The Mosaic Life with Laura W.

Embracing the Journey to Self-Discovery and Lasting Contentment

Laura Wagenknecht / Sandhya Maheshwari

Have you ever met someone whose life story is so compelling that it lights a fire within you to chase your dreams? That's exactly what Sandhya Maheshwari, the transformational life coach and beacon for those yearning to craft a life of joy and purpose, does in our heart-to-heart talk. She takes us through the highs and lows of her remarkable life—from the struggles of being a single mother to her ascension in the corporate world and her eventual leap into the realm of life coaching with Lotus Life Mastery. Her narrative is not just her own but a mirror reflecting the potential within all of us to rise above tribulations and meticulously design a future that resonates with our deepest desires.

During our exploration, we uncover the pragmatic strategies that Sandhya imparts to help anyone crystallize their goals and make their aspirations a living, breathing reality. We delve into how vision boards, journaling, and a profound emotional connection to one's aspirations can bring about a clarity that propels us forward. Discover the stunning influence of enveloping your senses in your vision and the magic of cultivating a nourishing community while steering clear of the negative. If you're set to embark on a transformative journey, don't miss the chance to harness the enriching tools offered by Lotus Life Mastery through their free workshops and a 21-day meditation series, all designed to guide you to a place of abundance and vitality.


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Good morning. I'm your host, laura Vagankanesh, owner and CEO of Mosaic Business Consulting, and you're listening to the Mosaic Life with Laura W. A mosaic is a bunch of pieces that, when put together, make up the whole in a really beautiful way, and this show plans to discuss the various pieces of a business throughout different industries and how these pieces, when put together, can help develop a better, more efficient and effective running of your business. To reach me, contact bizradious. Our guest this morning is none other than Sandhya Maheshwari, and I absolutely love her name. It's adorable, it's beautiful, so just much, much like her, so I'm excited to have her on the show.


Sandhya is a transformational life coach through her company, lotus Life Mastery, which I also love. I'd love for her to talk about the business name too. She has been in the personal and professional training and development industry for over two decades. Her clients produce extraordinary results in the area of their health and well-being, relationships, career time and money. Sundhya offers free workshops and discovery sessions for those who are ready and willing to take action, to move beyond where they are to where they would love to be, and she empowers her clients with rigor and compassion to create and live a life by design, and I love that. A life by design and on a personal note, she simply brings joy to every encounter. So please welcome me. Welcome to the show, sanjaya. It's so good to have you here. Thank you, laura.


Thank you very much, and Lotus Life Mastery, as you asked about the name of my company, a lotus is India's national flower, and a lotus in India you will find it growing in swamps, and so when I came to this country, we call them water lilies, you know, and they are in these pristine, beautiful little ponds and areas, right, but it's not like that in India. So in.


India. You see a swamp, but then there is a lotus flower and it is untouched by its environment. And that's what I do I help people access that part of themselves, okay, and rise above the muck and create and design a life that they want for themselves.


Oh, I absolutely love that. Rise above the muck. Yeah, I've got her. That could be like a tagline rise. It's fantastic. I am kind of wondering. You know you say you've been doing this for over two decades. I'm curious what prompted you to be interested in helping others find their true path.


I'm going to answer this question in two ways. Yeah, first. Firstly, since I was a little girl, I've always had a passion for teaching and, by the grace of God, I've just had an affinity for people, an affinity for communication, and being with people has always come to me very naturally. Okay, now, life happened to me. I came to this country when I was 19, got married, had children after nine and a half years of marriage, experienced being divorced and being a single mother for 13 years, and it was at that time when I went within, deep within myself, and was willing and ready to do the work that was needed to be the best mother that I could be and also to make sure that my children had everything they needed, even though mom and dad were no longer together. So that's what got me into the personal transformation journey at the onset.


Once I got into personal development for myself and began to really take on the opportunities to volunteer and assist and coach other people, it was just. It just gave me more life. The more I gave, the more I received, and that's what set me on the path. Now, mind you, I had a corporate career. I was in billing and finance with an IT company for 16 years and before that I was in banking and I continued my personal development work in the evenings and on the weekends. I did a lot of volunteering okay and.


I coached a lot of people, one-on-one and in groups. So this is. So here I am. I'm using the tools of personal transformation to navigate being a single mother, raising kids, also becoming effective and producing results in my corporate career. Meanwhile, in the heart of hearts, I always wanted to do more of that expand and teach and empower people. So once the children were on their own and I, I got remarried and I have a husband who is very supportive of what I do and I met him in this personal quest and in also on this. He's also on the same path of personal development, so that was very important to me. I wanted somebody who was up to his own transformation, because that's that's important to me, you know yeah.


I'm being married after being a single mother. It's like come on, you know I want a partner?


yeah, exactly. It's time to move on time to time, to keep growing yeah, exactly so that that's a little bit about what got me over here.


And then, after the corporate career, it was like, okay, you know what, what do I want to do? Then, after the corporate career, it was like, okay, you know what, what do I want to do? This is the key question I asked myself what would I love to do for the rest of my life that I can do until the end of my days? And it was a no brainer doing what I love to do teaching and empowering people.


Yeah, and that's when I got my certification, and so much we hear about transformation transformation of a life and when I think about it, it's kind of like this huge word, because what is a true transformation? I think? I bring this up because I feel like some people make transformations in small, itty-bitty steps, while others have a curveball thrown into their life that they then have this massive transformation right. And so what? How is it that you know, what is it that you do that helps people actually transform their current life or their current situation, from where they are and design it as you indicate, to where they want to?


be Such a great question, and it's different for everyone what transformation looks like. So I work with entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs. I have worked with nurses, with VPs of banks in Pittsburgh all different kinds of people doing all different things and they are on their journey. All different kinds of people doing all different things and they are on their journey. Some people are dealing with a divorce. Some people are dealing with a marriage of you know couple, decades, but there's no fulfillment or joy and, mind you, everything affects every other aspect of your life.






So, and whatever somebody is going through, right, we can't, we can never say, oh, that's not a big deal. Oh, look at that one, you know they're going through a lot more than you're going to know. It's a big deal. Just like losing 10 pounds for a woman who, uh, you know, weighs already 125 pounds, is a big deal than for something. So somebody who needs to lose, you know, 25 or 40 pounds. So my job is to listen, listen for what's important to them, what they're dealing with, what they really care about, and, in the process of listening, keenly, without judgment. That's key, because everyone is doing the best they know to do from where they are, with what they have, exactly Okay. But the important thing is what are they dealing with and where would they like to be? What's not working for them?


Well, and you know, when I also think about transformation, it's like you talk about where they want to be. So many times I've talked to people about their companies. Or I've talked to people about where they are in life and I'll ask well, where do you want to be, where do you you know, and what do you envision your future to be? And they'll say to me well, oh, because, just like in a company. I'll say you know, where do you see this company going in 10 or 20 years? And they're like I don't even know where I'm going next month. What are you talking about? And so I feel like you know, can you talk to me about how you get somebody to envision, to a vision, or to envision their future?


That is one of the first things that I do with my prospects and my clients, those who I work with. It's like, it's so simple. Let me start with an analogy so our audience can really get it. And it's like if I want to go to a grocery store to pick up a container of a carton of oat milk, I have a choice. Ok, I can go to Trader Joe's, I can go to Whole Foods, I can go to Ingalls Right?


And these are you're you're like confusing me right?


Well, I have a choice, but I have to make a choice and I have to know where I'm going. I can't just sit in my car and it's like, oh you know what, I'll just, you know, just drive, start driving and maybe I'll bump into something.


Or maybe the car will take me where I need to go.


But nowadays the cars do take you where you want to go.


Yeah yeah, and very few of us are that blessed in life where things just all fall in place. But even then, there has been some work done. There has been an intention that has been created. There has been a clarity at some level. You've got to know what you want. Just simple, it could be as simple as you know. When we were in you know, we were in Pittsburgh before we came to Asheittsburgh, before we came to ashville we knew we wanted to come to ashville, okay, but it's not like, oh yeah, we want to move out of pittsburgh, I don't know where we want to go. No, we were clear.


So whether you're in business, or whether you want to be in a relationship, or if you have a health goal, or or, or whatever it is. You gotta have an idea, a picture, some words that articulate clearly what it is that you want and, more importantly, not just want. What would you love in this particular area of?


life. And so when you talk about that, are you saying like, make a vision board or you know, and cut out from magazines pictures of the life you want, or are you saying more along the lines of journaling? How do you get somebody to really paint that picture in their mind so it's firm in their brain, Beautiful.


Everything you said about, whether it's vision board, cutting out pictures or journaling, it's different. People express themselves differently.


And this is where it's really key to listen to, where the client is, where the person who I am connecting with is okay, if they are. I always begin with the question what would you love, just tell me, if money was not a concern? Okay, if things were going the way you want it. What would your life look like? Okay, if you were living in your home or had the career, or had the job. What is your experience? Simply express in words, just articulate. So that's where I begin. Okay, articulating with words, painting a picture with your words, so that's where I begin. And then getting them again. Tell me more. What does that feel like?


So, there's the picturing first, so there's the idea, then there's the words, then there's the picturing, and then you add the feeling and the emotion to it. You add the feeling and the emotion to it, yeah, because and the feeling and the emotion is very, very important Because, you know what? There's a lot of things that we would want, that we want, or people may want, and people think that they want, mm, hmm, but when you really love something and you really know that it's important to you and it just makes your heart sing and you're always thinking about it and it makes you feel good, well, guess what? That's the thing that you're going to move forward with.


Yeah, exactly. Well, and I think you're talking about how we internalize the information right and when it sticks, when it takes hold is when we're emotionally connected to it. Always saying five sensorize it, in other words, you know make sure you're connecting your five senses to that vision.


Think about what does it feel like? What does it look like? You know, what does it taste like? Well, you know, if it's, you know whatever it is, it's five, sensorize it.


So how do you get somebody who, let's say somebody's not just lost and unsure about where they want to go, but maybe feeling a little depressed? How do you get them from that to the vision? Are there steps that they can take that help them?


Are there steps that they can take that help them maybe appreciate life or appreciate where they're at, so that they can appreciate the journey? Absolutely yes, we got to start with where they are. And what would they like to do? Well, really. Also, you know when somebody is going through a really difficult time, like you mentioned the word depression.


So I am not a therapist, I am a transformational coach. In my coaching experience with my clients, when I come to a point where I noticed that there is something really deep in here that they would be served better with a therapist, I've actually referred them to a therapist. I have therapists who I refer people to. Now that doesn't mean that they discontinue working with me. No, because I am always working with them into what they are creating for their future. The therapist works with them on things that have happened in the past that may be really constricting them, be really constricting them. Okay so, but I just wanted to put that in the space. Now, coming back to your question, we always again begin with asking people what is it that's important to them? So, for example, okay, so if somebody's going through a difficult time in their life, we can call it depression, we can call it whatever. There are some basic things that feel good for everyone. Nourishment is one is one. How many times we are not giving our body what nourishing foods that would help us?


Hey, hey, hey, hey hey hey, now you're talking, you know hey, hey, hey, and then and then there is water or fresh air and being with people and connecting with people. You know that's another thing. When you're on a transformational journey, it becomes very important to choose the communities and groups that are going to forward your journey and separate yourself responsibly and effectively from those people who are not supporting that path, and that's a difficult one for a lot of people.


We often, I think, don't realize the impact that other people are having on our decision makingmaking, on our processes as we move through life. Right, we don't, yeah. So I am kind of wondering, like, with everything that you do, do you have anything coming up that would help people get a sense of what you do and you know what you do and you know have an opportunity to get to learn more about you? In that sense, I recall you mentioning there was something coming up and it'd be great to learn more, absolutely.


So there's two things I would like to give to all the listeners, first of all. First of all, each person is on their own individual, unique journey, right? So I'm offering a 15-minute no strings attached conversation and all you need to do to go to my calendar link is beyondyourblockscom. Again, it's beyondyourblocks with an S in the end com. That's my calendar link and you know, set up a time so we can have a conversation to serve you individually and for you to get a sense of some of the work that I do. I am also a speaker and I'm a part of the Western North Carolina Speakers Association, and right around the corner, in a few days, may 9th, on Thursday at 9am, there is an event happening at AB Tech and this is being hosted by Voices for Asheville.


It's being hosted by Voices for.


Asheville oh wow, yes, so Voices of Asheville. Right here is the Western North Carolina WNC National Speakers Association. It's a chapter for the National Speakers Association. So yes, absolutely, I'm going to be there. Woo-hoo, and go to LotusLifeasterycom is my website and find me on social media Lotus Life Mastery and get in touch with me and you will always see opportunities for my free workshops and I also have 21-day meditation series for abundance and health. So just ask, get in touch with me and I'll be happy to connect with you, fantastic Well.


Thank you so much for all this wonderful information, sanjaya. I really appreciate it and I really want to thank you, the audience, for listening to the Mosaic Life with Laura W. You can listen to this episode again and get this great content, or listen to other great hosts and their shows by going to bizradious and clicking on shows. Thanks so much for listening. Have a great rest of your day.