The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast

113. Creating Your Best Life Now: A Journey to Personal and Professional Growth with Megan McShane

May 06, 2024 Megan McShane Season 3 Episode 113
113. Creating Your Best Life Now: A Journey to Personal and Professional Growth with Megan McShane
The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast
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The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast
113. Creating Your Best Life Now: A Journey to Personal and Professional Growth with Megan McShane
May 06, 2024 Season 3 Episode 113
Megan McShane

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In this episode of The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast, host Angela Masciulli sits down with the inspiring Megan McShane, co-founder of Your  Best Life, Megan shares her journey of navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship while raising a family, offering valuable insights and strategies for fellow mompreneurs.

Key Takeaways:
1. Embracing Imperfection: Megan discusses the importance of letting go of perfectionism and embracing the "good enough" mindset in both motherhood and entrepreneurship.

2. Finding Balance: As a mompreneur, finding balance between family life and business endeavors can be a struggle. Megan shares practical tips for prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively.

3. Overcoming Challenges: From self-doubt to facing societal expectations, Megan opens up about the obstacles she's encountered on her journey and how she's learned to overcome them.

4. Building a Support Network: Megan emphasizes the significance of surrounding yourself with a supportive community of fellow mompreneurs who understand the unique challenges you face.

5. The Power of Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is crucial for success as a mompreneur. Megan shares her favorite self-care practices and why prioritizing your well-being is essential.

Connect with Megan:

Tune in to this insightful conversation to gain valuable advice and encouragement for your own mompreneur journey!

Don't forget to subscribe to The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast for more empowering discussions with inspiring women like Megan McShane. If you enjoyed this episode, leave us a review and share it with fellow mompreneurs in your network. Together, we can support each other on the path to success and fulfillment.

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Thank you for listening and keep up the great work, mama!

Show Notes Transcript

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In this episode of The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast, host Angela Masciulli sits down with the inspiring Megan McShane, co-founder of Your  Best Life, Megan shares her journey of navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship while raising a family, offering valuable insights and strategies for fellow mompreneurs.

Key Takeaways:
1. Embracing Imperfection: Megan discusses the importance of letting go of perfectionism and embracing the "good enough" mindset in both motherhood and entrepreneurship.

2. Finding Balance: As a mompreneur, finding balance between family life and business endeavors can be a struggle. Megan shares practical tips for prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively.

3. Overcoming Challenges: From self-doubt to facing societal expectations, Megan opens up about the obstacles she's encountered on her journey and how she's learned to overcome them.

4. Building a Support Network: Megan emphasizes the significance of surrounding yourself with a supportive community of fellow mompreneurs who understand the unique challenges you face.

5. The Power of Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is crucial for success as a mompreneur. Megan shares her favorite self-care practices and why prioritizing your well-being is essential.

Connect with Megan:

Tune in to this insightful conversation to gain valuable advice and encouragement for your own mompreneur journey!

Don't forget to subscribe to The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast for more empowering discussions with inspiring women like Megan McShane. If you enjoyed this episode, leave us a review and share it with fellow mompreneurs in your network. Together, we can support each other on the path to success and fulfillment.

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Thank you for listening and keep up the great work, mama!

The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast Interview with Megan McShane

[00:00:00] Welcome to the podcast, Megan, thank you so much for joining me today. I think that listeners are going to be so delighted to hear about how your experience of being in the executive leadership team with Tony Robbins for more than a decade, has just inspired you to create your own personal development program and.

[00:00:25] Inspire women and moms. Give us a little intro on, where you're at now and what your main focus is. Great. Thank you so much for, creating this platform. This is a beautiful space for women and moms and everything to come share. I love it.

[00:00:41] So where I'm at now in my journey. Is my, my experience and background was in the personal development world. And also a yogi and a yoga teacher and had my own yoga studio. And I'm a mom of two a partner a friend, a sister, all these beautiful things, all [00:01:00] these hats that we all have.

[00:01:01] So where I'm at now is my number 1 thing is my family which I feel really blessed to have created and and in my business about 4 years ago during the pandemic myself and My business partners created a company called your best life now. And what it is it's a group of business owners and entrepreneurs from around the world.

[00:01:24] And it's a year long membership that you join and included in that you get business coaching and personal coaching, and it's a really inclusive community. So it's not just you, it's you and your staff. partner, you want your family involved, not just, for you to go on this journey without your loved ones with you.

[00:01:44] And we host retreats around the world, usually bucket list events. And each retreat has a different theme. So we're based off family, faith, fitness and finance. And we really believe those four things are in balance or balancing in your life. Then you'll achieve [00:02:00] fulfillment because what I found in my journey is I've met so many successful people, but they're not fulfilled.

[00:02:08] And so this community really really creates that and supports that. And it's a. Beautiful group of individuals and everywhere we go, we also leave our mark. So we do a day of community service in these different countries to try to leave it better than it was when we got there, cause it really is all about giving back.

[00:02:27] So that's where I'm at in my journey today. And yeah. I love that. And it looks so incredible, the locations of your events and you've had some big names associated with. Your program that, really gives so much weight to what you're doing and the impact you're having. So that's just so impressive.

[00:02:51] And I imagine. It's infectious to be around someone like Tony Robbins who just inspires people. Yeah, [00:03:00] it's we've been really blessed. I have an incredible production team that when we put on these events and we're really particular about the speakers that we have because we want our members.

[00:03:11] To be able to, the speakers don't just come and speak and then leave. It's, they actually spend the whole week with us and they talk with us and you have a little one on one time with them. We were in Rwanda this past year, guerrilla trekking with John Gray, who wrote Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus and sat with him and his wife and talked about relationship challenges and blessings and things like that.

[00:03:33] And it's it's beautiful to be able to be, in the jungle with gorillas and having these intimate conversations. It is it's we're really blessed. But like I said, it's, it's not just me. I have a beautiful team of ladies who are amazing at what they do and curate these events.

[00:03:49] It's every touch point from when a client arrives to when they leave, we hope their hand through it all. I love that. And I love the unique approach that you're including the whole [00:04:00] family because it's so true. Like you do these programs and you come back changed and then your family's wait, where, what, what's happening?

[00:04:10] Exactly, Angela. In my experience, in the events world for so many years, it was, I would meet all these people and they would, Come by themselves. And even myself, when I first got involved, I remember going home and trying to explain what happened. And I'm like, you can't even explain it because it's an experience.

[00:04:27] And then, your partner or family or friends, think you're crazy and joined some kind of cult. And so it's that's what we really wanted when we created this. It's let's make this different. This isn't about following one person, a guru around. This is about community and it's really in our events, it's not like you're sitting in an event room for 20 hours, listening to 1 person talk at our events. It's usually about 3 hours of content a day. And then the rest of it is really networking and connecting with each other. That's what we've learned to is there's so many different people in [00:05:00] the group.

[00:05:00] We have. Whether it's, real estate investors to doctors to dentists artists, but when they all come together, they all help each other think of different ideas, whether it's personally, whether it's professionally, and that's really where the true growth happens is in the community. And like I said, yeah we want the whole family there.

[00:05:18] We have a lot of members. So have little kids. They bring their kids on these trips, and it's beautiful because that's what it's about. You want to grow together as a family not just have one person grow and then, that causes separation long term. So we're really about Inclusiveness, but this group for sure, that's so beautiful.

[00:05:37] I went to an event over the weekend. And so I'm really feeling that. So this happened and I heard this and you got inspired and, my husband's huh. Yeah, sure. And it can almost like dangerous, right? Like you're so excited and you come home and you're like, and then we didn't, and you're like, Whoa.

[00:05:56] And you're like, why aren't you as excited as I am? And it's, it is, [00:06:00] I know I've been there. I've seen it happen a million times. That is so true. So one thing I heard you talk about is addressing that fulfillment piece. Where so many people have. Been on that achievement track and are finding themselves for 1 reason or another in this place where they're not getting that fulfillment.

[00:06:25] And I would love to hear what are some of the common themes around what comes up as why we aren't. Feeling fulfilled once we achieve the thing we've been working so hard for. Yeah I think what I've noticed with a lot of people is they come in and they're, successful. Like you said, they hit these benchmarks in their business.

[00:06:47] And from the outside, people are like, wow, you look like you have it all. But they're typically like, The biggest fish in their pond in their community. So they're not fulfilled because they're not [00:07:00] growing personally. They're playing small, so to say and that I would say is the biggest one I get for people not feeling fulfilled because it's a lack of connection.

[00:07:11] And what we all really seek is that love and connection in our lives. And if you're not surrounding yourself with like minded people that are going to push you and not say, Oh, you know what? You're okay. Just stay where you are. And it's this beautiful life is so short and it's if you don't feel fulfilled, then, let's not waste another day.

[00:07:33] Let's really tap into maybe why that might be happening. And typically it is they're the big fish in their community and they might have the financial resources, but their relationships are really struggling because some of them, find more fulfillment in work than they do at home.

[00:07:50] So it's also about that balance too. And about that whole thing about, it's about the whole family inclusiveness. So it's really That's the relationships [00:08:00] part of it. And for me, at least, the spirituality and the connection with, whatever you believe a higher source might be is what's going to get you to that.

[00:08:08] But that fulfillment, right? And I find to just even a greater connection with self. Yeah. Yeah. And not like a connection with that achievement giving you a sense of self worth, right? And that's, yeah, people are looking for outside resources for internal fulfillment, right? And it's until you're in a place where you're like, I love myself.

[00:08:30] I'm actually I'm amazing. It is, it's like. Here we are. We're looking for this person's approval for that person's approval. And then you're just always searching and searching. And I do, I meet some of these people who join this peer group and this peer group. And it's the, they're like these self development junkies, and it's like, why do you need to do this so much and enjoying all these different things?

[00:08:53] And typically most people do that. The ones who do that and keep themselves. Job jumping around. It's you. They're not really [00:09:00] applying the things that they're learning, right? It's just okay, I have fun at this weekend workshop. And then I go back to reality and I don't apply. And then I go to another workshop and it fills fulfills this need.

[00:09:10] And then I go home and I'm depressed again. So it's this is like crazy 8 or the, cycle of up and down where you really want to find like that consistency and really have Yeah. Those daily rituals in place. So it's not just, it doesn't just happen when you're, on a trip or at an event.

[00:09:26] Yeah, that's really powerful because yes, I've seen that loop and I think myself, I've been caught in that loop at times. And we can just be in this kind of ingesting, content learning, and not applying and not taking time to see where you fit in. Yeah. And to integrate it all, especially as women, we're so busy, right?

[00:09:52] It's it's I watched this Instagram reel today of this mom and it was like, what she did all day was like, drop the kids off, run home, clean this, check work emails, [00:10:00] and it's so true. We are, it's in this go mode. Then when we do take this time of self care and go to an event or, do something for ourselves, it's Oh, this is heaven, but then it's Oh no, we're back home in the rap race.

[00:10:12] And like I said, I'm a big believer of starting your day on the right foot, whether it's a meditation or prayer or yoga or working out, you really got to connect with yourself first before you go into the, whatever's going to be thrown at you that day from all around.

[00:10:27] Oh yeah. You have to fill your own cup. Serve yourself first to be able to serve everybody else. And at some point you'll learn that either the easy way or the hard way. And it's ongoing. Like I've learned just when I'm like, okay, I'm feeling like I'm in flow. And that's Oh, all right.

[00:10:46] So it is constant state of, having the awareness cause it's always going to happen. So as long as you can catch it earlier. And not live in that reaction state, but really in intention, then it's much [00:11:00] easier to be in flow. Yes. I think the entire month of January I've been recovering from the holidays.

[00:11:08] And every person, especially every woman I talk to, it is, we're all like a PTSD from December, right? Yeah. I have a daughter who's a dancer and Nutcracker and, so it's it starts in late August and it's, yeah, holy, no, we took our family away in December on a couple trips, then everyone got sick, but then we're hosting Christmas.

[00:11:32] Everyone comes here, then you're cooking, you're cleaning, you're like getting, And then I was like, what just happened? Like it doesn't happen every year. Some reason we just, I think we get amnesia. We don't, it's like having another baby. It is. It's so is, but one thing I love too. It sounds like you also address like cultivating leadership.

[00:11:58] In your program, and I think [00:12:00] that's so important as business leaders, we don't talk about enough. I'm a former military spouse. And so leadership was always part of the vernacular part of the conversation. And 1 thing I always try to bring from that experience is to. Highlight how, especially as moms and as women were natural leaders and have leadership abilities, because we're so conditioned to take care of everybody else.

[00:12:30] Exactly. We're foreign leaders. Yeah. And we don't give ourselves credit or we don't recognize how much, taking care of our families is a leadership development, but I would love to hear your thoughts on how we can cultivate more mindful leadership. Again, I think it starts with you.

[00:12:51] You know what I've learned again, like when I take the time to meditate, to get myself into a healthy space, to take care of my body, this [00:13:00] vessel that we have this one thing when The mind and body are aligned and healthy. Then we can show up better. We can show up for our families better.

[00:13:11] We can show up for our businesses better. We're all about culture in our business and we teach that. We teach that our business courses about, leadership and culture within your organization is critical. I'm really blessed to have an incredible team, but we created that, that wasn't just throw a prayer up and hope that these people pop up.

[00:13:33] We're very our leadership skills that we have a lot. We have S. O. P. S. In place. We have job descriptions in place. We have our staff rate themselves every year on what their job description is. So it's coming from them. Not us saying, Hey, this is what you did. So it gives them a time of self reflection.

[00:13:51] And but it starts from the top. And if you're not walking your talk, then how can you be a leader? I really feel that, Yeah. When I became [00:14:00] owner of the, my business I'm in now I did some, more soul searching of okay, how can I show up better? How can I, I don't want, I don't want my team looking at me and being like she doesn't do that.

[00:14:10] And she's telling us to do that. And it's no, we're in this together. And it really starts with, your daily rituals and your values and and it's teamwork, I have, Two of my partners are two male business owners. We've got a really dynamic team and they're both two different, two different men and I'm a woman in it.

[00:14:29] And but it's so beautiful. We respect each other. We're open to listening to each other at the end of each call. We're like, how do you feel about this? How do you feel? We're it's we're in this together. It's not like this hierarchy of I'm better. You're below me and the same with our team.

[00:14:45] We don't treat anyone like that. We really in order for the people in our team to grow. And that's what we want every year. I'm not being a leader. If I'm not helping my team grow, if they're saying the same, whether it's financially in their [00:15:00] position, then shame on me, I'm here to actually, Help them and support them.

[00:15:04] And that's the part of my position that I absolutely love. I've always loved, helping people come into their greatness and whether it was through teaching yoga or through, leadership development when I, traveled the world that's, to me, it's if you can help people grow and tap into their greatness, then that's a gift.

[00:15:21] Yeah, and I think that's so wonderful to hear because I think women to also struggle with how to show up authentically as female leaders, right? Yeah. Because we think we have to, I know at least I did, It's to fit this like masculine mold of leadership that's been modeled for us. Yeah. And it sounds to like you infuse some of your yoga practices into leadership.

[00:15:50] So I'd love to hear about that. That sounds so interesting. And I'm with you for a lot of my career. It was like, okay, let me get rid of this feminine [00:16:00] person and show up and almost become a man. And. Over time, and especially just probably the last few years is when I really started being like, Being in your feminine is the most powerful place to be, and as a society now we are, it's all we got to be like men and eat and all that.

[00:16:19] And it's actually, if we just go back to the way we were created, that's the most powerful thing we can use is our femininity. And I believe now the success of our company is because I work with two masculine men and I'm feminine. And that's what brings this beautiful balance, this grace into the space.

[00:16:40] If you have too much go, like that's hard for a culture and that's hard for a team and a company to thrive. And it's really not it's not promoting, balance and it's not, it's basically telling people, Oh, you have to be like this in order to work here.

[00:16:56] And you have to be like this in order to have that position. [00:17:00] And it's actually if we can tap into our own gifts, like that's what we bring to the table. Instead of trying to be something we're not. And we were You know, as we just said, women, it's like we were, I think, programmed to, my mom always raised me like, you don't need anybody, you be independent, do everything on your own.

[00:17:17] And then we're like, oh my gosh, like for so long, just up until, last like year or two, I finally started asking for more help and I never did that. I thought that was a sign of weakness, and now I'm like, oh, I love it. Yeah, it feels like natural. Like you're not trying to be something.

[00:17:33] You're not exactly. And you know what? You're giving the person who's helping, who's offering the help a gift because they want to help. So anytime you're saying no it's actually like the ebb and flow of life of giving and receiving, you're like cutting that off. So I think, it's really tapping into that femininity.

[00:17:50] And I really found that, like I said, through my meditation, through movement, through feminine movement. I've done a lot of energy work and that really, I think opened [00:18:00] up my mind, my body, and my heart to being like, you don't need to become a man to be successful, so a hundred percent.

[00:18:08] And so you mentioned some of the energy work that you've done. I honestly don't think that you can grow as an entrepreneur, unless you're focusing on the more spiritual side. And honestly, becoming an entrepreneur, I think was an introduction to a spiritual awakening. Yeah. I really love that. I love that you just said, becoming an entrepreneur was an invitation. It's like a spiritual awakening, right? Yeah. And it's been such a big part of my life now. Like I said, , I've noticed on days where if I don't meditate, or if I don't, I like to journal too and write.

[00:18:46] And when I'm not doing that, I am living in a more reactive state versus low and I'm more present because I'm more grounded and I also believe this, the [00:19:00] energy in our bodies and taking time to, go silent. That's where a lot of, most of my creative ideas come from. So I'm in meditation and then afterwards I'll journal and what comes to mind.

[00:19:11] It could be this new, great idea for business for our family or my relationship, again, we live in this society that is this go, but actually let's slow down a bit. And if we go a little slower, we're actually be more productive and big things will come to you.

[00:19:27] I meet a lot of people that are like, I don't know what I want to do. I don't know what my purpose is. And, they're just in that rat race. And they don't even give themselves a moment to stop and listen, we all have 24 hours in a day. And, when some people say, I don't have the time it's we always have the time.

[00:19:46] So it's just really about again, like carving out those rituals, those daily rituals and making sure you get it done. Because if you don't make time for it, then it will never get done. But the energy work, the spirituality, that's, that to me comes [00:20:00] before anything else, cause that connects me with source.

[00:20:02] It connects me with myself. And then that's when I can show up for my family and for my business. Yeah. I a hundred percent concur with that. It is, it's once you start making that a priority, things really start to change and, it's you don't have to try to make things happen. They don't.

[00:20:24] That the universe, it will naturally just flow and people will be like, Whoa, that's a little woo, right? But it's like, Hey, just try it, just try it. And sometimes the more we resist the more it persists. So it's, don't get in the way of that flow. flow because it will come, and that's why it's, in my opinion, so good to, even if you're not good at meditating, like five minutes, there's so many guided ones online on YouTube, it's free.

[00:20:51] And then just journaling, the more we write and get the thoughts out of the mind and onto the paper is when, where we come become really clear. [00:21:00] So yeah, I, I think, if you're not doing it, I invite you to try it at least. And there's so many resources, free resources out there.

[00:21:08] Oh, there are. And just like taking baby steps, sometimes try to do too much at once. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Like I can't meditate for an hour. It's don't, I wouldn't, cause then you're never going to want to do it again. Like slow and steady really wins the race. Even just like pulling your car over and closing your eyes and taking, like five deep breaths can reset you.

[00:21:30] So I think it's just really, starting somewhere and it's like baby steps, once you start, then you just build and you grow and just be open to things. Yeah. So I would love to hear before we close up, how has it impacted you as a mom to create and be part of your best life and, part of the personal development community?

[00:21:58] Yeah, I think as a [00:22:00] mom, I Our family, it's I again I really want to walk my talk and being a mom to, I, we teach our kids, kindness and compassion, respect and responsibility and these different things. And it's okay I need to do that so that they see that, our kids are always watching us.

[00:22:16] And I also, I. I want my kids, to see the world. I want them to travel. I want them to be brave and the biggest thing is I want them to help other people. So whenever we come back from a trip and show them the different community work we do, it's that to me is I love it because we're so blessed.

[00:22:34] We have so much. And our kids, it's some of these faces they're like, Kids we meet in Africa, they don't have iPads. They don't, it's, we're so blessed and sometimes it's hard for little kids to see that because it's all they've ever known, right? But we do a lot in our family community outreach, the kids do community service.

[00:22:53] We go to church we do yoga together. So I think It's not just, I'm not just one [00:23:00] person in my business and another person at home. It's, that's who I am. And, my life, my, my work is my passion. So I don't turn one off and one on, and I think that's how it's really helped me in being a mom.

[00:23:14] And we really. Like I said, it's about practicing what you preach. And if I'm gonna, run a business about, how to helping people, live your best life. I want my kids to live their best life. And and I don't want them to think, Oh, You have to work for, 60 years, nine to five, and then you can enjoy life.

[00:23:32] No, I want them to know, money is a tool and it's just all of these other things are tools working out and praying, we have this big basket. And our kids, they have every day, a gratitude list, what are we grateful for?

[00:23:45] Meditate. And I think it's really getting them at a young age to start having those, rituals is really going to prepare them for life and for things to come at them so that they know how to handle them. I think that's so beautiful [00:24:00] because I talked to so many women who think that they cannot be an entrepreneur and a mom and be good at both.

[00:24:08] Yeah. You don't have to make a trade off between starting a business and sharing your gifts with the world. Yeah. In a way that helps you be a parent the way you want to be. Yeah. Yeah. In a different scenario outside of a 9 to 5 kind of thing. Yeah it's, it is true. I hear that too a lot.

[00:24:26] And, I think with my business I've seen you can do it all. And it's really just about, again, tapping into yourself and getting to know yourself and who you want to show up as, as a parent and also as a business owner. And hopefully they're aligned with one another because when it actually makes it easy.

[00:24:45] It's Okay. This is what I do every day. And that's, like I said, I really, everything I do in my business, it's, you do it in the house as well. I love that. So if you want listeners to have a [00:25:00] major takeaway or a few takeaways from our conversation, what would that be? I want, 1st if any of them are in this space of feeling not fulfilled or, I don't know what I want, like we said, take the time start meditating, whether it's 5 minutes a day or sitting in silence and start writing in a journal.

[00:25:18] I think that. You'll get really clear on what you want, and it will start something. I also think the biggest thing is everybody needs a mentor. Everybody needs someone a community like whether it's it's. Our community, YBL or another community, find a group of like minded people that are doing stuff that you want to do and even better because those are the people, that's your tribe, those are the people you're going to want to be around and grow with, that's a big one.

[00:25:49] It's find your people. Because, you really are the 5 people that you spend the most time with, you can look at someone and be like, I know how much money they make. I know what kind of lifestyle they live. I know what kind of [00:26:00] relationships they're in just by looking at the people they're around.

[00:26:03] Choose your tribe wisely and, that's gonna help you grow and help you see clearer and really just help you live a fulfilled life when you're around like minded people that have, really touching conversations and are about, making the world a better place, then that's fulfillment in itself.

[00:26:19] Those would be my two, get quiet, get clear, write things down and find yourself a peer group. That's really going to catapult you to the next place in your life and where you want to go. Yeah, I love that. I don't think that there's been a successful entrepreneur on this podcast that hasn't.

[00:26:34] Mentioned those two things and I don't think we can talk about them enough. Yeah. Because especially as online entrepreneurs, you can feel really isolated or absolutely alone. And we tend to feel that as mothers as well. Yeah. And you need it, you need support system. We can't do this alone, it can get very lonely. And I think we've all been there and it's not a good place to be. So definitely, and I think [00:27:00] sometimes, I remember there were days when I was like I don't think other women feel like this. Maybe it's just me, like I'm, and the more women I talk to, it's we're all, like I said, in the beginning, we're all in this together.

[00:27:11] Yes. It's me too. In a different way. Yeah. I started this podcast because I started noticing like all of these women are like, how did you start a business? Who do you think you are? And I'm like, We need to have a conversation about this. Yeah. And it's again, finding, like I said, the right tribe, because there's going to be so many people out there that are going to judge you and say things that, Oh, you can't do that.

[00:27:35] Or what about your family or what about this? So be really careful again, of who you surround yourself with, are they, part of the problem or are they part of, the growth? So I love it. Yeah. And I heard this great thing where, so many people talk about meditation and journaling and someone put it in this really great way where like prayer is like the [00:28:00] asking and the meditating and the journaling is the receiving.

[00:28:03] Yeah. So it's, I think it's that perfect pairing with when you're not feeling like you what's next, taking the time to receive. Yeah. Yeah. What that may be is so important. Yeah. And the messages will come in all ways, whether it's in the writing or you might run into someone that might catapult you to the next place.

[00:28:26] But the meditation and the prayer will start to help you have that awareness to see things more clearly. I love it. Thank you so much for being on the podcast. Thank you, Angela. Take care. So where can listeners connect with you and learn more your best life? Absolutely. So they can go to our website, which is Y B L now and O w.

[00:28:51] com. And also we're on Instagram at your best life dot now. And every Thursday from 1030 to 1130 [00:29:00] Eastern, we have a speaker spotlight where we bring in different people whether it's based off family, faith, fitness, or finance. And I invite any listener who wants to come and listen in as my guest reach out to me through Instagram or on the website and I will get you that link and you can join us.

[00:29:16] That's wonderful. Awesome. I love that. Thank you so much. It's great. Someone can join anytime that works for them. Yeah, absolutely. Love to have them. Yeah. Thank you so much, Megan. Thanks, Angela. Take care.