper came, so it was like a concert on campus and then we did like a q and a, watched his short film and then after Oh yeah, I know the guy. You do. Yeah, Nathan. We went to the same school together. Oh. Be, I should have asked about you. I didn't know you knew him. Yeah, I didn't know. But yeah, then we did like a. Died in dialogue after. And that was really successful. Like a lot of heads were in there, so I was like, okay, I can actually do it. Yeah. Um, and then I hang out with y'all today, like I just been getting out there more. Mm-hmm. I'm glad they been good. I just came for the food. I was there and I hung out with Maya afterwards. Yeah. Whatever, like day date. Um, yeah, I've just been like, you know, I feel like I say that I want friends, da da da, but you gotta invest in a friendship. You gotta think out, like be friends with them and know them and stuff. So I've been doing that small, I mean, so socialite most excited right. Okay. I don't even think I've been doing nothing. I hosted robots. Yeah, per you did it up. The stress I went through for that event, bro. I can only imagine. The red tape that you have to go through in order to host an event on a campus is insane to me. That's just give us the money and let us do it. Yeah, exactly. Like why you need all this you my money since fall quarter. Why do you need all this? Why do we need a host, an event for you to say, Okay, like, Like we have to host a meeting in order for you just to look at the thing and just what approve it. It don't make sense to me. Very stressful, ridiculous. Oh, you wanna start your time about class? This is the tick off thing. Yeah. So I'm in a class for inner group relations. So it's literally just talking about like you're in groups and out groups and like basically what it sounds like. So we're having like this like discussion, let's facilitate, facilitated discussion and this. So it's like all women of color plus this white guy. So like, the question was something about like, are you afraid to like talk about like the word white or some shit like that? Um, and he was like, So this is a white guy talking. And he was like, Yeah, well everybody always tells me that like I'm a white man, but I'm Italian. And he's like, So I'm Italian, da da da. And so I was like, We can't, like you can be culturally Italian, but you are racially white. And so he was like talking whatever, and I was like letting him say his piece, whatever. And then we get like later in the conversation, I was like, I'm so sorry, but like you are a white man. At the end of the day, this fool gets mad. He like clocks out of the conversation and he like opens his laptop. He's like on his laptop, not talking to nobody the entire time and everyone like knows. And it's after I called him a white man cuz he was like pissed off and he was like, Yeah, I don't agree with their ideals. Nico. What do you mean their ideals, ethnicity, and like race Exactly. Does not, it confus a lot of folks. What? Too many? Exactly. Too many. And it's not that difficult of a concept like, Come on. So as soon as the professor was like, Okay guys, let's just start wrapping up. This man shuts his laptop, gets up and he's like out the door. I was like, Oh my God. So I went to my friend Curly and I was like, Bitch. And we started like busting up loud I made him so mad, like this white boy was pissed. Cause I called him white. I was like, If you're not white, then what are you? Mm-hmm. Black, Hispanic, Asian. Like, you're not, you're, you're white. Mm-hmm. And he was so press and I was like, You told me when higher we are in higher education, still can differe, still can a difference. Honestly, I respect them so much like white men because like they have, I mean, let me land, lemme land. So the fact that the most privileged group in. Can still make themselves a victim. That is, that is, that's a challenge. You know what I'm saying? Oh, oh. And speaking of that, he started talking about some shit. He was like, Yes. Like my, like, great grandparents were like immigrants. This dude started talking about, Yeah. Like, you know how like Italians like were treated the same as like everybody else, Like people of color camouflage. She said, wait, Italian, great grandparents. I was like, That's not, I, I, I don't recall. I, I don't recall. Dance. Try colonize everywhere. Everywhere. Like literally everywhere. Like, you know, not to invalidate anyone's experiences, but shut the fuck up world. Nobody cares Living in their delusions. Like that's really what it is. It's like they are so delusional. Exactly. Like, why do you wanna be. So bad. Wanna be a victim so bad. Exactly. It's a talent that's odd. she's Irish. Real exact what that but okay. I have a as a man for today. Okay. What's your eyes mind? The last segment. Wait, we should do ho's check in first before we do as you got. Oh. Oh, my checkin was the same thing as. Diane. Oh, okay. Yeah, I, that was my, Here I'm ho's number one, so I just gotta make sure to get her. Okay. As a, my, I'm about to do as am Maya anyway. as a man. Like, why are you pressing your phone? Do a voice note. That's so feminine to me. Like a voice recordings. Very, You're pressing your phone to talk to me now. Just use your two fingers and text like a man, like a proper man does. No, that's very feminine to me. But I think about that. But like, hearing a man's voice, you I your day, like, you know, like, I like, and I prefer like, phone calls anyway over text messages. So like, but it feels like different though. Phone call over, like voice. You're pressing your phone for, uh, voice recording. Is that howand like, Like, are they like, like do they always just like send like voice text or is it like They never, That's weird. That's weird. Constantly voice recording text. Now I'm texting you. Text like every time I text you, you're now pressing. Pressing phone. Pressing phone. Pressing button. What's that? Just talk. That's text. But I mean, that's very feminine. I don't care. It's cute though. I really admire, I think it's cute, but like, not all the time, like, you know, pick up the phone. Like if you wanna just talk, pick up the phone, you know? Mm-hmm. But I, I don't know. I like going back and like reading messages. Yeah, me too. I need something to always listen. I just wanna like read and be like, Oh my God. And he's sending three minute voice recording. No, I don't like anybody to do that. Don't send me three. I'm sending five minute recording. Five seconds is your window. And I'm not listening. That's why I send like seven though. I send like a lot Exactly. Sending multiples of like short clips I think is way better than I think of one. I just wish Apple would Let me pause and like rewind. Yeah. Yeah. That all the way back we two minutes of my time. Cause then when your phone turns off, you're gone. I'm not listening. Can't leave the, your thumbs like no and do nothing. And you're just like staring with your phone and you're like, Yeah, I gotta think of responses too. I type'em out while I'm listening. My, That's true. No, but sometimes if it's friends, like they will be sending me voice. I will literally prompt my phone. It's a whole podcast. Not the prompting the phone the same, you know, like it just, I, I don't know. I just like voice. I love that. Thank you. I love my voice. Thank you so much. Okay. That, wow. I don't remember asking what might have say, ending me progress, but let's just continue. continue. Okay. What else has been going on? What's going on? What's been going on in Twitter? I feel like you can always, how Twitter. You might still have a Twitter? We, we try right now. Right now, right now. At my big age, I still don't have a Twitter. It's fine. I've tried to convince her, Send you tweets. Message don't to No, but you have to post anything on Twitter. The people who do have Twitter, I think everyone should go around and read one draft. Oh wait, hold on. Like a, You don't understand every time, like for me, Twitter is like a, like a public diary. Like I will literally, and I'll be in a car accident. Like, no, I'm not Bella Jesus. It'll be a car accident. Be like y'all, I know man. Not just rear end me. Like you, you don't know who its, But it's like, I dunno. That's how I view Twitter and I like that is Oh, for sure. For sure. But I can, I don't know. I have to be selective on the, I don't know if I even have drafts wanna out herself. Really? Really? Yeah. I've been drafting everything. Wait, where do I even find the drafts? Go to? All my drafts are okay for now. I don't have any draft. And then I'll save it, right, Rachel? Oh, okay. Let me find one. Like when I say I have drafts with you, I'm done. It's a diary. It's a diary like, Let, one day I'm gonna let the chop sing and I'm gonna just release the on she said. Okay. One of them is I have reached max capacity for white friends. Oh. Can't talk about this all a hundred percent. Wait, wait, a hundred percent max capacity. I got, I got one. I'm noting like one and, and he's, he's on, he's on one life. like, Give him two more. Give him two more. You don't, Which is funny cause like I'm hanging out with him tomorrow too. We're hanging out with him tomorrow. You, I'm ok. Actually, let me out myself cause I was gonna keep it exactly for private conversation. Wanna say it? I don't wanna. So yesterday, Maya, I, the back. Okay. What I mean that I, by that is, so I have had boundaries. I'd like to begin by saying we didn't set any expectations, Maya. This was just, we're going into this, This was regular, this was regular team. I didn't know Maya was like, Oh, I have this white friend cuz we're going through her friends or whatever. I was like, Do you have any, you know, available friends? Cause cause she's telling me, Okay, what other guy friends do you have? What other guy friends do you have? I'm like, Okay, what do you got for the table? Umcause? She, her roster was full of, uh, what's it called? An Egyptian man that says the N-word. He's, he's African, he not black. The only reason I know who he is cause he has this in car as me. Not cuz I was like checking. Remember? He goes to our school. Should I even say that? Oh, is that, It's not that, that dude that's like the only Egyptian I know that one that came to that one event. Oh, show He's in school? No. Okay. That's not him. That's not, Oh thank God he cuz he was so sweet. I was like, I don't wanna have that. No, this one, this well pay pass phone. Oh, okay. Keep going, keep going. And then she had this one dude that, you know, he, you know what, sorry, he, he's in my two of my classes. No fucking quarter. Yeah. Literally. I am small world. You know what, let me, Hmm. It's going air, but it's okay. He is, the whole group is annoying. They literally, the whole time the professor. The professor would be talking and they would have like a whole conversation. And I'm like, I see that. Like I see that. I understand. But it's like the, she would like pH like have to, has to stop the class. Like wait. Yeah. And like, that's so high school. What do happen? He is a fresh, Yeah. Mm-hmm. It's very childish. And he's one of her car friends, whatever. Be speed and stuff. I didn't follow him on Instagram. Let's make that very, Yeah, it's the blue box is still there. He's kinda cute. He's, He's right. Let I said that, I thought it was like nighttime and I thought he was black. I thought he was light skinned. He's like his, He was like, With this black friend now, all that stuff. Yeah. I was like, Okay. And it was dark. Yeah. And like, you know, I was like, Oh you, I don't blame you, but that's what you had for me. So I was like, I'm not feeling him. But then she had another one, then she had this white friend. I was like, okay, you know, I denounce white men. I don't really care for them. I'm not really attracted to them. But, you know, Let's see, Let's see. Because you know, I just wanna like, try something out. I don't blame you. Right. Let's try something. So she calls him up, Okay. She calls a friend up first. First of all, what hap what had happened was tell him, So I was like showing her Insta, his Instagram, but he like, is a like photographer, so he doesn't like take picture herself, like his face. Mm-hmm. and like, it's just like, you know, picture like aesthetic pictures. Mm-hmm. So she was like, Oh, what does he look like? And I was like, Oh, I'll call him just for him, her to see what he looks like. We didn't set any other expectations, but to see what he looks like, Let me continue now. Correct. Okay. Okay. That's true. Okay. Okay. So he answered like, second, second ring. I'm like, okay, this boy, okay. I, I like that. I like the promptness, I like the excitement. Okay. So, Right. And then Maya's talking, talking, talking. He's like, Oh, I'm distracted watching the NFL draft. I'm like, Big Blacks football. Okay. He's an athletic babe. Okay. I like that. So she keep on talking like they're going to event, da, da da da. I start talking, so I'm like, Oh, I'm listening. And I start laughing loud and I'm like, Okay, Maya, not loud. Thank you very much Is right I was like, Maya, like I thought she was about to pan the phone to me. Like, Oh, hey, this is my friend Dayday in the car. The girl keeps on. Without anything. And she's like, Okay, bye. I'm like, Bro, you didn't introduce me at all. Okay. Like no introduction. And we have this whole thing that we were about to come on. I was like, Bro, I was, I never, I was, if I didn't wanna talk to him, I would not have talked, I wouldn't have laughed. But I thought she about to be like, Oh, this is not you, but wait, hold on date. If you are looking, look at from like another, the other perspective, she about to play devil's advocate. No, go ahead. Imagine you're with a friend and then a random guy, just like, Oh, hey, what's up? Like, Oh, no, no. Meet for, I'm not gonna say that. I thought she was gonna say like, Introduce us. Like, I wasn't gonna say hi, but like this was on the phone. Right. That's kind of weird though. It's weird. No, like I'm with my, I thought you meant like when you wanted like a whole introduction. Like cousins. Yeah, that's, Oh, I see what you mean. Cause you, you could obviously like hear her in the background. The wing man fell the wing Man, I didn't know this. You her fault. I didn't even know we were setting shit up. I literally told you, literally told you I don't like white men. And I was like, But you had this white I was giving you so all shit. But who's been feeding ever since says yesterday I told, I literally told her, I was like, I'll take a picture of at work for you. And then I was like, I'm literally gonna see him like the next day after. And I was like, I took a video. Anything you want, I will make it up for you. Yeah, because you fumbled And she was like, How you gonna bring me up? I'll be like, Oh, the podcast. And I'm like, Here's, But that would've been yesterday would've been a better introduction because like now if you bring it up, that's kind of weird. But like if you introduced me yesterday, like, Oh, it's my friend I talk about, then if you talked to him tomorrow, it would've been a better like segue. You know what I'm saying? Mm. But you can't redo that. So, So my question, Dayday? Mm-hmm. what happened to Rid happened? She mentioned that. Yeah. Eating. I dunno. I'm on. And like I was telling her, I was like, um, like if I, if you do ever find me like with a white man, best believe I am like falling, like, dude, you know what I mean? And I was telling her I was like, This is sound gonna sound bad. I clowned you so hard. I was like, I'll never marry a white, a white man. But I feel like I wanna The experience. Yeah. I feel the same. The same way. Same. Same way. Same way. Same. Cause Listen, listen. Like marry. Cause like if when I marry some like I'm not having like my children will be Yeah. You want monoracial? Monoracial. Yes. Say it and, but like I like life is short. You know what I wanna experience and everything, you know what I mean? Exactly. I don't know if you guys know this one girl named Emma on Twitter that like every holiday or like Yes girl bro. That is one. I throw it in Friday. Matt has like designer bags for her flowers. A Homecooked meal like every week. It's just dawn. For years. Yeah, for years. And they're both so beautiful. They've been together this since high school. I think I know which one you're talking about. It's that, that she goes viral all the time. Yes. Like every time she drops a picture and like everyone is just like hating on her. Right. Last Thriving me. Literally. Literally. She got her. He got her this like Will of fortune, like spinny thing. Mm-hmm. and like, it was like trip to Dubai, 20 K. Oh, designer bag. The men that are like this. Where are y'all question though? Not Washington. That is a good question. What was the original question? Ask me what changed? So wait, what was, what changed? From what? From only, I was calling her all the time for like even wanting to be the white person even want to be his presence. Okay. Fair. Right. I was calling her like, that's me. I clown. But right now, that's a good question. First of all, I am also on that train of just like wanting to experience. Yeah. Like I feel like I'm more like you now. Like you're just like, No. Like you're taking like, like every, like, like when we talk, we're take, you're taking everyday experience as like, just like fun. Mm-hmm. you know, like, it doesn't have to be so like serious. Whatever. Whatever happens, it happens. Mm-hmm. So like, I feel. and this is not even just stereotype, but I put myself out there for, you know, one specific type of dude, right? Mm-hmm. and I keep on gunning for this type of dude, but it's like if my type is not even liking me back, maybe we need to change something. Maybe we need to try something else out, you know? Mm-hmm. why don't we go for somewhere that like could potentially like give us that love that we were like, we want to spare. So I'm still clowning myself. I'm clowning you. I'm calling everybody. S you know, this is just one, this is just one. But don't stereotype the whole, like Exactly. You know, It could just be like, cuz again, right. Men right now are trash. So, you know, like still give, give, give the men a try, chance. You know what I'm saying? But I, I completely agree with y'all because I've always been like that. Like, I wanna try everything. Why Hispanic? That's what I told her. Tastes rainbow Asian, like, Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And I have successfully done so, So No. Literally. Ok. No, but they're still trash either way. All of all of all of them. It doesn't matter which race, which, which, which ethnicity? They're still trash. It's fine. It's fine. But yeah, I say go for, honestly, I'm not junior. You, Yeah. You might become the next. Hmm. Shoe, who knows? Let's all c let's, I mean, hey, I would do better learn. I didn't know what the expectations were. I told her I'm literally so bad at introducing people. One time I was like at the store and I was just my mom, and then I saw my teacher and I didn't introduce my mom to my teacher. And so my mom point, no, literally. And my mom like walks away and she's like, Why didn't you introduce me? And I was like, Was I supposed to? I, that's like, I'm so bad at that. Like, so bad. That's not to make an excuse. Like it's okay. Like data will make an account. Like every time you forget, Oh, I'm dated by the way, Right. like, don't let I, like, I'm on the other thing, whatever. Like I introduce people like way too much. Like I'm like, they'll have like three people, whatever's me, the other person. And then like my friend, I'm like, Oh, this is whoever, this is the person. Mm-hmm. And then like two minutes later, Oh did you, did you know, this is like, I do it so much cause like I want everyone to feel like included. But it's like it gets weird. Like, nah, you just introduced us like two seconds ago. Calm down. But. That's me. Okay. About the crickets. I know you're telling us to shut up the whole day. What's your what? Tweet. It's okay. This is, I try to find the funniest one. I mean, my feelings a lot, so that's fine. I did my best, but this is the funniest one. Um. I just, I'm gonna go to my camera. I just screenshotted it cuz there was a bunch. But, um, there's this one that I was about to tweet. I remember remember in the time I took too many hits of my pen and wanted to take a shower and I forgot to read the label. And I started, I like, I could you not, I literally pulled ba ba like body wash eyes lotion. No, I swear to God it was the Ellie, like, I had lights, right? So I was like, I, um, I was like, first, um, I got out the shower and then I was like, Okay, let me, like I, I'm, I got you right? And then I was like rubbing and I was like, Why the fuck is this not like going everywhere? It was like just stuck. And then I said, I read it. That's wash or like wash or body wash. And I was like, Oh, this is so great. I'll have to go get in the shower again. Literally, it was the funniest thing ever, but yeah. That's hilarious. So, oh, my summer, summer 20 tell was something else. I have so many crazy stories with that, but that's another time. Okay. That's, Look at my drafts. Okay. Mine is NIS will slide in your dms then post their baby an hour later. Oh, that is, that's, that's insane to me. That's that immediately because some guy, like, I don't know who he is, but like we just had like a mutual and so about this. Yeah, I think so. It was like he DMed me and then he like, like said like hard eyes on my story and I was like, Hard eyes, whatever. I just liked it. And then he like asked me, he was like, Hey, like, what's up? Like, where you from? You single da da da. And I just like told her, I was like, Oh, I live in Seattle. Like you're in, like, so he, he was in Texas and so, and then like an hour later I, I pressed his story and it's like, so glad to see my new baby girl, bro. That's crazy. I knew the audacity. That actually reminds me, bro. I just remembered this. So my senior year of high school, my, at my first job, right? So I was walking out of work one day, minding my business, and then I get stopped by this guy. Um, he's, I think, I don't, I don't know if he's Nigerian. No, he's not Nigerian. He speaks French. So he's one of, one of, um, from microphone countries. Like OI or something. Yeah. He's from one of those African countries that speak French. Um, I can't remember where he was from, but, um, he stops me like when I'm like walking to my car and like, I think this guy's security, like for my job or whatever. Cuz I used to work at like a community center. So, um, he stops me and he's like, Oh, like can I walk you to your car? And I was like, Oh yeah, sure. Like, cause thinking like it's security. Oh, like he just wants, like to make sure I'm safe or whatever. So I get to my car and then he's like, Oh, He starts talking to me. I'm like, Wait a minute, wait a minute. I was like, Where's your badge, He was like, Oh, like I just saw you, like right now, like, you're walking by. You're so beautiful, Da da da da da. And like, So it turns out like he, um, helps. He was, he was a worker there that like, went to the community center to, um, assist the old people that went to exercise there and all that good stuff. So I think like he was transporting them or something. Mm-hmm. but he ended up like asking me for my Snapchat. So I was like, Okay, cool, whatever. I give him my Snapchat and this man like would text me every day and I'm just like, Damn. And I'm like, Can we just be friends? And I'm like, he's like, Yeah. He was like, Okay. Like, um, I can be a friend, like, you know, I can teach you French da da da da. And I'm like, Okay. So he tells me, I, I think he tells me he's 22 at this time. I'm like 18. And I'm like, I'm 18. He said, That's not, that's not a problem. That's not a problem. I'm the funniest peoples broke. And then, He like, So every time he sees me, he stops me. He tries to talk to me like when I'm at work or whatever. And then there was this one time when he was like, Oh, like I came like all the way, like, I didn't have work today. I just wanted to come see you, da da da. And I was like, I did not ask you to do that. Exactly. I did not ask you to do that. I told him to do that. So I keep on like, just like ignoring this guy and like, you know, friends owning him, friends owning him. Like, you know, like, no, like I'm not, I'm not with that. I'm just trying to be friends, da da da. Um, so he like, he eventually gives up, right? So I see on his story, like after like we're done talking, I like look at it one day randomly tell me why this man posts his baby daughter, bro. And I'm like, You are a, a father the whole entire time and you wanted to date an 18 year old. You're taking off work to see me go see that girl, You're a child. Go see that child. She needs a father. Like I, I was shocked. I was shocked. I was like, Maybe she needed a mom. Maybe he was playing girl's not recruiting. Recruiting. Exactly. Now once, Did he talk about his baby? Not one. He said let say small talk. Say no. Small talk. Literally. Oh. But yeah, he's playing long game. You find out when you're married, like, Oh, you have a child like, Yeah, Yeah. She's seven. So do you She stays with her mom. Like, you don't have to worry about her, dude, are you good? She ain't a problem. Don't worry about it. She can't come between us. Maybe she should, Maybe she should come between us. No, literally that's, Wait, no. That reminded me. How have you guys seen that video of a guy he told his girlfriend or like his wife, that he was gonna go take their like child out for to the park, but he took the child out on a date. Wait, what? So he was literally like, he's like at like some like restaurant or whatever with the other girl, and then all you see is like his like girlfriend coming up and she's like making a mess outta everything. And everyone's, you know, like backing away, like just like watching. And then you just see, you just see like a little like the, what's it called? Like those like baby strollers or whatever. Mm-hmm. pick up and you see a child in there. Oh, so this and this man took his baby. Like I saw a. On a date to cheat. Oh my God. Told the girl that he was taking the child to a park. I was like, the audacity. But it's like, how are you gonna go out on a date with a man and then not even acknowledge that there's a child, child nowhere. That's my granddaughter. Like, I mean, that's my goddaughter. That's my goddaughter's. Just babysit. I'm just babysitting. I'm just babysitting. I don't even know whose child is, I don't even worry about that That would be the first thing. Okay, what? What is this? What? What is this? This child. That's the W woman who you think Exactly. Oh my God. That's the level I should, should have been on. Where you gonna gonna get a baby from? Where you gonna get a baby from? Don't worry about it. That's one of these niggas they got. I'll pay you. That's prostitution. Oh my God. I'm done. They got 18. Like a lot of men, like on top of that too. Like they really don't give a fuck when it comes to like, who they're talking to in terms of like age. Oh, they, they do not like I already have a little, No, they do not. I saw a tweet, a tweet about this the other day too. Like, it was actually crazy. Like this girl was like, he was like, Oh, like how old are you? She was like, Oh, I'm 16. I saw that. Yeah. And then he lowered his age to make it okay. But then like when she actually said her real age, she was like 20 or 22. Yeah. Yeah. He was like, Oh yeah, I'm actually like 20, 22. I was just smart. Smart. I was like, That's smart. Because then if they change it mm-hmm. then it's like, and a lot of it, it's literally predator. Like they, That's definitely I saw, Yeah. I saw this tweet. I was like, um, the reason men like 20, 25 and up go for like, like fresh high school, like 19. Mm-hmm. 22. Cause you can mold them. Yeah. And it's also because they haven't what you want. Yeah. And then like, like quote unquote, they said like, Oh, they're a lot of women that are older, 25 and up. They've lost their value. What the fuck does that mean? No. You know what I mean? Like literally they always like, Oh, it's cuz she like, when, when you're with a 20 year old, like she doesn't do all of this, all of that. She's, if anything I'm you just better. They're just targeting control. Obviously. There's a reason why women, their age aren't going for them. Like why? They're either not tolerating them, they have boundaries. They already know what they want. They're already developed. You can't like change them into anything. But with younger women it's a lot easier. Especially when like outta high school. Exactly. Just tell them, oh, you're so mature for your age. Like, it's okay. Like that's, it's always the go-tos. Like you're so mature for your age. So it's okay that like I'm older because like mentally you're just as old as me. Yeah. Like you're wise. That is not, that's why there was this one guy, it was so weird. Some basically he found my number somehow and I was like, so the, Okay, so the guy, he basically, he just called me one day. I was like, 17, and I had no idea who this, like the call was. I was like, Hello. And he was, she just told me that he got my numbers from like someone, or like someone put in my, his like my number in there. And so I was like, Okay, like whatever. We've never met, we never like went on the phone or anything, but he was cool. And so we were just like texting back and forth, getting to know each other, you know, just like having small talk. And so I was like, Okay, like he's a cool person, you know, like, we'll just continue this after like as time like moves forward. We were like talking about like our interest. I was like, Oh yeah, I'm studying criminal justice. And he starts calling me his lawyer and I was like, What did, did you do okay? Like, you know, whatever. I'm not busting you. And then he starts talking about how he was like, I'm, um, he was like, I'm 23. Um, and I was like, Oh, I'm 17. Like, you know, like, I just know that. And he was like, Oh, it's okay. Like we're, it is just like friends. And I was like, Okay, yeah. You know, like you're, you're a cool person. You know? I. Like, we can just be friends. Fast forward, he starts calling me his baby, baby girl. He starts trying to like, meet and I'm like, I don't feel comfortable meeting with you, especially cuz like you grown. I'm still like, I'm 17, like I'm still in high school and I just, I don't wanna like link with you. Mm-hmm. And then he just like going on, on and then finally I'm like, Okay, no, I'm gonna just like stop, like, like responding. Like as like normally just like give it like a couple days or whatever. Every time we stop. He comes back and he was like, like something bad always happens. And so like he would blame his dead homies on me. He's like, When we stopped talking, he was like, Yeah, like we stopped talk. I feel like every time we stop talking, you stop talking to me. Something bad always happens. Like my homemade just got shot like a couple days ago, all this and that. And I was like, not the guilt tripping. And then this other time, like the second time it happened, he was like, Yeah, we stopped. Like, uh, he was like, Yeah, like when you stop talking to me, I got like, I got into an accident. God forbid. He was like, and then he sends me like his, like the picture of the car busted. And I was like giving Tinder. I was like, I was like, Send me money. I was like, Wow, that's that. Yeah, I'm so sad. Like, I mean, that's terrible. I hope you're okay. Whatever, whatever. I was like, I don't care. Like you have no more to do. Like what exactly. I have math tomorrow. You have math 7:00 AM class. And so I was like, you know, I'm not gonna fall for that cuz I don't care if we stop talking like, like that's, that's your life not in Exactly. Like don't blame your dead homies on me. That's karma for talking to underage. And so like, he just, he rip going on and on. I was like, No, like I'm 17. Like I'm still too young for, He was like, age is just a number. Like, I don't understand. And he starts talking about like the culture cuz like, he was like, we're both hahan. And so like, he knows like, like back then it was like normal, like, um, what's it called? Like 13 year olds getting married with like grown ass men Or just like the big age gap. Like the age difference. Oh. And he was, Or well you, like, are you gonna tell me that? Like, your parents don't have an age gap? I was like, actually, my parents are both the same age, so that doesn't even relate to me. Mm-hmm. second. We're not back home. like, this is different. This stuff's different. We're at first, like, we're in a completely new country. Yeah. And it's a completely different time. This is like, I'm like the age of consent. 16, but I'm like, I'm still a minor. Mm-hmm. So like, I'm not, that's not gonna work. And he was just like, But like, I, I don't know why you tried to like play me like I'm a lame, like I'm, I'm writing a book. I'm, I'm sorry. I'm in movie. Like, you're gonna miss how's not gonna get better than this? And I was like, Nigga, I'm 17. What the hell is a movie gonna do for me? Like, you're, start your whole life. Like, excuse me. I don't care that you're starting a book. You SATs tomorrow. No. Literally you talking about a book. I, I haven't graduated yet. That's what I need to worry about. Not you, your movie and your car. No. And so on. Finally, I was like, but the thing was, even if I tried to block him on like social media, he would still find me. And so on. My sister's like 13th, 14th birthday. Why did this nigga add her on Snapchat? No. Oh. She says she sells it to me and I see his username and then I refresh it and he's gone. So he un added her after adding her. And then he did that with mayor on her 17th. Oh yeah, On her 17th. He's giving like, he like found her like Instagram or like her Snapchat, and he added her. I was like, Block this nigga. And then like a couple, like weeks after that, he got like multiple other, like women started like coming for, and they were like, Yeah, this nigga's been like following me. He'll like, show up to my place unannounced and be like, Play me. No. Yeah. And like all this and that. And then, and then he was, uh, what's it called? Just like he, like, he would know that like the girl's age and still be like, You're, you're mature for your age, Like you're grown. It's okay. Like I can give you this, I can offer you that. Like, who else is gonna give it? Like do this for you. Like who's, who's better than me? All this and that. And I will just like, damn, like this nigga is still going at it. Mm-hmm. Two, almost three years. That's insane. And it's still going on. Can you imagine like dating a high schooler? Cuz it's like, what can you know, what can you relate about? Really? What can we do? Like how was your lunch what they had at lunch today? Like what? How was history? How was science? No, like what? How was your pep rally today? How was, How was that assembly? How was homecoming? Oh my God. Like what? Like what would you do? Like if on a date was so into homecoming, can't show up, are you gonna drive me? There's like, Oh, why'd Uber I reckon come with you And the funny thing is like they can't even accept 23 year olds. It has to be 21 in like under like 20. So what are you gonna do? I'm a chaperone. He's just gonna go nice. Chaperone He's gonna watch you the whole time. Literally, God, that's my. I was like, you're a lawyer is telling you that you're gonna catch a case your lawyer is telling you you're catching a case right now. Exactly. Yeah. That's funny. So we've been talking for a while, um, hope you guys are enjoying, but I wanted to end with, a question for everyone just so y'all can get a feel of, you know, like what, how we envision ourselves, but where do y'all see yourselves going in five years or being in five years? Gotta figure out how old we're be an idea babe. I'll be 20 people. Math. Hey, simple math. Hey, I 20 or 25. It's not the pod. I was like, wait, wait a minute, I'll be 26. I'm gonna just say 25. But I, I want to have. I want to be solid with like what I want to do in my career. Mm-hmm. and like my passion. So like, yeah, like right now I'm like doing criminal justice, but like social justice is like my main passion and my main focus, especially like with what I'm doing at this job. And so I feel like within five years I want to either still, like, I still want to have like a career in social justice. Mm-hmm. Um, most likely something where I'm working with like a vulnerable, a vulnerable population. So like either with like, um, domestic violence victims or like sexual assault survivors, like something, especially like within those two, I do want to like be involved in. And also I want like a solid foundation of like people that are in my life that I know. Loyal and I can like, depend on it and trust, and I know there's no like, hidden agendas or like any hidden like intentions like backout. Like I don't want like any of that. So I feel like I definitely want a solid foundation of who I want in my life and also who I want to be and like what I'm already doing and like be super like secure with myself. So yeah, that's, I like that. I like that. That's so interesting because if you asked me like two or so years ago, I would've been like different married, one kid, you know, another one on the way, you know, just giving. Yeah. So that's how I would've been at 20. It's like the idealistic version of like where you're, you are in your mid twentie twenties, Definit, the 25. You know that that's when my parents, uh, got married and stuff. Yeah. I was like, you know, one I 26. Mm-hmm. Now I feel like I really want to write for a magazine. Like, it could be Essences, it could be Refinery 29. I'm bothered. It could be, I can have my own, you know, And, you know, I'm already writing for one. So That's So exciting. Is exciting. It is really exciting. So I just wanna be paid for it now, like mm-hmm. period. So I wanna be like, like have, like write stories. Um, probably, man, that's a good question. I just wanna be happy, like, Oh yeah, for sure. Sure. I just wanna be like, happy with where I am, happy with myself. Yes. Like, I still feel like I have a lot of like, self love to do and I still feel like I'm feel, I'm pretty, like I've come a long way, but I still have a lot to like, work on mm-hmm. So I just wanna be so like, confident in myself. Mm-hmm. um, like ho said, like have a good community, a good solid group of especially women that I'm around where I'm like, I feel safe around them. Like I feel uplifted. Feel like uplifted. Exactly. Comforted. Yes. Um, I want to have the salary to be doing brunch every Saturday. lunch thing. Okay. I just wanna have that like luxury, like that luxury lifestyle that I can define as like, you know, Like, I can enjoy life, you know, but I, I have money to do so, so have that, you know? Yeah. It's made me happy. I wanna enjoy, have, enjoy life, so. Mm-hmm. Soft baby. I like that. It's crazy cuz like, I'm thinking, okay, 26, my mom had me at 26, so for me, I can't even imagine having a kid in my twenties, which is crazy to me. Yeah. My grandma had two kids at my age. That's right. Crazy popping kids left and right at 18. No real. So I'm just like, dang. Like, just like seeing cuz I, I compare myself to my mom cuz like, she's like a role model to me, right? Mm-hmm. So it's not that I don't think that I could like have kid at 26, I just don't see. I am very selfish right now. Mm-hmm. So I am thinking about things that I can uplift within myself, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially, of course. Mm-hmm. But where I see myself in five years, I, I don't want to do too much envisioning because not that I don't see myself, like, I don't wanna paint the picture exactly how I want to see it in my head because I want to be, 10 times more than where I see myself. Mm-hmm. I, I don't want to expect, like what I'll be, cuz I want it to be so much more like the blessings overflow more and more, more than I can even like, comprehend like, Wow, I didn't even think I was gonna be here. Mm-hmm. that's what I want. Yeah. So for me, in loose terms, that means like whatever I'm doing, whatever I'm doing now, I'm planting seeds. Mm-hmm. what I'm doing now. I'm an event program manager, youth director, like I'm cultivating young minds. I wanna see those kids be great. I want like what we're doing now in this community center, this podcast, I want to reach people, I wanna be touching people. I want the things that we're building right now. I want to see fruit. If that makes sense. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Like, I want the fruits of your labor. Yes. I wanna be seeing the fruits of my love labor. Like, I wanna be, I wanna utilize my degree when I get it. Like I wanna be making the big bucks. Like I want us to have like multiple at coffees. Like I wanna be running community centers all over the country, owning a non-profit, my own non-profit. Like I just want to be an impact. Mm-hmm. that's what, that's just an impact. Mm-hmm. that's what I want to be in five years. I see. So I love it. Whatever that looks like. I don't know yet, but that's how I see myself. Yeah. Um, in five years, I'll be about to turn 26. Um, I feel like in five years I see myself global international models. Yeah. Oh definitely. Exactly. That's a good, she said five weeks, no. Period. Um, in five years I hope that I've made such an impact in the industry, that there's other models that look like me working in both high fashion and commercial. Yes. Um, I hope that I can use, in five years I can start to begin like I've accomplished my goals within the modeling industry so that I can start using that as a stepping stone to create other things that I want to do. Cuz that's definitely like not my end goal. Mm-hmm. So hopefully, like Diana said, like making an impact. I definitely wanna run a non-profit one day. Mm-hmm. um, we already talked about this. We're collabing. Yeah. We're already lobbing. Yeah. Period. I love look out for that. Mm-hmm. and I want to own businesses. Um, I hope to either buy my mom a house by then. Mm-hmm. or have her retire or both. Yes. God willing, Yes. Mm-hmm. Um, yeah, that's like, like Diana, Like I don't have like. Very specific goals. Yeah. But just like a general idea. Yeah. Cuz I feel like if you make certain, like, expectations, Expectations, like it's gonna ruin, like if you're gonna be upsetting. Exactly. Like the, don't get me wrong, like the sky is the limit, right? Mm-hmm. like of course dream big, but like, don't do it to the fact that like, oh, like if you don't reach those goals, like, it's like, what do I do now? Like, you're like stressing and you're having like that midlife crisis or Right. Not even, you still have plenty of time to reach those schools, even if it's not by that deadline. Exactly. Like even with school, like I didn't get into my dream school and um, I was like really upset about that, but then like the pandemic happened. I ended up obviously dropping outta school to start doing modeling, but I never saw that happening and that was never a goal for me. And I feel like that's a good example of like just being open and willing to like, let the universe do what it's gonna do for you because like, if you believe you'll win, like you're gonna win. S and don't let, don't think that one failure is gonna like hold you back. You'll open so many doors. Mm-hmm. you wanna go? Yeah, I go first. but um, for me, I'm a, as daddy loves to put it, I'm a very calculated person. You are? Um, I just like, I don't like to have this open like slate in my life. Cause it's just So you like structure? Yeah, I do. So it's just like for me, um, in five years, I definitely would love to work at a black law firm. Um, like hopefully pass my bar. Um, Come on. Exactly what I was gonna say. somewhere in like Texas, um, or DC Um, I dunno. I, I might, I might just have to do DC roommates, but, Yeah. Um, so definitely just working at a black, uh, firm. I do wanna become like a family, um, attorney. But yeah, it's just like, for me, I, it's like girlfriends, You guys know that show, like literally Joan is like me, but like without minus like the family and the, like, the marriage and all of that. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I just wanna have people around me. Like, just enjoy, like for like in high school, most of my friendship was, you know, just basically like, I don't like to put it this way, but it's mostly like, Oh, hi, we're doing this. We're gossiping, da da, da. Like it was never like, it was never like building, Building. Yeah, exactly. Like I wanted to be able to like, if you're in the career and like stuff like that, you're Yes. Went together. Yeah, exactly. I'm gonna see all y'all and be like, Okay. Like literally, Yeah. You know, hook me up with like, I like how my friends to be in high places. Exactly. Yeah. And we are going to be like, Exactly. Be like, Oh, you wanna take my perfect this weekend or yours. Right. That's, that's the mood it you're vacationing at. No, literally. Literally. I might be 10 period. Let be 10. Let it be 17. Exactly. But yeah, that's my plan. Yeah. Just having people around me, just being able to share my, my successes with them and their successes with me and being able to like, enjoy, create memories, travel together that hopefully five Cancun. Yes. Yes. Cancun. Cancun. Cancun. Honestly. Cancun. I think I might have to, No, I'm, I'm We'll bring the mics. There you go. There go. Like, I, I have been taking a trip so I might, based on me, Yeah, I do. Yeah. Cuz you're on the same day. No better FaceTime. No. Her birthday, It's on the 13th. Gonna gone on 13th and my birthday is the 13th. You can celebrate your, your birthday and ands fun. You think? My Mexican mothers gonna let me, They'll be somewhere, but home on my birthday makes plans for everybody. Yeah. Oh. She's like, It's my 18. Yeah ma'am. Yeah. It's 21 day. 21 years ago. She's not right. That's okay. She's not right. That's not gonna be the only trip. So we're also going to Jamaica. Yes. Yeah, we're going somewhere for my birthday. Oh, for sure. For sure, for sure. In October. Yeah. We can save that. We got time. We got time. Little bit more time. Mm-hmm. Um, I'm gonna take it dark. I'm a little deep. Um, like data had mentioned earlier, like if you asked me two years ago, like where I would be in five years, honestly I'd probably tell you I'd be dead. Like, I like was like, have been in like such a depressive state ever since I, like I've lived in Washington. I was like, Eighth grade. So I'm like still struggling on trying to like see myself in the future. Mm. But what, like, so I don't have five years, but what I do know like now, is that like the way I felt, I know there's kids out there that feel the same way as me. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And so I'm like, okay, like I wanna be able to help like kids and like my like goal, I would say, if anything like would be to help like kids who look like me, who can't like express that at home. Yeah. And say like, this is how I feel. And like this is like, it feels like the end of the world cuz like it's not, it's like it's a one day phase. It's like maybe a two day phase. Like I wanna be able to help those kids get out of it. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So that way like they can like see themselves in five years. My goal in five years is to have kids see themselves in five years. Yes. That's when I wanna be able to That's amazing. Thank you for sharing that. I'm also still in school I wanna get my PhD in psychology, so I'm like, But it'll be worth it. It'll be worth it. But the, the 10 years, you know what I mean? Like 10 years, 10 years, 10 years. I'm gonna be a tenure. Oh, I should be a professor 10 years. I can see that for though, being a professor for sure. Like I would love that class. Like just your being able like, I don't know. Cuz I would, I love those professors that like, Engage with the students. Like the rude hell, sarcastic one. Exactly. I'd be like, She shut M like that's my I did. Oh, I love all of your guys' ideas for the future. I love that. I hope I'm winning a That's a good question. Not I hope, I hope I'm winning with the off we. I'm excited. Tore. It's important how you work things. Exactly. Episode. Like that's true. Like how you word things definitely leaves room for like for us now. Okay. And we're not leav. Hey, delete what I just said. We're winning right now. Rewind that. We're winning right now. We're winning. We are winning. Period. I can't wait to continue winning y'all. Exactly. I'm. Excited, my bad she'll here. Dancing. Win. Recognize it. Is I gonna get copyrighted? No wanna perfect ending. That was a perfect ending. We won't get copyright. Stay tuned. Thank you for tuning in to Grounded Conversations by Black Coffee Northwest. We hope you enjoyed and connected with the conversation. Now we wanna keep this going, so if you're in the area, join us in person at Black Coffee Northwest in Shoreline, Washington. Just a few minutes outside of Seattle. Otherwise, connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, and on your favorite social media platform. We're at Black Coffee NW on everything. You can also shop our beans and March on our coffee Until next time, stay connected and stay grounded.