
E14.从儿童到社会,和一位丹麦70岁长者的聊天【英语采访】- From Children to Danish society

花卷先生 Season 1 Episode 14


几周前偶然的机会,让我得以和这位忘年交的新朋友Jette有了深度谈话。Jette在过去的三十年一直做帮助调和亲子关系的Social Worker工作,她帮助过上千个家庭,看到了横跨阶级和物质条件,普遍存在在丹麦社会的问题。也目睹了不同代的父母和孩子,在关系中有着不同处事方法。

我个人来到丹麦六年,这也是少有的一次可以和有这么丰富社会经验的长者聊天的机会。这次聊天扭转了我对丹麦社会的一些偏见,解答了一些疑惑,也增加了我更深挖掘兴趣... 不知道会不会也带给你类似的感受。



I met Jette very spontaneously at a birthday party. She immediately got my attention, not only because she was calm and sweet, but also the way she spoke - full of wisdom with warmth and reflections.  

Combined with her background, a professional who helped problematic children and their families with their relationships for the past 30 years, Jette became a perfect candidate for the podcast, where we talked about the common problem and trends among families across Danish society. 

It was a casual but deep conversation, hope you enjoy it with a cup of tea, and please share with me your thoughts in the comment if there is any.