Life, Health & The Universe

Part 3 Guide To Universal Living: Embracing Dragon Power - Spiritual Empowerment and Energetic Mastery

March 15, 2024 Nadine Shaw Season 9 Episode 3
Part 3 Guide To Universal Living: Embracing Dragon Power - Spiritual Empowerment and Energetic Mastery
Life, Health & The Universe
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Life, Health & The Universe
Part 3 Guide To Universal Living: Embracing Dragon Power - Spiritual Empowerment and Energetic Mastery
Mar 15, 2024 Season 9 Episode 3
Nadine Shaw

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Unlock the secrets to personal and spiritual empowerment as Laverne Proctor and I traverse the mystical landscape of Dragon Power.  Part 3 of 'Guide To Universal Living'  is an invitation to those seeking to rejuvenate their ethereal body and master the art of Transference Healing. We discuss the ritualistic process that awakens your inner magician, emphasising the potency of codes, formulas, and keys to subtle energy work. With our guidance, you will find tranquility in surrendering the ego and learn to let this esoteric technology work its gentle wonders, bringing about transformative changes in your life.

Picture your energy system as a car's fuel tanks, needing replenishment to maintain your health and vitality. Our conversation delves into the practical benefits of Dragon power, illustrating how it can clear stuck energy, activate chakras, and help us adapt to the earth's evolving vibrations. This episode is not just an exploration but a practical guide to nurturing our interdimensional body, offering a form of revitalisation that eclipses conventional methods.

Lastly, we shine a light on the profound shift that occurs when Dragon Power becomes part of your daily ritual, akin to the dedication needed for a healthy lifestyle. We discuss its protective qualities against negative influences and its pivotal role in personal growth and empowerment. With special insights from Nadine on the transformative energy of Dragon Power, this thought-provoking episode is a treasure trove for those ready to enrich their daily existence with a touch of the extraordinary.

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Unlock the secrets to personal and spiritual empowerment as Laverne Proctor and I traverse the mystical landscape of Dragon Power.  Part 3 of 'Guide To Universal Living'  is an invitation to those seeking to rejuvenate their ethereal body and master the art of Transference Healing. We discuss the ritualistic process that awakens your inner magician, emphasising the potency of codes, formulas, and keys to subtle energy work. With our guidance, you will find tranquility in surrendering the ego and learn to let this esoteric technology work its gentle wonders, bringing about transformative changes in your life.

Picture your energy system as a car's fuel tanks, needing replenishment to maintain your health and vitality. Our conversation delves into the practical benefits of Dragon power, illustrating how it can clear stuck energy, activate chakras, and help us adapt to the earth's evolving vibrations. This episode is not just an exploration but a practical guide to nurturing our interdimensional body, offering a form of revitalisation that eclipses conventional methods.

Lastly, we shine a light on the profound shift that occurs when Dragon Power becomes part of your daily ritual, akin to the dedication needed for a healthy lifestyle. We discuss its protective qualities against negative influences and its pivotal role in personal growth and empowerment. With special insights from Nadine on the transformative energy of Dragon Power, this thought-provoking episode is a treasure trove for those ready to enrich their daily existence with a touch of the extraordinary.

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, it's Nadine here, and I'm here with this week's episode of Life, health and the Universe, and it is Friday, number three of the month. So I'm joined by Laverne. Hello, laverne, laverne Proctor, we are here with our series, part three of Guide to Universal Living, where, if you haven't checked it out already, you can go back over the podcast. You'll see that the icons are purple for these episodes and they're supported by meditation. This is part three. So we're basically exploring universal living and we are. This is called Guide to Universal Living and, laverne, you are the guide, I believe. Thanks, nadine, for the intro. You do such a great job, so it's lovely to be here again. It feels like forever. It's part three. It feels like we've known each other for a lifetime almost. So let me just kick off and, nadine, obviously wave at me if you want to ask a question. I'll create natural pauses, because if there's some key areas that you want to explore a bit further, we'll aim to cover off from your perspective. So look, so we're going to be learning some Dragon Power technology today, which is, we believe in, transmence, healing, the highest spiritual teaching for personal and spiritual empowerment, and I can't think about a better topic to share with listeners today, because you know we've just celebrated Chinese New Year and it's we've moved into the year of the Dragon Couple, with the fact I think it was part one we talked about Chiron in Aries, astrological transit, which is also about power, and so listeners could go back to part one and listen to the Chiron Aries. But really, today's about how to harness our Dragon Power to awaken the magician within, and you know we will put a caveat from. You know, nadine knows a bit more about this subject on this occasion because she's learned this procedure for herself. So you know, nadine, it'll be interesting to see if any particular questions come up. You know, as we go through it, because you're a bit more familiar with this topic. Yeah, cool, so we've got a question. Good, what's your question? I'll try not to ask too many questions.

Speaker 1:

You said technology. Yes, I just want to clarify what you mean by that. I don't know the exact sentence. I just wrote down the word technology. If, how does it relate to us? Very good question.

Speaker 1:

Behind every energy procedure we work with in transference, healing, there is technology, and I guess the best way to describe what I mean by that. There are codes, there are formulas Right Behind these procedures. So you know you could be working with a procedure and think, oh well, that wasn't much, but there's a whole technology of formulas, codes and keys behind those procedures that are actually doing the work. Okay, so that's a really good lead in because you know you don't have to be active in transference healing to work with DragonPAR. So I would encourage listeners to give this a go and take notice of what changes it might create. You know might be very subtle. The great thing is you don't even have to understand this technology and work with it, right the way Alexis Cartwright has designed and imprinted the energy and the technology behind procedures. If you just follow a procedure the way it's taught, the technology runs. Okay, yep, so all we need to do is one well, how do I, how do I work with DragonPAR? What's the procedure? And then just understand what that is, but then simply surrender our ego, move from our mind, letting go of any preconceived ideas we might have, connect through our heart and then come into a place of stillness.

Speaker 1:

Now, most people who work with the meditation understand you know well how do we come into a point of stillness, but the codes and keys behind the energy procedure that we will be sharing today, that do the work. Okay, right, yep, and I always say to people, when I'm sharing a procedure, we'll call them procedures because it's, you know, it's the simplest way for people to get their head around it. The more you run the energy, the more you work with a procedure, the more that energy will run for you and the more you'll experience the magic behind it. Okay, so it takes a bit of a leap of faith. If you're new to energy, new to giving energy ago, it takes a leap of faith to begin with. But if you truly surrender, if you really go into your heart, if you go into a point of stillness and you run a particular procedure in this case, today we're going to be working with DragonPath it will do what it needs to do. You just have to surrender and let go.

Speaker 1:

Cool, so procedures, basically a process, like a step by step process, right, brilliant. So there's another way of saying it. You know, some people hear that word and say what, what are you going to do, like a medical procedure on me? But yes, it's the process, it's a step by step. It's almost like my experience of it ritualistic that's a beautiful way of describing it, because it is ritualistic and we try and find terms that people understand. But when you, you know, when we, when I get to show how you do this, people understand. Okay, I understand what you call a procedure. Yes, it's a step by step. Follow this step one, two, three, four, do exactly how it's been shown. But it is a very realistic, sorry, ritualistic process. So it's a beautiful term. So I love the fact that you've done that.

Speaker 1:

But before I start talking about how to run a dragon procedure, it feels like helpful to understand the essence of what dragon power actually is. Right, you and I've had the luxury of time. I've shared information with you. You've now got the Beyond Always book, so you can look up this whole chapter on this, which goes down to a whole other level of detail that I'm only going to touch on today.

Speaker 1:

But most people love a good story about you know, movies featuring a mystical dragon, and some that come to mind for me that are my favorites is, you know, like the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. You know I love how to train your dragon with hiccup in his biking community, and then the third one that really comes up for me is Avatar, and you can look at those movies and you sort of get an imprint what dragon represents. You know, I don't know if any. You know, is there any favorite movie of yours that comes Lord of the Rings? Well, you know it was on my list. I thought, oh, if I had to pick three, I'm glad you said Lord of the Rings, because that sort of presented a dragon in a very particular way. And if you look at each of those movies and any other movie you know there's so many they depict dragons in a certain way.

Speaker 1:

But you know, from a mythological perspective these stories represent very different qualities and attributes and on the whole you could best see dragons as powerful guardians of people or sacred objects. So definitely in the Lord of the Rings it was. You know the dragon was protecting a sacred object, wasn't it? Yeah? And but they're also seen as very strong, having a very strong presence about them, don't they? And particularly for those that prefer befriend a dragon. But they can also be seen as very fierce towards those who they, who have, you know, bad intentions, so to speak.

Speaker 1:

But we also associate dragons with wizards and great heroes, and these dragons are holders of great knowledge and wisdom and they represent sovereignty and kingship, and they also have a presence of humility because they are so powerful, dragons are so powerful, their presence are so huge. But you are, if you notice, in these movies, movies rather than assert their power, they assume more of a defensive position, right? Or one that seeks to protect. Yeah, I was going to say they're like the protectors, aren't they, right? So it gives you a little bit of an imprint of what's dragon. You know what is dragon, what's the essence of dragon? It sort of gives you an imprint. Oh, okay, so this is an aspect of what I'm going to be working with when I'm working with dragon power, and we'll reveal more as we move forward.

Speaker 1:

So dragon is also associated with the lineage of universal teachings right Passed down from ancient times dating back as far as the mystery schools of Lemuria, and over the ages, different ancient cultures and traditions have embraced the essence of dragon magic and ancient spiritual masters, including, like the ancient Marji like Moses was a Marji right Buddhist monks. You know, certain Buddhist monks are Marji Samurai warriors, and even Kwon Yen and Morgan Lefe are said to have held this knowledge. And these people were all guided to undergo initiations around self-empowerment and, depending on their lineage interpretation, they learned to hold a vibration that enabled them to embody spiritual principles of empowerment. So the more they mastered its attributes, the more self-empowered they became, allowing this dragon magic, so to speak, to awaken and for them to hold a state of presence of the knowledge, wisdom, pure power, but from a place of humility. So attributes of this lineage have been handed down throughout the ages. A more classic example that most listeners would be more familiar with is certain martial arts teachings and practices in their most authentic form. So you can sort of get more of an imprint of this Now.

Speaker 1:

Merlin is also associated with this lineage of teachings and in Transference Healing we call this dragon power, which is what I've stated up front, and we see dragon powers the most profound source of power on the planet and an essential teaching that supports healing because it supports our connection to divine feminine. The divine feminine, it supports the awakening of the power of alchemy within to heal our heart and our soul level of our being. So, essentially for us in Transference Healing, we see Merlin as the divine's ascended master that holds the dragon power lineage of teachings supporting humanity at this time. Okay, so this is our belief and you can read more about that in the Beyond Always book. So for Transference Healers, we see the dragon as a lineage of universal teachings and dragon power is a technology, an energetic process that we work with as a vital foundation to support our self healing and self mastery process at this time on earth. So we work with dragon power a lot.

Speaker 1:

It's part of our daily life but, as I said up front, anyone can learn to work with this right and it doesn't matter what work of life sorry walk of life you're leading. You know you don't have to be in Transference Healing, you don't have to be running energy per se. So I would encourage people you know, step outside the square and, you know, give this a try to see what it creates for you. So anyone and every anyone can work with it and it is very straightforward to learn, isn't it, nadine? Yeah, definitely, it's very unassuming, it's very simple. But the more you work with it, it's like going to the gym the more you go to the gym and work with your weights, the bigger the results you see. Yeah, the more you work with energy, the more you will see the magic and the power of this procedure. Okay, but you know. So you have to take a bit of a leap of faith to begin with. Yeah, definitely. So, look, we're going to be covering how to work with the procedure separately, so people can go straight to that.

Speaker 1:

But I felt that it would be good to sort of talk to what are the three main benefits of working with Dragon Path, because, you know, depending on your level of understanding and depending on you know whether you're working with energy or not today, there are different benefits. So I'm going to talk to three key benefits and one is around health generally. One is around protection and the third one is really around personal growth and spiritual empowerment. So health one is probably the most relevant for most listeners listening and you know it's really useful and I work with this every day. And, yeah, I was taking my hand up.

Speaker 1:

I don't want you to go off on a tangent, I don't want to interrupt you, but I was going to ask if we could kind of get some examples of you know of each thing and like what? Is there anything that? Because we kind of because you and I, right, we are consciously aware that we need to do things in our everyday life, whether that's physical exercise, whether that's spiritual practices, whether that's connecting with nature we have acknowledged personally just through our lives, that they're things that we benefit from and that we need and that support us. But if you're average Joe going down the street well, I've talked to you about this in previous episodes Like, do they come? Is it like people come to a crossroads? Is that the thing, like we're trying to encourage people to do this stuff before you come to a crossroads? Right, and that's again a very good leading, because, against these three aspects I'm going to point to, well, why might you use this procedure? Okay, so that that will definitely come through.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, from a health perspective, we would work with Dragon power because it resources ourselves. Right, so there's an aspect of it that is very powerful resource tool. Okay, so, on this level, we're energetically pulling in the elements, the unseen elements of the earth, into our ethnic body, and I'll explain well what's. You know what's the difference in it? That on our ethnic bodies, our energy system, right, so there's two things there. We're working with the elements. So, you know, rather than walking out in nature and going for walk and picking up the elements by walking in nature or sitting in nature, running this procedure, you're pulling in those elements and you're resourcing the body and as we do so, what we're actually doing on another level is we're resourcing our store house energy, and the store house is where we store our energy reserves.

Speaker 1:

The best way to just to understand this is like a tank of petrol. You know you have a tank of petrol and then you have a reserve tank, don't you? And so this is on a different level. This is not on our, this is not in our physical form, right, because we have energy for our physical form. But you're talking about like in, where you said a theric. Does that mean like in our aura and in our energy body, body, our aura? So that's outside of our physical body. It's outside that that filters and keeps re-energized in the body, because everything starts from outside, in our outer fields, and then filters into our physical.

Speaker 1:

So if our energy reserves and our tank reserve tank is empty, then the body can't naturally resource itself, as we understand. So, sitting in a chair, sleeping, our bodies resourcing itself, isn't it? So it's just along that concept, but if we're not able to? So basically, this procedure will resource our energy levels by working with this procedure and the types of symptoms when we're running low in energy on a physical level, we know, don't we? Because the types of symptoms are coming up while we're feeling very depleted, aren't we Physically, emotionally, energetically, lethargy? We generally feel low. So by the time if our energy reserves are depleted, it shows up in the physical that we've got no energy. And there's so much energy at play in our lives.

Speaker 1:

You think about. We've got running tight schedules, projects, family commitments and so forth, and it's easy for our energy levels to drop, and to drop actually quite quickly, and before we know it we're running on our reserve tank. We'll call it the reserve tank. So if it was a car, you know what that means. Right, I've got to get to the petrol station soon because actually my car's gonna stop.

Speaker 1:

So the principle applies to a human right and if we keep ignoring this, we find that we've come very depleted and can get to the point that we can no longer naturally resource. So basically, if you think about it, you might find that you can't sleep at night and that worsens general rest and other forms of resourcing, whether it's going for a walk, going to the gym, meditating, going to yoga. Those sort of resourcing activities become less effective because we've hit that point. We're in the reserve tank and that reserve tank is lowering and lowering and lowering. Okay. So the body can't naturally resource itself, okay.

Speaker 1:

Over time, this creates symptomatic pain, it brings up genetic weaknesses and we're still people manifest serious dis-ease, illness, right. So this is why it's important At some point you hit a wall on the physical level because you can't naturally resource and it really impacts you on the physical and it will show up. Whatever your genetic weakness is, it will show up, okay. And this happens because the body simply can't resource quickly or effectively enough and naturally heal without some intervention. And this is where driving power procedure can really play its part, because we know that the body is incredibly sophisticated with an inbuilt capability to heal itself naturally. But if the body is so depleted where it's no longer able to naturally resource, deep levels of depletion can take hold. So working with drag and power is a way to resource.

Speaker 1:

So we are maintaining, continuously topping up our main tank of energy and our reserve tank of energy. So, in effect, working with this procedure to stay to the day, we are preventatively caring for ourselves, aren't we? It's just another way, but like taking your vitamins, like taking your vitamins. This is a fifth dimensional consciousness way of working with yourself, right, but this procedure also supports energetically clearing stuck energy that we haven't been able to clear naturally. And when we're working with driving power, we are delegating our personal will, we're connecting with our higher self, who is then delegating an energetic activation of our chakras system when we're running this procedure, and this supports the body and consciousness to receive and respond to higher frequencies that are naturally coming through to the planet now and is supporting our ability to absorb finer elements and nutrients from the earth as the earth shifts into a higher vibration.

Speaker 1:

Now we talked about the earth changes that our body has effectively changed in podcast too, so we're talking detail about that. So it was worth going back to that that simply we're supporting the finer elements to be effectively absorbed into our body. Okay, because the earth is evolving, we have to evolve with it. Listen to podcast too. So as we clear old, stagnated energy within our energy field, we're clearing old emotional pain, and when we do this again, we can more effectively resource revitalize our storehouse of energy. So, from a health perspective, we can support the sustainability of our health and wellness, our vitality, in a way that no other method can achieve the same result so quickly. Right, and so we're tapping into our interdimensional body to resource, re-energize, revitalize.

Speaker 1:

So we're not just working on a physical level, so there's a bigger impact that we can create for ourselves. And I emphasize, anyone can do this right, anyone and you just have to have the faith and trust and you just have to keep working with it and building it. So the knock on effect is that we're lifting our vibrations. So, as the planetary system is lifting in vibration, we're lifting our vibration, we're coming into alignment with the earth and we're more able to hold a higher state of consciousness and we're able to create a higher way of being a living and we can hold more light in our body and consciousness. And holding light in our body, which is a whole, nother conversation is absolutely critical at this time. So when we're working with energy, we know we're working beyond the third dimensional, aren't we? We know we're working from a different state of consciousness, which is a very effective way to care for ourselves preventatively. And when we need to take you know, when we need to take mainstream medicine, it will complement whatever we're taking from a mainstream perspective, or whatever you know medicine or modality we're working with, we can support ourselves energetically and it will complement anything, because energy is working on a root cause for dis-ease in the body that manifests. So we're really, you know, we're tapping into the body on an interdimensional level. All right, does that sort of give you a clear snapshot from health what the practical rationale would be for I think? Yeah, I'm kind of going with the.

Speaker 1:

It's like it's one of those things you can put into your daily routine and I'm all about like the small things consistently done over time are going to lead to the biggest results. Right? This is no different from what you're saying. It's like, as I said, it's like medicine. It's your vitamins. Find a point in your day where you can do this procedure. It doesn't take very long. If you can find that point in the day where you do it consistently over time, you'll notice the benefits. Just like the first time you do it. You know the first time you take your vitamins you might be like don't notice anything, but you take them consistently. You know you have a clean diet, go to bed on time, all of those little things that you make tweaks with over time. You start to feel better and the beauty of this is that you don't have to go anywhere, you don't have to pay for it. These are things that are available to all of us for free if we choose to use them. So, like, when it comes to health, like it's a no-brainer, right? If this is going to be something that can support your health naturally, then it's a no-brainer. You've got to try it and that's a great, you know great summary.

Speaker 1:

So the second reason why you would work with Dragon Power is protection. So it's a very productive energy and when we're working with it, it creates a natural shield of protection around us, right? So, whether you know we, whether there's like negative projection towards us, something generally, you know someone's having a generally bad day and they're projecting their frustration, anger or negative emotion towards you. You know it could be someone having a power play with you. You know it was like trying to create conflict with you and you're feeling under attack. You know whether it's physically or emotionally or otherwise, you know. You just feel you need that protective shield around you. Dragon Power is great for this.

Speaker 1:

So by working with Dragon Power on this level, you're basically creating an energetic shield of projection protection, not projection which gives you the strength in reserve to hold your sense of self in any situation and you let your less likely to leak energy, right, if you're not licking energy, then you're not depleting your energy reserves. And think about that in like a circumstance for example, you're at work and your co-worker or your boss has cracked the shits with you and that leaking of energy could be seen as you getting highly stressed, your heart rate going up, you know, going home not sleeping well, that's their kind of the ways that we can leak that energy. So, rather than absorb that energy, you just kind of go fill with your shield. Fantastic explanation. So, basically, you feel less impacted by others and you know, and what process other people are going through in their life, right? So, yes, it's sort of in the nicest possible, it sort of repels. You just don't feel as though you're being impacted by that and you feel you know if you feel under attack, rather than counter attacking, you're more able to hold your sense of self. We call it holding your light and you feel like this shield of protection, like a spear of light around you. That it's. You're more able to hold your sense of self and not go into reaction. So it's very powerful and so you know you feel less compelled to go into a trigger response, aren't you? Or leak, as you said rightly, leak energy to a situation or circumstance that's playing out. It enables you to conserve your energy, which links back into your health health and not leak energy unnecessarily. Right, so it's very powerful.

Speaker 1:

So, but from a protection perspective, it's about holding, holding your sense of self in situations where you feel you're being impacted by others. Right, so that's the second reason why you would give this a go. Yep, the third benefit. There's two levels, because I've bundled personal growth and spiritual empowerment in that. So I'm going to break it down a bit.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, think, think about it like this when you hold your sense of self in any situation that would typically, typically create a reaction or response from you and you don't respond, you know you might need to walk away and collect yourself. You might have to walk away and run the procedure again, but you and if you do, you will definitely feel a sense of shift within you. You know I've done this, that. You know I've been in a situation of walked away, I've run, driving pound, I've walked back in and suddenly that situation has completely diffused. Right, so you can, you know you can settle and find peace of mind in the moment. Right, that you find yourself in a situation and continue a day and not get caught up in something playing out Okay.

Speaker 1:

So on a personal growth level, if you can do this consistently, you are supporting in a natural resourcing process, but you're also co creating a high reality because you're not getting caught up in drama and chaos, are you? Because you're? You know you're walking away from situations that aren't serving you and you know, if you're running this procedure, you might find that situation dissolves very quickly and I've seen this happen consistently and suddenly what could have played out no longer plays out. Now, when we are conscious of our patterning and what is playing out in our reality. This is 80% of the problem, of the problem solved, isn't it? Because from this point of awareness, we can choose to reframe our thoughts and do something different, and reframe what we would normally do and not actually do it. You know, and working with Dragon Pie, you can actually accelerate yourself through a process of learning curves, of understanding the things that don't have to be how they tend to play out, which is what I was just saying. You know you could see something about to play out. Walk away, run Dragon Pie, walk back in and imagine when you're working with Dragon Pie a lot. It doesn't play out Okay. So you accelerate yourself through a process of learning. You don't have to go down that rabbit hole, so to speak. Cool. So these.

Speaker 1:

So those times we feel we're under attack, when something is put in front of us to test us, to see if we can hold our sense of self, you know, hold our light, hold our higher vibration and not go into all patterning. And by working with Dragon Pie consistently, you will be working through whatever comes your way with more ease and grace, right? So it supports us in holding a higher vibration. It supports us to hold a sense of self in times of conflict, because it creates that shield. Yeah, and when you think about it like that, when you're holding a higher vibration, you're not getting caught up in others people's negativity, you're not getting dragged down by other people's projections or perceptions by others off yourself.

Speaker 1:

You know, and from an energetic perspective, a shield of energy is created which, as you've said, sort of repels whatever's going on for that other person and whatever they're projecting, you know, and if there's a learning for them in that, if you're just holding the universe, it will orchestrate that you don't have to do anything, right? So it is essential and I underline this when I teach people this it's really essential to work with Dragon Power constructively, right? So we need to let go of our ego and take it out of the equation and surrendering and letting go of attachments to what plays out, because it's not about using Dragon Power to create an counterattack. It's not about that, right. It's about holding and that, dissolving quickly whatever's playing out. And if there is, as I said, a learning for the other person, the universe will bring them a learning to help them, you know, evolve and grow.

Speaker 1:

So, when working with Dragon Power procedure, it's really about working from the purest place and intention. Right, you don't set this up to say you know, all of you over there are projecting on to me. I'm putting this up because you're in a bad place and I don't want to. You know, I don't want you to impact my energy. It's just about understanding that. You know everyone goes through it. We all go through our processes. We all have days where we're projecting. You know, we're just not on form, we're just not the best version of ourselves. So it's really important to come from a place of compassion and unconditional love for the self and others when working with this right. We're not setting it up to teach others something, if that makes sense, yes, so I think that's a really important point from my perspective.

Speaker 1:

So it really is about working from a place of purity, integrity, unity, you know higher consciousness and from our hearts, and, if that supports us, to hold our energy, keep resourcing, not be impacted by. You know what's going on outside ourselves, you know whether it's energy plays or projections, and just hold a sense, hold a space for others to do and feel what they need to feel, and we don't get caught up in that. Then it's a beautiful procedure to be working with. I think also, like you said, holding the space for others, but I think holding the space for yourself and also like being take some practice right to go.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I need to step back and, you know, protect myself from reacting or whatever it is, and you know it can be. It doesn't have to be like an argument or something. It can be something that just brings something up for you where you want to. You know, push someone away or block something out, but by using it and having that time, if you do have that kind of instinctual feeling of I want to react, I want to step away. I want to you know, hide, whatever they are. You can use that as an opportunity to not react, not do what you instinctively want to do and go where does that, where did that come from? And give yourself some space to explore what's going on and whether you know that's actually real for you anymore.

Speaker 1:

Anna-dim, you are absolutely on the money. Anything we do from transparency and I'd like to say that would be for all energy modalities out there it's first and foremost for yourself to work on yourself, tools to support yourself, clearing you know whatever is coming up for you and drawing power for yourself is about, so you can hold and not necessarily go into that knee jerk. So, yes, absolutely fit almost for yourself. No, it doesn't, as you say, it doesn't have to be someone doing. It could be emotion coming up for you towards someone and stopping you from projecting on that person Right, and so I do maintain, you know, yes, first and foremost it's for the self. So that's very well picked up. Thanks for that.

Speaker 1:

So now from a spiritual, so just finally, from a spiritual benefit, and this is for someone who is really consciously seeking to master spiritually and seeking spiritual impairment. You know, these people are really working proactively on healing themselves. They're seeking to self master and are seeking to embody divine gifts and talents. You know they're really working on that level. So this is probably the top level. Well, top I say top level this would be the pinnacle of what dragon power can create and support when you're working on this level. Okay, basically, these people, you know they can work with dragon pad.

Speaker 1:

These type of people can work with dragon pad to support themselves, to accelerate their ascension process, because these people are on a fast track. They know they're here to fast track their ascension. You know master more in daily life and basically, you know walk the path of initiate and ascending master ship. So you know it supports these types of people move through their weaknesses, their limitations and restrictions so that they can embody their higher self and their divine self. You know these people are walking the path of the initiatives I just said and of higher spiritual teachings, and you know spiritual permanent is a big part of their purpose in their life. And so you could say these people are on a mission.

Speaker 1:

You know these types of people are on a mission to get somewhere and not only to self master in themselves but to support others in their ascension, spiritual awakening. So you know they're wishing to embody the what we call the attributes of divine will. And this is the pinnacle point of what dragon power supports you to create surrendering and embodying attributes of divine will, which is the highest teaching, right? So it's about truly coming into our heart, you know, really connecting and working from the higher self rather than ego and lower self. And they know they can accelerate, really accelerate, their ascension the more that they master the teachings of drawing power. So by mastering in the self and therefore becoming more spiritually and energetically impaired.

Speaker 1:

So this procedure a lot of people on the planet who are working with energy would be familiar with this procedure from a trans-sealant perspective, although they'll have something similar they're working with. Because the more impaired we become, the more we're able to shift our reality and create magic, right? But we need to sustain our energy and intent in a higher vibration and the more we can do this, the more we can create not only sustainable wellness. The more we own our power by sustaining a pure consciousness and energy, the more we can naturally counteract negativity around us and become vessels of light for others, right, I mean that's, that's the ultimate aim to be in service for others, be vessels of light, helping others, clear, negative or destructive, you know, energies that aren't supporting them. So the pinnacle really is. Yet, the more we operate from divine will, the more we master through our limitations of our lowest self and the ego and the weaknesses that you know prevent us from connecting to universal consciousness in a pure way. So this is a profound procedure for people who are working with energy.

Speaker 1:

And when we start to run our consciousness from divine will versus our personal will, we begin to really embody the ancient wisdom and knowledge of Merlin, symbolised by Dragon, supported by the procedure, dragon power and work more from instinctual knowing. And at this level it's about achieving higher spiritual attainment right, which is about empowerment, you know, personal and jetically spiritually. It's about harnessing the, the knowledge and wisdom and teachings of Merlin and ascended masters that have gone before. It's about purifying our emotions, our patterns of behaviour, our beliefs and similar things that stifle, nate, our true growth, what we call true growth and purifying our intent, you know, and it's about being conscious and aware of what's playing out in our lives and how we're responding right. So this level of teaching is about surrendering their ego, personal will, and coming into divine will and when we can master divine will, we're tapping into pure, the purest magic of Dragon power and we're becoming the magician within. So we're basically co-creating a reality.

Speaker 1:

But just to finish, really, you know, to bring it back to this reality so you can see, you know where, where we can go with it. You know, when we're looking to master on a whole level, spiritually, on the grassroots level, when you look, think about it like this, when we can hold an unwavering sense of self right in our environment and in circumstances that play out in our life, we're learning to master the dynamics in our life, aren't we? And to the point, no matter what comes our way, you know what's thrown at us, you know the curveballs we weren't expecting and just be able to hold, you know, hold that sense of self in the moment. Then we're starting to master more, aren't we? You know mastering in our life and we are also using, you know, it for protection, so that we don't feel we're under attack, that we, you know we're not being impacted by other people's energy and energy plays in our environment. So it's a really good tool, you know, for protection and resourcing.

Speaker 1:

So, on a very practical level, you know, day to day. Anyone can work with it. We've all got things in our life that this could really support, and when we can work with this, we're. What we're doing is we're walking the path of Merlin's lineage of teachings and learning to harness our dragon, because we all have our dragon to become the magician within. So it's a very powerful procedure and I think, more than ever, we all have to start understanding we have the internal resources to build our energy and work with our dragon. All we have to do is surrender and let go, come into our hearts, connect with a higher self. You know, you know, learn procedures like driving power that I've talked to, talked about today. Surrender more to our divine will versus personal will. So we're really tapping into our highest. Some say, right, what do I need to do today? You know, what does my highest self say I need to do today versus what is my personal will, and the more we can do this, the more magic we can co create in our life and literally, as I said, become magician. Cool, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so this is a chapter in itself. I've cut across the top of it. There's a whole chapter on this. Yeah, I've got the book in front of me. So you're going to do the procedure as the alternative to a meditation this week. Yes, I'm going to do the procedure and reference, obviously, the author of the Beyond the Waste book. There's a whole chapter on this and you can learn more about dragon, dragon power, merlin, mythical animal, dragon from Animal Magic.

Speaker 1:

I think there's something like this. You said a whole bunch of different words that help to resemble. You know, conjure up for us what dragon is all about, but I think it would be actually really helpful for individuals to do the same. Like what does it mean to you? What does the dragon look like? Like those kinds of things. Because if you can connect with what that dragon symbolizes for you as well, then you can kind of make it feel a bit more real when you and that's a really good point so for me, dragon, you know when I feel my dragon, so I see it as more of an energy.

Speaker 1:

You know fire? Yeah, fire, there's also water. Yeah, you feel your dragon rising, right, and you can see it rising. So the other term for that is like a trigger. Do you feel that dragon rising? So do you run the dragon power procedure to hold Step back? Yeah, right, yeah, that we're not being impacted or we're not Use the power in a different way. It's like, right, yeah, so that's one side. You know, when the dragon's coming up and like we're exploding, yeah, the wings explode, whatever the situation, and the converse to that is someone else is doing that and they can't control their dragon and you're just being protected. You're over the bubble, you know. So there's two sides to this and we've all got to be honest. We all allow our dragon to come out and you know, as you say, breathe fire, yeah, don't we? Yeah, totally yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, as I said, 80% of the awareness is understanding when you do it, having unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness when you do it. But understanding, well, you know what tools have I got that I could work with. That, you know I can refine that aspect of myself and work in a. You know, with pure intention that. You know I want to walk my path and not impact other people and at the same time, I don't want them to impact me in the nicest possible way. So I'm creating a space for myself, but I'm unconditional. That I understand. Well, we're all human and we all project. So it's not about saying they're a bad person and I'm so good because we all do it. You know we all have a bad day, but it's a tool that you can work with and just recognizing how you can work with it, recognize it coming up and how you can work with it is taking that step in your self-mastery process in a different way.

Speaker 1:

Working with energy, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's good You've inspired me to start using it again and I feel like so. When we spent some time last year we went through a process with Transference Healing and one of the procedures that came up multiple times for me from you when you ran the energy was Dragon Power. So I was using it. But I feel like and even when you sort of gave me the summary, I guess each time you've done a session you said I'm not sure why, but Dragon Power is showing up. It's really important for you to do this procedure. And so I did it.

Speaker 1:

But again, like we talked just before we hit record and you sort of said I wonder if it was to do with I was starting homeschooling and we had a bit of a power play thing going on the kids and I, my husband and I, trying to sort of find our feet and who's in charge and what does everyone need and that kind of thing. So you kind of said I think it's potentially that was coming up in those when you were running energy because of that. But now that I just listening to you talking about it today, I feel like I have a bit more of a connection with how I can use it outside of that. And even when we were talking just then and you know we were talking about or we've all got the dragon inside us and sometimes it can come out and you can blow your fire. But I was thinking you know what, sometimes, like if you, if someone says something to you in your heart, like how does my drag, like my dragon's, in there all the time? Like you say we've all got our dragon and I kind of picture mine sleeping.

Speaker 1:

But some of the words that you talked about were wisdom and protection and knowledge and having the knowledge, and where was all that? And recognizing in the moment. I said, 80% of our opportunity is our awareness and understanding what's going on. Right, yeah, and you know you can put drag and power up and I think something you were saying just then it's really important when you go to work with this procedure, do it like a ritual, do it like a meditation, where you are really pulling in the elements. And when I go through it, you'll understand how you're really pulling the elements into resource. You're really setting that intention and when that shield is coming around you, you're visualizing yourself in this pure space and intention so you're able to hold that sense of self. And with the able to hold that sense of self and in a state of soleness, it's when you you work with your wisdom and knowledge to see when something plays out in front of you, you're less likely for that dragon to come up and you hit.

Speaker 1:

But you know, there's still a self mastery process in that, right, because we have to remember, we have to be consciously conscious in the moment and we're running fast and it is so easy, so easy to get caught Right. So that's where the conditional love and compassion comes. Oh, you know I didn't, you know I didn't respond the way I want. So it's really trying to absorb the essence of this energy and hopefully people can re listen to this and really pick up on key things. But yeah, it doesn't guarantee you're not going to bring your dragging up, but it definitely, from an external perspective, you'll feel less impacted by others, right, and you'll have a greater sense of holding rather than responding as other people are going through their processes. Okay, so, yeah, you really have to work at it still, but, as I said, the more you work with it, it just it's just like magic, right? You know, and you're really tapping in, as we say, the Merlin magic, the he's the magician and you're really tapping in on that level. Yeah, cool, amazing.

Speaker 1:

So you're going to take us through that procedure in the second part, the supporting Correct Well, it's not meditation this time, it's the supporting procedure. So people will be able to. It's pretty simple, as you said, people will be able to listen to that, maybe one or two, three times, and then basically go ahead, and it's going to be a little bit more of a go ahead and it's quite simple to memorize and do it without having to relisten right over a period of time. Correct, right, and people. It's like, as I said before, it's like taking your medicine every day.

Speaker 1:

Find a spot like this is kind of one of the things that I've worked with clients on is finding habit formation, right. So finding a spot in your day where you feel like it's going to be going to work best for you and it doesn't. It can be like after you've cleaned your teeth, as soon as you've got out of bed in the morning, like, think about some of the things you've already got in your daily routine. Do you have a cup of coffee? Like, is there some? Is there like a little window that you could use? Then Think about all of the things you've already got in your daily routine and some of the places where doing this procedure might work so that you can start to integrate it into your everyday lives. And so it becomes like that second nature.

Speaker 1:

And another good example many, many years ago, when I was still in the corporate world but running energy. Another good place is you're walking into a meeting. You know is going to be a tough meeting, right, there's power plays going on. So I used to take myself into the bathroom. I'd run this procedure before I'd walk into a meeting. Yeah, and I was not impacted when I was in that meeting. So it didn't matter what was coming at me, it wasn't impacting me. Okay, yeah, great, and I wasn't. Yeah, and I wasn't reacting. Yeah, that's a good example. So it's like one of those things that we can kind of integrate into our everyday lives, but it can be, you can kind of use it on the fly as well. Absolutely, absolutely, great.

Speaker 1:

Is there anything else you want to add before we close for this? This note Look, we welcome questions because those questions will feed. I'm covering a topic that is actually so deep and if you listen to what I'm saying, your notes, I'm touching other things. Like you know, divine Will. Oh, look, we could do it. These are top, these are topics in themselves, right?

Speaker 1:

So I'm conscious of people have got questions to reach out to me on my website. You know, you can leave a message and I'm very responsive. You can leave a message and that might be something we feed back into another podcast or I definitely will answer. Okay, so I welcome questions and my website is probably the best place. You just, you know, leave a message on the contact page and I will get back to you. And you know, the more questions we get, it will trigger other topics that we. You know people saying, well, I'm actually interested in this, you've triggered me and I'm interested in this over here, you touched on that, so that would support that process. Yeah, great, perfect, and we'll also put a link to the book Beyond All Ways, which Dragon Power is in. We'll put that in the notes as well. It's a great.

Speaker 1:

Well, as you said in the beginning of the book that you sent me, it's a big read, but it's also a great reference book, right. You don't have to necessarily go from page one, right, the way through you can kind of go oh, what's, what's? Um, I'm drawing my interest. And that's a good point too, because I often say to people don't try and read chapter one, and you know, go through. It is like a Jacob's ladder, right, it's energetically huge. Yeah, you go and up Jacob's ladder as you go through the book, I will often say, click through the pages and you just say wherever I need, whatever I need to read today, I feel my highest good. And wherever you stop by flicking through the pages, yeah, and you may only read two, three paragraphs or two, three pages, because energetically it's huge. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I find with books like this, it's like you can read one sentence and you really have to some time and you kind of go hmm, if I quite get that and you kind of have to then go away and do your other things and then the penny will drop when it's in your everyday life right? Yeah, it's huge. It's a different way of reading, for sure. Yes, thank you so much, nadine. No worries, it's great to have you again and we'll see you next month. See you next month.

Dragon Power Universal Living Guide
The Power of Dragon Energy
Benefits of Working With Dragon Power
Harnessing Dragon Power for Self-Mastery
Harnessing Dragon Power for Personal Growth
Deep Reading Insights