Bear King & Bobo Chico Stories for Kids

The Farther Adventure - Home Again [S2:E13]

Bob Hastings Season 2 Episode 13

Bear King, Bobo Chico, Loar, and Roen enter the tunnel leading to the ‘other world.' Full of excitement, but not saying a word… further, further, and farther they advance.

Meanwhile, in the ‘other world’…the real world…Bear Queen, Lair Bear, Wander-the-Wizard, and Sacejis-the-Wise all gather in the Sky Cave. They share their own stories about having a dream about Bear King and Bobo Chico.  Gabarret-the-Squirrel arrives and tells her story about the dream they all seem to have shared. Sacejis-the-Wise interprets the dream about missing their husband, father, and friend.  When Bear Queen hears a familiar song, Bobo Chico and Bear King burst into the Sky Cave! After lots of questions and many answers, Bobo Chico provides the answer to the big question; what’s remained the same, and what’s different.

Meanwhile, halfway up Mt. Tabor, two brothers are on the front steps of their house on SE Hawthorne Street. “Mama! Dada! WE’RE HOME!” yelled Loar and Roen as they burst through their front door.

The End

This concludes Season 2, the Farther Adventures of Bear King & Bobo Chico

Thank you for listening! If you like what you heard, please consider subscribing to the podcast series and providing a review. You can follow us on Instagram as @bearkingandbobochico.

Special thanks to our producer, Scott Whitney of PodWorx.

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