Simply Impeccable
Simply Impeccable is the only podcast that teaches you how to show up for your most impeccable life. Talented and passionate Life Coach, Amanda DeNardo, combines her experience as a high school counselor with her coaching wisdom to teach you how to bust through the busy-ing, perfecting, buffering, and negative default thoughts and behaviors that are keeping you from your ultimate purpose and aim. You'll be inspired and eager to take action if you follow Amanda's impeccable advice laid out in this show. Visit to learn more.
Simply Impeccable
You Teach People How to Treat You
Amanda DeNardo
Season 2
Episode 61
If you can't speak goodness over yourself, don't expect goodness.
You teach people how to treat you, and trust me, that’s not just a catchphrase!
Every interaction is like a signpost guiding others on how to respect you.
Remember, setting boundaries isn’t just about keeping the peace; it's about reminding everyone (including yourself!) just how valuable you really are.
Learn how to protect that dignity, sanity, and all the goodness that makes you, YOU in episode 61.
I am offering a BOLD + BOUNDARIED consult call to give yourself decide your boundaries and the conviction to walk them out.
Your most impeccable life is waiting for you. Learn more about how you will start seeing all of the amazing possibilities when you have a coached brain.