Always in Escrow

A place where you're not allowed to tell your kid what to do!

March 12, 2024
A place where you're not allowed to tell your kid what to do!
Always in Escrow
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Always in Escrow
A place where you're not allowed to tell your kid what to do!
Mar 12, 2024

Stephanie Pitts was struck by inspiration. Let's make a place where kids can make art - no matter how messy - where no grown up is telling them what to make or how to make it. And she called it artNEST.

It turns out this idea is an incredible one- her studio and classes and classroom visits have gone from successful to wildly popular beyond her hopes for the business.

If you're looking for an entrepreneurial spirit that took a good idea and made it into a golden reality... hit play!

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Stephanie Pitts was struck by inspiration. Let's make a place where kids can make art - no matter how messy - where no grown up is telling them what to make or how to make it. And she called it artNEST.

It turns out this idea is an incredible one- her studio and classes and classroom visits have gone from successful to wildly popular beyond her hopes for the business.

If you're looking for an entrepreneurial spirit that took a good idea and made it into a golden reality... hit play!