Code & Pixels
A couple of UX Engineers, navigating the intersection between design, development and everything inbetween.
Code & Pixels
15: Donnie D'Amato - What's a Component
Donnie D'Amato
Episode 15
We're joined by Donnie D'Amato, who shares his experience as a founder & Chief Architect at Design Systems House.
Episode Links:
- Knapsack: https://www.knapsack.cloud/
- Zeroheight: https://zeroheight.com/
- Figma: https://www.figma.com/files/recents-and-sharing?fuid=553361873932381617
- Cypress: https://www.cypress.io/
- Guidepup: https://www.guidepup.dev/
- ADP List: https://adplist.org/
- The End (blog post): https://blog.damato.design/posts/the-end/
Donnie's Socials:
- Website: https://donnie.damato.design/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fauxserious/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/donniedamato
- Github: https://github.com/ddamato