The Lost Holocron

Dark Force Rising | Chapter 7 | The Lost Holocron

The Lost Holocron Season 2 Episode 7

Chapter 7 of Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (1992) (EU: 9 ABY) by Timothy Zahn. 

The Story So Far

In the twilight of the Galactic Civil War, new leadership has renewed the Imperial threat to the New Republic. Between a devastating military blunder at the Sluissi Shipyards and suspicious financial activity, Admiral Ackbar was taken under arrest on suspicions of treason. After giving testimony on their experience at Sluis Van, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker have taken it upon themselves to investigate Ackbar’s most vocal detractor Borsk Fey'lya: during the Galactic Civil War, the Bothans had a noteworthy skirmish in the Churba Sector, making New Cov the first site of their investigation.

Additionally, the Imperial threat has come with multiple abduction attempts on Leia Organa-Solo. After seeking shelter with the Wookiees, she and Chewbacca thwart another abduction, capturing a Noghri operative. During the interrogation, the operative Khabarakh identifies Leia by scent as the Mal'ary'ush — heir to the revered Lord Vader. In exchange for a solo embassy to the Noghri homeworld, Leia allows Khabarakh to leave to meet in one month’s time over the Forest Moon of Endor.

Chapter 7

Leia and Chewbacca arrive in the Endor system a day before their appointed meeting with the Noghri Khabarakh. As the Falcon orbits the Forest Moon, Leia blacks out. After she comes to, it takes little to surmise that Leia had felt an echo in the Force from the moment of the Emperor's death.

On the hostile jungle-world of New Cov, Lando and Han arrive at the armoured city of Ilic. Upon clearing customs, Han spies Bothan Tav Breil’lya, identifying him by his neckpiece as one of Fay’lya’s aides. Han hurriedly sends Lando to meet Luke below while he tails Breil’lya to the warehouse district, only to be ambushed by a short, greying woman — just as sirens start to blare.

At the tap-cafe Mishra, Lando meets Luke as he is called upon to dispense a Jedi’s wisdom on a heated dispute between a Barabel and a Rodian: the Barabel was not told that he would be paid for a job in Imperial Credits. As Luke enhances his senses to read the Rodian for any signs of deception, he catches a whiff of Carababba tabac and Armudu spice: Niles Ferrier is here. While initially obstinate, the crowd’s support for Luke as a Jedi compels Ferrier’s aid to facilitate an unofficial exchange of Imperial and New Republic monies.

With the situation deescalated, Luke’s reflects on this previously-unconsidered responsibility of a Jedi. The crowd seems unperturbed by the blare of sirens, with one of the crowd informing them that it signals an Imperial raid. Lando suggests that such raids are commonplace on borderworlds as a tacit oblation, suspecting that this routine raid will turn unpleasant after the Imperials find their ships on the landing record.

They split up, with Luke off to find Han, while Lando heads to the hangar to meet up with R2 and attempt to erase the landing logs.

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