The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast

114. Summer Sanity for Mompreneurs: How to Plan for More Balance, Business Success & Bliss This Summer

May 09, 2024 Angela Masciulli Season 3 Episode 114
114. Summer Sanity for Mompreneurs: How to Plan for More Balance, Business Success & Bliss This Summer
The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast
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The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast
114. Summer Sanity for Mompreneurs: How to Plan for More Balance, Business Success & Bliss This Summer
May 09, 2024 Season 3 Episode 114
Angela Masciulli

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In this episode of “The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast,” we dive into the exciting details of the upcoming Summer Sanity Workshop, designed to help mompreneurs balance their business and family life during the summer. Join us as we explore how this workshop can transform your summer into a season of growth and joy!

Introducing the Summer Sanity Workshop
  Purpose: Helping mompreneurs manage summer chaos with ease and joy.
  Date and Time: Saturday, May 18th, at 10:00 AM EST.
Challenges of Summer for Mompreneurs
  - Balancing business operations with family activities.
  - Coping with unpredictable schedules, maintaining productivity, and preventing burn out!
Workshop Highlights
  Time Management:
    - Crafting flexible schedules.
    - Tools and apps for effective planning.
  Health and Well-being:
    - Self-care strategies to prevent burnout.
    - Maintaining energy and focus throughout the summer.
    - Keeping business momentum during summer.
    - Building a supportive network and leveraging community resources.

Expected Outcomes:
  - Creating a personalized action plan for a balanced and productive summer.
  - Gaining clarity, control, and confidence to enjoy both business and family time.

How to Register
  - Visit or click the link in the episode description to sign up or visit .

Register soon as spaces are limited.

Don’t miss out on transforming your summer into a season of success and fulfillment! Join us at the Summer Sanity Workshop and learn how to balance your business and family life with ease.  Secure your spot today and get ready for a summer of growth and joy!

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Thank you for listening and keep up the great work, mama!

Show Notes Transcript

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In this episode of “The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast,” we dive into the exciting details of the upcoming Summer Sanity Workshop, designed to help mompreneurs balance their business and family life during the summer. Join us as we explore how this workshop can transform your summer into a season of growth and joy!

Introducing the Summer Sanity Workshop
  Purpose: Helping mompreneurs manage summer chaos with ease and joy.
  Date and Time: Saturday, May 18th, at 10:00 AM EST.
Challenges of Summer for Mompreneurs
  - Balancing business operations with family activities.
  - Coping with unpredictable schedules, maintaining productivity, and preventing burn out!
Workshop Highlights
  Time Management:
    - Crafting flexible schedules.
    - Tools and apps for effective planning.
  Health and Well-being:
    - Self-care strategies to prevent burnout.
    - Maintaining energy and focus throughout the summer.
    - Keeping business momentum during summer.
    - Building a supportive network and leveraging community resources.

Expected Outcomes:
  - Creating a personalized action plan for a balanced and productive summer.
  - Gaining clarity, control, and confidence to enjoy both business and family time.

How to Register
  - Visit or click the link in the episode description to sign up or visit .

Register soon as spaces are limited.

Don’t miss out on transforming your summer into a season of success and fulfillment! Join us at the Summer Sanity Workshop and learn how to balance your business and family life with ease.  Secure your spot today and get ready for a summer of growth and joy!

💖 If you enjoy The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast, subscribe, follow, share and
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Leave a Review on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen! 🎧

Thank you for listening and keep up the great work, mama!

The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast Ep. 114 - Announcing the Summer Sanity Workshop

[00:00:00] Hello, amazing mompreneurs and welcome back to another episode of the good enough mompreneur podcast. I'm your host, Angela Masciulli, and I am thrilled to have you here today. If you are a mompreneur looking to keep your business thriving while enjoying a fun filled summer with your family, you are in the right place today.

[00:00:22] I am excited to announce something special that I've been working on just for you. It's. Came to me about a week ago, and it's called the summer sanity workshop. This workshop is designed to help you manage the summer chaos with more ease and a lot more joy. So let's dive into what this workshop is all about and how it can transform your summer.

[00:00:49] And the reason I put this summer sanity workshop together is because I remember. Especially when my kids were younger, summers were very stressful. I [00:01:00] was. On one hand, very glad to be done with the school stress, but I traded it for another new stress. I had no boundaries. I had my plate full and overflowing, and I would even help other moms, and I had no real plan in place.

[00:01:20] So every day felt like I was reacting, and every day I was exhausted, and I didn't feel like I accomplished Everything that I wanted to accomplish, not only with my family, but in my business. 

[00:01:34] And then at the end of the summer, I was completely wiped out and felt like I had been hit by a tornado. And I really came to dread the summers.

[00:01:45] And this is what I'm hearing from a lot of moms now. And since I've learned so many techniques on how to manage my time, how to take care of myself, and also stay productive, I want to share those with you, [00:02:00] so let's talk about the reality of summers for us mompreneurs. The kids are out of school routines are thrown out the window and suddenly balancing work and family feels like an impossible juggling act.

[00:02:15] Just like the story that I told you, if that sounds familiar to you, I definitely hear you. And I have so much to share with you to help put you in the director chair of your life and your summer. 

[00:02:29] So I created the summer sanity workshop just for that. And it's happening on Saturday, May 18th at 10 AM. And it's all about giving you the tools and strategies to keep your running smoothly while also making time for those precious summer memories with your family.

[00:02:50] So in this workshop, we're going to cover three main areas to help you sail through the summer with confidence. Number one is time [00:03:00] management. 

[00:03:00] You'll learn how to craft a flexible schedule that We'll adapt to the unpredictable nature of summer, ensuring that you get your work done without missing out on any of the family time.

[00:03:13] We're going to talk about your health and your well being. We're going to dive into practical self care tips, which, you know, we're all continually trying to work on. It's not a one and done. You have to continue to work on them to help you prevent burnout. 

[00:03:31] And because we're not perfect about trying to prevent burnout, sometimes it still happens.

[00:03:37] It creeps up on us. So I want to talk to you about ways to identify when it's coming on and how to navigate that as well. And then 3rd, we're going to talk about. 

[00:03:48] Productivity and momentum during the summer and discover ways to maintain your business momentum from effective marketing strategies to creating a supportive [00:04:00] network that helps you stay on track.

[00:04:03] So by the end of the workshop, 

[00:04:05] you're going to walk away with a personalized action plan ready to tackle the summer with a clear mind and a confident heart. So whether you're planning a vacation, juggling summer camps, or just trying to keep up with the daily chaos, this workshop has got you covered

[00:04:23] To join the Summer Sanity Workshop, simply head over to mombusinesscoach. com forward slash learn and click on the link that you'll find there for the Summer Sanity Workshop, or you can click on the link in the show notes below. 

[00:04:41] Trust me, you don't want to miss this opportunity to transform your summer into a season of growth and joy.

[00:04:49] Spaces are limited, so be sure to sign up soon. Thank you so much for tuning in today. I can't wait to see you at the workshop [00:05:00] and help you make this summer your best one yet. Until next time, keep embracing the beautiful chaos of motherhood and entrepreneurship. I'm your host, Angela Masciulli, and you've been listening to the Good Enough Mompreneur podcast.

[00:05:16] Stay motivated, stay inspired, and remember you are more than good enough. And I'll see you in the next episode. We always have a new interview episode on Mondays, and every other week I do a solo episode like this one, sharing my tips, my experiences, and Discussing new workshops and ways to help you on your mom prenarial journey.

[00:05:44] I'll talk to you next time.