The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast

99. How to Transition from 9-5 to Successful Mompreneur with Jade Elsberry, Virtual Assistant Coach and Host of Rebel Energy Podcast

March 11, 2024 Jade Ellsberry Season 3 Episode 99
99. How to Transition from 9-5 to Successful Mompreneur with Jade Elsberry, Virtual Assistant Coach and Host of Rebel Energy Podcast
The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast
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The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast
99. How to Transition from 9-5 to Successful Mompreneur with Jade Elsberry, Virtual Assistant Coach and Host of Rebel Energy Podcast
Mar 11, 2024 Season 3 Episode 99
Jade Ellsberry

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Join us on The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast as I sit down with Jade Elsberry, a Virtual Assistant Coach and podcast host dedicated to helping women unlock their full potential and transition from their 9-5 jobs to successful online businesses while providing for their families.

Episode Highlights:
- Jade shares her journey and passion for helping women transition from 9-5 jobs to successful online businesses.
- The importance of mindset, with at least 50% of success coming from having the right mindset.
- Jade's approach to sales, emphasizing the need to focus on genuinely helping people.
- Tips on content creation, including understanding and engaging with ideal clients to create effective content.
- Jade's advice and guidance for aspiring mompreneurs looking to start or grow their online businesses.

Thank you for joining us on this inspiring and helpful episode to aspiring mompreneurs and virtual assistants. Jade's insights offer a roadmap for mompreneurs to start and grow their businesses while balancing family life.

Connect with Jade:
Join Jade's Facebook Group
🎙️Rebel Energy Podcast

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Thank you for listening and keep up the great work, mama!

Show Notes Transcript

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Join us on The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast as I sit down with Jade Elsberry, a Virtual Assistant Coach and podcast host dedicated to helping women unlock their full potential and transition from their 9-5 jobs to successful online businesses while providing for their families.

Episode Highlights:
- Jade shares her journey and passion for helping women transition from 9-5 jobs to successful online businesses.
- The importance of mindset, with at least 50% of success coming from having the right mindset.
- Jade's approach to sales, emphasizing the need to focus on genuinely helping people.
- Tips on content creation, including understanding and engaging with ideal clients to create effective content.
- Jade's advice and guidance for aspiring mompreneurs looking to start or grow their online businesses.

Thank you for joining us on this inspiring and helpful episode to aspiring mompreneurs and virtual assistants. Jade's insights offer a roadmap for mompreneurs to start and grow their businesses while balancing family life.

Connect with Jade:
Join Jade's Facebook Group
🎙️Rebel Energy Podcast

💖 If you enjoy The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast, subscribe, follow, share and
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Thank you for listening and keep up the great work, mama!

Jade Elsberry Interview



I am so excited to welcome Jade Ellsbury to the podcast today. Welcome Jade. Thank you for joining me. 

Jade: Yes. Thank you. I'm excited to be here. 

Angela: I'm going to set the stage a little bit for you. You're a virtual assistant coach and you're also a podcast host, right? I love it. You have a passion for helping women unlock their full potential.

And leave their 9 to 5 while still being able to provide for their families. And I think that's a such an amazing passion because, moms don't, they shouldn't have to make a trade off between their passion and providing for their family. And, and showing up as a parent, when and how they want to.

I think our missions are aligned. Yes. I can't wait for this conversation. Yeah, I 

Jade: love it. 

Angela: So tell me how you left your nine [00:01:00] to five and started your coaching business because it sounds like you too had quick success. 

Jade: After I finally invested in the coach. Yes. But, it really started with my, pregnancy with my second son.

So with my first son, he was a surprise. I was 22. At that point, I cared more about, partying and, I was in the National Guard and going to school, but not really going to class to get my degree. I was just figuring things out. Gosh, it was early twenties.

And, when I had my first son, I think it really made me grow up and I, got my stuff together and I got my degree and all that. But the best part about it too, was that because I was still getting my degree, which at the time I thought it was like awful timing. I thought I'd have, my whole life planned out, figured out by the time I had my first kid, but it was actually a blessing in disguise because I never had to be away from him.

I was a nanny. I got to bring him with me. I worked at two different daycares. I got to bring him with me and then I mostly was able to do online classes. [00:02:00] So honestly, he was only away from me a couple of times a week for a couple of hours. And so then when I had my second son, four years later, I just, saw these other women that came back from attorney leave and they were doing it like, okay, I can do it too.

And it was awful. I never realized like that connection. I know like my boss, she had her third kid and came back after six or eight weeks. And she's Oh God, thank God I'm back at work. And I'm like how do you do this? And so after I came back to work and I just, I didn't enjoy my job.

It was. know, assistant for a lif Everyone was great. They I was able to, It was just really difficult. And then I come home, I'd be exhausted, have to make dinner, pick up the kids from school and daycare. And so at the day, I only had an hour and a half with my newborn and it just made me sick. So I started to Google how to work from home, sifted through a lot of different things.

The virtual assistant seemed. The most feasible, like [00:03:00] realistic. And so I started to dig into that a little bit. And we needed two incomes. My now ex husband, didn't make enough to provide enough for all of our bills. I had to work. Came up with a marketing strategy for a local racetrack.

Because my ex husband had as a side business, like a PR business. And so I came in with this crazy idea, based off the virtual assistant thing. It's hey. What if I expand your small business we bring on and he's really into racing and all that. What if we bring on this local business, I'll come with a marketing strategy, but I need your help with the racing because I know nothing about racing.

And so we did it together. And that was 2, 000 a month and I needed 3000. So I factored in not paying for daycare, not paying for gas. And that was actually the way. That I was able to take that leap, but it was not pretty the extra, 5, 000 a month. Like I had to, construction sites, which is disgusting and hard work.

I bartended just like a bunch of different things to fill in that gap. But I [00:04:00] did that for a year and a half and also to Realize I didn't enjoy working with race car drivers at all. Not my thing. Grown men that just don't have their shit together. I went back to the VA thing and started, yeah.

Like I didn't pay that to my ex husband. I was like, you can deal with these people. And so I went back to the VA thing and apply for a couple of jobs. And again, I just, it didn't have that freedom. I wasn't making that much money. I never knew my hours were going to be. I, and then when I did have a full time job as a VA.

I had to be at my desk eight to four, so I still couldn't go get my kids from school, which is really, that freedom that I wanted. So after 18 months of just honestly going back and forth, I'm just figuring out everything on my own. I finally was like, okay, I need to make money or I got to go back to a nine to five.

And I'm like, I don't want to do that. My kids almost two, I had that taste of working from home. I'm like, that's not an option. Yeah, I took some money out of my retirement fund. Invested in the coach and within three weeks, I was booked out making 3k months, which was my goal. [00:05:00] So it was not a fun journey and I will say I was definitely stubborn about investing, but now I'm a huge advocate for it.

It changed my life. Yeah, 

Angela: I love that story. It's just all about taking those little messy actions to find where you need to be and want to be and what you really want. And, I know that you've also had to deal with, a lot of obstacles along the way, and you just stuck with it, and but that's how we have to do as moms, right?


Jade: It's that stubbornness. I like, yeah, but it's a good thing, but also a bad thing. 

Angela: Yeah. Yeah. I know. Through divorce and, having to deal with domestic violence issues, that's just my hats off to you for having to persevere through that because a lot of people would.

Find that hard normally, but being an [00:06:00] entrepreneur requires you to, have this inner strength that you didn't know you had. 

Jade: Yeah. Rise up even when you don't want to, or show up when you don't want to. So yeah, it's, I think the first couple of years, It was really hard. It was really difficult, but also to during the hard times, like sometimes my business, my kids was like all that I had that's what got me out of bed.

So I'm really grateful. Even though it was really difficult journey. I'm really grateful to know I wouldn't be where I am today if I wouldn't have gone through all of that. 

Angela: Yeah, sure. And I think so many times we limit ourselves and and those obstacles in our life can really be what propels us forward.

And it sounds like that's. Been your experience too. So yeah. So yeah. So let's dive into, You have some strategies and some expertise around starting an online business with ease because you found as a [00:07:00] mom, and I think so many moms an online business is like, what really helps us.

Find that balance and be the parent we want to be and also provide for our family. So talk about that because I know my listeners love to hear about 

Jade: that. Yeah. So like a strategy as far as what your day looks like or like how to dive into it. 

Angela: Sometimes just even where to begin because a lot of people don't even know where to begin, or they don't even think it's something that can be easy.

That whole mindset too is it doesn't have to be hard, 

Jade: right? Yeah. I think, honestly, at the day, the hardest part is just getting out of your comfort zone. And we actually had a confidence coach come and talk to my clients yesterday. Because obviously new VA, you're going to have all the mindset and lack of confidence, all that.

And one of the questions was like, I just, I'm afraid to show up [00:08:00] on social media. What tips can you give me? I can give you tips or, what to do when you show up. But at the end of the day, I think a lot of. they're just going to wake up and be ready. And I do think like you might have that epiphany of the last strut, your nine to five, like maybe your boss is mad that, you took a day off to be on with your kids.

Like you will have that moment where you're like, okay, I am ready to take the dive, but you're never really going to just wake up feeling confident. It's you gain that confidence once you actually start to take those baby steps. And I think for back on my journey, it was just like landing that first client.

Like I wanted it so bad that I was able to get my comfort zone and go and land that first client. And once I got that first client, I gained that confidence to get the second client and then I gained confidence enough to, so I think it's just really that first step [00:09:00] of just committing to what you want and then realizing it's going to be.

Uncomfortable and be okay with the uncomfortableness. And then as far as what to do in your business, I, again, because of my story, I'm like a huge advocate for it. I know a lot of people like okay, like I can't afford it. I was lucky in the sense that like I had the first month's payment to work with my coach in my retirement fund, but that was it.

I had drained our savings being at home. We were paying for bills and stuff sometimes on credit cards. It was really difficult. I didn't have the money lying around, but I do know too, if I didn't have a retirement fund, I would have picked up another job and put that money aside to invest. Just do what you can.

If literally you have no money, you don't have any credits. You have no one to help you out. Do the freebies, do what you can and just know what's going to take you longer because. Again, like what you said, you're taking that messy action, but if you are committed to it always invest in a one on one coach.

Don't do passive as a new entrepreneur, passive, like [00:10:00] sitting and watching modules is not going to help you. Like you need a coach there to like for accountability, for those mindset blocks and honestly to help you pivot with your strategies as well too, that really it's going to be like individualized to you and not just like some cookie cutter module.

Angela: Yeah. And so many people have their own individual blocks and situations. Yeah. It can take you much more time if you're going to try to Google it and piece it together yourself. Yeah. It's, yeah. Getting a coach that helps you one on one just helps you collapse time, honestly.

Yeah. So yeah, so Let's talk about, you mentioned it with the confidence. I let's talk about the mindset because sometimes that is the biggest block. That was mine. Yeah. Yeah, I just, I honestly think it's 90, 10, I don't [00:11:00] know, mindset and strategy. I don't know. It's so much.

And I think. The more you work on yourself, the more your business will thrive. So what are your strategies or what worked for you to help identify those mindset blocks and then how to overcome 

Jade: them? Yeah. And one thing I want to say too, is that you can learn all the strategies, but if you're not implementing them.

That knowledge is going to be useless. And so what keeps a lot of people from actually implementing them is their self. And for me, during this transition, I do have to mention too, before I did leave my 9 to 5, Or I guess like during that same time and after I had my second son, I was like this I need to do self development and I've always been like working on stuff too.

I lost the baby weight and I gave my confidence that way, but also too, and I was, a beach body coach, like a lot of what they teach is like that self development and I'm not going to lie. I thought self development and like mindset was like, [00:12:00] so woo. I'm like, no, like you just show up and you just do what you need to do.

That was my mindset. And I think after my second son, I don't know, switching from one kid to two was really difficult for me. And I feel like it really changed me to be like a more compassionate person. And I was like, no, like I need this. So I was already. When I decided to take that leap and actually invest and go, full into my business, I was already like working on myself.

I was going to a therapist, because my marital issues. So I was spending a lot of time on myself. So I was like figuring out a lot of different things. So one thing I hear all the time is getting ghosted in the DMS. Okay. Which, again, I get, that was me as well too, I had a fear of rejection, but when you break it down, you're like, what's the worst that's going to happen if someone goes to you?

Is your dog going to die? Or, are you going to [00:13:00] lose your house? No it's more of just like a pride thing. So really taking the time to realize To look at those fears that you have. Maybe it's to show your face on Instagram stories or make your first post or maybe even just announce that you're starting your own business.

And really just dissecting where that comes from. My fear of rejection, which is not anywhere to get where it is now I'm just like, whatever. I just, it goes to 100 times a day in the DMs I don't give a crap. But, gosh, five years ago, I'd be like, oh that stems from never fitting in.

Like in school, I was never the popular kid I got picked on. And so it's just that fear of again, just not love, like other people in the online space, not feeling like I fit in. But again, through all that mindset work, here we are five, six years later, I show up and do my thing. And I could give a rat's ass what anyone else thinks about what I do, honestly.

So it won't be an easy, like overnight thing, but it does take. Honestly, here's the work. And [00:14:00] even after you work through those, and as you climb, you're going to have even more of my, not to be a Debbie downer about the podcast, they're like, Oh God, I got to deal with this forever. Now I have a half a million dollar business and I have 11 people on my team.

I, now I have other like mindset struggles that I did when it was just me making 3k a month. 

Angela: Oh, yeah, new levels, new devils 

Jade: for sure. Yes. Yeah I love that saying because 

Angela: it's so true It is and like you don't realize it until you're living it and you're like crap 

Jade: I know you're like now I gotta deal with this 

Angela: right No, but I mean it's just Being an entrepreneur truly is just the greatest personal development opportunity there is because You hit any roadblock.

If you want to continue to grow, you have to continue to grow yourself. And, it's just an ongoing journey. And that's why, on [00:15:00] this podcast, we talk about everything from trauma to Relationships with your kids and your partner to, the business strategy because it all just fits together at all.

We're not an entrepreneur in a vacuum. Yes. Yeah, there, there is just so much that we have to consider, like you said, you're an entrepreneur. You have to get paid for what you're doing, right? Yes. Yeah, that's the goal. So one of the biggest mindset shifts that has to happen usually is around sales because people have.

This preconception about money or selling is bad or they don't like it. So let's talk about sales and how we can approach it and not feel so icky about 

Jade: it. Yeah. That's something I hear all the time. I don't know I want to be a VA, like they [00:16:00] want everything that comes with it, but they're like, but I don't want to be slimy or I don't want to be salesy.

And the reason, honestly, that they have this like preconceived notion is because, and I just made a Facebook post about this last night, is because they've been sold to in an icky way. And, as in. Ex beach body coach and as the one who is just with that previous mindset of no, excuse me, no excuse to just do it.

Gosh, I would like cold DM people. I like looking back. Oh my gosh. I'll have people reach out to me now. And the last message from them five years ago, six years ago is like me, just like cold selling them. Beach body. And I'm like, it's so embarrassing. And but again, and we've had people like that too with like MLMs or whatever that made us feel guilty or make us feel bad because we're just not interested.

And we never want to make other people feel that way. So what I tell, women is that's actually a good thing. That means that you actually already care. About people and as a virtual assistant, that's what [00:17:00] you're a customer service like you are not going to be able to and I don't say sell.

You're not gonna be able to help anybody if you have that mindset of selling. So what I have my V. A. S. Do. Is when they get in the DMs, I don't want them to go and feel like they're sniffing out. I always envision like on Hocus Pocus, it's like the three witches where they're like walking yes, that's always what comes to my mind of like hunting down, the sale.

But but you don't want to go in the DMs like, all right, who's my next person that's going to buy from me. You want to get in the DMs. And I like there's days where I wake up and I'm like, okay especially if I'm maybe like stressed, maybe I didn't hit my goal for the month or last month, or, maybe we had a slow week or whatever.

I purposely will not go in the DMs if I have a bad mindset. Wake up and just okay, who can I help today? Because when you show up and you give value again, what you said, like, When I say value, that's a whole other conversation, but knowing your boundaries, so I'm not going to go coach someone for [00:18:00] free and the DMs that like my pain, like what I do for my pain clients, but I'm going to give them, maybe a free training where I give them the, what's.

Not the how. And so I'll tell them, what to do the market research or get the DMs, but I don't tell them like exactly how to go do that. That's what my paying clients get. But if you just show up and you're helping them in the DMs, you're not going to feel salesy and icky.

I'm not even kidding you. I've had people thank me. They've thanked me for following up with them. They've thanked me for not being like other VA coaches, which is so mind blowing to me. I'm like, how are there coaches out there that still make people feel like the story that I've heard? I'm just like, Oh my gosh.

But they're like, I went like literally messaging me like, Hey, I can't afford your program right now, but I know I'm going to work with you because you actually care and different things like that. And I love getting feedback because that makes me like, keeps me in check of okay, I'm doing something right.

Like I'm running my business the way that I want to. And that's exactly what I teach my [00:19:00] clients as well, too, is how to show up that way in the DMs. And we all get frustrated, right? I'm not going to sit here and be like, Oh, I don't get butthurt sometimes when someone's Oh, I'm going to sign up and then they back out.

But those people always will come back around. And so I think after you've been a business owner long enough like I've had people that have been downright rude to me in the DMs. And they'll come back like, Can I get your free training? Or, Hey Jade, I tried it on my own. You're right. I need your help.

And they always come back around anyway. I think you just have that mindset of love and release. And then if it's meant to be and they're meant to work with you, they'll come back around. 

Angela: Yeah. My VA and I were just laughing this morning about some of the emails and messages we get on Instagram and YouTube and it's just first of all, don't expect anybody to work with you if you insult them 

Jade: first.

Oh, yeah. What the heck is that about? Your content sucks. Hire 

Angela: me. Yeah, it's you don't have a billion subscribers, therefore you need me. And it's 

Jade: Yeah. [00:20:00] 

Angela: This is great, but this really sucks. And it's 

Jade: And there's actually coaches that are teaching that, which is the sad part.

Angela: So if anybody is telling you to do that, please stop. Just don't. 

Jade: Yeah. That's not a good, that's not a good way to reach out. 

Angela: Yeah. And nobody that's worth having a client is going to want to work with you under those circumstances. So no, Oh

my gosh. Yeah. There is so much to be said for that. And I just mentioned. What I wanted to talk about next in that, creating, content and marketing your business to attract those right clients, yeah, let's talk about that and how important that is because you don't want to just work with anybody right 

Jade: now.

The people, especially again, and when I'm saying like new VAs, like I'm not [00:21:00] calling any of you out because everything that I'm saying, yeah, I've done it. I've, I'm not making fun of you because I've done it. I've been that like desperate person. That's I'll work with anyone and I'll do anything.

And, it is a good, if you get a client, like I'm sure it's your VA. And. You've hired them on to do one thing and they're open to learning more. That's obviously amazing. Yeah, screw your skillset. But if you just come across with that desperation of I'll work with anyone and I'll do anything, it's just going to be really hard for you to actually attract a client because, you as a business owner, you're going to come across their Instagram and you're like, what?

What do they even do? And it's, I always refer to it as dating too. Like after my divorce, Oh my gosh. And this was so me as well too, where, guys would reach out and they just come on so strong. You're just like, Ooh, why are you so desperate? I don't even know you or I just met you or, you know what I mean?

It's just, it's like that turnoff. And so it's the same thing with business as well, too. If you've got someone that's [00:22:00] just coming across that desperate mindset, like you're just not going to want to work with them. They want to work with someone like, yes, that's eager. To learn and grow with your business, but like also to, you need to showcase to them like, this is why I'm your idol VA, because I work with mindset coaches or whatever, and this is what I can do for you.

So I think that is huge. And also to going into with the mindset of not everyone's going to want to work with you and you're not meant to work with every single person either. So yeah. Last week. I have this little thing. It's I love Jesus, but I cuss a little. I was in the military. I just, it's after being cussed out for three months straight, right?

It just, it sticks with you. I feel like, but I got someone last week where we were like following up with her and we're like, did you watch this training? She's yeah, but I don't like the cussing. And I was like, okay, cool. And we're just like, okay, we're not gonna reach out to her anymore because that is.

Like sometimes I do just drop the F bomb for a little bit of, a sentiment or whatever, [00:23:00] or, say shit and people have to be okay with that. And if you are offended by that that's totally cool, find a coach that never says a bad word, and so I think to going in with that strong and a slow mindset work is so important, like knowing who you are.

And the values that you have as well to I tell people time, if you are wanting to do this part time or just maybe I'll be a VA. You're not my person. I'm going to work with people that are hungry, that are ready for the big transformation. If I'm not vibing with someone, the DMS, like I let them go, or if they're being rude, or I just feel like I'm bugging them and like dragging answers out of them, I just give them a space for a few weeks and then I'll reach out later. So I think it's just really important to like, not try and force. Thanks. Because if you think about there's seven, what, 7, 000, 000 people in the world, like it only takes one person to say yes to you.

And yeah, I think just like really having those boundaries for yourself again, just dating like these are my my non negotiables [00:24:00] and go into that mindset. 

Angela: Yeah, I think, anytime I work with somebody who's I'm really hating my business and it's let's talk about your clients or who you're working with and how do you love them?

And if they're not, because they're trying to be someone that they're not, then that's just. You're not going to love your business or your life if you're consistently working with people that you feel like you have to be someone else for it doesn't work. And I think, yeah, it's all connected.

You have to know who you are. You have to know what you want to do and who you want to work with. And sometimes it just takes. Working with a bunch of different people to figure that out. That's totally fine. Everybody. Yeah, definitely. Because I've done that and been like, oh, I don't want to do that.


Jade: Yes. Me as a VA, I've got that desperation. The way that I let. My clients treat me as well to like boundaries as though I'm my, I have to [00:25:00] share this story because it's so funny now, but I worked with fitness coaches. And so I had this fitness coach. Oh, she was a horrible woman, just awful.

And not only that too, but I could see her DMS. And so she was. She was a very attractive woman, but she was married and talking to like multiple men and I didn't read it But I was just like stuff would pop up and I'm like, oh my gosh, but not only that too but she was just not a nice person and Like anytime I'd hear my boxer go off like my like I just see anxiety I'm like, oh my god, like what it you know, I would do exactly what she wanted It was never good enough and then one morning, this is what I would get up I had little kids have to get up at 5 30, to get a workout in before they would wake up and I'm literally working out.

So she was in California. So it would have been like 3 30 her time or for her time. Whatever. And she sent a message. I was like, yeah, like I'm getting my workout again, fitness coach. I'm getting my workout in. As soon as I start my work for the day I'll get to that. And she's no, you need to [00:26:00] get it done now.

And it was like, she had never brought to my attention. It's not like I had forgotten. It was just like her throwing stuff on my plate at 4 a. m. her time. And I was like, as a fitness coach don't you tell your clients don't you want me to do self care and obviously that did not last much longer, but like she'd show up two hours late for our meetings and yeah, like we had a date night.

My ex husband and I remember and I, we had moved around the school entire thing. I, so she showed up an hour and a half, two hours late. So we were like going on our date. I let. them treat me like garbage. And again, it was that mindset of wow, like I, I really did learn to.

I did not have boundaries in my personal life and I did not have boundaries in my business. And so now it's like night and day the way it used to be. Like, I don't let anyone disrespect me. But again, it took a lot of mindset work to be like, why am I allowing this? 

Angela: Yeah, and I think that's really [00:27:00] important too instead of looking at it as like, why is somebody doing this to me?

But what is my part in this? What have I done to allow this? Allow it. Yeah. That is such an important mindset shift instead of being the victim in the situation and going, oh, heck no. Yeah, 

Jade: this is not happening. And it was because, at first, and again, too, again, just like relationships, it was, super nice at first.

And then, she'd show up a little bit. And so what I told my VAs she was like, people are always going to be nice to you. It doesn't matter how nice your clients are like set those strict boundaries because if you don't set that precedent with them, it will. You just will you'll get in that slippery slope of just them taking total advantage of you just again like in a relationship Oh, 

Angela: yeah, and that's one of the things when I hired my VA I just loved how her contract was like structured and like she even had it down to like how [00:28:00] we communicate and So yeah, I could see her boundaries and I was like, oh This is great because, everything is set out.

I'm not like wondering about what she's going to do or when or even tasks she's going to do. 

Jade: Like miscommunication, as well too. Which obviously you're a respectful person, right? Some people just don't Yeah, like some people just don't give a crap at all. Obviously, like that one client of mine.

But, but now that I'm on the other end of it, I'm the same way too. I love it. Because it's okay, there's no miscommunication. I know what you're doing on this day. And then I don't feel like I have to be like micromanaging. And then I just know like you and I are going to communicate on Slack or Voxer or whatever that is.

And I like, and I will check into one of my VA's she does like my content, like my email marketing. And there's times where I'll have an idea or whatever. And I'll be like, and I always check with her too. And I [00:29:00] tell her. I'm like, if you don't have time for this and we need to push it out, it's fine, but I'll have a call my business coach.

He's okay, see if we can get an email out, like by tomorrow to do this. So I always like check in and if she's no, I can't do it. I'm like, no, that's totally fine. It's last minute. And you respect that. And so I think that's like the good thing about coming from both ends, like being a VA and now having VAs is that, you remember those little annoyances and you are more respectful.

Angela: Oh, a hundred percent. And honestly, I think when it comes to having a VA, they can only, they're only as good as the leadership that they have to, as clear as you can communicate and articulate and put your processes together and have your thoughts together in the direction you want to go.

A VA is not going to magically make that happen. They're taking leadership from you. So I'm sure that there are people out there [00:30:00] that think, Oh, I'm just going to hire a VA and they're going to put it all together for me, 

Jade: read my mind. And just, is like when I first hired, it's outsource my DMs.

I'd had a VA before, but never liked to outsource my DMS. And so it's just so funny to me because I'm like, I was a VA, but I think too, when you're on the other side of it, I heard this VA and I remember telling my business coach, I'm like, I'm not seeing results or blah, blah, blah. And she's okay, did you walk her through about what to do specifically in like your business or something like that?

And I was like, but she's a DM expert. Like she should just. And I didn't do that as the, I did the, I wasn't like, that wasn't my thing. I didn't have a process. I just did whatever they wanted me to do. And so I was like, she doesn't, she already know. And she's yes, but she doesn't know your bit.

And I, once it like, she said that to me, I was like, Oh my gosh, duh. And I felt so bad, if you've never been in that, again, that's like a new level, new devil of Oh wow. Now I'm a leader. Now I have these people under me that I need to [00:31:00] train. And so I will say, again, that was like another big shift when my team started to grow as well too.

And there's times where I do like a self check like, okay, am I being the best leader? Am I communicating? Does this make sense to them? If we change our process or whatnot. So yeah, it's like one of those other like hacks that you have to learn as an entrepreneur once you do start to expand.

Angela: Yeah, too. And I always invite ideas that they have I can't think of everything and we all have blind spots. So I'm always like, if you think we can do this in a better process or something like that more efficiently or in a different way, then by all means Say something because just saying that a lot of people don't feel that they have that space to do that.

Yeah, it's in that's surprising, but it's so true. You don't know what environment they've come from to get their training or who other, how other people have treated them or whatnot. I [00:32:00] always make that clear. It's if you have a An idea or a way we can do things better, 

Jade: let me know.

Yeah. And that's one thing too, again, like learning through everything is I, again, I've realized I'm like, I am very like type a, I am more like, I just like to be in control of things. And so like with having a team, like I've had to be like, okay. It's been really humbling of, and I think too, when you're an entrepreneur, you've got so many different things, you're like, okay, this is my way.

And so my team just knows I have someone on my team and she'll just throw out ideas. And, there's a couple of times where I'm like, Damn it. That's a better idea than what I had, but I think too, when you're just like so focused, it's like what you said, it's good to have those like brain dumps or brainstorm together because they, you have to remember too, that your VA see a different side of your business that like you don't.

See, like my content repurposer knows way more about what's going on in my content. My Instagram is huge. She's amazing. I don't know. [00:33:00] Look at what she does. I'll hop on. I'd like, Oh my God, that was so cute that you posted it. But she knows way more about what's going on my Instagram than I do. So yeah, like I, again, I think it's been really humbling for me to be like, you know what, I'm not always right.

And it's really great to like work as a team and hear other people's ideas. 

Angela: Yeah, and it's that's why you hire somebody who does specialize in social media marketing or whatever, because that's their expertise, and we have this expectation, especially as moms and women that we're supposed to do it all and be it all.

And we can't and we shouldn't. 

Jade: No, I've done it guys, don't do it. It's it's 

Angela: exhausting. It is. Yeah. How, what is it that you do for you and all of this to take care of yourself? Because we have to remember that. And we always have this tendency to put ourselves last. So I love to give.

Listeners, [00:34:00] some tips and ways that they can think about taking care of themselves as moms and entrepreneurs. 

Jade: Yeah. I think when I first started, I had a, and again, this pre divorce, I had my kids full time and they were a lot younger. So it was either you got up early to get your alone time or you weren't getting alone time.

And okay, work out. And sometimes, they'd wake up and okay, cooper, my one year old's gonna work out with me or oh, he pooped during my workout. It's just that season of life where I don't know, you probably get a lot of young listeners right now.

We're like, yeah but it was very much more routine. And so then when I went through my divorce and had my kids 50 50, it was, I was a young, I had my first son on my 23rd birthday. And so I never like really got that sense of. Like that full freedom for that long. So yeah, like having every other week to, do what I'm like, I don't even know what to do all those I'm not talking to the therapist, like what do I do?

Cause, and even now, like really all I do is work, but I think too it's so weird having time with the mom. I swear, even this [00:35:00] week I don't have my kids. I'm like, so again, like I still at my time, right? I'm like, okay, we'll record a podcast with Angela today. And different things like that, but Yeah, I would say, I don't know I'm a lame person, like my, I don't have a hobby, like my fiance loves hunting, I feel like my hobby though is like my business.

I don't like, I like, I don't know. I really just love what I do, but are there days where I'm like, Oh, I don't feel like doing this to my business or I just need a break. Heck yeah. What I do and it's not like a set routine, but I usually try to get my workout in sometime in the morning, the weeks I don't have my kids.

Especially now that I'm pregnant, I'm tired all the time. And I can't sleep. Like I slept in till, please don't judge me. I slept until nine o'clock today. So I really soaked in that, like I can do what I want a thing. But yeah, I have my coffee. Sometimes I'll do like my devotional workbook mindset.

If there's something like, I feel like I need to work on in that I'll get my workout in And then, yeah, I just like dive into work and my time and I make sure I do at least once [00:36:00] a day. Sometimes I take two baths a day, but if I'm stressed out, like my go to is always take a bubble bath. I love bubble baths.

I love my bathtub. And I love it too. Cause I can. Work in the bathtub. So if I do decide to take a bath, my friends you're so weird. You bathe two and three times a day. I'm like, I know. And it's not even, I'm like, I just to sit in water. I don't know. But I'll answer DMS in the bathtub.

I don't care. And then at night I'll just usually turn on like my show and unplug and take a bath. I don't know, again, I'm lame, but. For me, it's just like working out and taking a bath. Very simple, very easy, not super time consuming. Yeah, I don't know. 

Angela: No, I think that's great because, We get caught up in these traps of I have to do this.

I have to do a girl's night. I have to do this fancy massage. I have to do, it has to be complicated. It has to be expensive. It has to be all these things. It doesn't have to be. And, whatever works for you. It doesn't. Even [00:37:00] have the cost to anything, even if it's just sitting and doing nothing, which is honestly a luxury for a mom entrepreneurs.

Jade: Oh, I know. Getting to watch my TV show and fold laundry at like noon on a Friday. I'm like, I love it. It's just, I think too. The first couple of years it was so weird, like I, I still have a nine to five mindset of if it was between nine to five, I was like, I was working.

And again, I only make kids. When the baby comes in June, it'll be different, but, I'll probably take a nap with her in the middle of the day. So it's really like soaking up and really I forget to there's days where I feel like I have to be at my desk. I'm like. Jade, you can go turn on the TV and work downstairs.

You can go to the local coffee shop and hang out. But, I will say, too, I was already a homebody and I think it's gone worse. I hate leaving my house. I have groceries delivered. I did actually go get a massage yesterday for the first time in three months. But Yeah, it doesn't have to be something super complicated.

I think it's just [00:38:00] doing those little things like in the middle of a work day and just being like, I'm so lucky I don't have a boss telling me what to do. Yeah. 

Angela: Honestly, for me, self care is having my groceries delivered because I hate grocery 

Jade: shopping. I hate it. Oh, it makes me feel better. I know, especially like during COVID, it became like a big thing here.

Yeah. And again, I used to be So type A, like I need to pick up my own apples. And now I'm like, I don't give a crap. Like I don't need to put a bra on, send them over here, . 

Angela: No, I love it. It's so true and I just love to remind people, listeners, however it is. Find what fills you up in the midst of trying to do all the things while you're trying to run a business and take care of a family.

So I love that and what is like a takeaway or a few takeaways that you want listeners to get from this conversation? 

Jade: Yeah. I don't know. I don't like you're like bigger city, way more fun [00:39:00] state that I am, but I live in a little farm town in Iowa where, cost of living is cheap.

It's very You know, it's a, it's like basically a farming community. Like we just it's a very like simplistic life. And it's crazy to me. Like I was talking to my CPA last night and you are going over numbers and all that. And I had my highest year ever. Like I made over half a million dollars and my fiance was like, Jade, like in the state of Iowa, you probably make more and it's again, it's not about the money, but I think sometimes we think about like where we came from and like I grew up in the town of Beaver. It sounds so hickish like Beaver, Iowa, but there was like 40 people that live there. And so it's really crazy sometimes to be like, wow didn't come from like a rich family or anything like that, but I don't know, I guess like what the, what I'm trying to say in a bad way, the takeaway is that.

Like this online community and like online space, anyone can do it, like you don't need a degree, [00:40:00] you don't have to have it like all figured out, like here I am six years later, and I'm in a position like, I've got 11 people on my team, we, made over half a million this year, we've helped nearly 300 women.

You don't leave their nine to fives to make more money. It's just so mind blowing. And again I always say I'm no one special because you are special. Okay, I know. But but honestly, anyone can do this. And my biggest thing is just believe in it, have faith and just consistently show up for yourself.

Like, when people are like how are you able to do that? I'm like, I just I'm consistent. Like my word is consistency. I show up every day. I work nearly every day because that's the weekends. I consistently invest in the same coach. So like he's known me for two and a half years. And yeah, it's just it's really just not having one foot in and one foot out the door and just diving it even when it's scary.

Angela: Yeah. And, you say there's [00:41:00] nothing special about you, but it's actually, I think the reverse. We all have something special about ourselves that somebody needs. There's somebody that needs what you do or what is your unique skill or ability. It is, it's. So many people have a hard time wrapping their mind around that reality, but it's so true.

Jade: It really, yeah. And again, I always say it. I'm like, there's gotta be a better way to reword that because I don't want people to feel like they're not special. You know what I mean? Especially if you're starting a business. And I love that you said that because like everyone's got their thing, like what you said, but people in the online space need or like their talent.

Like I hear a lot of times you're so relatable. And I think for me, like being vulnerable and like sharing my story is like my thing because people really relate to that. But I think in a better word is, I didn't. I didn't come from money. Like when I was working my nine to five, I was making like 1683 an hour.

[00:42:00] And then when I hired my coach and, we looked at my skills and stuff, like I was able to start charging 35 an hour. So I think a better way to put it is just. You're feeding yourself this lie of Oh, or have yourself in this box. I can only do this, or I'm only worth X amount.

And really, for me, all it took was my coach believing in me and my coach giving me permission to say, you should be charging 35 an hour. And it really just changed. Like my whole outlook on everything of Oh, like at that point in 2019, I didn't know anyone that was making 35 an hour, like little, a little Iowa town.

And so it was, yeah, it's just, I think sometimes we just get so set in like our ways or I grew up poor. So I'm just always going to be poor, yeah, 

Angela: no, we totally have blinders on. And. As online business owners, it's, it can also be a hurdle to have a sense of all the opportunity that exists [00:43:00] as we're just sitting on the other side of a computer.

And so I think conversations like this are really important for that too, we just need a little drop in the bucket of the people that exist out there to have. Wild success. Yeah. So we just, we need to remember that. So thanks for reminding us of that. And, thank you so much for your time.

And yeah, if listeners want to connect with you and learn more about what you do and see that amazing content, where would that be? 

Jade: Yeah. So J. Jessica coaching on Instagram. And then Facebook as well, too. I have a Facebook group called Build a Rock Solid Foundation. So if you guys want to join the group, we've got over 4, 500 VAs on there.

And then I do a bunch of free trainings as well, too. So even if you're. Just like dipping your toes into the idea of like you want a little taste of it. Definitely join the Facebook group community. . I 

Angela: love that. And I definitely, we couldn't do what we do without [00:44:00] VAs, so oh my gosh.

No. It's like such an important role. And so I love somebody's helping, people find their freedom and do their thing in that role. It's so important. Yeah. Thank you, Jay. I love 

Jade: my VA's. Thank you so much, Angela. I appreciate it. 

Angela: Yes. Thank you.