The Future of Wellness

Flower Essences as Vibrational Medicine for Healing The Soul with Patricia Kaminski

Field Dynamics

Join us on a journey of remedies and resonance with Patricia Kaminski, co-director of the Flower Essence Society alongside Richard Katz since 1980. Together they have authored numerous books about flower essences, including the best-selling Flower Essence Repertory. They also manage Flower Essence Services, which produces flower essences and herbal products at Terra Flora, their 27-acre Biodynamic garden in the Sierra foothills of California. Patricia shares her personal journey in which she discovered the profound power of flower essences. Presenting the history of flower essences and their progenitor, Dr. Edward Bach, Patricia explains how to understand and articulate the characteristics of a flower in relation to their healing characteristics. She shares how a materialist worldview limits our ability to understand how nature is working at subtler levels, and how making a remedy is about the critical synergy of the four elements in tandem with the flower’s unique essence. Patricia discusses her favourite combination remedies for foundational healing, and describes how flower essences create a resonant effect at the energetic and soul level of a person to catalyze healing. Sharing insightful case studies, she brings us practical advice on integrating flower remedies into our daily lives and the transformative power of using words and affirmations alongside them. We uncover the key qualities for healing practitioners who make use of flower remedies, underscoring the importance of presence, empathy and vision in guiding clients along their healing paths. Learn about Patricia's humanitarian work and how she's encouraging a conscious awakening to nature's sentience and inherent healing qualities, and discover how these natural remedies offer emotional balance and an awakening to our authentic selves. 

Patricia helped design and majored in the first Women’s Studies Program at the University of Nebraska, and helped found a unique counselling centre for women students. She first discovered the remarkable effectiveness of English flower remedies in helping children with learning problems such as dyslexia, and in a counselling program for juvenile offenders. She has studied widely in the fields of healing and plant science, including Waldorf education and Goethean plant science. Patricia has also authored Flowers That Heal, which describes the fundamental principles of flower essence therapy.

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Speaker 1:

the flower essences are working on the principle of resonance, and so the more resonant a remedy is with our energy body, the more powerful the impact.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Field Dynamics podcast. We're here to facilitate inspiring dialogues about the nature of consciousness across disciplines, communities and practitioners, all with a holistic perspective.

Speaker 3:

From energy healing to somatic therapies, from neuroscience to meditation. We believe the most interesting things happen at the boundaries of disciplines.

Speaker 2:

I'm Cristobal.

Speaker 3:

And I'm Keith.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for joining us today and enjoy the episode.

Speaker 3:

Hello and welcome to this episode of the Field Dynamics podcast. Today we are joined by Patricia Kaminsky. Patricia and Richard Katz have co-directed the Flower Essence Society since 1980. They've authored numerous articles and books about flower essences, including the best-selling Flower Essence Repertory, now in its fifth edition and translated into six different languages, offering seminars across the world. They also manage flower essence services, which produces flower essences and herbal products at Terraflora, their 27-acre bio-dynamic garden and wildlife sanctuary in the northern Sierra Foothills of California. Patricia was raised on a prairie farm in Nebraska. At the University of Nebraska, she helped design and majored in the first Women's Studies program and helped found a unique counseling center for women students. Patricia first discovered the remarkable effectiveness of English flower remedies in helping children with learning problems, such as dyslexia, and in a counseling program for juvenile offenders. She has studied widely in the fields of teaching healing and plant medicine, including Waldorf education and Goethean plant science. She has also authored Flowers that Heal, which describes the fundamental principles of flower essence therapy. Patricia, thank you so much for joining us today.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Keith, and let me give a shout out to the wonderful work you're doing. Had a chance to explore it and I feel right at home with the two of you.

Speaker 3:

Excellent. Well, we're really excited to find out how the world of flower essences connects to our energy system, our energy field and many other things. Of course, and just to get us started, could you share a little bit with us and our listeners about your personal story? What drew you to this specific field of working with flower essences?

Speaker 1:

I'll just give you some brief portraits. As you mentioned, I grew up on a prairie farm 1000 acres. We were dirt poor and soil rich, as we say. So nature was integral to everything that I experienced as a child. I always felt that I was part of this larger organism that really was part of my body, so to say. I had a lot of healing instincts right away. I used to take the calves. We had a dairy farm and some of the calves would not feed from their mothers so I would feed them and these calves would often grow to these really lustrous coats and I would have them in my 4-H program and they would get awards. And so I learned that healing has something to do with love and nurturance. That was something I learned really early, and I also worked in a garden. I had a Polish grandmother who helped me collect herbs and canned and garden, and so that was just a brief background.

Speaker 1:

When I went to the University of Nebraska, it was a little bit shocking. First I had three bicycles stolen, because I couldn't believe people would steal things. I grew up where we had no keys or locks on anything. I had all of these kind of innocent ideals. But then I was challenged how do you bring that into? What I started to realize was the real world of human greed, selfishness, violence, and so I became very, very active in social justice movements and, as you mentioned, one of the main things was to design the first women's studies program, actually one of the first in the whole of the United States, if not the world, which was very unusual at the University of Nebraska. It's mainly known for football. So I just really had that sort of idea of how do we change things, and I saw that, although it's important to pass laws, laws don't change the inner soul of human beings. And that's where I, along with the women's counseling that I did at the University of Nebraska, I really saw that we have to work from within, even though we also need social changes that are external. So then, that's just kind of a general background.

Speaker 1:

But how I discovered the flower essences is I had something of a spiritual opening in 1976 in my garden, which I won't go into in a lot of detail. It's just to say that it really turned my world inside out, and I would say upside down, in the sense that I then joined a spiritual community, but then I realized that this community was completely wrong. It wasn't again. My ideals are always a little higher than what I can go into the world with rose colored glasses, so to say. So I then had to struggle to get out of this community and I know that many people have experienced that. And that's actually how I found the flower essences, because I was perfectly healthy, I had nothing wrong with me, I was a very healthy 20 something, but I was stuck. I was psychically paralyzed. So I had to struggle, really all alone.

Speaker 1:

These bought flowers. I had to actually fast for two weeks. Gandhi says fasting creates morality, and it does. It really strengthens your soul. To pray and fast. I sent for these remedies and I started taking them and nothing changed on the outside. But on the inside I had this feeling like I'll just leave this community, and that's what I did. It sounds really simple because I was never locked in a dungeon or any sort of draconian thing, but I simply did not have the moral courage. Fear build my soul and also the inundation of other people's power build my soul. And so what I learned was to be me. There's a saying I think it's be yourself, be yourself. Everybody else is already taken, and that's kind of what I needed to learn.

Speaker 1:

Once I found these flower essences, something really magical happened. I was taking care of the gardens and the children in this community and I said, well, I'm coming here to water these plants. Well, what happened is that this thunderstorm I'm living in the desert the thunderstorm breaks out and as I actually leave, there was this large rainbow in the sky, and I really. The Native Americans say that whenever you see a rainbow, somebody's soul is being born. Now, I don't want to sound narcissistic, because there's never been another rainbow that I felt that, but when I saw that rainbow, I thought this is my soul being born.

Speaker 1:

I really knew it was, and so then I said I need to dedicate my life to this work with the flowers and help other people, and so that became my finding Richard, who was already doing this work a bit.

Speaker 1:

So then I went on to take a job as a counselor for juveniles that had been actually were supposed to go to a more rigid prison, but instead we had a program at that time that took these these young men primarily, and some young women, and put them in a residential program where they could have good nutrition, counseling and get their GED and get out of incarceration, and it was in that prison that I started. I got permission from off off label from one of my supervisors to use the remedies, and we just saw remarkable results with these very hardened young men who had already been a part of violence in many ways and who were able to start to find again their souls, their their own own individual autonomy and moral courage to be human. You know these, these are not new age sort of people who are already meditating, which is fine, but we're working with people who are right in the nitty gritty of human suffering, and so I saw that these tiny little flowers had this kind of capacity.

Speaker 2:

I love this juxtaposition, immediately we're coming to, of this sort of masculine, more hardened energy, right, and then the potency of the flour instances, because it's this big misconception often of flour instances being this very soft floaty, you know, remedy, and I think that the more we delve into this in this conversation we're going to see that's absolutely not the case. I want to backtrack a little bit for the sake of our listeners. We've heard a wonderful potted history there of yours and to help this conversation blow smoothly, I wonder if we can share a little bit of the history of flour instances before we delve more deeply into their healing benefits.

Speaker 1:

So we know that all through human civilizations we have used flowers to really express spiritual states of reality. So we see them in temples, we see them in offerings, we see them as part of sacramental rituals when we're married, when there's a death, when there's a birth. So I think that we have a common knowledge that flowers somehow lift us into a larger arena of consciousness and something sacred is there. But what I think Dr Bach signifies is a real turning point in human consciousness, because, you see, he started out in life wanting to either be a minister or a doctor, and he couldn't decide between the two of them because he wanted to touch that realm of the human soul. And so he did train as a medical doctor. In fact he reached in a very short time a certain kind of illustrious position. He first was at the University Hospital receiving war patients from the World War One. So he was born.

Speaker 1:

Dr Bach himself was born in 1886. And so we're talking then that in the first World War he then had just become a doctor and was receiving these war wounded, but recognizing that they really suffered, as well as their physical wounds, from what then did not have a name but begin to be called shell shock, and of course we know this now as post traumatic syndrome. But at the time he realized, you know, there's something else going in. There are certain people who have the stamina to go through these horrific, horrendous war events and still have the grit of their soul. And then there are those who just die or wither away or become addicted to drugs etc or commit suicide. And so he really he felt like already then his heart was attuned to asking this healing question what's going on here and why, as a medical doctor, or is no one talking about the realm of the soul? And so that already was a question living with him. And then he, he developed his work into the study of intestinal flora and he actually published papers on intestinal toxinia because he was looking for that link and actually we have a lot of modern scientific literature that is that is, examining this link between the gut and the brain. So that's interesting that he already saw that he developed these nose odes and then he went on to become a homeopathic doctor because he felt the nose odes need to be formulated more safely. So he also received prestige and so, but in a short period of time he was on Harley Street, which is the kind of most prestigious place a medical doctor can be. He was published in various journals etc. His life was ahead of him, to sort of coast into things.

Speaker 1:

But right at the start of the depression he left it all and returned to the countryside of Wales, which we know is just saturated with Celtic history, with euridic spirituality. And he returned there and and really said I have got to find actual remedies in nature rather than working with these toxic substances and making them homeopathically palatable. I am going to walk in nature and find these remedies. But what happened was that he did not just develop the nose odes, he actually went into a whole other understanding of working with the flowers and the four elements. So that is what is really.

Speaker 1:

It's really sacramental, what he, what making a proper flower essence.

Speaker 1:

People think of it is just somehow it's a flower in the bowl getting sun, but it's actually an alignment of the four elements and the earth.

Speaker 1:

So the bowl is on the earth, receiving the sunlight, receiving the air, receiving the waters collected from the indigenous area that the plant grows. So we have a whole matrix of elemental forces that are coming into a flower at its blooming, which is maybe one or two weeks in the whole year for any particular plant and getting these four elements. So you can't make a remedy on a rainy day or too windy of a day. You have to have this harmonic of the four elements, which is actually a very old druidic teaching. So you can see that he's really working into the historical gift of what had come before. All of these work into some strata of the soul to help awaken us and to vivify that part in us. And yes, we can get physical healings. But the really interesting thing about what Dr Bach did is he showed that the soul needs to be involved in healing and that we can use these flowers for that.

Speaker 3:

That's a wonderful description of the coming together of the elements in relation to the flower, and that needs to be in harmony with the water, the weather that day, the time of year, all those things working synergistically. So you set that up perfectly. I love if you could walk us through then. What then is being imprinted in that water? What is that? What is that remedy comprised of? And then how does taking it by a person, how does it then work its way into a person system? What's that healing process?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, first of all, I would say that we have got to have an imagination beyond the materialistic realm, which the material realm is beautiful and wonderful, by the way. I'm not polarizing that, but I'm saying that as long as we only have a material construct for what happens in nature, we won't get very far. So what we need to understand is that the plant lives literally between the sun and the earth. I'd like to use, if I may, the prowess of a poet to describe this. One of my favorite poets is Roka, and here's what he says about a flower. He says flexed muscle of infinite receptivity. He said here, in the quiet blossom of the star, is actually a flexed muscle of infinite receptivity.

Speaker 1:

You saying the flower, the firmness and fortitude of many worlds. So he looks at me, then he looks at the human being and he says we are violent, we stay around longer, but when, in which of our lives, will we finally open up and become receptive? So this is the thing here in the material world and the iconic picture. If you take a flower and you have this when I was coming of age you know this picture of a gun and this hippie little child goes up and puts a flower in the gun. Well, who's gonna win here on this? In the material world as we know it, power wins, the gun will win. The gun will blast the flower to smithereens. But the flower is actually connected to other, higher dimensions of real force and strength that we as human beings need to wake up to, and this is really what is captured in the flower essences. By making them in this exquisite way, we open up into what is called the life realm of nature. And then there are even higher levels. These levels have been outlined by many spiritual traditions, the different subtle levels of reality.

Speaker 1:

But what Dr Bach did is find a way in which to make these remedies so that they can capture that.

Speaker 1:

So what I would say is they capture the pattern, the kind of archetypal patterns of creation.

Speaker 1:

You know, in Genesis it says and God created the world and saw that it was good, meaning that everything really in creation was meant to have a kind of quality, a moral signature, a healing aspect and we can feel this in general when we go out in nature but then to create a medicine that has the specificity, the articulation of a particular pattern. This is what Bach was able to do with the work in which we continue to do, and so we know that not just as a theory, so that really our work then is to take this, as Dr Bach also did, into actual clinical work. And that's why, for me, the nitty gritty work, the humanitarian outreach, we can work in all kind of different arenas, but what we're really doing is not just saying, okay, that's a nice theory, this is, you know, here we are with an ascended view of the flowers. No, it really then goes into the actual healing work, casework, tracking, research, being in situations where we can take these remedies, as Dr Bach did in the Great Depression.

Speaker 2:

So you've outlined this scenario where we have fluorescence is essentially is vibrational medicine, where the energetic signature of the fluorescence and that various essence to essence, remedy to remedy is resonating with these higher dimensional planes, as you described them, or we might refer to it as the subtle energy field mapped, as you say, in various traditions and something we work with very closely in field dynamics to help promote not only, in some instances, physical, but also emotional and spiritual healing.

Speaker 1:

Yes, if I might just say I also wanna place this in the context of our time, because, you know, while we have this rich history in human evolution of wisdom, we also have where are we going? And I do wanna say the Dr Bach's work is also thoroughly modern, as well as all of these ancient antecedents that it has. Why do I say that? If we look in modern time at the field of psychotherapy, we have work that has never been done before, such as the work of Carl Jung, to take the archetypal language of the human soul, or the work of Asa Jolie to work on the psychosynthesis, all of these parts of the human soul.

Speaker 1:

So we have in our time and one of the great initiatives of our time, rudolph Steiner called this the age of the consciousness soul, which means that we are to become more articulate in our language of the soul, in the specificity of what we see. So one of the real contributions of what flower essences are now is that, while we might have a generalized idea that flowers are wonderful and a generalized ritual use of them, we now have, through the kind of research we're doing and through the kind of case work we're doing, the very, a more articulate language of each flower and an actual stage of consciousness. Eskimos, for instance, have all these words for snow, but we have any number of different remedies for fear or for anger or for low self-esteem. So we are actually growing. This is the modern contribution of flower essences into a language of ever greater articulation of the tools of the psyche of the soul to see ourselves and to name and to claim who we are For some people they're gonna be very new to this right.

Speaker 2:

So how is it that we say we go from a white chestnut or a snapdragon or a chaparral and we come to a conclusive thematic or list of attributes we could say whilst in balance or out of balance, so that as a practitioner it can be said this remedy is useful for this. What is that sort of stepping stone?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so one of this. There are actually two answers to that question, and I'm gonna give you a quick idea and then you can tell me which way you wanna go, or we can go both ways. The first is that our research is all about studying plants, and so we're not only just studying the chemical composition or whatever. Even herbalism still doesn't really do what we've needed to do, which is to live into the signatures of these plants, and we actually have what are called 12 windows of plant perception that we continuously weave to work into these plants. We're not doing trans channeling. We're actually becoming more acutely conscious of plants and their qualities in nature and in their matrix in nature. So that's one area of research. The second area of research is that we have training programs with our practitioners, where we're delving more and more into how does the human soul change? What are the stages of consciousness Do we start? Is it like peeling an onion skin? Do we start with where the pain is now and then move into deeper layers, which is what we've discovered is generally true. So you're right, there are so many remedies that can be overwhelming. It's like opening up an amazing book. But how do we, where do we go with this. I know when I first discovered the Bach remedies, I wanted to take them all all the time because I thought this is the quick fix to everything that's wrong with me.

Speaker 1:

But what we find out is it's a lot like how human wisdom works. It's incremental, you know. The Grail path, for instance, is the word means gradalis, it means going incrementally. And if we look at plants themselves, that's their wisdom. One time they're a seed, they're dormant in winter, then they have little cotyledons, then they have more glorious array of green and then at some point, magically, they're full of all kinds of colors and they're radiant in the sun, then they're fruits and then they're seeds again and then they're you know. So we need to look at that same quality of metamorphosis within the human soul and ask ourselves where is this when we're doing the healing? Where is this person? So, but that's kind of.

Speaker 1:

The two areas that we're consistently studying are the human soul and the soul of the flowers. If we take, for example, the picture of the little violet and I think most of us have seen violets they grow close to the earth, they're purple, which is interesting, and they like the kind of damp, moistness of the very early spring, here in the Sierra Foothills, maybe it's still some snow on the ground, and then you see a little purple violet glistening, with some snow melting on it. And then, you know, when the sun warms, you smell this incredible gentle embracing bit of violet aroma. That's one picture. But then let's go to a polarity, and that's the sunflower.

Speaker 1:

The sunflower is leonine. It blooms, like in your gardens, in the glory of the sun. It's tall, it's shooting upward to the solar frenzy of things, you know, and it's glorious. And so the violet we use for a lot of shyness. It's a very popular remedy for children. They're in the play and then they're afraid to actually go on stage, you know, or just to let go of mommy's hand to go to school, you know. So the violet is this incredible sensitivity that would close itself off from the world, but by polarity contrast, the sunflower is grand.

Speaker 1:

If we're talking about astrology, it's the Leo in us that would like to be on the stage all the time and that can have what we might call a lower ego that hasn't really been sanctified and made transcendent. It's beautiful quality, but a lot of times, you know, we're overdoing it in life with needing to be important, and so we have to adjust to find the right spiritual self to fill that space. So sunflower is a very different radiation in nature and how it works in the human soul. So we start to learn to listen and to see archetypally who is before us. It's a journey. I love working with people and helping them to discover who they are and using these flowers as tools, and the people who are best at this kind of therapy have that kind of imagination I would say. I would say imagination is really missing from a lot of healing is to see who somebody is, who they're capable of becoming.

Speaker 3:

So somebody comes to see you or get a remedy. I'm curious about. You said very often you're finding that you're working from, kind of, the layers that present themselves, rather than maybe the inverse, which would be something like how do we get at the center of the person versus the periphery? So I'm wondering how do you advise people to use the flower essence once determined is it? Are there general lengths of time, prescribed amounts of time taken a day, and what is the method of of imbibing we're taking, we're applying the essence?

Speaker 1:

These are excellent questions, and one of the important things that I find that we really have to teach all of our clients in this time Is rhythm. So there's an old esoteric saying rhythm replaces strength, which is that, you know, if we were to use a ludicrous example, we might think if I drink the whole bottle now, I'm going to be done with it, because I got all of it at once. But you see, nature doesn't work that way, and neither does the human soul. So the other thing is, though, that a lot of lives, particularly children, are chaoticized. It's actually healing just to say, you know what, before bedtime, please use this remedy, and also, if you have a bedtime story or you're lighting a candle for the child oh well, I'd never get a chance to do that Well, do it, because we want to have these times in which we open the soul of the person to receive, and so one of those times is when we first get up in the morning, and also before we go to bed at night. That's actually when we're transitioning energy bodies, and so we have just like in music, where you have intervals little spaces in between one note or another, and that's what makes music beautiful. We want to find these interval spaces and put the remedy right in there, because that's where we're going to get the healing that moves us out of a purely materialistic consciousness into the awareness that we have these subtle bodies around us without a lot of who attached to it. We're just going to bring that in to people's lives, and I also have written affirmations for all the flowers, including the Bach remedies, and that also helps us.

Speaker 1:

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God. Actually, it also says in Genesis God spoke and there was light. God spoke and the seas were parted. So word is really important and I'll also work with clients to bring words, their own words, into this. I will find the courage today to speak to my boss. You know we want to bring what we can up the soul into this when, when it's possible. It's not always possible, but we, that's how I work with clients. And now let me just to give you to ground this so that you can get a practical idea.

Speaker 1:

For example, I once had a client who came who she was a mom and she had a somewhat traumatic childhood and she said I will never be my, I will do everything to not be my mom and that worked until she had two kids under the age of five that were screaming every other minute. Pretty soon she's screaming at the kids and she's like I have become my mom. One of the first things that I want to do is give her some remedies just to settle her soul, to be a little more calm and objective, and I tell that the really deep healing there is going to be when we can go into the mom stuff, and that involved forgiving her mom. That involves seeing why her mom was that way because of her mom. You see, a lot of this is generational, but that's a journey of self care and self love. And it's also the journey of a healer to have enough love to help the client get there. You can't do it right away, and sometimes you have to if somebody's in full blown crisis, but generally speaking, what we want to do is first of all calm the immediate situation being presented. So she started to take a remedy.

Speaker 1:

We call that scarlet monkey flower, and scarlet monkey flower is an interesting remedy for anger. It's not the full blown, hot and heavy, passionate anger it's. We use that a lot for people who are trying to keep a lid at all costs. I want to be a nice person. And that's because they don't know how to handle anger. And so a lot of say, for instance, if you grew up with an angry, angry parent, you're either been a model anger or you're going to try and every single way to repress every little bit of anger. You see, because you don't want to be that. And that was how this woman was. She was the type I've got a lid on it, okay. But here's the problem with the lid. Let's say it's a pressure cooker, the lid's going to blow off at some time.

Speaker 1:

And so with people who have the scarlet monkey type of anger, we have to help them learn. You know, like I have, like, if I make my little espresso coffee, which I do every morning, and I take the little thing off, I just do it slowly. You know a little bit, because if you take it off all at once, the coffee grounds blow up everywhere in the kitchen. But it's the same thing that happens for anger management in some people. They don't know how to incrementally, you know, handle the little things. And so if you were to take your money, if you would just take your shoes off, I just wash the floor and you just tracked on it. You know they don't know how to say that they that's built up and then you know two weeks later they blow up at their husband, that kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

So what we're learning with the scarlet monkey flower is the incremental ability to own the little things and to learn how to communicate those in a way where there's a successful resolution or exchange of ideas and solutions. And then eventually we went into the whole picture of what happened to her, which is a long story, and we used an archetypal remedy, for her is called the Mariposa Lily, because that was really at the heart of her pain. Her pain, her need is a mother to incorporate that archetype that she didn't get and to understand and forgive her mother. Forgiveness doesn't mean that a behavior is okay. It means that you have the compassion to understand how somebody got there and that you don't hold on to that, because when we hold on to it we make everything sick.

Speaker 2:

It's really helpful to hear that remedy picture but I'm sure as you outline it within the context of the case study is so helpful. It's fascinating to see how many parallels were with the energy healing work that we do, in that we're looking at intention, we're looking at the importance of space holding as practitioner and having enough presence, love, stability in oneself to anchor these emotions or charges, moving through the client, calming initial responses and then moving into deeper picture. So you know what could be ancestral, what could be trans, personal or what's been learned and passed down. It's wonderful to hear you talk about that so eloquently. I'm interested in asking about flourishing is in the context of side effects, like very commonly read, that flourishing says have no side effects. And from from my own experience personally and this goes for homeopathic remedies as well and I only bring those in because they're a fellow vibrational remedy Very often there are some potential challenges and what I would refer to as side effects in working with a remedy, particularly when it's well matched and you know it's striking quite deeply into you know the charge that we're looking to work with and I'm thinking of something here as well, something that's like, that's highly emotionally cleansing, like a remedy like chaparral.

Speaker 2:

We're working with the deep inner wounds and I I'd love for you to speak a little bit to this, because I think it's misrepresented somewhat in this universal Everything's fine. Use any remedy for anything, nothing. No harm will come.

Speaker 1:

I agree with you, and yet again we have to develop another paradigm of understanding what we're seeing. So let me give you some quick examples. I absolutely know what you mean. I had somebody speaking of Scarlet Monkey Flower. Just to give you that who? She had early onset, the initial stages of multiple sclerosis, and she actually had a huge reaction to Scarlet Monkey Flower, which was she broke out in a red rash all over her body. She was also a member of a spiritual community at that time where red was not allowed in her clothing.

Speaker 1:

We had to calibrate her remedy. You know, I was. I really thought I don't know if this is psychosomatic or real, like that. Really physiologically she's allergic to the remedy or psychosomatic, but it doesn't matter, it is real. And so that was my most extreme case to date and this, this woman needed to take the remedy once a day, or no, once a week to begin with, then once a day. So we had to continue to calibrate to get her to absorb that particular vibration because it was it's like the opera singer that shatters glass. You know, it went right into her. But you see, the flower essences are working on the principle of resonance and so the more resonant a remedy is with our energy body, the more powerful the impact. So on the one extreme we have I think I'm using drugs these should be, you know, patrolled or legally, you know, only given to those who know it. I mean, I've had cases like that, as have other practitioners, but we'll also get the opposite cases. I had somebody once who told me the remedies. Now I knew it was the right remedy the remedy wasn't working. I had to take layers of safety that she had learned for her own soul survival. She had so much padding I would say psychically that it took me a long time to get this remedy to work, even though I knew it was the right remedy for her. So we also can have ways in which not only that the remedy may not be the resonant one, but that we block that for our own safety. So those are two extremes.

Speaker 1:

No, does the remedy cause side effects, as would a pharmaceutical drug? I would say no, but that we've got to find a different language to understand this therapeutic phenomena. Because within, let's say that I saw this in my mother. She was given a drug that created the side effect of her not having good balance. That's statistically, if you go read the fine print of this long thing you pull out of the pharmaceutical pill package. It says that you can expect, if you notice on advertising in the media, they tell you all these things, including death, that might happen to you, because these remedies are actually chemically based and a significant statistical part of the population can and does experience side effects. They're not what the remedy was intended for. The remedy is intended for diabetes or whatever, but it has side effects.

Speaker 1:

Now, that's not true with flower essences. If it were, what we would see in the cases is that we would have a statistical percentage of people that the same remedy how you lose your balance, you have night sweats, whatever that doesn't happen. The same remedy can, with one person, be like. They report back. This is the remedy that made me so calm. I was so anxious and I take this and it immediately helps me. Another person will say I didn't feel anything from it. Another person will say this was so powerful I cried for all day. That means that what we have to do as healers when we're working in this realm of resonant healing is understand what the client needs. We will have to moderate and modulate the remedy according to the client, but we have to have a lot more empathic skill I would say as a therapist in these realms a lot more perception for what's going on here. Then we have to have tools. As I was saying that if somebody we're pretty convinced this remedy is important, we have to have the tools to lead them safely there so they can take in that remedy. I want to go fast forward.

Speaker 1:

The woman that I told you that it was allergic, her multiple sclerosis to this day is in remission. The medical community will never say it's cured but it's in remission. But guess what remedy? She showed up. She doesn't live far from me but I had not seen her for a long time and she showed up. She was real frail. Now she's really like I would say she has red anchored in her aura. She said oh, I said whatever happened with the scarlet monkey bug because I don't see her anymore.

Speaker 1:

She said I love that remedy. She said I take that as a potion. When I'm starting to feel any, just even a twinge of some of my multiple sclerosis symptoms, I take this Now. Does it heal multiple sclerosis? I would never say that I'm not interested in healing multiple sclerosis. I'm interested in empowering souls. She was literally starving for the vitamin of red whatever you want to call it the energy of red in her aura. It goes also into her childhood history, which is a little too long to go into here. That's why we can't say that a remedy produces side effects. Your question is a good one, but if it were side effects, we would have a more or less static and uniform phenomena. Instead, what we have are the individuated responses to a remedy, including learning how to use a remedy so that it's powerfully an ally rather than something frightening.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for that clarification. Like you said, a new language, something like healing crisis comes to mind, but I don't know if that entirely encapsulates what you're describing.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it does. That's a big phenomenon and, by the way, the work that you guys are doing, I'm so glad to discover it. See, to me, flower essence is not a separate therapy. You do this and nothing else it goes with. We have all of our practitioners throughout the world do all kinds of other things. This just becomes one of the tools.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and we see a wonderful kinship with things of a vibrational essence, nature, whether they be flower remedies or like crystal essences, for instance. You can essentialize or extract, like in homeopathy. You can extract the equality at a subtle energy level from just about anything and in that form it becomes the equivalent of a physical version of what we're doing with the energy healing which is it's starting in the energy field, through mind or soul, versus working with nature or a physical object and then pulling that higher dimensional or vibrational resonant aspect of it out. And so there's a wonderful kinship between the two. And yes, systems need to be broader than the singularity of any modality. But really, in that holistic world we all understand with enough experience that it's really just the accrual of intelligent and skillful lifestyle choices and finding the right techniques and support. And what have you that winds up attending to you in the way you need to be attended to?

Speaker 1:

Yes, in fact, one of the things just more recently in the last couple of years that I use are tuning forks with crystals. I love it when my clients will do it, and I do this for myself every morning is part of my ritual. I will do a tuning fork to open up my higher frequencies and then take the remedy, and it's amazing. I can really tell that just that little bit of opening allows even more spaciousness for the remedy to come into, and so I now, for instance I could give you many other examples Color therapy is huge. I have a whole course I teach on that, because the colors of the flowers are really part of the language of color, which is exciting. So there are so many different ways that flower essences dovetail with all of these other therapies, and really they all belong to a larger umbrella of what I would call energy and soul healing, which is where we're headed in humanity.

Speaker 2:

Just feeling into that, as you're sharing so many possibilities. We often ask practitioners when we have them on the show what their favorite something is right. So in your instance I have to ask are there some all-time favorite essences of yours? I know it's a broad directory and there's a lot of things to be applied to different areas, or another way of phrasing this answer is you wish, Are there any less-known essences that you're just very passionate about? That you deserve more attention.

Speaker 1:

That's, of course, challenging. It's like if you're a mother and you have several children, it's out what's your favorite. Well, they all are, but still, I'll try. I'm going to mention actually some combination remedies, because those are the synergy of a number of remedies that come together to create a kind of wholeness that is even more foundationally healing. And so that's something that we have also addressed in our research work is to create certain formulas, and those are the ones, by the way, that go out into the humanitarian work and into really a core, just foundational healing work. So the first of those is the one that Dr Bach brought into the world. It's called rescue remedy or five flower, and that I can't tell you how many people have addressed issues like blood pressure, heart palpitations, anxiety, just having that in their purse or their car. Oh, and also rescue work, healing an animal that's birds by in your window, or you know, I've had reports of people that have been in the car accident and you have the rescue remedy there. It's just an important, ubiquitous, universal formula. We have it being used in hospitals, emergency rooms, not in the United States we're in a kind of medical Gestapo here but say, for instance, in Brazil, in Chile, you know, in many different places in the on the planet, and this is part of the emergency room arsenal, because just think all the blaring sirens. We don't know how to do healing yet we do all these things that actually create more agitation. By flower it's called or rescue remedy, depending on the branding, but that's the one that I would say everybody needs to know about that.

Speaker 1:

We've had the most hardened skeptics who just that one. They said, well, maybe there's something to this. The other one is called why yes? And that's gyro environmental solution. So why yes? That one was originally developed during the Chernobyl incident with nuclear radiation. We developed that for the European practitioners who are getting all this drift, but we came to realize that it's good for all kinds of environmental toxins, including radiation, or to these intense electromagnetic fields that we're in and they've actually been. We've had studies done on this remedy, including fluorescent light agitation, that kind of thing. It's just building a more healthy protected layer around us but at the same time it's based on the Yaro, which at the same time is a plant that really breathes with. So it's like a mash that allows what needs to come in and filters what needs to not be there, and that's the Yaro environmental solution, which actually has a number of other remedies echinacea and arnica in it that all work to really provide this stabilization of the human body soul matrix that is under such assault. We all know this is a huge.

Speaker 1:

There's two that I feel are the really like colors that we're all nutrient Lee, deficient in. One of them is magenta. So if you think of the color will not just as an arc but actually as a circle. Magenta is the color that comes between purple and red and it's actually the color of a healthy, etheric body. It's one of the first colors we can learn to see reliably. In a healthy aura you will see magenta, a lot of magenta. So magenta self healer is a remedy. We have taken a number of magenta colored flowers and put them in a certain kind of matrix and that remedy is so helpful for just helping us learn self healing.

Speaker 1:

Self heal is one of the flowers, but that had an old time. That name comes from way back, because this remedy helps us to tune into what we need. You know there's like 100 diets out there and I don't want to argue with the 100 people that follow those diets, but one of them is probably the one for me. So it doesn't matter how much knowledge we have, we have to also have the internal sensitivity to tap into what it is we need. And the other one is grounding green, which is green.

Speaker 1:

Flowers are unusual. Usually this leaves the plants that are green, but many of these are alchemical flowers, like alchemy, which is called ladies mantle, a green rose, which was an old alchemical. The green rose existed. It came into life through alchemical processes. The green flowers help us connect with this web of life. So where the magenta takes us into our internal etheric vitality, the green, the grounding green, has these, all these wonderful green, unusual flowers.

Speaker 1:

I love grounding green because we, if we're going to at all, we can pass every law we want to save this planet. If we don't feel that the earth is a living being and that we live inside her body, we won't ever really change who we are. It's not that we can't have technology and evolve, but we need to evolve in a way that helps us remember we live, and we live at the virtue of, at the pleasure of, inside of another great being, and she's called the planet earth. And this is the consciousness that we really also need to have. In small ways. I'm so filled with love and joy for all of the remedies you know, but those would be my top four. They're all formulas because they can go more quickly and harmoniously into a whole large parts of our populations.

Speaker 3:

And where we like to go at the end of interviews is to ask what you're currently working on or what your kind of future ambitions are. So we're wondering if you would fill us in on you know what's. What's your current passion or projects that you're working on that you'd like to share?

Speaker 1:

So I do a lot of pro bono counseling all through the world. So, for instance, right now we're working with Ukrainian doctors and helping children that are experiencing the horrible trauma and stress of war and we have a remedy called kinder garden or kindergarten that we use. That's one of the main ones. But I would say that you know I'm involved in a number of these projects. I just serve as kind of a coach to help people, to listen, to encourage. We also have I do a lot of research to try and get at what in homeopathy is called the miasmic conditions of humanity. One of the new it's not new to me, we've been researching it for a long time but we're now finally unveiling it to the world is called ancestry, a line which is a remedy. That is so much of what is feeding our wars and what's leading the pain that we carry is the pain of ancestry, you know it's, there's also gifts.

Speaker 1:

But you know so I'm Jewish and you're a Muslim, you know. And how do we, how do we heal this? You know this, these generational traumas, I would say they go beyond the particular individuality that we have and yet they fill and affect our own individuality. So that's a big part of you know, the research and I we now have. For instance, we just went into our many Armenia. We have a doctor that works and he was able to get in there.

Speaker 1:

It's very difficult to get into Armenia right now and this is one of the big remedies that she is using ancestry line. That's really such big work. And the other big work that I feel is really important is hospice work, because we're all afraid of dying. There are those who know they're going to die and it's hard because they don't have the tools to understand that they're going to unfold into a life of soul. They have only the material construct. So I think it's going to be closer to some of my, my main research projects right now. They're just these big questions of how are we going to continue to you, to heal humanity. On the one hand, we have more and more tools, but we're in the underground, so to say. For me personally, I need to keep trying to get into these larger layers of density and human need.

Speaker 2:

Projects, who are outlining their really important service work to others. So thank you for sharing some details to direct people to flower societyorg and fes flowers dot com fes flowers dot com, which are the domains in which people can connect with yourself and Richard and your work with the flower essence of society and, of course, the wonderful products of flower essences that you provide. We'd like to thank you for your time. I think we could foresee four or five or half a dozen episodes with you detailing all the incredible work that's done with the flower essences, and thank you for sharing just just a little. Today has been really educational.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you, I just it's. This is just a joy for me, and I love speaking with the two of you because I it's, it's really easy. I know that you understand the language and so I want to as well, you know, say Namaste to the two of you and to salute your work and to wish it well.

Speaker 3:

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