"Possibilities, Options & Dreams"

Ep-1 “The Terry Powell Story: Birth of The Entrepreneur's Source"

Entrepreneur Season 1 Episode 1

Watch or Listen Now! Possibilities, Options & Dreams: Ep-1 “The Terry Powell Story: Birth of The Entrepreneur's Source" “The Terry Powell Story: The Birth of The Career Revolution”

POD - Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency. The largest Career Ownership Coaching™ organization for nearly 40 years, The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities with our powerful approach to education, awareness and discovery and our unique Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity™ assessments.
In this episode of the “Possibilities, Options & Dreams” Podcast, Mary, Melissa, Tamara, and Marissa discuss the revolutionary concepts put into a program of action within The Entrepreneur's Source® (TES) which has helped nearly one million professionals explore their career possibilities. Based on the best-selling book for successful and emerging entrepreneurs “Take Ownership of your Career 2.0, A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome”  POD – Possibilities, Options & Dreams fosters meaningful connections, empowering aspiring entrepreneurs to identify, pursue and achieve their dream of self-sufficiency.

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You are painfully aware that the job market has changed dramatically in the last 25 years with more and more layoffs every time there is a downward shift in the economy, with jobs being lost to cheaper labor in other countries and entire industries moving overseas. We have been living in the Career Revolution era where job security no longer exists and pension plans are a thing of the past. Our families, our income, our emotional wellbeing, and the way we must plan for the future have all been drastically affected. Maybe there have been cutbacks in your company. Maybe you have been lucky enough to have survived them but wonder when your turn is coming. Or maybe you didn’t survive the latest layoff and are currently unemployed or underemployed, or perhaps you have even joined the unemployable ranks. Increased levels of fears and uncertainty in today’s workplace don’t leave much room for inspiration or empowerment. In fact, when was the last time you felt inspired or empowered? Think back to when you were a child and the possibilities were endless. You felt you could do anything. You felt empowered, right?

You could dare to dream because failure was not even an option.

You had the ability to focus on the end goal and not on the obstacles in your way. It’s time to regain that ability and redefine your goals. Where is your professional future headed? Are you on track? Will your current path take you where you want to go? This book is the starting point of your journey towards self-sufficiency and financial freedom. Together we will build the framework to define your goals, needs, and expectations, and assist you in determining the proper vehicle to help you attain them.

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Hello pod peeps Welcome back to the possibilities options and dreams podcast with the entrepreneur soars where we empower individuals to identify, pursue and achieve their dreams and self sufficiency. It's Mary and Mel here to kick off today's podcast and started the day off. Right. We've got our coffees, we've got our drinks, I have my morning block, my cortisol is down, Melissa, how are you doing? We are feeling good, I got my workout in, so don't worry. But to get us kind of in the zone and ready for all the things we're talking about today, Mary wanted to kind of get into what's your mindset moment from this week? So far? It's like a positive focus or an aha moment or something like that. Okay, well, I actually am really excited about mine. So I recently celebrated my five year anniversary with CES, which is a big deal on its own, just because it's literally the biggest commitment I've ever made. We're happy about that. Last Five Years, yeah, it's a it's been a win win on both sides. So, but just thinking, if you think about possibilities, and if you'd asked me five years ago, we're told me five years ago that I was gonna be here today, I maybe would have run away like because of, I just had no idea. But if I also look at where it was five years, and the opportunities and possibilities that have presented themselves throughout the last, you know, half a decade, it's incredible what can happen and what you can experience when you're open to it. So it's just really exciting to kind of reflect and look back on and I feel really lucky. So that was mine. My duty, Vice pretty broad, but it's basically mindset impacts everything. So they can put a conversation earlier this week. And really like regardless of if it's a career or a job, personal fitness, wellness, whatever. My mindset impacts how I approach it and my perspective, and really impacts what's possible for me with everything. So, for example, like if I'm looking at, oh, my gosh, I have so much to do, there's all these tasks to do that work. Instead of making that like a negative, it's like, what's my mindset around that? What can I what am I doing? What am I impacting by doing these different things, and that in and of itself kind of opens up me and myself to what's what's possible, essentially. So anyway, it's just very general. But it's a good little saying to kind of, kind of live by how you approach the situation makes a big deal, just kind of laying the groundwork. But today, we're really I'm really excited to introduce two of our fabulous ladies of T S we have tomorrow Loring, who heads up our brand ideology. And you've been with ces or what, 19 years now T 19 years. Funny story about that, when you said five years has been the biggest commitment. When I started here, I actually told Terry, this is going to just be a short term thing until I figure out what I'm going to do when I grow up. And yes, 19 years later, I'm still loving it. And so honored that I'm in charge of ideology at this point in time, because like you were talking about mindset, it's about it's everything. And being part of the possibilities mindset and seeing so many opportunities where so many people see none. I mean, it's just so empowering. So just to hear you say that I'm we say your you embody TSM to live. It's clear to see, yeah, but it was what you wanted to do when you grew up. And then we also have Marisa Freuds, who's our integrator. The first the most recent hat of many, and thank you started 10 years ago. I did. Yeah. And another funny story that Terry always likes to joke about. But I just think it talks about the journey and the possibilities that are available. He always says like when we first hired you and brought you in, you didn't know, franchise from a french fry. And I always laugh because it's like, I think I didn't know that. But it's just the the possibilities and the learning and the journey that you go through. But yeah, where we started 10 years ago, where we are today. It's just the possibilities are endless. So I'm excited to be here. That's incredible. Yeah. And you've also had a huge impact on the organization and with our coaches and, and things like that. So we're awesome to pick your brain a little bit your brands together today. Yeah, what are your thoughts on all of that? Oh, my gosh, I am so excited to be talking about this because it truly is just a few of my favorite themes and topics from our books. So for those that are following along, just like Mary said, We're gonna really be highlighting a few of the themes early on in chapter one. And for those that are wondering, What book are you talking about? So this is a book that we've authored, and it's What Got You Here Won't Get You There, your career 2.0 A Survival Guide for the better career and investor syndrome and it's so great that we're kicking off with chapter one because So those are two themes that we're going to be talking about. So tea, I'm excited to just ask you some questions and start to explain some of these themes a little bit further. One of the first things we talk about in chapter one is the career revolution. So what is and can you just provide some explanation about what is the current revolution that has taken place over these last 25 years? Yeah, no, absolutely. I mean, I think as we're all painfully aware, especially if we've lived here through the last few years that you know, the job market has dramatically changed. And it keeps on changing at warp speeds, mind gear, right. So I wish I could say it's something that evolves very slowly, and you can think about it and adapt to it. But it really isn't the reality. It changes so fast, that it's basically a revolution of sorts, right. So that's what we mean by that. And I think a few of the themes that we're going to talk about today are things that individuals could relate to so much. And so one of the things we talk about is job security. And really, the big question is, is there such a thing as job security in today's environment? Well, I mean, it seems like you know, every time there's a shift in the economy, so many employees experience, I mean, either layoffs or furloughs, look at what happened again, just here in the last 12 months, companies needed to downsize, they needed to temporarily shut down, they weren't sure whether they're going to open up their doors again. So you know, if you think about just the things that we've witnessed here over the last 24 months, maybe 12 months, I mean, you told me does it feel like there's job security out there, you know, ya know, and it reminds me a lot of just stories that we hear relating with our own franchise, business owners and career ownership coaches out there, and even the clients that they work with. And it's a really unfortunate theme that I think we get to hear just by being in the business that we are, but oftentimes, you know, people are saying things to us, like, I've given my life to a job, right, I've missed children's games, I've traveled all the time, I don't get to do the things that I enjoy. And I just feel like I grind all day long. And at the end of the day, I was either laid off or shown the door, and I realized I gave all that time and energy for what so it just goes to show you that job security that you think you're striving for every day. It's just it's not a thing at the end of the day, and a job as a job. And if someone feels that the time to lay you off is now it doesn't really matter all of that time and effort and time away from family that you gave, you know, to that job. So, really, and I think that that starts to shape up some of the realities of the career revolution. So can you talk about some of the realities of the career revolution, just reflecting back, you know, to when I was a child going to school, I remember teachers telling us, you know, you need to work hard, you need to study hard, because you know, you want to be able to go and get that amazing job, right? And how many of our parents may have even said similar things. And so you so you grow up thinking it's a job that you want, but to what end, you were saying that, you know, it's like sometimes you dedicate your life to a job. And at a whim, the economy could change, you may have an amazing employer, but they don't have any control over whether they can even afford to give you a job or whether they can even stay in business. I mean, imagine that, that kind of pressure. So, you know, I feel like we're following a dream. That's actually a myth. Because is it the job that we're after? Or is it something greater than that? So if we think that it's security, while certainly we've already spoken about the fact that a job may or may not be able to offer you security, certainly not something that like what our parents were accustomed to where maybe you put in 1020 30 years with a job and can actually retire with a pension. I mean, pension plans are something of the past, absolute, and even the other realities that we've been hit with, you guys are maybe a little bit young to remember. But when we went through the Great Recession 2007 2008, I'm still speaking to some of our clients that are still recovering from that, where they reactive investments, yeah, their 401 K's, their pensions, their retirement, their money for retirement, turned into what they jokingly said, into 201 K's. So imagine the last 10 years that were trying to just rebuild to get to where they were. And now, you know, we faced the pandemic and many people are feeling like they're starting over and over again. So you know, those are some of the realities of the career revolution that we're facing that it feels like you're working, working working, but are you actually stuck in this hamster wheel? Are you actually getting ahead? And you know, one of the other trade offs you were talking about too is maybe you're investing time and yours doing it and you're not seeing your family grew up or you know, you're not able to invest the quality time you want there. So where's the balance in that? Or even worse yet, you know, maybe you're investing all this time working on somebody else's dream apps versus your own dream? Yeah, absolutely. So talking about some of those harsh really realities of the car revolution, does it affect a certain segment of the population more than another? Oh, one would think Yeah, right. But no, absolutely not. I mean, once again, you know, when we speak to so many of the great people, we get to interact with, you know, whether we're speaking to people who are in their 50s, or maybe heading in the 60s, I mean, they're still young and vital. They're wondering what they're going to be doing for the next 20 3040 years, so to speak. But they're saying that, you know, that they almost have to dumb down their resumes, because their experience, their expertise is actually a liability. It's not a benefit. So even though ageism, or discrimination is illegal, definitely facing it. Right. So yeah, you know, so that's what maybe the older population is experiencing. But I mean, you guys told me, You're the younger ones, too. I mean, do any of your cohorts think that they're going to stay with a company for 1020 30 years? And even if they get a job? How long? Are they able to keep it? I mean, so many young people? Yeah, you're very here. Yeah, friends, you know, even my age, when I tell them, I celebrated 10 years at TDS. They're shocked. Like, they're like, I've already had four jobs in that timeframe. So to your point, like, even for my age, and I'll let you guys comment on that, too. It's shocking, even for my own friends to hear that I've been somewhere for 10 years, you know, so it's, like you said, I think we all kind of face it. But what do you guys think of that you've been here for 10 years, and you enjoy it. And that's kind of how it goes. But I do think that I definitely feel privileged. And I don't think I don't take it for granted, that might my experience at TDS. Because same to your to your point, our friend group, my friends, their experience, they've literally experienced everything that you've talked about whether being laid off being you know, out of their control, being in a toxic work environment, working for a manager that doesn't have that mentorship, mentality or possibilities mindset and can feel threatened by someone who's like enthusiastic and eager to grow and to learn. And you know, even just experience in corporate politics, all of these different things that you talk about the corporate America, or just kind of some of the work environment characteristics that maybe people even take for granted. I think in some ways, we might live in a bit of a TTS bubble, or it's, you know, we've worked hard to create an environment that's not that way, pretty much every single one of my friends outside of TTS has experienced something very different. So I don't know about Melissa, if you wanted to add anything, I was gonna say a better career syndrome does not discriminate on age at all. Because yeah, I have friends who have had multiple jobs or, and I think to what you were saying to about when you're going to school and kind of the job is held up on this pedestal as like, this is the be all end all. This is what you're striving for you get that job, you get the you know, you're going for the six figures, like whatever it is, but we don't talk about you know, what, actually is it that you want, like the lifestyle? Right, and the trade off that's gonna come with that. Don't talk about that at all, until you're actually in it. And you're like, oh, my gosh, when is this? What I wanted? Yeah. And then you keep on hunting for that job. Like you guys are talking about some of your friends. Right? So you just lost a job. Okay, now, what is my goal? I need to get that next job. To what end? In the book, it makes me think you know, what job stands for? Did you guys see that acronym? just over broke? just over broke? I mean, I don't know about you. But that doesn't make me feel inspired. That job? Yeah, job and then never mind the career right. Like, because like, when you retire. I was thinking like, what was I going to be whether it was an astronaut or president or you know, I'm going to change the world. And now, you know, just hunting from one job to the next. Are you actually even able to build that career? So? Yeah, I think that's a perfect segue into what better careers and that's right in the title right of the book, or a little tagline, a survival guide for the better current investor syndrome. And I remember when I first started and I you know, we went over the book and I read it and I looked at that the battered career and investor syndrome it just sounded so like harsh. I'm like, What is this and are people actually experiencing this and I know we spoke about some of our clients before but as I got the opportunity to work with clients, you know, in our own coaches and to hear them tell their stories, I realized how important talking about the the batter current investor syndrome was because there was a common theme and they were all experiencing exactly that. So I'm sure for some lists. nerves. We've mentioned this a couple times, you are probably at the point wondering what the heck is that? So can you talk more about what is the battered career syndrome? Absolutely. And it's certainly not something we take lightly. Right? I mean, if you think about battered spouses and things like that, I mean, it's a very, very vicious cycle. As a matter of fact, I remember, in the early days, when Terry, a founder spoke about, you know, there was similarities to what, you know, people who are experiencing, maybe domestic violence go through similar to what's up, you know, people in careers are going through when they work for corporate America, and they experienced these layoffs. And they feel like their identities have been stripped from them. And yet, we didn't want to use that term, because we were concerned that people were going to think we don't get how serious it is. But it's actually our clients who said, Oh, my God, that is exactly what has been happening. It actually gives me goosebumps, right? Because they felt like, they had no purpose. They felt like they couldn't provide for their families, they felt like they really didn't have an identity. And to think that you work your entire life, you go to school, you actually occur student that in order to then feel like this and feel like you don't have any options. I mean, so the batter career syndrome is absolutely real. But then you think about like, okay, so if you realize that you're in a toxic situation, why don't you do anything about it? And I mean, I'm certainly not a psychologist or anything like that. But it seems like when you don't know that you have options, and you don't know what they are, you would rather deal with the devil, you know, than the devil that you don't, right? Because for many people, it's like, I still need to pay my mortgage, I still have these obligations, I need to put food on the table. So yeah, I hate my job. Yes, it's toxic. But what other options do I have? And so what you end up finding is people just repeat the pattern over and over and over again. I mean, it's, you know, in some way, no different than maybe a New Year's resolution or something like that, right? Like this is going to be the year that I'm going to change something. But unless something drastically changes to change your behavior and your habits, another year will pass and you're still there. And you know, so that's what better career syndrome is about. And I guess veteran investor syndrome is something similar, right? Because depending on your investment strategy, you know, so many people, like I was talking about the Great Recession, were being financially responsible. They invested, they put away for their retirement funds and everything. And because it was a reactive investment. It's basically like gambling, oh, my gosh, I hope the stock market does well. And then they look at what happens and overnight, like magic, their equity or their retirement fund, bam, just plummeted. So you know, just seeing that cycle where you are reactive, and you're just hoping and praying for the best. That's what causes, you know, better career and battered investors syndrome, because you're really not in a proactive position. You're in a reactive position, just kind of hoping and praying for the best. Yeah, no, thank you such a good way to describe both of those. So I know we've we've been talking about some of the trade offs throughout our conversation. But another byproduct of the car revolution is just the number of trade offs employees are having to make just to keep their jobs. So any others that you wanted to talk about that maybe we haven't mentioned throughout our conversation so far? Yeah, no, the two big ones are I think time, right, whether it's time commuting time away from your family. And you would think like now in this last year, things have changed, right? Because suddenly, people don't need to commute as much. But what I've actually heard is that the work life balance is so off that people even working from home are so concerned that they're going to lose their job, that they're actually struggling with work life balance. So instead of now in less than 12 hours, 13 hours, they're actually investing 16 hours they glued to the computer. And then the stress when you don't have that balance, and you have other family members around, right, you're probably not bringing the best version of yourself because you're there but you're not 100% Present. So certainly time is one of those big trade offs, right? And the longer you work on somebody else's stream, the less time you'll actually have to work on yours, which is the big The second big biggest trade off, right? Getting clarity about you know, you do something for yourself and you're proactive about that. Are you going to be doing something for somebody else? And that's okay, but just being aware about something that I was thinking of, I don't know if it's the right place to use this. But when you were talking about just the battered career syndrome, the battered investor syndrome and even job security right and what we were talking about, we know, colleagues and friends have RS that are, you know, constantly being laid off and going through the process of looking for a job. It's kind of like what we talked about the definition of insanity, right, you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. But that's just the definition of insanity. You know what you're signing up for with a job, right? You've already known the time that you've given prior to that, and everything from a trade off standpoint that you've given up, but yet, you're still going and applying for that next job. It's just like doing that same thing over and over again. And so the first part of chapter one is really just talking about some of these harsh realities that we spoke about with you today, the batter first, and during the battery investors, investor syndrome, the trade offs that you're making, you know, is job security a thing and it might sound just really kind of doom and gloom. And it's unfortunate, but that is the reality of it. But part two of chapter one, or the second part of that is really starting to talk about exploring the possibilities, options and, and dreams and looking at that. And so we talk about the realities, but we start to get into just knowing and exploring those possibilities opens up this whole new mindset for you. And you realize that the job market is is not the only path that you have to take. So do you want to just talk about and we're going to be talking about this in our next podcast session. So definitely tune in for our next session, because we will start talking about just how to explore those possibilities. But do you want to talk to us a little bit more about that? Absolutely. Something that's near and dear to my heart, we have found that 75% of the adult population has a strong, very strong desire to want to be self sufficient, and only about 5% are ready, willing and able to do something about that desire, the other 70% would too, if they had the proper education, if they had the opportunity to become aware about what their possibilities are. And that's exactly what that next segment is going to be about. Right? It's giving yourself permission to learn. It's not about making any decisions. It's just understanding what your options are, you owe it to yourself and your family to at the very least learn what it will take to move away from a time and effort economy where you're working like crazy feeling the batter career or better investor syndrome, to a results economy, where you are actually able to dream like a kid and where failure is not an option. And I know it's almost going to sound too good to be true. But that is the space where we want people to get and it's no coincidence that you've been here five years that you've been here 10 years, and my short term spin years. It's when you live in a world of abundance, you can see the possibilities. But you started off with something earlier on when you said it's about mindset. And really everything we're talking about is right, is mindset because there's either a scarcity mindset, or maybe you have limiting beliefs, you don't know what you don't know, and helping you see things from a different perspective. Because this career revolution we're talking about is not a bad thing. What if it revolutionizes life and gives you a life that's even better than the one that you've just left behind? So definitely tune in for that. Oh, my teaser though, hopefully people are excited. Well, thank you so much for allowing us. I'm like I'm like jazzed up. I'm like, okay, like, where do I start? I want to talk to you about this next year. But thank you guys so much for joining us today. Thank you to everyone listening for joining us as we explore possibilities, options and dreams and keep an open mind and just remember what's possible.